
The Powers of a Goddess


Disclaimer: This is a total power fantasy. While there is some universe building for now I focus on the action. Said action consists of topics not universally loved like gore, futas and totally enormous sizes. Don’t complain in the comments you did not like these elements. As always I love constructive feedback in the comments.


Our world is one where size equals status and power. And those aren’t always synonyms. You see, while being taller and curvier than most will grant you favours and niceties, being at least a mini giantess comes with both political and magical power. On our continent every queen is at least 30ft tall and wields impressive casting abilities. High noblewomen are usually half that size and can conjure some complex spells they specialize in. Lower nobles are around 8 to 9 ft and can only cast easy spells. The vast majority of people, farmers, merchants and artisans are your usual 5 to 6 feet.

And then there is me. I am Sabina, the goddess of the continent of Seclea. While I am technically human, my size grants me absolute dominion over the whole continent. At a modest 200ft I can barely interact with the high nobility. Furthermore, my tits are so big they cover my torso and with my ass I can squish whole sections of villages. While some queens I consider friends of mine, we all know who is in charge around here. My powers are short of reality bending and really, the only beings close to my power are the goddesses of the other three continents, but we rarely interact and none of us has any interest in breaking the status quo.

A few years ago I became very close to Rose, the Queen of the Eastern region. She came to my vast palace on a pilgrimage to the goddess wanting my favor shortly after her coronation. For a queen she is very tall at 40ft and boy is she curvy. Of course she looks like an oversized doll next to me but that is impressive considering that most people are bug-like to me.

“My high priestess told me about your large caravan coming to my secluded temple, your majesty. I hope the coronation went well,” I roared sitting on my vast throne, naked, as is usual for a goddess. I always enjoyed playing the big, formal goddess, but I cannot lie I was instantly impressed by this new queen.

“Thank you, your Hugeness. The ceremony was grand. I am here to seek your blessing for my new reign. I know my mother and you were close and I wish to continue the East’s devotion to you.”

I was impressed by these first words, “Your mother was a great soul and a better servant. I shall test you the same way I tested her.” She new what was happening. From above I saw her calling fifty peasants. Her enormous ass could probably squish them all, but I had to see her devotion to me. I raised my foot and casually stepped on those bugs. “Kiss my foot, your majesty. You know I allow you to reign over these bugs and all that is yours belongs to me?”

She did not answer, kneeled down and licked and kissed my foot. I would say with a bit more zeal than what I am used to. After a few moments she replied, “As the first among my people I realize I am the first of your servants. I hope that sacrifice was to your pleasing.”

“It was indeed. And I am impressed by your attitude. Would you accompany me to my chambers so we can discuss how the Eastern region is to be blessed?” I asked. Although, Rose knew my questions were orders. She simply nodded. I lowered my enormous hand and grabbed her, bringing her to my quarters.

“That was a very nice display there. I am sure we are going to become great friends, Rose.” As I placed her on my huge table she started looking at me confused. “I like to play high and mighty, but in here I want you to feel at ease. No titles, no ‘majesty’ and ‘goddess’, ok?”

“Uh. Of course, what ever you want. How should I call you then?” she asked a bit confused.

“Call me Sabina, or Sabby if you prefer. Do you mind if I call you simply Rose?”

“Of course not, my g… ehm Sabby. I’m sorry. This took me a bit by surprise.”

“Don’t worry, you showed an appropriate amount of respect before. I do not want my queens to be so defensive in my presence as long as I know they respect me. I actually did not expect you to send so many peasants as a sacrifice. I was very pleased.”

“My mother told me once you liked that so I wanted to please you. Also, while of course I respect you, I am glad we can be a bit more frank in private.”

“That’s why I invited you here. Tell me, did you like the little show before?” I asked with a sly grin. While I am usually a benevolent goddess I would lie if I said I didn’t love to squish those bugs. There are so many anyways no one important cares.

“That was incredibly hot,” she utters and instantly corrects herself, “uhm, I meant impressive. Very impressive.”

I turned the discussion back to political matters, “tell me, Rose. How can your goddess bless your kingdom. Feel free to ask anything I won’t get mad. But I won’t assure bahis siteleri I will do what you suggest.”

