
The Robinsons


Authors Note

My thanks to AquaFire for editing.

This is my first every story, hopefully it’s OK.

This is the first in a longish series I have planned, I have written the first five chapters whether I finish the rest will be dependent on whether people are reading and enjoying

The full story will explore themes such as incest, water sports, male on male, submission, if any of these turn you off then don’t read at all or skip the bits you don’t like. This first chapter is a scene setter so very little sex but chapters 2 through 4 aren’t far behind.

Everyone in this story is over 18


Chapter 1

My story starts like all good stories should in a Chinese restaurant. Not a normal cheap joint with a plastic dragon outside but a high class one with chrome, leather and wood inside, you know the type.

I was with my long-time friend Bill Carter. We’ve met at college where we did the same computing course but after college, our lives took different paths. I’d got a job with one of the big players in Silicon Valley while he’d gone off the rails a little; some drugs, lots of sex, some poor life style choices and ended up as an anarchist hacker. Deadbeat! I can hear you say however when he’d gotten bored of hacking, he’d start his own IT security consultancy and made a fortune. Not a little fortune but a massive one, a Forbes type fortune. I made good money but nothing like Bill.

Every few months, we would meet up and he would buy me dinner. I’d given up years ago trying to split the bill but he would always laugh and say he was putting it through expenses, “Don’t worry the government is picking up the tab so just eat and enjoy.”

We’d been to a few bars and had a few drinks before we sat down and I was feeling loose. When our waitress showed us to our table, my eyes were all over her and the alcohol meant I was bold enough to not bother hiding it. She was stunning: tall, slim, her blond hair flowed halfway down her back in a single pony tail, beautiful smooth skin, perfect almond shaped face and gorgeous eyes.

But the main thing that had me throbbing was the way she was dressed. I’ve always had a thing for the sexy secretary look and this girl epitomised that. Slender 4-inch heels led to perfect calves wrapped in sheer stockings, or so my dirty mind imagined. A tight fitting black skirt came half way down her thighs hinting at the delights only a few inches away and a crisp white blouse that was unbuttoned enough at the front to suggest she wore a black lacy push up bra below. I was horny, the combination of drink and this girl gave me a semi which would last all night if I let it.

I took every opportunity to let my eyes wander over her and when I thought I could get away with it, I would squeeze my thighs together to massage the base of my cock whilst starring at her ass or cleavage.

She’d just brought us our dim sum and was walking away when Bill piped up, “Jeez Steve, you’re a horn dog tonight, you haven’t stopped starring at her since we got here.”

“I know,” I whispered. “She’s the hottest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Fuck what I wouldn’t give….” I wistfully watched her young ass disappear round the corner.

“Anyway,” I said. “She’s as much your type as she is mine.”

“True, true, but I have better waiting for me at home.”

“Wh…what…what do you mean?” I spluttered. I knew Julie, his wife, really well as I’d been to their house a few times and I was at their wedding and it’s true she was attractive but didn’t compare to the beauty bringing us food and drink.

Bill put a piece of dim sum in his mouth and seemed to carefully consider his next move; he bought himself some time as he chewed.

My mind was racing, what did he mean, did he have a live in lover I didn’t know about? Perhaps an au pair he was seeing behind Julie’s back. He was wealthy enough and I wouldn’t put it past him but he hadn’t mentioned anything! As far as I knew, he was still living with Julie. Earlier he’d been talking about their holiday with her and the kids so if they had split, it must have been recent and sudden.

I looked to him for answer and was met with him staring straight back at me with a wry smile. He looked ready to shake his head and tell me that he was only joking but instead the smile faded and he said,

“I tell you what Steve….I’ll let you into a secret if you promise it goes no further and if you promise to be honest with me.”

I thought carefully, of course I was intrigued and to be honest I couldn’t think of any huge secrets that I had so the thought of being honest with him didn’t bother me at all.

“Ok I’m in, I promise it will go no further and I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth so help me….”

Bill took a deep breath and obviously ran through in his head what he was about to say.

“I think the reason you are so turned on by her is that she is the spitting image of your Mary.”

“Fuck! What! bonus veren siteler No! I can’t believe you’ve just said that” I spluttered, I was shocked that he would suggest that I had the hots for the waitress just because she looked like my daughter. I sat there staring at him shaking my head in disbelief.

