
The Renewal of Joyce Carlton Ch. 02

Readers, by starting here you have missed some significant events and a necessary understanding of the characters in the story. You should start this story from the beginning. This is the second of four parts. (My thanks to Jeriscol for his editing.)


Eventually, I’d gone home very late that Sunday night. I had to convince Kim and Ray that I was all right emotionally and that I wouldn’t let my internal voices sweep me away. I brought all my packages too. I was keyed up and savoring the entire weekend, especially the sex. Since I wasn’t sleepy, I put everything carefully away and even picked out the new outfit I would wear to the office the next morning. I think it was two o’clock when I finally put my head on my own pillow.

Needless to say, I thought a lot about Ray and Kim and all the things we’d done over the weekend — particularly losing my virginity. I actually did feel more self-confident. Further, when I thought of my two lovers, I felt all warm and wooly inside. I was surprised that I didn’t feel sore from my deflowering, but I guess Ray had been careful enough so that I wouldn’t be. I made a mental note to get some birth control pills; who’d have thought I’d ever need them.

I awoke amazingly refreshed at seven-thirty. I’d had some active and vivid dreams but had trouble remembering them. I knew at least one dream had been sexual with an orgasm involved. I thought I should start sleeping in the nude rather than the grubby t-shirts I’d been using and that Kim had allowed me to keep.

I showered and then started getting dressed in my completely new wardrobe. The thong and uplift bra were the starters. I then spent twenty minutes working on my hair and makeup — about twenty times longer than what I had normally spent prior to meeting Kim. I chuckled to myself at how she was changing my life.

I wore light tan slacks with matching three-inch heels along with a flowered blouse. I choose some simple jewelry to go with it. I realized I was still wearing Kim’s diamond earrings; I left them in my ears and made a mental note that I needed to return them. I smiled and thought I really just wanted an excuse to see them both again.

As Kim suggested, I stood and studied myself in my full-length mirror. I thought, “Wow. What a dish!” I liked my hair in the twisty style Antonio had showed me, my makeup, my dress, the heels — the whole package. Now I just needed to garner some of that self-esteem I seemed to lack and make a go of it.

As I drove to work, I kept repeating Ray’s mantra as well as variations that told me I was a pretty woman, that I was competent, and that I was friendly and outgoing. I needed some deeper convincing, but I would act ‘as if’ I was all these things.

I felt as though this was my first day at school. I got more nervous the closer I got to work. When I finally parked my car, I just sat in it for five minutes and tried to get my sea legs back. In the end, I decided to treat it as if it really were my first day at work, only I knew exactly where to go and what needed to be done for the fancy website I was building for one of the company’s clients.

I strode into the office building flashing my security guard. He actually stopped me and checked my badge; something he’d never done before. At first I thought he hadn’t recognized me, but then I realized he was checking me out. As I walked down the corridor to my cubicle, I became increasingly aware of heads turning behind me. I thought of Kim referring to me as a ‘hot dish’ and decided I’d hold that self-image for the next hour or so.

That idea was quickly blown apart when Dave, the guy in the cubicle across from mine, saw me and came over. “Wow! Joyce, you must have had one fantastic weekend. I mean you look fantastic … not that you didn’t look OK before, but like … I mean I like your hair and, gee, you’re different. I can tell right off the bat. I mean … oh, anyway, just Wow!” He was stammering and sputtering so much, that I actually felt sorry for him.

I said, “Yea, some friends talked me into a makeover and some new clothes. It’s the same old me underneath.” I plopped down in front of my computer and started to fire up my technology so I could get to work. Dave stood there staring at me for another minute before he went back to his own cubicle. I thought, my God, do I really look that different. I guess I had one vote that I did.

One by one each of the guys in the office sauntered by my cubicle, even coming from other floors in the building. Each man made it a point at least to say, “Hi Joyce.” A few added something statements such as, ‘Looking good!’ to their morning welcome. Normally, I slipped in and out of work completely unnoticed, or so I thought.

In mid-morning, Karen Weeks, one of the other developers in my department came by. She said, “I heard you had a new outfit and I had to see for myself. You are one fine lady. Tell me where you went, and how to get the same reaction you’re getting from all these ankara escort nerdy guys — I’m jealous.”