Rose was surprised by this openness I was showing. “Sabrina, are you like this with all your servants? You seem so friendly and helpful.”

“I told you the big scary act is not necessary all the time. Now tell me, what does your reign need.”

“Well. As you know my mother before me was granted your blessing, reason while her reign was stable and flourished. As soon as she passed some nobles started a faction wanting to split off from my kingdom. I actually came to your temple to seek the same blessing. That would no doubt stop those few nobles. “

“I remember. Your mother and I thought that some symbolic gesture would be enough to keep them at bay. I guess it was not enough. Them not following you is like them not worshipping me. Do you know who is the leader of this faction? “

“It’s lady Seline from the more mountainous regions. She managed to organise all her low nobility to follow.”

I widened a big grin and said to Rose, “I think we should pay her a visit. I really liked squishing those bugs before.”

Rose looked at me in awe and gratefulness. That was the kind of blessing she was seeking: a divine intervention to flatten, literally, the opposition in her kingdom.

“We will discuss the details on the way there. Right now we should celebrate our new friendship.”

During all this discussion Rose was sitting on my enormous dining table like a curvy doll. “You said you found my permeance hot before. I’m glad you liked it.” By approaching her I made sure my massive cleavage came closer to her as well. Queen Rose dropped her gaze on my mountainous naked tits becoming more and more red, “Want to touch my divine jugs, Rose?” She did not answer and just started massaging my mountains.

“I bet it’s new for you to be so tiny, right?” I said thoroughly enjoying her touch.

“Yes. Usually I just tell them all what to do, but you’re so big and beautiful, I’d do anything you want me to.”

“Disrobe for me, Rose” I say getting excited myself. While stuffing my pussy with hundred of bugs is fun there is nothing better than fucking a queen.

All her Regal attire came off and she too was naked in the room with me, “tell me how do you usually satisfy your needs,” I asked. Her cheeks were by now as fiery as her hair, “I usually have some lower nobles grow cocks large enough to please me. I admit sometimes I end up squishing them.”

I was starting to fall in love. Since all men are bugs, it is quite usual for royalty and even high nobility to give their inferiors penises. Both for pleasure and reproduction. Body change is one of the disciplines of magic most beloved in our world.

“So you like having dicks in you right?” I said standing up. My pussy was at her eye height and I started growing my own cock. Of course I assumed the cocks she made were usually at most a few feet long. I made one as long as she was tall, “lick my divine cock, rose” I said placing her on my shaft like a toy. She went on all fours and started licking, presenting that plump ass and fat pussy.

I took the chance to entering her with my huge pinky. My smallest finger was probably larger, than what she usually inserts there. Or so I thought, “mmmmmhhh. So good. Can you put more fingers, Sabby?”

“aren’t you a filthy slut, Rose?” I replied a bit surprised she didn’t scream in pain.

“Yes I’m your filthy personal slut, my goddess. Use me like no other could.”

I understood what she wanted but she had to work for it. “beg me, slut. Beg your goddess to fuck you”

“please your hugeness. Wreck my tiny pussy with your godly cocckkk.”

I grabbed her by the waist and like a glove I shoved my oversized cock into her. Not wanting to kill her I wanted to make her very elastic and resistant, but I noticed she must have already cast such a spell on herself, “You really like getting stuffed, you tiny queen. I bet all your mages and your own magical power could never make such a huge fat cock right?”

“I tried for so long. I was hoping you would give me this other blessing tooooooo” she screamed, cumming for the first time.

“Whose pussy is this?” I groaned.

“I’m all yours. I’d become your personal cum dump and leave my kingdom for you.” That was new, I thought. While no one questioned my authority all Queens and nobles want more power. Rose apparently just wanted the pleasure I could give her.

“Ready for the biggest load of your puny life?”

“Yessss. Fill me upppp. I beg you”

With a few last pumps of her 40ft body I started cumming in her inflating her belly until it almost reached the size of my planet like tits. As I expected she fainted. I placed her on my massive couch and, still with my 40ft cock I walked to the Chambers of my high priestess.

The clergy is of course taken from the nobility and high priestesses are usually of high nobility status. I stomped through my temple until I reached her. While she was tiny, at barely 15ft canlı bahis siteleri she had this matronly figure that everyone, respected. I counted her as my closest confidant and advisor.