“Think about it,” He continued. “We’ve been out for a few hours and we’ve seen lots of women as pretty as she is so why is it you find HER so attractive?”

“I don’t know.” I whispered. “She’s hot, has perfect tits and ass and she’s dressed like a secretary who’s ready to submit. What’s not to like?”

“Ha.” He chuckled. “I always suspected you had a bit of dom in you, but I asked for honesty. You’re not open to the possibility that you’re irrationally hot for her because she looks like Mary? Look me in the eye and tell me you haven’t thought about Mary that way.”

I looked him in the eye and lied. “No, I haven’t.” I said perhaps a little too firmly.

It wasn’t that I was whacking off every night thinking about my daughter but I had noticed her a few times recently. She had certainly grown in to a beautiful young woman. She was toned and athletic from years of swimming, she had long blond hair which she got from her mum along with a fully developed pair of gorgeous titties. Not too large, probably a B or C-cup but perfectly formed.

She’d recently taken to dressing to impress and to attract. I don’t know whether it really was a change in her or whether I’d just started noticing more myself, I couldn’t be sure but did I find myself every so often hoping for a peek and I was frequently rewarded. A flash of panties as she got out of the chair or stocking tops as she pulled her boots on or a flash of bum as she ran from the bathroom. She once caught me looking at her tits as she bent over to tie her shoes and her top gaped open. She saw me looking but rather than quickly standing up she held the pose for a fraction longer than I expected allowing me to an unimpeded view. When she did stand up, she smiled at me and disappeared with a wave and a cheery, “Bye dad, see you later.”

I fucked my wife hard that night and came thinking about Mary’s perfect tits.

“I’m sorry Steve, I don’t believe you.” Bill snapped me back to the restaurant. “Your Mary is gorgeous and if she’s anything like my Alex then she’s not particularly modest around the house, I can’t believe that with a hot woman like that at home you don’t let your eyes and your mind wander occasionally.”

Alex was Bill’s daughter and the idea of Alex being “immodest” intrigued me. Alex was sex on legs. She had always been attractive but since turning 18 a couple of years ago she had become highly fuckable. She was shorter than Mary no more than 5 foot, a little perfectly formed sex toy you could put in your pocket to bring out and play with whenever you wanted. Deep brown eyes that sucked you in, pouty lips that you’d want to suck you off, small but perfectly formed round pert titties that had seemly permanently erect nipples and a tight, tight midriff.

The last time I had seen her was at Bill’s summer barbecue, she’d walked around all day in a floral yellow bikini that left little to the imagination and was clearly revelling in the attention of all the men that were there.

“I don’t know that I do think about Mary like that.” I lied again. “Are you telling me that you think of Alex like that?” I was hoping that by making Bill confront the question he would back off. It didn’t work.

“Of course.” Bill confidently replied apparently with no shame. “She’s stunning, I know you think so too, I saw you watching her last summer.”

“I didn’t, honestly.” I started to lie again “I…”

Bill chuckled but silenced me with a wave of his hand. “Yes you were, everyone was, I get it. She’s young, stunning and is as hot as fuck, why wouldn’t you want to look? I bet you fucked Kath hard that night, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, yeah I did, twice.” I laughed, at least some honesty was creeping back.

Bill smiled. “Well there you go then it had some benefit. You know what they say, it’s not who starts the fire it’s who gets to put it out…”

“So do you think about Alex that way then?”

“Of course, it’s only natural. I know I’m her dad but I’m not gay…and you with Mary, be honest now?”

“Well yes, ok I admit I do, not all the time but yes I “notice” things and sometimes it’s a bit more.”

“What sort of thing?” He asked with a glint in his eye.

“Just stuff.”

“I want details.” He pressed.

I took a large gulp of my wine, I felt like I was going to need the courage. “I don’t know…..well….for example, last weekend she was going clubbing and she wore some revealing clothes”

“What was she wearing?” Bill pushed for details

“Well she was wearing a short grey pleated skirt and a pair of grey socks to just over the knee. She had on a white blouse over a red bra but the blouse was tied in a knot under her breasts exposing her stomach and bahis she looked pretty”

“Your Mary always looks pretty” Bill interrupted with quizzical look, “you’re telling me she looked pretty?” he clearly didn’t believe that “pretty” was really the point of this story

“Ok, she looked sexy, hot really, really hot in fact” I admitted “she’d hung around the living room talking to me and Kath for ages before she went out, she never normally does that, she must have been ready early or something, anyway I got lots of flashes of her panties and bra before she went.”

“And,” He pressed.

“I… I… I admit was turned on and suggested to Kath we go to bed. But we’d planned a movie night, it was a film that Kath really wanted to watch. I didn’t want to make it obvious I was turned on by Mary’s show and in any case I thought we had plenty of time for both and I was willing to wait so we nestled on the sofa covered up under our big blanket and spooned through the movie. There was a bit of well….you know.”

“Details.” He reminded.

“Fuck Bill, I’m not sure I’m comfortable talking about this.”

“It will be worth your while, remember our conversation about a secret?” He was trying to sound mysterious to encourage me on.

“Ok but the same secrecy thing goes for you, you can’t repeat any of this.”

He nodded vigorously and waved his hand as if to say, come on get on with it.

“Ok don’t rush me. So me and Kath had been getting amorous. I spent the first half of the movie stroking her breasts and tweaking her nipples and the second half cupping and fingering her…” I hesitated.

“Pussy” He chipped in, I could hear in his voice he was straining to move the story on.

“Ok pussy” I was a little annoyed that he thought he could talk about Kath’s sex using that word but truth be told I was intrigued as to what he had to tell me “We were just getting into it you know, I’d pulled her panties down to her knees and she released my cock. I was ready and she was ready. I’d just got all the way in when the door opened and Mary walked in, she was clearly drunk. She slurred a hello and collapsed on the chair opposite me and Kath.”

“Had she seen you two fucking?” He asked excitedly.

“No, no, we were careful and we were still under the blanket”

“So what happened next?”

“Well…we just lay there and we froze. But the worst part was the position Mary had taken. She’d slumped in the chair with her legs wide open, her skirt was so short and had ridden up so very little was hidden. She still had her knickers on but they had slipped to one side exposing part of her… part of her… well pussy. We both lay there looking up her skirt with part of her pussy on display and it was…well….a turn on for me”

“Was Kath turned on too?”

“I didn’t know at that point, I could see her looking but I didn’t know what she was feeling”

“Was she asleep?”

“I think so, as far as I could tell she was.”

“Does she shave?” I could hear the anticipation in his voice.

“I don’t know, I think so.”

“You’re not sure? I thought you said she was exposed”

“Fuck Bill I don’t know, probably, yes, I think so, but we didn’t have the lights on so I can’t be sure”

“Sorry Steve I just want details, go on”

“So we laid there for what seemed like ages then Kath gave my cock a squeeze with her pussy and pushed back into me. I took this as a signal and so I slowly fucked her. We had to be careful as we didn’t want to wake Mary and get caught so it was just slow long strokes. Somehow having Mary in the room whilst we were having sex made the whole thing more erotic.”

We’d been whispering for the last few minutes and the tension had built, I laughed to break the mood. “I didn’t last long.”

“Wow Steve that’s really hot, can I ask where you were looking when you came?”

“Err…up Mary’s skirt I suppose” I admitted.

“And where do you think Kath was looking?”

“The same place I think.”

“So you both fucked whilst staring at your daughter dressed like a slutty school girl with her pussy is on full view.”

“It wasn’t on full view.” I tried to defend myself a little. “But yes, I suppose that is what we did.”

“Sounds promising.” Bill said cryptically.

“How do you mean?”

“Aw nothing, nothing just forget it.” He said brushing my question away. “So what happened next?”

“We pulled our underwear on and slipped up to bed. Once we were alone, I used one of Mary’s toys to get her off and we went to sleep.”

Just then our waitress arrived to clear the table ready for the next course. Bill pulled a face as if he was hatching a plan then he looked up at the waitress, at first I thought he was staring at her tits but I realised he was reading her name badge when he said, “Hi, Sam is it?”

“Yes that’s right how can I help you?”

“I’ve a favour to ask, would you oblige me?”

Surprisingly and without knowing the details, she agreed. Bill had that effect on people deneme bonusu it helped that he was tall and good looking but he just had an air about him that somehow made people want to say yes to him. Even when he was young and in college, he had the gift.

“In a couple of days my daughter Alex is going for an interview to work in a place like this,” He went on. “But she’s not sure what to wear, you look stunning, could I send her a photo of you as a suggestion of suitable attire?”

“Sure no problem, where do you want me?”

I chuckled at the innuendo, I knew where I wanted her but Bill said, “Just back up a couple of paces, that’s it perfect.” There was a click from his phone as he took the picture. He showed her the picture and she nodded in consent, he pressed a few keys and it was sent.

“What was that about?” I asked after Sam had left.

“Oh it’s something for later, don’t worry about it.” He said dismissively.

“So Bill, your big secret? Who have you got at home that’s mean you’re not interested in fucking Sam?” I was keen to hear his story now.

He glanced around the room as if to check for spies. “Are you sure you can keep a secret?” he whispered.

“Come on Bill! I’ve just told you about fucking Kath whilst staring up my daughter’s skirt. I’m hardly in a position to blab.”

“Ok,” He took a deep breath and continued. “So we are quite an open sharing family.” There was a long pause whilst I waited for Bill to finish, when he didn’t continue I asked

“What do you mean, I don’t understand? Open and sharing about what?”

“Well…everything.” He responded.

I was still puzzled.

“Jeez Steve, do I have to spell it out? We SHARE a lot together.”

The previous conversation and the cryptic clues from Bill were starting to take shape. “You’re saying you have sex with your family?” My voice was barely audible.

“Yes,” was the straight forward reply.


“Well…to be honest, everyone.”

But before he could say anything else the next course arrived. It gave me time to digest what I’d just heard and as I tried to work it through, for the first time, I didn’t perv on Sam.

After she had served the food and left I turned to Bill. “I have so many questions, how long? When? Where? What about Julie?”

Bill took a deep breath but without hesitation. “About a year, often, everywhere and like I said, we’re a very open sharing family.”

“So Julie is part of this?”

“Oh yes and so is David.”

“Your son as well!” I spluttered.

At that point we were interrupted by Bill’s phone pinging to say he had a text. He pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the screen, turned to me with a smile and showed me the picture he’d just received.

“Is that the look you like so much?”

He handed me his phone and there on the screen was the sexy secretary I’d been lusting for. At first, I thought it was the picture of Sam but soon realised it was Alex dressed just like Sam, our waitress, but maybe looking even hotter. She had slightly higher heels, there was definitely more cleavage and bra showing but the best bit she wore was a black rimmed glasses which set off the outfit perfectly. She was smiling into the camera with her legs bent and leaning forward her hands on her knees slightly exposing the tops of her small tits in a sultry, sexy pose.

I looked at Bill puzzled.

“Scroll up.” He said.

I did and saw the message he had sent. It was the picture of Sam with a message that read, “I want a photo of you dressed like this but sexier in 5 minutes”.

I was suddenly aware of my hard on. I don’t know how long I’d been fully hard but it was straining for air as I looked at Alex.

“Direct and to the point.” I said, “She likes taking instructions?”

“Oh yes.” He chuckled. “You would like her, both her and her mum have submissive tendencies.” He pondered for a moment. “Do YOU have any instructions for her?”

“What…no, no I couldn’t.”

“Are you sure? She’ll never know and even if she did, she wouldn’t mind.”

“No I’m fine.” Although I was secretly wishing I had the bottle because in reality there was a lot I’d like to ask Alex to do.

“Ok”. He typed something into his phone and put it away.

Our food was going cold so we ate in silence for the next couple of minutes.

Eventually I asked “Bill I’ve got to ask, how did this start? And is Alex… is Alex…” I wasn’t sure how to frame this question. “Is Alex a willing participant? And how did David get involved?”

He paused to consider what to say next. “It’s a long story as to how all this got started, I’ll tell you one day but not today. But what I will say is that she seduced me and Julie, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she did and we went willingly into it but we were both careful that she led, not us.”

“And David?” I pressed.

“With David, it was almost inevitable. The house was full of sex and he’s a teenage horn dog, he was probably always going to be involved. I’m not sure who he fucked first, his mum or his sister but he’s certainly getting plenty and he doesn’t complain.”

“And the two women don’t mind that you’re doing each of them, they’re not jealous then?” It was my turn to press for details now.

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