
The Rise of Rachel Price T-Girl Pt. 09


The next morning, Denver woke up between the white sheets of a large bed. He looked around and realised they had sneaked into one of the empty luxurious suites near the top of the hotel in the middle of the night. The previous occupant had left more champagne and their night of sexual excess had continued. Denver’s head was pounding hard. His whole body was stiff and it felt like he had run a marathon. He rolled over to find that Charlie was gone. He began to pat the bed down. He came across something hard. picking it up he noticed it was a small vibrator, and next to it were some popper bottles. He had some memory of that. Soon waves of guilt came over him. What had he done? Had he really let them dress him up like that? Then he remembered the events. Denver rolled and discovered something soft and wet on the bed. He lifted the crisp white sheets up to discover a used condom.

“Oh shit” Denver said. He felt both proud and at the same time shameful.

As he sat up the wig partly dislocated and pulled on his real hair. “What the fuck happened?” He said to himself.

“You were great!” a voice came from the balcony. “The big news is we won, and better still, Abercrombie lost. Come join me for breakfast.”

Denver looked in the mirror. He was still wearing make up, a bra, the wig. He adjusted the wig back onto his head and pulled on a fluffy white dressing gown.

Charlie was dressed and sitting on the balcony wearing sunglasses. It was a warm morning in San Francisco, and Denver found him self standing on the veranda of the luxurious suite overlooking the city. The air was soft and fragrant, with a gentle breeze carrying the salty scent of the ocean. The sky was a deep blue, dotted with wispy white clouds that seemed to go on forever.

Denver took in a deep breath in, filling his lungs with the fresh, clean air. From this vantage point, they had a breathtaking view of the San Francisco skyline. The tall skyscrapers rose up before them, their glass windows gleaming in the morning light. The Bay Bridge stretched out in the distance, its span a graceful arc against the water. They could see boats and ferries plying the waves, their wakes forming delicate patterns on the surface of the bay.

Denver stood there for a moment, taking it all in. It’s moments like this that made him feel truly alive, and connected to the world and everything in it. He closed his eyes and soak up the warmth of the sun, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over him. This is the life he had always wanted, and he feel grateful to be able to experience it.

Charlie tilted her head.

“Who am I having breakfast with, Denver or Rachel?” She asked, drinking some coffee.

“Denver I guess,” Denver said, using his normal voice as he pulled the wig off. Denver sat down the metal balcony chair felt warm to the touch.

Denver copied Charlie and began to put butter on a croissant.

“Is this when you brush me off?” Denver said not looking at her.

He looked down then reached into the bra and found Hunter’s card, which he slipped into his pocket.

Charlie let out a breath as if she had inhaled a cigarette.

“What about last night?” Denver said, taking a bite.

She sighed. “Rule twelve: know how to motivate your staff.”

“Is that all it was?” Denver said.

Charlie sipped her espresso, the rich, bold flavor filling her mouth and invigorating her senses. She leaned back in her chair, letting out a contented sigh as she savoured the taste.

“That’s it,” she said, setting the small cup back down on the table. “Fun. You never had fun before Denver? Yeah, I admit the celebrations went a little crazy, but you rocked you and Rachel. You were the life of the party, Denver.”

Charlie paused, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. “I was your first, wasn’t I? That’s sweet. When you’re older and you bed that girl with a face like an otter, but you know, sane, feel free to think of me. I won’t mind.”

She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. “But seriously, I’m a work in progress. I’m still working on myself. In truth, I’m not the best of people. I never was and I’m not sure I ever will be. It’s best if you leave things alone.”

Denver looked out over the skyline, drinking in the view for the last time. It was morning, and Denver could feel the city coming to life like a beast. There was an intangible sense of hope in the traffic, a lively reflection of Denver’s feelings. He felt cold. Charlie busied herself with typing on her phone.

“Is this how all your dates end? Is this you for the rest of your life.” Denver said. “One solitary fuck after another until your too old and have a face like Levant’s scrotum?”

Charlie smiled. “Look, Denver. I have a boyfriend. So please keep some dignity. You’re walking away with cash, a Playstation, and a laptop. gümüşhane escort It’s by your bed. I thought you would get the message when you saw the president’s faces on the bills. “

Denver looked back. “What if I tell your boyfriend about what we did?”

Charlie sat back in her chair. “My boyfriend is back east. We both have intensive ambitions and careers, so we have an open relationship. That means we can fuck whoever we like. If you saw my boyfriend, you would understand. It’s going to happen anyway, so this way it’s clean. The only rule is no secrets. We tell each other about everything. That’s what destroys a relationship in the long term, secrets.”

Denver was still shaken by what he had heard. “You’re going to tell him about what we did?”

“I’m telling him now,” Charlie said, typing on her phone and ignoring Denver’s expression. She giggled. “He’s asking if you tried the vibrator. What should I tell him?”

“Tell him to fuck himself,” Denver said.

“After what I said, he may well try that,” Charlie said, putting the phone done.

“What’s your problem, Denver? You don’t stay with the first girl you ever sleep with forever. Geez, even you’re not that naive. Some things don’t change, Denver. Even Rachel isn’t this dumb. You learned something. Good. Go with it. Live your life, Denver. Just don’t expect me to be a part of it again. Did you know I approached like twenty boys in that video store? I think you were number… seven. Most of them walked away. One turned out to be gay, so I had to drop him. Five agreed, and only two actually turned up. I would say they had the balls, but that seems strangely out of context.”

Charlie sipped more coffee while Denver was in this dazed state.

“Of the two who turned up, you were actually my second choice. He was the one who insisted on the laptop. To be honest, he actually looked slightly better than you, made a good brunette. Fucker wet himself doing the practice walk, then a day later bottled it. You were my next choice. There is nothing deeper here, Denver. This is just a business transaction. “

Denver looked on, slightly stunned.

“How did you get to be such a bitch?” Denver said.

Charlie dropped her coffee spoon on the china dish, making a sound like a desk attention bell.

“You don’t get to judge me,” Charlie began. “You know nothing about me. My mother was as sharp as they come, top of her class. She spent her entire life as a housewife. You know what that taught me? That taught me there are two types of people in this world: somebodies and nobodies. It doesn’t matter how kind, how wonderful, how fabulous you are to people; you end up in a coffin at a funeral in the rain with five people attending, and two of those are grave diggers. That’s how nobodies die. Levant? He started with a net worth of eight billion dollars. His dad was in property. He starts off as a somebody, given everything on a gold-plated platter.

“I’m not going to die a nobody like my mom, Denver. Yeah, I run a large chunk of his fortune for him for a few years. Yeah, I lick his shit up. Then I might get a better offer, or I’ll strike out on my own. Do my own thing. Those people last night, each one of them – they were somebodies. You know them. They get things done. So yeah, I’m here, but I’m not here forever. I’m not dying a nobody, and there’s nothing in that for you.”

There was a strong silence between them.

“I mean, look at you. You spend all day and night playing video games. Where is that going to get you? One day you’re going to wake up in your thirties and ask yourself how you managed to shit away your life. By then, it will be too late. You need to go back to being a nobody, Denver.”

Denver said nothing.

“You look a mess. There is enough cotton wool in the bathroom to make your own sheep. My advice: use it and the cleanser. Clean yourself up. If you’re feeling aggrieved, then steal a towel or a dressing gown with my compliments. That’s what most people do.”

The phone rang, and Charlie put it to her ear.

“Yeeeerrrp,” she said to the phone while sucking some strawberry jam from the tips of her fingers. “No, don’t take him to the hospital. Not until any property of the hotel is removed. I’m on my way.”

Charlie got up and walked past Denver. “Oh, and don’t let me find you around here pining like a stray dog. In this part of the city, the dog catcher puts strays down after thirty days. Goodbye. Have a good life, Denver.”

With that, Charlie stepped out of the suite.

Denver went to the bathroom and removed the last of Rachel from his face. He unpinned the wig. After he showered, he looked around and found his street clothes had been cleaned and pressed. He put them on and saw that Charlie had left the power supply for the laptop in a shoulder bag. güngören escort He put the money, the Playstation, and the laptop in the bag. His eyes were sore, so he pulled on his trainers.