“I see you agreed to Queen Rose’s prayers, my goddess.” she was clearly referring to my dangling cock with cum still oozing all over. “I’ll have some adepts clean later.”

“That’s not important right now. Apparently Lady Seline is plotting against Rose and I want to intervene. It’s rare to find such a devoted Queen.”

“Your hugeness,” the high priestess screamed from below, “you have ultimate power. You don’t need to make excuses in front of me. It is obvious something special happened between you too.”

That woman is too smart for her own good at times. “Thank you, for your usual insight in my affairs. Make sure everything is ready to travel for the Eastern region, into the mountains. I have to lay some divine law.”

I was starting to get excited at the thought of smiting and destroying something. My cock started raising again. The high priestess noticed, but did not comment.

With new found excitement I re-entered my Chambers where Rose was starting to wake up, “We will march on Lady Seline in a few days. Meanwhile you have to show your devotion again.” I pinned her down with my cock and started pounding her again. All night.

The three days preparation had passed. Both mine and Rose’s servants had prepared for our trip to the East. During these days Rose and I fucked each other constantly and fell in love. We both realised that it was a pleasure driven love, but we were ready to explore the emotional part too. All of this after getting rid of the threat to “my Queen”.

At noon Rose and I climbed on the enormous carriage I conjured. Thanks to my magic the huge horses did not destroy the land we rode through, but the Goddess’ caravan can for sure be a devastating event to a non worshipping noble.

On the way I asked Rose, “should I dispel the protection from my carriage when we approach the mountains? It would announce our arrival for sure.”

“While that would be impressive indeed, I am mostly angry at Seline and her stupid low nobles. The populace doesn’t really deserve your anger.”

I look down at her and say, “You are a very benevolent queen.”

“I think you overrate me. I just wouldn’t want to kill peasants like this. I prefer crushing then myself.” There is the Queen I came to know in these few days. So very often between our sex fuelled days, she would call for cohorts of peasants, both men and women and we would toy with them for hours crushing them, sitting on them, I even ate a few. The best was when she ordered a “big” guy of around 6ft and a half to fight her for his life. He gave her ankle a punch before she kicked him so hard he crashed against the wall painting it red with blood. That had made me so horny we started fucking in front of the survivors.

Back to the trip. It was mostly uneventful until we were finally close to the mountainous dominion of her kingdom. “is that shack Seline’s Palace?” I say almost bursting out loud seeing a two floor villa surrounded by thatched roofed houses, clearly where the populace lived.

“Indeed. She is such a poor administrator I don’t know what she would do without me, but I think she is overconfident.”

I exited the carriage along with arose and approached the city. Hamlet was maybe the better descriptor. “Devout believers and worshippers. Your goddess came all the way from her temple to speak to your Lady Seline. My Lady, approach me,” was my announcement to the tiny bugs below. Instantly everyone kneeled down, stopping their business. However there was no sign of Seline. Not only that, but there was also no sign of any of her low nobles followers.

I let my entourage set camp outside town and investigate. I wasn’t about to play detective asking those bugs where their treasonous lady was. After a few hours one of the priestesses came to me and Rose and reported, “lady Seline and all her supporters are in her Villa. The peasants told us, that many lower noble families who didn’t want to follow Seline have either fled or are kept in the dungeons. Should we send a message to Lady Seline, my goddess?”

I hate politics so much. “Just tell her to come to me and face the consequences of her treason against my devout disciple, Queen Rose and therefore me. If she comes I will spare her followers. Be sure to say this in front of her lower nobles too. If they don’t bring her in chains by tomorrow at sunrise, they will perish.” The cleric exited my enormous tent and some couriers were sent to the city.

“I mostly only interact with you Queens. Are nobles always so annoying?” I asked Rose.

“Not this annoying but they always want more independence, more funds, more power. My mother was great a juggling all that. I was hoping getting your approval would suffice to cover my lack of diplomatic skill.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure Seline won’t come and we will both use our best assets instead of our canlı bahis diplomacy. It’s been a while that I haven’t crushed a whole building. It’s going to be fun.” we fell asleep soon after, her curvy body nestled between my vast jugs.

The morning came and as I thought, and frankly hoped, Lady Seline was nowhere to be seen. I woke Rose up and told her with a mischievous grin, “Guess what, honey?”