I laughed nervously and then thought of Ray’s challenge. “Come have coffee with me, and I’ll tell you my secrets – at least some of them.”

Karen said, “Let’s go,” and off we went toward the Starbucks down the block. On the break, I explained about my new look and my shopping spree on the weekend, including the trip to Goodwill to rid myself of an unattractive wardrobe. In that one break, we actually laughed more than I had in the entire previous year.

Bill Wilde, one of the business development guys, stopped by my cubicle just before lunch and asked whether he could take me to lunch somewhere — anywhere. After a short bout of voices in my head telling me how inadequate I was, I reluctantly accepted his invitation. He drove us down Main Street to a little Mexican restaurant, and we had a quick lunch sitting outside in the summer air. Fortunately, he did most of the talking and I just nodded encouragingly at him every now and then. He really thanked me when we got back to the office.

Several other people that I almost never talked to stopped by my desk in the afternoon ‘just to say hello.’ I was gracious and wondered what all the fuss was about. I had to admit by four o’clock, that I was finding ‘small talk’ a little easier than it was at the start of the day. I’d never been good at it before.

I called my doctor and got him to phone in a prescription for birth control pills to my local pharmacy. The little voices in my head had a field day with this situation, but I managed to subdue them.

About four thirty, I answered my phone; it was Kim. “Joyce, hi; can you come to dinner again? Casual or come as you are. Whatever.” I accepted with enthusiasm.

I swung by the house and picked up some of my new casual clothes and my swimsuit — just in case. I stopped by the drugstore and picked up my prescription, and then a wine shop and got a bottle of red wine on the way to Ray and Kim’s. I arrived just after six thirty.

Kim welcomed me at the front door with a huge hug and a hot kiss. Ray repeated the process seconds later. I was a little unsure of myself after having been away from them for almost twenty-four hours. Secretly, I was sort of glad they wanted to pick up where we’d left off.

Kim read my mood; she said, “Though you left us and went home and to work, we still love you. Nothing’s changed since last night. We both hope things are better since you’ve had time to think about it all … Any reservations? Problems you want to talk about?” Ray saw that this was ‘women talk’ and headed for the kitchen with the bottle of wine I’d brought.

“I just feel a little nervous,” I said. “I don’t want to do anything to come between you and Ray, and I guess I want to protect myself too.”

Kim said, “Joyce, you are naïve about sex, love and relationships, and we know that and respect it. We won’t hurt you, yet we do want you to come out of the shell you’ve built for yourself. We want you to be a whole person. No more self sabotage by having such a low opinion of yourself and your social skills – and going out of your way to duck social situations or romantic situations.”

I nodded and hugged her. I pulled away and told her, “You should know I got a prescription for birth control pills. I haven’t taken any yet. I’m embarrassed to admit that I really liked our time together last night.”

Kim said, “Don’t be uncomfortable. We can talk very openly about sex with each other — and with Ray too. If you’re willing to experiment, to try new things, and to get out of your comfort zone, you can have fun, and love in ways you haven’t even imagined yet. We’d like to show you some of those. If you’re willing to fantasize and share some of your ideas and wishes with your partner or partners, you empower them to please you.”

“Well,” I said, “I like to kiss you — to French kiss you and have you kiss me back.”

We embraced, and Kim’s tongue snaked into my open mouth. We kissed passionately for a few minutes until there was a masculine ‘A hem’ from the doorway towards the kitchen. We both stopped and looked up at Ray who was standing there holding two glasses of wine. I felt like I’d been ‘caught.’

Ray smiled and said, “I’ve been slaving away in the kitchen, stamping the grapes and fermenting it to this fine vintage, and you two have been screwing around without me. What thanks I get!”

We both took our glasses from him and set them on a side table, and then I lip locked with Ray and thrust my tongue into his mouth. Oh, he tasted so good. Kim was right there too. We had a satisfying few moments, and my temperature went up ten degrees.

Ray finally came up for air. “There are hors d’oeuvres in the kitchen. Can we postpone this lovely activity for a few minutes?” Kim and I both assumed a pout, but pushed Ray towards the kitchen.

“Oh, your earrings,” I remembered, quickly tugging on ankara escort bayan my ear lobes. I handed them to Kim.