On the way down in the elevator, Denver spotted Hunter sitting in a cafe, looking at a printed newspaper and having an extended breakfast. Even from this distance, the dark glasses didn’t hide the bruise. Denver wondered for a moment if he should approach Hunter and explain everything, but the thought of being found out just rebooted his sense of unease, so he walked out unnoticed, straight past Hunter. On the way out, he noticed the MAC franchise was open, with Beth advising a woman over what type of lipstick “was her shade.”

Denver’s feet pounded the pavement as he walked away from the hotel, the shoulder bag containing the laptop and other items swinging at his side. The morning sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the bustling city. Denver took a deep breath, the crisp, clean air filling his lungs and invigorating his senses. He glanced over his shoulder, half-expecting to see Hunter or Charlie running after him, but the street behind him was empty.

It was only out in the sunlight that Denver came up with a really good reply to Charlie. Too late, he turned around and left the hotel forever.

***Chapter A visit to the kitchen****

A few weeks later as Denver worked the evening shift, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of delight laced with foreboding when he saw Charlie sitting by a table by herself. As their eyes met, she stood up. His unconvincing attempt at a moustache disguise didn’t fool her. She began approaching him with a determined stride, and Denver knew he had to escape the heat of the kitchen. He begged his boss for a ten minute break, and fled to the cool night air outside.

Denver stood outside the kitchen he was itching to get back to his game at home. He had been playing it solidly for three weeks and was nearly at the end. This digital distraction was the mist in which his dreams were written. Not only was the game running out, but the cash was too. His grandfather had been put on more intensive drugs, and while they worked, they cost a lot. Soon, his grandfather would be back on the old stuff. His mom had pressed Denver to see if there was another wedding or something coming up. Denver had just been numb. The game was the only thing that seemed to keep his mind from turning in on itself.

Charlie came out, the doors behind her.

“What are you doing here?” Denver asked, moving a box. “I thought strays were taken to the pound, remember?”

Charlie looked around the alley they were standing in. She looked at some of the crates of vegetables on the edge of turning, all stacked up to the side. The wooden walls of the alley were strung with a cacophony of fire escapes, dumpsters, and graffiti.

“Well, the first thing I want to say is that I was a little hungover when we last talked. I’m sorry. And, well, umm… I wanted what was best for you. I couldn’t see how things would work out between us. I thought it was best if we had a quick, clean break. For the best. To be honest, I just wanted to catch my breath before you took it away again. Is that too much to ask?”

Denver stood there, really wanting to believe her.

“What do you want?” Denver said as dispassionately as he could manage. He arranged empty veg boxes creating some order.

Charlie took a deep breath and let out a slow sigh. “He wants to meet Rachel again.”

Denver’s eyes practically rolled.

“I’m not fucking him, no way,” Denver said.

Charlie smiled and shook her head. “No, no it’s not like that. He just likes Rachel. I think she was the first girl who didn’t let him walk all over her. Or something, I don’t know. He wants to meet for dinner, just Rachel and him. Just talk. Nothing afterwards. To be honest, he’s as straight as you are, maybe even straighter. I’m not sure what’s happening. He’s been thinking about Rachel off and on for the last month. So he told me to find you, make you an offer.”

The back door of the restaurant opened and a voice called out, “Five minutes, Denver. They’re stacking up.”

“OK, be through soon,” Denver shouted back.

He waited until the door closed before turning back to Charlie.

“Forget it,” Denver said.

Charlie moved closer to Denver, pleading with him. “Look, I know you’re sorry. I’m willing to make it up to you anyway I can. I promise.” She reached out to him.

Denver moved away. “NO fucking way.” He mouthed like an actor warming up before a performance.

Charlie smiled. “Come on. I can pay you more than you’d make in a month working here. And wasn’t it fun? Didn’t you feel an adrenaline rush? Weren’t you at the limit? güzeloba escort I was there, I saw you, I felt your passion. You were dancing on the edge, breaking the rules for once in your life. You loved it. You weren’t made to follow the herd, Denver. So ask yourself, why does that have to be a one-time thing? You know as well as I do that you’ll remember that night for the rest of your life. I was there, I saw you. You were reveling in it. You knew you were alive for once in your monotonous existence. Do you really want that to be the most fun you’ve ever had in your life? The way we made love after, you raised me up and let me fall, everything fell into place. That was the adventure coursing through you. You could have moved mountains at that point. You moved me. Don’t you want that again? Don’t you want just a little more fun and a hint of adventure?”

