
The Shy Asian Student Part 4


The night May, my new oriental girlfriend, left my apartment to return to her parents’ house, I stood on my balcony, beer in hand listening to the night sounds of Bangkok, feeling rather contented. As the massed ranks of windows stared back, I smugly reflected. The pretty Thai girl I had hunted for nearly five months had finally revealed her naked body to me, and best of all, I knew this was merely the start. I pictured her arriving home, greeting her parents with the traditional ‘wai’ and them having no idea she had sucked her first white cock that afternoon, let alone that she had ridden on his face, my face, to a climax. A feeling of self-satisfaction permeated me and seeing one of her long black hairs caught on the wooden chair, I freed it, placed it in an envelope and still have it to this day. Passion had exploded so powerfully, it could be only days, hours maybe, until our lust was fully consummated, until I fucked her. Three weeks later I stood on the balcony feeling a lot less smug. What had appeared to be a matter of hours, was threatening to become a month. The iron was rapidly cooling. The several dates we had had, to the cinema, to a park, for dinner, had shown there was no regret over the lust that had been shared in my apartment that afternoon. We had kissed when the chance arose, felt like kissing when it hadn’t and each time our lips had spoken of sexual intent in their meeting. Yet for three weeks every time I invited her back when the purpose was expressly sex, she refused. I challenged her for a reason and she told me she wanted the first time to be ‘special’. I didn’t care. A few days later we sat having coffee in a quaint café. By this time the mockery of my friend, his insistence she was just a ‘cock teaser’, was beginning to ring more persistently in my ears every time I met her. I told her I had a week’s holiday approaching and thumbed absent-mindedly through a guide book as she texted her friends. As I listed places I wanted to see Koh Samui, Phuket, Krabi, she looked up. For once, misunderstanding worked in my favour. My thinking aloud had been interpreted as fact. ‘When are you going to Krabi? I want to go!’ ‘Next week.’ I took a gamble. ‘Your parents wouldn’t let you, would they?’ Her eyes and thoughts were already far away, pondering the possibility and for the next few days, she spoke and texted of nothing else. Apparently, it had been a long-held dream of hers to go there. Yet I held little hope of us going there, even after booking the flights until, there she was waiting for me at Suvarnabhumi airport, with a little bag and big smile. May, dressed in a white knee length skirt and a pink t-shirt, looked uncomfortably younger than her years and this was accentuated by her childlike excitement and fervor about flying for the first time without her parents. She attracted a few lingering Bostancı Escort glances, laced no doubt, with men wondering whether she was old enough to be looked at. I felt the pride that one does when one’s girlfriend attracts such attention, knowing that you are the only one in the busy airport that knows what her pussy looks like. As the plane ascended towards the afternoon sun and we gazed down way upon the urban sprawl of Bangkok, we huddled tightly together. Assured by the improbability of bumping into someone who knew her parents, May was far more relaxed. For the first time in our relationship, a modicum of public affection was acceptable and I seized the chance, literally, with both arms. With our relationship surely about to be consummated, I was keen to show the world that the pretty, petite eighteen year old Thai girl was mine. Hours later Railay Bay opened up before us like the gate to paradise. Sheer, jungle crested, karst cliffs tumbled dramatically in a near perfect semi-circle, down to a pristine white sand beach, gently kissed by the warm, clear waters of the Gulf of Thailand. There were no roads here, no cars and the few resorts were squeezed into a gap between the towering cliffs. If any place was special enough for her first white cock, this was surely it. We climbed out of the boat, into the shallow water and as we reached the sun-baked sand, the boat had already turned and was heading towards the setting sun. We turned and flung our arms around each other. Our lips met open and as our tongues pushed and curled in each other’s mouths, she gazed up longingly, wantonly. Her hesitance, her uncertainty, that had plagued my attempts at seducing her, appeared eradicated by the beauty of where we were. It took some persuading by her, that I shouldn’t fuck her there and then on the warm sand, gazed upon by the orange sun and customers of the beachfront restaurant. The proverbial dog on heat, my hand was pushed away with increasing force from the front of her skirt. