
The Sex Rehab Diaries: Stacey’s Confession


I found this story on another site and didn’t see it here (although the search engine leaves me with some challenges). The author was Dancing Doll.
Author’s Note: The Sex Rehab Diaries is an ongoing series, featuring the intimate confessions of the patients of Dr Clark’s group therapy class for sexual addictions at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health

“I’m Stacey, and I’m a sex addict.”

I knew I wasn’t the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer’. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I’d read the mission statement that had been emblazoned on the front of our orientation binders at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. My mind immediately substituted “cum” for “come” and… anyway, yeah I guess I was probably one of those people that needed to take my sexual exploits a little more seriously after all.

I had actually changed a lot after meeting my boyfriend Matt three years earlier, and even more so after we had moved in together. He was just as sexually adventurous and twisted as I was, and I started to realize there was something to be said about quality over quantity. I no longer craved sexual attention from other men. I had everything I needed between us. During those years we had an insatiable and very monogamous sex life. We were the hot young couple that couldn’t keep their hands off each other in public, causing our friends to be envious, and making them wonder what our secret was. And sometimes I would tell them. We had always been firm believers in letting ourselves explore a wide range of dirty and perverse sexual fantasies. We would spend hours in the heat of our raunchy weekend play, hotly whispering our desires and spinning scenarios that we’d probably never really carry out, but verbalizing them and imagining how far we could push our boundaries had always been part of the thrill. How was I to know that we were opening a dangerous door that one day I’d have trouble closing again?

I can still remember Matt’s face the last time I’d come home from one of those nights.

“It’s gone too far Stacey… the whole thing has gone way too far…”

I shook my head to clear it of the disturbing memory. I was in sex rehab to get help. And after I released the skeletons in my closet, I would be closer to starting with a clean slate and making our relationship work again.

I turned to the class in our group therapy session and all the faces that were surrounding me, wondering if they would judge me. Hell, I might have even judged myself if I’d heard my story as an outsider looking in. I started to sweat into my four inch red stilettos. I probably should have dressed in a quieter way, but this was my last day reveling in my bonafide slut status before I started walking away from my sexual addictions, and I was definitely going out in style. The short black skirt was tight and shiny and the bustier top pushed my breasts up high. I had left my dark blond hair loose around my shoulders. I was dressed just as I had been on the night that had started my spiral into depravity. It gave me a little thrill, even knowing I would burn the outfit before my stay at the resort was over as a final symbolic sacrifice to the ways of the old Stacey. I could feel the familiar dampness of arousal on the back of my neck and I licked my lips. Yes, I would have to say goodbye to that Stacey. The dirty, slutty cum-sucking Stacey that couldn’t get enough cock and loved to take it up the…

“Stacey, why don’t you introduce yourself properly,” Dr Clark, said absent-mindedly as she looked up from her clipboard. The therapist smiled in her usual detached way, completely oblivious to how wet my panties already were. There was something austere and yet simultaneously awkward about her. It was as though she was playing a role she wasn’t quite comfortable with, but was desperate to authenticate. “It says here that you cheated on your boyfriend…uhm… multiple times?”

“Well, that’s not exactly true. At least it wasn’t in the beginning,” I began, nervously twisting the papers that held my written confession in my hand. I wanted to set the tone right away. I had always been a faithful girlfriend… sort of.

“In some ways, to be perfectly honest Dr Clark, I feel like I kind of got duped. I mean the cheating, if you want to call it that, was all part of the fantasy. If you want to get technical about it, this isn’t completely my fault.”

I heard a round of laughter and giggles from the circle of fellow addicts that surrounded me.

“Settle down class,” Dr Clark admonished sharply. “You’ve all been in Stacey’s shoes before. Denial is the first stage to recovery. And clearly there’s a part of her that isn’t ready to let go of this… side of her.” I could see her eyes raking over my provocative outfit with obvious scorn.

“I wore this on purpose, by the way,” I assured her.

“And thank god for that,” the good-looking guy to my left said with a low whistle. “She has my full attention.”

“Shane, I don’t believe that hitting on every single girl that shares her story in this classroom is part of your treatment plan,” Dr Clark said with sarcasm. “Now why don’t we let Stacey tell us why she’s wearing this… outfit.”

“I was wearing it on that night…”

“The night you cheated on your boyfriend?”

“No, the night he wanted me to cheat on him. There’s a difference.”

“Interesting concept. Why don’t you begin telling us your story.”

I uncrumpled the pages I had been tightly holding onto and took a deep breath. I began to share how it had all began.