Kim took them for a second then took my hand in hers and wrapped them around the diamond studs: “Joyce, people that love each other, give each other gifts. Please accept these as a token of the love I feel for you. I know you’re struggling with that emotion and whether you can even return it to me — to us — and that’s OK. Just keep these regardless of how you end up feeling, as a … a memento from loving friends.”

I got all teary immediately. “Kim, no one’s ever given me anything like this.” Sniff. “And you know that no one’s ever loved me — I haven’t let them.” Sniff. “And now you and Ray come into my life and blow me out of the water.” Sniff. “And I’ll never be able to pay you back with anything so nice. ” Sniff.

Kim pulled me to her in a loving hug. She assured me that I’d have plenty of time to do things for her too. I put the glittery earrings back on. Kim watched and said, “They look so right on you. It changes your look from average to high class, and you, my darling, are one high class broad.”

“I hope so,” I said. “I’ve been trying to act like one all day.”

Kim probed about how my day had gone, and I told her about the parade of people that had come by to see the ‘new me,’ getting asked for fashion and shopping help, and getting taken to lunch. Kim said, “You keep dressing like this and all sorts of wonderful things will happen to you. Just remember, you are a social creature, so don’t say ‘no’ automatically — say ‘yes’ automatically, then follow your bliss.”

Ray fluttered around the kitchen finishing a pork loin tips covered with Hunan sauce laid over freshly cooked string beans. Later when we dined, I had to admit the meal was superb. Ray served us fresh fruit for dessert.

After we’d cleaned up the kitchen, the three of us stripped and went into the hot tub. Ray had left the exterior lights off as he had the night before so we could wander around the outside of the house and not embarrass ourselves, or their neighbors should they really peer into their pool area. After we’d dried off, Ray swooped me up, and carried me into the house, upstairs, and into the master bedroom area. I actually giggled as I held onto his naked body for dear life. Kim followed, laughing at Ray’s attempt at machismo.

Ray laid me carefully on the bed and asked, “What is your pleasure, maiden?”

“You — making love to me,” I answered. “You don’t have to be quite so careful tonight. I just got over my period, and I thought a lot about the timing since last night. I want you to cum in me. I want to see what it’s like.”

A little voice in my head fired off a stream of negativisms: ‘Slut. You’ll get pregnant and be abandoned. You are being used. You’re not worthy of having friends like these people. These people only want you for your body. You only want them for their bodies and the sex, you slut.’ I closed my eyes for a few seconds and ran through the mantra and several other more positive sentences about our relationship and love.

Kim lowered herself between my legs again and in thirty seconds had me squirming and moaning as her tongue found all my points of pleasure. Ray was French kissing me and rubbing my breasts. I slid off the planet towards the land of bliss.

I felt Kim’s fingers enter my vagina. I was moist down there and I know I’d started to secret my sexual fluids again just thinking about what we were going to do. Kim suddenly found a spot inside me that sent me skyrocketing into the sky.

“Oooooooooooh, Kim, what are you doing to me? What’s that? Oh jeeeeeeeeeeze!” I exclaimed as I panted and writhed on the bed.

Kim said, “That, Darling, is your G-spot. Nature put that there for Ray and me to use to make you cum over and over and over again. It’s a little area on the wall of your vagina that is loaded with pleasure nerves. I think it connects straight to your brain right where you send instructions to the rest of your body about cumming.”

She put her fingers back into me, found that area and lowered her mouth to my clitoris. I rose up off the bed in the most spectacular orgasm of my life. I yelled something out to them — I don’t even remember what, and collapsed in pile all aglow with sex.

“THAT WAS FANTASTIC!” I screamed as I regained some measure of sanity. I reached out for Kim as Ray cuddled me to his naked body. She came and kissed me.

“Oh, I can taste myself on you,” I told her. I kissed her again and experimented whether I liked or could just tolerate my sexual taste. I finally said to her, “You know, I don’t taste too bad — especially mixed with the taste of you.” I’d tasted something the night before, but only now was I cogent enough to make all the connections between what I tasted or smelled and what we were doing.

Ray moved away from me and down between my legs. I pulled them up again, and he went down on me, escort ankara licking, sucking, and fingering me with abandon as he drove me back up the scale towards another climax. Three minutes later, I crested with another orgasm. This one too was about a Richter eight.

As I floated down, I felt Ray pushing his penis around my pussy gathering some of the wetness for our coupling. He then pushed slowly into me, inch by inch, working his cock into my body. Oh, this felt so good. There was no pain this time, only wonderment and pleasure.

Kim came down and sucked on one of my breasts, raising the nipple to a high state of alert. I was in heaven again. As Ray and I humped together, Kim whispered in my ear about how to make the experience of making love better. “As he thrusts into you, push your pelvis forward to meet him. That’s it. Use your hands on his chest — gently pinch his nipples; he likes that. Lock your ankles behind his back — that’s it; see how you can control him a little that way. You can pull him deeper into you that way. Deeper is better. You can even rub your own clit — try it. Make yourself cum while he’s still in there. It’s OK — it’s not bad. That’s it.”

I was in heat. I just wanted to fuck and fuck and fuck. I wanted my orgasm. I got one — a small one with Ray deep inside me as I masturbated my own clit. He kept up, and I could feel the tension mounting. I rubbed by clit faster to match his pace.

Kim was still whispering to me. “What you think about has a lot to do with how you cum. If you think nice warm fuzzy thoughts, that’s the kind of climax you’ll get. If you think thoughts about rough sex — hard, pounding, and sweat-inducing fucking — you can have some really hard climaxes and even ejaculate your own girl juice. You did that yesterday, more because it was your first time, but you’ll learn to control it — at least a little bit. Rotate your hips into him — that’s it. See how that feels different. If you hold that position, his cock will hit your G-spot sometimes and drive you wild.”

He was hitting my G-spot, and I was getting near a big cum. The rough sex ideas were running in my head — what interesting ideas. I started to use my legs to urge Ray to jam his cock into me — to use the full weight and muscles of his body to drive deep into me.

Then it happened. A thousand fireworks exploded at once in the heaven of my mind. I know I ejaculated a lot of girl juice. I heard Kim giggle with excitement. The pleasure for me started way back, deep in my body. The walls of my vagina started to become more sensitive and tender — not in a way that hurt, rather in a way that milked every ounce of sensation from the cock that was moving back and forth in me with a new urgency I was promoting with my legs.

Then the sensations reached my brain, and I went wild. I was having a colossal cum. My back arched so much, I think I lifted Ray up off the bed as he continued to pound into me. He announced his own climax, and I could feel his semen shooting from his cock into my velvet tunnel. Oh, I’d found heaven on earth. My hips rotated into his final thrusts, and then we stopped, frozen in our ecstasy, locked together through our genitalia and the body fluids we now shared. The feeling of some ultimate pleasure washed through my body — overtaking my brain and every pore of my body.

And then all went black.

When I came to, Ray was cradling me against his chest and Kim was spooning against my back. They both smiled at me, and I felt their love.

Ray said, “What you experienced is called la petite mort — the small death.

“You blacked out,” Kim said softly. “That can happen some times. It’s all right, you only fainted for a thirty seconds. Do you feel OK?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “Better than all right. I feel like I just spent a week in heaven. I didn’t want to leave.” I kissed Ray. “You, sir, are a divine lover. Do you do that to all your women? Somehow, I think you do. I’m so lucky that you chose me.”

We cuddled for several minutes and I savored the warm, sexual feelings I was enjoying. Kim pulled from behind me and guided me to lie on my back. I didn’t understand what she was going to do until she spread my legs and again went down on me, this time clearly with the intent of sucking Ray’s cum from deep within me.

“Oh, Kim, are you sure? I’m all sloppy and smelly down there.”

“I’m sure … and you will taste and smell divine — my favorite flavors and scents.” I felt Kim’s tongue dig deep into my pussy. Then Ray was beside her duplicating her actions on my pussy. He used two fingers to pull his fluids from inside me so he and Kim could lick at them.

Kim came up the bed to me and gestured to her mouth. My God, she was asking whether I wanted to take the fluids she’d sucked from my cunt into my mouth. I thought for three seconds and then nodded. “Yes,” I said cautiously. “I’ll try it.” I was far from my comfort zone.

I opened my mouth, and Kim French kissed me, in the process depositing the mix of her saliva, my vaginal juices, and Ray’s cum. What a wonderful mixture. It was musky and scented with my female smell as well as with Ray and Kim’s odors. I loved it. I savored it as well as the kisses from her. Then we slowed again.

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