
The Rain


I pictured walking up behind you with a blanket wrapped around me, cause it was a little chilly and I didn’t have anything on. And I pictured standing behind you with my hands on your shoulders and your left hand touching my right and your head tilting and your face touching my arm. And just standing there behind you listening to the sound of the rain. Together.

And I pictured myself getting a little chill and your pulling me around to sit next to you. And me putting the blanket over your shoulders and your arm being around me. And just sitting there together, quietly. And then I pictured your thumb touching the side of my face. Just rubbing softly, absent mindedly and my turning more to face you and putting my legs across yours and curling up next to you real close. I pictured my head on your chest and your hand moving from the side of my face, playing in my hair. I pictured my arms around my legs as I leaned against you and the sound of your heart beating, against the background sound of the rain.

I pictured myself yawning and your whispering “did I wake you” and my answering you, “no. Your being gone woke me” and you kissed my head and put your left hand under my chin and tilting my head up and your searching my eyes and kissing me…and the kiss becoming heated and passionate.

I pictured Travesti your hands moving over me and my sitting up a bit straighter and putting my arms around your neck and my fingers in your hair. I can close my eyes this very moment, as I’m typing and picture myself getting worked up, and turned on and being torn between wanting what I want and not ruining your quite moment alone with the sound of the rain.

I imagine your taking my hand into yours and running the back of it back around to the front of your neck down your chest and stomach and alongside your hard on. I picture your hand leaving mine there and moving on to touch me. It was as if you read my mind, my worry about taking over your quiet time and you were letting me know it was okay.

Moments passed and the rain came down and the blanket fell from us and your hands slid around my body as I moved to straddle you and sat on your lap. I can picture in my minds eye, and imagine taking you in my hand and guiding you into me. Easing myself so slowly down onto you and your hands on my hips, closing tightly on my skin, maybe you’d let a quiet groan escape you, I dunno, maybe you wouldn’t, but in this picture I have, you do and it excites me.

And you have your face in my neck and my head is bowed, chin to my chest, my head Ankara Travesti kinda next to yours…and I make a noise that I’ll call something like a whimper crossed with a sigh when you are all the way inside me and your pushing me down harder onto you with your hands on my hips and I slowly circle my pelvis. As we made love there, on whatever it was that you were sitting on, we were lost to the world, lost to even the sounds of the rain. The (not sex, but) lovemaking was a slow grind of passion, deliberate movements made to please and meaning beyond words exchanged in occasional glances between the two of us. We were lost to the gust of wind that blew over the umbrella we were under yet charged when we felt the cool rain hitting our bodies. A distant rumble of thunder in the distance got your attention and then you got mine.

I eased off you and stood naked, in the rain, on your back deck as you also stood and took me by the hand to go inside. We walked past the dog, who was laying by the door, into your room and I touched your face and wiped of a bit of rain and kissed your lips. We stood by the bed for a short time kissing that way before I needed you too much to wait any longer. I don’t know if I’d ask or tell or motion for you to lie down on the bed, but it would happen, one way İstanbul Travesti or the other. I can picture myself taking you into my mouth, not at once, but so slowly that more than once you’d wish I would just hurry up and do it. I would take my time and savor anything you did to express your pleasure and I would be so turned on that it would be nearly effortless to make me cum, if you tried.

I imagine your hands in my hair and I can almost hear you say my name and your breath catch a time or two, as I did my best to induce the ever coveted white eye roll back we joke about. I can picture your stopping me and laying me down to return the favor. I can’t picture how this would go, because, well, I just simply can’t. I imagine your pleasing me and making me cum and my voice quiet, but nearly begging you to fuck me, right that second when I was cumming, and I imagine you would oblige me that request.

I picture the lovemaking turning more desperate and heated and sweat on your forehead dripping just a little bit onto my chest, my teeth biting into my bottom lip and the sound of my own voice when you cum in me and holding me so very tight and close to you.

I imagine your staying there, on top of me for a while, a lot of your weight supported by your arms and legs, but still, your weight on top of me, one of my legs wrapped around one of yours. Each of us catching our breath and alternately kissing one another.

Your pushing yourself up, closer to the window and opening it, and us drifting off to sleep together to the sound of the rain.

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