The first time Matt and I had discussed the idea of me having sex with other men, I thought he was trying to test me. Maybe he was worried about my promiscuous past and was wondering if I was still willing and wanting to fuck other people. He had brought it up while I had him tied to our four-poster bed, lustily riding him. He was wet with sweat beneath me, gagged and restrained while I moved on his cock with my hands pressed against his chest, using his body as leverage. As he was nearing his climax, I tore the gag from his mouth, feeling my pussy tense around his shaft as he started telling me how hot it would be to hear me tell him in dirty detail how I’d just fucked a total stranger and let him turn me into a slut. An inexplicable primal kind of arousal flamed through me as we began to spin details of the fantasy. I untied him, feeling him take control and pin me down on the bed, his breath hot in my ear, telling me how exciting it would be to know I had submitted myself completely and then come home to him to playfully torture him with every filthy detail.

The cuckold fantasy took on a life of its own over time, alternating and taking turns with me in control of the situation and dominating him and then him eventually punishing me for my dirty transgressions. I don’t know why it ended up being one of our favourite fantasies to play with. It was a novelty for me, having always been with such possessive boyfriends in the past to imagine the man that I loved getting turned on by such a sordid scenario. For him the idea of me subjecting myself to such a raw kind of defilement to taunt and tease him was the ultimate in female control, and it was something that he had always encouraged in me.

The more we played with that fantasy and those ideas, the more it began to play out in my mind when we weren’t in bed. I found myself thinking about it while I ran on the treadmill at the gym, or when I was at my desk at work, letting my mind wander to where it wanted. He started to tease me with it often. I’d be rushing to my desk after lunch to grab my ringing phone and it would be him on the other end of the line.

“You sound out of breath Stacey. Hmm… I wonder why that is… did you just fuck someone on your lunch hour?” His voice was always teasing and playful.

I would laugh. “Maybe I did. Maybe I slipped into my bosses office and leaned over his desk and let him fuck my ass to relieve stress after our big meeting this morning.”

“Mmm, I bet you did. I know what a good office slut you can be.”

I smiled to myself thinking back to the time Matt had waited to pick me up late after work and I’d given him a blowjob in the photocopy room.

I’d go home that night and we’d have wild sex, while I made up filthy details of being the office slut. His cock would be hard and pulsing and thrusting hard inside me as I moaned about being naked on my knees under my boss’s desk, sucking his dick all afternoon while he ran conference calls.

Every time I’d push the envelope just a little more by flirting with someone during my day, or noticing the guy at the gym staring at my ass while I did my stretches and it did a lot to fuel our role-playing. Eventually Matt would openly dare me to push fantasy into reality. I think it excited him to know that I ‘might’ do something naughty; even though we both knew in an unspoken way that it would probably never happen. I loved him and I valued our relationship far too much to roll the dice that way. But still, what harm was there in indulging a few harmless fantasies?

When my friend Kendra suggested a ‘girls night’ out at our favourite bar one Friday evening, I hadn’t really thought too much about it.

“Are you going to go out with the guys?” I called to Matt while I was straightening my long blonde hair in the bathroom.

“Uhmm, not sure yet,” he replied. “We might just stay low key and watch UFC or something. Either way, you should cab it. I know you’ll be drunk when you get home.”

“And why are you so sure of that?” I laughed.

“Cause Kendra is a party girl… and let’s face it… a bit of a slut too.” He was lounging in the doorway to the bathroom watching me through the mirror with a smirk. “Speaking of sluts, isn’t that the dirty-girl outfit that I just bought you last month. I thought you were going to wear that when we went out together next week.”

I leaned back to kiss his lips reassuringly. “I’ll still wear it next weekend for you, I promise. But I know Kendra will dress sexy tonight, and I don’t have anything else that’s quite this perfect. Plus this way we won’t have to worry about standing in line or cover charge at the door. One of the many advantages of girls night.” I said with a wink.

“Hmm… free entrance, free cover… and surely lots of free drinks from guys that will be dying to fuck this tight little body,” he came up behind me and ran his hands up under my short black skirt as I wriggled against him playfully. “Just checking to see if you’re wearing panties.”

“I am, as you can plainly see.” I said sticking my tongue out at him in our reflection in the mirror as my skirt slid up over my little red sheer panties.

“I’ll have to check and make sure you’re still wearing them at the end of the night,” he teased slipping a finger inside and running it up the length of my silky smooth slit. “Who knows what kind of trouble you’ll end up getting into.”

“Who knows? Maybe I’ll be a bad girl tonight.”

“I hope so,” he grinned, biting my ear.

“You better be careful,” I had warned him. “One of these days…”

He laughed. “Sure, sure…”

Our playful conversation had been nothing out of the ordinary. Just a little light hearted teasing to start the night and create a little sexual tension that we would surely be releasing later on when I got home. I had every intention of being a good girl until then.

That is, until the cab showed up in front of our apartment building to pick me up. Kendra was wearing a tight pink dress, and was obviously already drunk. She leaned forward to hug me in a blur of long dark hair and I caught the familiar scent of her perfume.

“Look what I have….” she sang in a giddy anadolu yakası sevgili tadında escort voice, pressing something into the palm of my hand as the cab started moving again.