Still a bit groggy she replied, “What?”

“You look much more happy than I would have thought.” Rose was a bit disappointed even. Maybe I was too focused on my pleasure and not on the needs of her kingdom.

“I know the gravity of her crimes, trust me. And trust me that your kingdom will flourish after we deal with her. However, also want to have some fun. I haven’t smitten infidels in a long time. Let’s go!” I said maybe a bit too forcefully.

With heavy stomps this 200ft goddess and her 40ft lover approached the city walls. The walls were barely tall enough to surpass Rose’s height, but I could have easily stepped over them. I found a guard and asked him, “Where is Lady Seline, bug?”

The bug knelt down and shouted, “I heard she was hiding in the throne room in her palace.”

I pointed at the hovel she called a palace “That thing?”

“Yes, your Hugeness.”

With one step I destroyed the wall and with Rose following me we approached the palace.

“What do you want to do to her?” I asked Rose, who was starting to get more and more angry the closer we were getting to her dissident.

“I want to step onto that bug and let her fear her queen. I thought I had it under control but breaching the gate, made me realize how much I cannot stand her” Hearing this I was getting wet. I guess I would have had fun with the low nobility that had Seline’s back, leaving the main course to Rose.

We reached the palace. Even Rose was too big for the main entrance, so I said, “I guess we can enter from above, my Love” With one naked foot I stomped into the roof entering the throne room, bringing Rose with me. Everyone there was surprised and jumped out of fright.

“Good Morning Lady Seline. Your villa is way too tiny for guests such as me, don’t you think?”

“Wh-What are you doing here?” was her useless reply, filled with fear. I was loving it.

“Well you seem to have been disobedient to Queen Rose here, and therefore me, plus you did not accept my invitation outside the city, therefore we had to come here. The floor is yours, Queen Rose.”

Pushing away guards and low nobles, Rose grabbed Seline by the throat and growled at her, “You should have behaved, you useless bug.” Wow that sounded like something I would say. With Seline being short for a high noble and Rose being huge for a Queen the difference was very hot. As I was getting excited I sat down and spread my legs. Looking at the lower nobles in the room I sad, “come satisfy your goddess and maybe Lady Seline will be the only one punished,” I lied. With surprising speed all the noble lady rushed to lick and massage my godly pussy, of course that was not enough so I started pushing them deeper into it. “Mmmmhhh. You’re finally useful to your goddess.”

In the meantime, while I was seeking pleasure, Rose was seeking revenge. She took her belt and tied Seline to her new throne. Rose undressed and started to press that enormous ass of hers down Seline’s slim body. I was getting so wet and horny I pushed all the screaming nobles in my pussy giving me a nice deep orgasm. Rose and I locked eyes, almost as to use our different toys simultaneously. I closed my legs crushing all the faithless lower nobles while Rose proceeded to crush Seline on her throne. What an ironic end. “How does it feel to punish disobedient tinies?” I asked Rose.

“It’s so pleasing. I almost wish more of my subjects were like this.” She stood up and saw Seline’s crushed body, a pool of blood and broken bones. With a snap she cleaned the throne and her stained ass.

I yelled out and summoned the guards. A small platoon arrived; the captain visibly frightened, “How can I be of service, my Goddess?”

“I heard that Seline imprisoned the lower nobility that did not follow her right?”

“You are correct, you Hugeness.”

“Go free them and bring them to the throne room. You need a new lady of this place.” The captain and his men and women ran away to I assume the dungeons.

After some time they returned. What seemed to be the most respected noble told everyone to kneel down in front of Rose and me. I told her, “come to me my lady and stand up”. She followed the instructions perfectly. “I choose you to be the speaker for your companions that were brave and wise enough to fight against the treasonous Seline. As your Goddess I am not interested in local political games, I just came here to punish the infidel. I give you the task to decide who shall be the new ruler of this dominion. It shall be one with total fealty to Queen Rose and by extension me. If I ever have to come here again, I will destroy this city. You may speak now”

The kneeling lower noble, rose, advanced and said, “My name is Myra, my Goddess. I will personally find the most suitable woman to take over Seline and cleanse our home from the stain of her infidelity towards you.”

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