A ghost of reluctance flickered over Denver’s face as she spoke.

“I’m good,” Denver said firmly after a short pause.

Charlie looked reluctant. “OK, if you want it like that, I have these.” She held up her phone, displaying a picture of Rachel and then a video close-up of Rachel’s private parts.

“You wouldn’t,” Denver said, his anger growing. “You said you would delete them.” He became desperate. “That sort of stuff is illegal.”

Charlie spoke as if she knew everything. “There’s illegal and then there’s what goes viral in a local high school. I found out about your little secret. Year books have pictures even on line. Summer is moving slowly and people are looking for something to talk about. Legal action would just make it more well-known. You could sue us, but then more people would know and we have big, expensive lawyers who would get any case thrown out. You can’t even afford a boy scout trying to do their legal temp badge. Everyone would know. I mean it. We could make sure you would never live it down. Not for the rest of your life. Or you can come and live life on the edge and get paid at the same time.”

Denver moved closer, forming a fist.

“Look, I deserve it but listen to this,” Charlie said, her tone softening. “The truth is, I want you back. You kind of lodged in my mind, like a bee in my head. I know why Levant wants Rachel, and it’s the same reason I want Denver. Once you have found a fountain of gold, you have to go back.”

These words were enough to stop Denver in his tracks.

“What do I get?” Denver said.

Charlie nodded as she carefully navigated the alleyway.

“So what’s your price? Name it,” Charlie said.

“Two thousand,” Denver said.

“You know I can get a top-end call girl for a quarter of that?” Charlie said, shrugging. “But yeah.”

“There’s more,” Denver continued. Charlie stopped walking and looked straight at Denver. “Same rules as before. Nothing permanent. I want you to delete the photos, no touching, and… and… I want the administrator password,” Denver said.

“The administrator password?” Charlie said, pausing.

Denver leaned against the doorway. “Yeah, I need the admin password for the laptop you gave me so I can install some software. So the admin password.”

Charlie smiled and brushed a stray hair from her cheek. “Yeah, well that’s new. I don’t see a call girl wanting a rider like that.”

Denver folded his arms “and on that subject. I want you. I want to fuck you solid. Then I’ll take pictures of you, see how you like it.”

Charlie paused and looked down.

“Rule Five, everyone has their price,” Denver quoted. “So what’s yours?”

“What about that?” Charlie said, running her eyes over Denver. She gave a huge sigh. “Well, that’s the dumbest way anyone has asked me out before, but it works for me,” Charlie said. “It’s my own stupid fault for opening up about myself. OK, I can sign off on that. You’re free next Saturday? See you at around 5:00 and for this, I’m expecting Rachel on form. No stroppiness. No bitchy queen. We’re talking peak Rachel, like the night of the contest?”

“OK. And I want no details about this to your boyfriend,” Denver said.

Charlie pursed her lips. “No names, but he likes to know what turns me on.”

“And I want no details about your boyfriend,” Denver said.

Charlie paused for a moment.

“Rule Five, everyone has their price,” Denver quoted.

“OK,” Charlie said, “Well, I think Levant wants this on the quiet too. I’ll send you the info by phone. Still have the same text number? I’ll unblock yours.”

Suddenly, she walked up and kissed Denver like a vampire, long and hard, pushing him against the wall in the process. Denver felt the slats against his back and the warmth on his lips. She pulled back from this embrace. She patted him on the crotch.

“I wanted you. You know that? This is good for both of us.” she said, walking away. “I’ll send a limo to the same alleyway as last time. Don’t forget. Good negotiating by the way. You’re getting better. See you later, lover.”

The door opened, and a voice said sharply, “Denver, you need to clean the mess on table five.”

“Coming,” said Denver.

Denver couldn’t decided if he had made the worst or best decision of his life or not.

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