I knew what it was before I looked down. I recognized the alert semi-glazed look in her eyes and the feeling of the small square plastic bag in my hand.

“This is sooo not the night I had in mind,” I admonished quickly putting the bag of cocaine into my tiny purse before the cab driver noticed.

“Oh come on,” Kendra cajoled. “Just keep it for later… incase you change your mind.”

I shrugged but didn’t say anything else about it. We had partied that way many times in the past. Kendra was still rolling with that lifestyle regularly, whereas I had settled down when I’d moved in with Matt. I had wanted to leave our old college partying ways behind, and I realized over time that I hadn’t really missed it either.

“You’ve been so busy playing house and being the good girlfriend, you never have any time for meeeee,” she whined, hugging me as we started walking towards the front entrance of the bar. “Let’s just have a fun time tonight like the good old days. Who knows when I’ll get to see you next!”

It was true that my girls’ nights were becoming less and less frequent, as often happened when in the perfect haze of an exciting relationship. But as we walked into the bar, and I heard the dark beats of the music, and felt that vibe of energy and people, I started to remember how much fun it used to be. I loved getting the stares and the attention as we made our way to the bar. There was nothing like two hot girls hand in hand, walking across the room amidst crowds of men and ‘plain Janes’. It felt good to turn heads, and we welcomed the first round of drinks from a group of guys standing nearby. It was the start of a great night. I remember having that feeling, right from the start.

Kendra and I quickly lapsed into our old partying ways. The rhythm of the music was pounding, the heat from the bar, and the people that were dancing under the lights was dizzying and electrifying at the same time. She and I were dancing sexy on the floor together, pressed against each other provocatively as we typically did when we were drunk and riding a great high. I could feel the dampness of my body as I moved to the music, blissfully unaware that we were being watched by a group of guys in the raised VIP section of the bar until Kendra leaned into my ear.

“There’s a group of hot guys up there are motioning for us to join them. Can we… please?”

Kendra was single and always looking to hook up with someone when she was drunk, so of course I obliged her. We made our way up past the sectioned off velvet rope as they quickly cleared some room for us. They were six of them, all attractive and looked to be in their late twenties and early thirties. They were just out on a random guy’s night, but they clearly knew how to party in style. The Grey Goose was flowing and the drinks were being handed to us in never ending liquid supply, and obviously being poured with a heavy hand.

“So, are you girls single?” one guy named Aaron asked me as I danced near the back bench he was sitting on.

I shook my head. “I’m not, but my friend Kendra is.”

I glanced over and saw Kendra grinding and making out with one of his friends, clearly already having taken her pick of them.

Aaron smirked at me playfully. “So your boyfriend doesn’t mind that you’re dressed all sexy like this and partying it up tonight without him?”

I laughed. “He bought me this outfit first of all, and secondly… no, he’s not jealous like that. He actually likes it when I’m a bad girl.”

He grinned at me and sat back to watch my long legs as I danced. The lusty look in his eyes, combined with the thrill of his attention on me, encouraged me to dance a little sexier, enjoying teasing him just as much as he was enjoying the show I was putting on.

“Hmm… I’m pretty sure you’d be in trouble if he could see you right now.”

“Not even close,” I assured him with a wink.

Encouraged by my comment, he stood up and came a little closer, leaning against the railing.

“So how bad are you allowed to be?” he asked with obvious interest. “Theoretically speaking, of course.”

I laughed and took another sip of my vodka soda, pausing for a minute and suddenly realizing how drunk I was. I could feel the intoxication of the alcohol combined with the rush of the cocaine Kendra and I had been doing bumps of giving me a kind of euphoric overconfidence. I hadn’t partied this way in a long time and the buzz was exhilarating, making me feel bolder than I normally would have. I leaned into him, smelling the scent of his aftershave and feeling the warmth of his chest as I whispered into his ear.

“I’m allowed to be very bad. In fact, that’s actually part of his fantasy.”

“Oh yeah? Your boyfriend fantasizes about you being a little slut, does he?” I could feel the sudden shift in energy as he picked up on an obvious opportunity.

“Very slutty,” I said, thinking back to all my kinky conversations with Matt and all the hot sordid sex that always followed.

I began to imagine how intense it would be if I had a real story to tell him this time. I felt my panties start to dampen in response as I fanned myself lightly. The night was suddenly feeling very hot with possibilities. I started turning the idea over in my mind while I looked out over the dance floor, leaning forward on the railing with this random good-looking stranger. The wheels started spinning in my mind, effectively daring me.

“Maybe it’s time you turned that fantasy into reality…” Aaron urged with a wink.

I remember laughing again in response, feeling the swell of my drunken high lulling me into the excitement of making a bold move. Finally with an unexpected decisiveness, I turned to him and smiled.

“Why don’t you come with me…”

The next few hours seemed to pass in a hazy mess of drunken hedonistic debauchery. It was near closing time and I was still in the VIP bathroom, leaning against the door.

“Are you sure you’re able to get home ok? Your friend left with our buddy ages ago,” Aaron said.

I grinned at him, waving my hand dismissively. “I’m fine, I just have to make a quick phone call.”

I watched Aaron walk away and moved back into the bathroom and closed the door, looking at my reflection in the mirror and the wicked smirk playing on my lips as I waited to hear Matt’s voice on the other end of the cell phone. When he answered, I felt a little electric thrill rush through me, especially as I sweetly began to beg him to come pick me up at the bar.

“Kendra left already and I don’t have enough money for a cab,” I said. “Please come… I promise I’ll make it worth your while…”

He laughed, although clearly not impressed by how late I was calling. Of course, he decided to humour me.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes, but make sure that you’re out front.”

I hung up and ran my hands through my sticky hair, trying to smooth down my rumpled skirt. Thank god for long hair. I let it partially hide my face as I waited just the right amount of time and then snuck across the mostly empty bar to the front door. I saw Matt’s large black SUV pull up in front of the bar and I hurried outside, thinking that the warm August night still felt cooler than the hot blood and burst of adrenaline running through my veins as I slid into the passenger seat.

“Hey,” he said glancing at my messy hair, and flushed wet face. “Wow, you look like you must have been dancing up a storm.”

I laughed mischievously. “Something like that. Hey, pull into that parking lot for a second. I wanna tell you something.”

“Seriously? Can’t it wait until we get home?”

I just grinned wickedly at him. “Nope, I can’t wait that long.”

He was looking at me with a kind of curious suspicion, clearly uncertain about what to expect as he obliged me by pulling into the dark empty parking lot one street over. He put the car into park, and turned to me, amused by my obvious energy and excitement.

“Wow, you’re sooo drunk. Were you girls partying a little harder than usual?”

“Hmm… maybe just a little harder,” I teased, reaching over him and pushing the buttons to move his seat back as far as it would go.

“Aww, Stacey, why don’t we just go home to our nice big bed and our…”

“Shhh…” I whispered, pressing my finger to his lips. I giggled, pressing a little harder on his full bottom lip, forcing them to part until the tip of my finger was in his mouth. As I slid it in a little further, I watched his reaction slowly begin to change. His green eyes widened just a little, obviously recognizing a familiar and yet unfamiliar taste.

Before he could say anything or protest, I moved quickly, sliding into his lap, firmly straddling him, and feeling my short black skirt riding up my thighs.

“I don’t want you to say anything just yet,” I whispered hotly, as I raked my hands over his chest. “I want to tell you all about my night.” I leaned into him, pressing my lips against his neck, and leaving soft biting kisses in my wake. “All about my long… dark… ever so dirty… night.”

I could feel his body stiffen and he drew in his breath sharply. “What the fuck,” I heard him murmur with sudden shock and confusion. I knew he could smell it on me then. That unmistakable scent of sex and the aftermath of sweat and semen. In the darkness of the night I could smell it too, in my hair, and on my skin, still wet on my cheek and beginning to puddle in my soaking wet red thong as my legs splayed out to grip his thighs in the front seat of the SUV.

“I was a very bad girl tonight,” I teased him, as I let my hands trail down his muscular chest and linger on the buckle of his jeans. Finally my hands moved down further and I could feel the unmistakable bulge in his pants, letting me know he was just as aroused as I was. “In fact… I wasn’t just a bad girl… I was positively filthy.”

I watched the quick rise and fall of his chest as he began to process the implications of what I had just said. On so many occasions before I would have teased him this way verbally after coming home from a night out. But the reality of the situation was not just implied this time. It was real. He reached up to twine his fingers into the damp tangle of my long blonde hair, lingering over the hardening sticky patches, his eyes wide with disbelief.

“You did it…” he finally managed to say, with a mixture of shock and disbelief. “You actually fucked someone.”

“Uh uh,” I said moving my hand rhythmically over his hard on, stroking him through his jeans. “I’m the one telling this story. No interruptions.”

I leaned away from him until I felt the steering wheel touch my back. The short black skirt immediately slid upward, exposing the red mesh panties that he had inspected before I’d gone out that night.

“See I’m still wearing them,” I teased. “But I had to, otherwise all that cum would be running down my legs right now.” I moved just enough to let the light of the street lamps in the parking lot filter through the window enough for him to see the shiny glistening patch of wetness quickly soaking through the crotch of my panties.

“Fuck, that’s a lot of cum,” he said, clearly overwhelmed by the moment.

“Mmm… that’s because I got fucked… a lot .” Still leaning back, I slid a finger around the edge of the fabric, feeling the creamy wetness of my warm slippery smooth pussy. I slid a finger inside my cunt, stirring the cum, and feeling the walls of my pussy clench around my finger with excitement and sustained arousal.

“Kendra and I were hanging out with some guys, anadolu yakası oral yapan escort of course. And there was this one guy… I could tell how much he wanted to fuck me. And I started thinking about being a bad little girl for you tonight… and not just pretending this time. I couldn’t stop thinking about how hot that would be, about how intense your reaction would be knowing that I was in a public bar, letting myself give into our most debased fantasies.”

“Uh huh…” his eyes were still wide as he tried to absorb my words.

I slid my finger out of my soaking panties and showed him how wet with cum they were before smiling at him, and moving them up to smear over my lips before sliding them into my mouth, one after another. I started to grind my wet crotch against his straining hard-on, as our eyes locked while he watched me lick my fingers clean. So caught in the disbelief of the moment, he was unable to utter a single word.

“So I invited the guy to follow me into the private bathroom in the VIP section. And as soon as I locked the door, I knew I was going to be a nasty filthy girl for him. I dropped to my knees and unbuckled his pants first.”

While I spoke, my hands worked quickly on Matt’s jeans, unzipping him just as I described unzipping Aaron’s, and then forcing Matt to lift his hips so that I could tug them down. He cooperated with me, obviously eager to release his own straining cock as he listened breathlessly to my filthy tale.

“Once they were around his ankles, I made him turn around and bend over, so that he was bracing his hands against the sink.”

“Oh my god,” Matt muttered, knowing my mind and where I was going with the story before the words even left my mouth. I took hold of his throbbing cock, already slick with pre-cum and began to stroke it between us, alternating by pressing it against my red mesh panties and sliding it up and down my slit. I let the cum push through the sheer fabric and cover his cock, lubricating it for my nimble hands as I stroked his shaft while I continued telling the story.

“And then, I spread the cheeks of his ass and leaned forward and shoved my tongue inside him. Not soft or yielding, but right inside his hole, nice and deep. He wasn’t expecting it, but he was so turned on by it that he immediately grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face into him. Can you imagine that? My tongue sliding into his ass while I was on my hands and knees in that bathroom…”

Before Matt could say anything, my hand slid up to curl around the back of his neck, holding his face steady while I moved in to press my lips against his. I could feel the initial restraint of his protest, obviously knowing where my mouth had been earlier that night. My hands slid up into his dark hair, holding him firmly, and insistently parting his lips with my kiss, and sliding my warm dirty little tongue into his mouth. I began to kiss him long and deep, my filthy mouth locked with his so that he couldn’t escape me. My free hand was still at work stroking his cock. It was rock hard and pulsing in my grip. He was clearly conflicted by the shock of the story and the obvious turn on of hearing how I had gleefully given into our most debased fantasies. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through both of us and it created an electric connection between us that far surpassed all of our pretend role-plays. This was the real thing. And it was overwhelming.

No longer reluctant, he began to kiss me back, his hands moving to grab hold of my ass and pull me against his groin. My breasts pressed against his chest and I could feel his heart thudding against mine, as his cock rubbed urgently against the soaked mesh of my panties. I could feel the cum pushing through the fabric, making his shaft slippery between us as he rubbed his hard-on against me. Our kiss intensified, both of us gasping for air in between.

“You like kissing my dirty little mouth, don’t you?” I murmured against his lips.

I reached one hand back to slide down the back of my panties, pushing two fingers into my ass and feeling the warmth of cum around them, vigorously finger-fucking my hole as we made out. Then I slid them out and brought them up to my mouth and his. I pushed them in between our lips, momentarily shocking him and making him want to pull back from me, but my other hand moved up to block him from twisting away. I firmly cupped the side of his face and fed my cum covered fingers into his mouth. His tongue slid reluctantly over them as his cock jerked against my belly, still hard with arousal despite every shocking word I uttered.

Then I slid my fingers into my own mouth, sucking them clean before I pressed my lips against his again, kissing him deeply and sharing the cum between us.

“I want you to suck my dirty little tongue,” I murmured urgently against his mouth before sliding it between his lips.

I felt them obediently close around my tongue, sucking it, despite the debased knowledge that it had been inside another man’s ass earlier that night. It made me relish the intensity of my control over the situation. Me free hand moved to finger my ass again, covering it in another bath of warm cum and then I pushed Matt back against the seat and wordlessly slid my wet fingers into his protesting mouth, while I continued.

“Suck these fingers while you listen to the rest of my story. Because it didn’t end there, with his hand on my back of my head, not letting me get away from him without giving his ass a good tongue fucking. As I licked his ass he was stroking his cock and telling me what a dirty little cheating slut I was. And oh god, Matt… I was such a fucking slut tonight, you have no idea. While I was still on my knees he moved me until I was pinned back against the wall before sliding his long hard cock into my mouth. It hit the back of my throat so hard as he began to fuck my face, and I loved every minute of it. I reached around and began to work my finger into his ass at the same time I was sucking his dick. First one finger, and then two. He was so turned on, trying to hold back, loving how he was getting to face fuck and defile me in that bar bathroom, and knowing my boyfriend would hear every filthy detail later on. He couldn’t hold back, and before I knew it, he had flooded my mouth with cum. I held my mouth open wide, and I felt some of it spattering my cheeks and dripping warmly over my lips and down my chin.”

With my free hand, I traced the sticky path of cum on my face so Matt could imagine every sordid moment as I let my fingers fall away from his mouth that had been preventing him from speaking.

“So he came all over that pretty face, huh. And then what? You’re fucking filled with cum,” Matt said breathlessly, running his hands through my tangled cum-covered hair. His hand moved to my panties that were still holding back the flood of creamy juices in my pussy and ass. “How many times did this guy unload?”

I smiled wickedly. “Baby, are you assuming that he’s the only guy that fucked me tonight?”

I leaned back so that I could register the shock on his face in the dim lighting of the parking lot. I heard his tortured sigh as his disbelieving green eyes locked on mine.


I nodded and smothered a throaty laugh. “When I said I was a cum-slut, I really was. After that guy had unloaded in my mouth and all over my face, he said he needed a bit of time to recover for the next round, but I was impatient. I needed to get fucked hard and long and I wasn’t about to wait. I stayed on my knees in that bathroom and told him to go back outside and send one of his friends in, and then to have the next one waiting after that. And I wasn’t going to let them stop until I had every hole filled and dripping.”

Matt was stunned by my filthy admission, clearly overwhelmed, and I saw the range of emotions go through him in what seemed like just a few moments. But his cock was still hard; harder than I’d ever seen it before. He pushed the soaked crotch of my thong aside, and the first little spill of cum began to quickly leak from my laden pussy, confirming every word of my confession. In a burst of adrenaline he seized my hips and pulled me onto his cock. I squealed and my hands used the ceiling of the SUV to brace myself as I felt my steaming hot cunt sink down over the entire length of his shaft, pushing the cum further inside me, while the remainder of it begin to furiously ooze and drip down his balls, leaking onto the leather seat.

“How many guys did you fuck?” he gasped, grabbing me roughly and forcing me up and down on his cock. I let out a strangled moan, momentarily distracted by the bliss of feeling his cock finally filling me up, slippery and wet, and yet I could still feel him pulsing with excitement.

Finally I smiled and leaned forward. I ran my dirty tongue over his lips before letting it slip briefly into his mouth, and then moved so that I was near his ear, so that he could feel my warm breath and hear the intensity of my next words up close. “I fucked every single last one of them. One after the next. All five of them took their turns walking into that bathroom and using me and filling me with cum. I was on my knees and bent over the bathroom sink and pushed up against the wall, reveling in every single filthy moment.”

My hands were against Matt’s chest and I feel his heart pounding in response to every word I spoke.

“And you know what turned me on the most?” I whispered hotly.

He shook his head wordlessly, unable to speak.

I ran my tongue along his ear. “Knowing that I was going to end the night with your cock buried inside every single abused little hole.”

That had done it and released the psychological dam. He held me tightly and renewed his assault on my sore little cunt, feeling the warm flood of juices dripping down his balls with every thrust. With each move of upward momentum, I pushed down onto his cock in a filthy reunion of our sexes. We were both breathing hard, and I was moaning with the intensity of the situation, as I held onto him, feeling like a rag doll on his lap as he unleashed the heady combination of lust and horror over my willful defilement earlier that night.

“Yes, that’s it… fuck me,” I sobbed into his ear. “Fuck that dirty little pussy nice and hard.”

He responded with renewed vigor, ramming his cock upward into my ravaged hole as my cunt clamped down over his shaft. I could feel my climax building as I felt my pussy go into uncontrollable spasms as I came hard all over cock. It easily sent him over the edge moments later as I felt his my pussy flood with his seed as he unloaded with an unbearable groan.

“Oh my god,” I gasped with a breathless sigh. “That was so good.”

“So good?” he gasped. “I’m so not done with you, Stacey. And you’re not done with that story either.”

I grinned and leaned back against the steering wheel, softly moving my hips to stir his softening cock, still inside my slick juices.

“This isn’t the only hole that they filled, is it?” he demanded.

I shook my head, smiling wickedly.

“I want to hear you say it.”

“I felt like such a dirty girl Matt… It was like something took over me. And all the while remembering all our fantasies and the way we talked about this moment. It made me want to act every single detail just the way we had described.”

He moaned, half tortured and half turned on by my confession.

Carefully I maneuvered in the cramped confines of the front seat of the SUV and turned around on his lap so that I was sitting on him facing the windshield. I leaned back against his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his every breathe as I curled my hand around the back of his neck so that my lips were near his ear again.

“I let them fuck my ass,” anadolu yakası escort I whispered hotly, flicking his earlobe with my tongue. “Every one of them took their turn in my tight little hole.”

Matt had been the only one I’d ever let fuck my ass and I knew this was an intense admission for him.

“I blame you for turning me into such an eager little anal slut,” I murmured. “You made me love it so much. I wanted to know what it would feel like to get my ass filled by all that cock tonight. It was all so wrong, but it felt so good at the same time.”

“I’ll bet you were a good little whore for them in that bathroom,” he said in a low voice, his hands running over my body as it was arched back against his chest. He was still very obviously turned on. I could feel his cock beginning to come to life again beneath me and I slowly began grinding my ass against it.

“You loved getting ass fucked by them didn’t you,” he murmured urgently as he ran his hands along the edges of my soaked panties, now wet and loose around my hips as it was tugged and pulled aside.

“Uh huh… wanna see how sore my little hole is right now?”


I moved forward on the seat so that I was leaning forward on the steering wheel. His hands immediately pushed my short black skirt up higher so it was bunched around my waist as I presented him with a perfect view of my luscious ass in those sheer red mesh panties. He groaned, obviously seeing the slick patch of cum pushing against the flimsy fabric as evidence of my filthy defilement. He pushed them to one side and I felt his finger probe my juicy ass, already well lubed as it slid inside me. He quickly proceeded to using two fingers, fucking me with them over and over.

“I can’t believe you were such a dirty little whore,” he gasped, still not quite believing how I could have proceeded to becoming such a slut for these five strangers in one single night.

“Oh, I’m about to get even dirtier,” I warned him teasingly. “And so are you.”

Impulsively I reached back and grabbed the back of his head, pulling his face into my ass before he could protest. I sighed deeply as I felt his lips touch my ravaged knot.

“I want you to lick my ass,” I gasped, pushing myself back so that his head was pressed against the seat. “Just like I licked their ass. And I want to feel your tongue sliding in nice and deep, tasting all that cum.”

His initial protest was futile. This had always been part of our fantasy and role-play and now that I had moved fantasy into reality, I didn’t want to miss out on indulging a single detail. I couldn’t help but realize in that moment just how much hotter it was than anything we’d ever done before. It was like a heady sexual rush, feeling his tongue sliding around my slippery asshole, and working its way inside me. I began to grind myself back against his mouth, forcing him to obey my every demand as I felt the delicious flame of power inside me.

“Yeah, that’s it,” I urged him. “Lick my slutty little ass. Just like that.”

Breathing hard and unable to move from where I had him pinned, he had no choice but to give in to the moment. I had braced myself in an awkward position with one hand pressed against the steering wheel, hunched over in this confined space, but the it just made the situation feel even more urgent than it might have had I waited until we had gotten home. I had wanted the moment to be fresh and raw.

I moaned as I felt his tongue sliding into my hole, the pleasure of him treating my ass to this kind of attention was like a new kind of sexual rush. My pussy was a mixture of cum and juices and it dripped down between my legs onto his cock that was once again hard and throbbing. My hand reached down to stroke his shaft, working him into a state of renewed excitement until I couldn’t resist any longer.

I slid down into his lap, moving my ass over his cock and grinding it against him, teasing him as I leaned back against his chest. I turned my face to the side in time for him to slide his tongue into my mouth, kissing me with cum stained lips and letting me share in the depravity of the moment. I sucked his tongue, always eager for him.

“I’ll bet you want to fuck my ass right now, don’t you?” I whispered finally.

“Uh huh.”

“You know how many cocks stretched out that little hole tonight before yours?”

“You were a fucking little ass whore for them weren’t you.” he choked out, urgently positioning me until his cock was at the entrance of my well-lubed knot. With a groan he began to push it inside, and I felt the head followed by the shaft slowly sink into my creamy depths.

“I was thinking about you every time they slid into me, knowing how good your cock would feel at the end of the night, throbbing inside me… just like this. And oh my god… it feels so good.”

His arms went around me from behind, his hands moving up under my arms to grip my shoulders for leverage, pulling me down onto his shaft while thrusting his hips upward. I rode his cock, feeling it hard and pulsing in my ass, as I leaned back against him. I felt his warm breath in my ear.

“You’ve had so much cum inside this tight little ass tonight, huh? And you still want more?”

“I always want more,” I moaned, turning my head to the side in time to feel his lips lock on mine, his tongue roughly parting them as it slid into my mouth, as he kissed me aggressively. His arms held me tightly in a vise-like grip and I gasped as he did a series of hard fast thrusts deep inside of me, as though to punish and pleasure me at the same time.

“How’s that, huh? Is that enough cock for you?”

“No, more…” I moaned, urging him on. “I want you to fuck their cum right out of my slutty little ass.”

He continued to pound away at me. I felt raw and dirty and so deliciously used, helpless to his every move. The cum was dripping down his balls, making everything between us a sticky mess, including the leather car seats, but neither of us cared. We were in the moment, pushing ourselves forward into one final mind blowing orgasm. The flood of his cum inside my ass sent me over the edge into my own climax and finally we melded together, in a sweaty mess of exhaustion. It was the most intense moment of our sexual history together. It was raw, primal and almost inexplicable.

We didn’t talk much on the way home. I think we were both still overwhelmed by the entire night. It felt surreal somehow; like a dream. He was so quiet that I wasn’t quite sure what he was thinking. But when I got into the shower later to wash the remains of the night away, he surprised me by following me. And we fucked again under the hot stream of water, as though restoring a sense of normalcy to our lives as a couple.


We didn’t speak of that night for the next few weeks, but the thrill of our individual memories of those intense moments in the car certainly added a renewed excitement to our sex lives. It was like when we’re first met, when we were unable to keep our hands off each other.

It was why I felt like he could hardly blame me for wanting to ride that kind of high again. It had been such an incredible rush. How could he not want to experience it over and over?

The next time I did it, it was again without telling him first. This time it was two guys that I’d fucked at the same time. He seemed more conflicted listening to all the sordid details I gave him. And afterwards he grew a little more distant. Maybe I should have read that as a sign, but this had always been our fantasy together. I thought he’d wanted it just as much as I did.

The third and final time I came home after a torrid fuck-fest with a couple of coworkers, I was eager for him, wanting to share every dirty moment. But he just stood there with wide eyes as the cum dripped down the inside of my legs.

“You’ve gone too far Stacey… way too far. The first time was hot. The second time was pushing it, but this is just… taking things to another level.”

“But I thought you wanted this,” I stammered. “This was our fantasy.”

“Yes… exactly… a fantasy. I never expected it to become a reality. And now that it has, you want more and more. It’s like I’ve created a fucking slut-monster in you.”

Wounded, I shrank back against his accusations. “I can stop.”

He just shook his head. “I feel like I can’t trust you anymore. Every time you leave the apartment, I keep wondering what you’re going to do next. Even though you say you can stop now… how can I ever possibly be sure? Unless…”

“Unless what?”

He frowned and grabbed a brochure off the hall table and wordlessly handed it to me.

I glanced down at it and then back up to meet his eyes. “Sex rehab? Are you serious?”

His eyes were solemn and his face grim. “If you want to save this relationship, you’ll do it. I need to know that you’re going to be able to get over this obsession of yours, if I’m ever going to be able to trust you again.”

It wasn’t really a decision that I had to consciously make. I loved him and wanted to make things work. And if that meant proving myself through a treatment program, it was something I was willing to do.

Back at the Belleview Centre for Sexual Health, I paused in my reading, the pages of my confession still trembling in my hands as I glanced around at the shocked faces in my group therapy class. My gaze settled on Dr Clark, who struggled to regain her composure.

“Well, Stacey… that was… quite the relationship conundrum you created for yourself.”

I frowned. “I thought if the fantasy had been that intense, that the reality would have been even hotter.”

“Clearly sometimes fantasies are best left in the mind,” Dr Clark said looking around the classroom almost as though it was a warning or some kind of sex-rehab gospel that she wanted to reinforce to everyone.

“Or, stay single… and enjoy the fantasies as much as you want,” a petite girl with red hair said softly, giving me a shy smile. She was seated near Dr Clark, beautiful and pixie-like in low slung jeans and a cropped tight blue sweater with a Supergirl logo proudly emblazoned across the chest. “Sometimes it’s hard to stay in control of your fantasies. Sometimes they just have a way of coming to the surface.”

“Exactly,” Shane interjected with a wicked grin. “I thought repression was supposed to be a bad thing when it came to treatment and recovery.”

There was a murmur of laughter in the classroom as Dr Clark gave him a sharp look.

“It’s not about repression Shane,” she said with an authoritative nod. “It’s about working through the issues so that they no longer have a hold on you.”

She turned to me and smiled. “Well thank you for sharing that story with us Stacey, in such a.. uh… vivid way. Although I’m sure it’s cathartic to finally get this all out in the open.”

Cathartic? I thought. I could feel those familiar red panties soaking with my own juices as I’d shared every sordid detail. I was more turned on by the fantasy now than I had been before I’d started therapy. I went back to take my seat, my red stilettos clicking over the floor and ran my hands over my short black miniskirt as I sat down. Hmmm, maybe it was too early to consider burning this outfit or throwing it away, after all.

“Well class,” Dr Clark said, startling me out of my memories. “That’s the end of our session for today. Tomorrow we’ll have Rachel sharing her story with us.”

The pretty redhead in the Supergirl sweater immediately blushed and giggled. “I’m actually looking forward to it.”

She looked so innocent upon first glance, but her eyes belied a twisted kind of deviance that seemed to go far beyond the kind of stories that had been shared so far.

Hmm… I wonder what her particular kink is…?

Dr Clark smiled. “Until then, please don’t forget. Sexual addiction is an affliction. And there is a cure. And I promise that you will find it here, so I congratulate you all for finally taking the step towards the path to recovery.”

I exhaled deeply, crossing my fingers that she was right.

And just like that… our third therapy session was adjourned.

*** The End ***

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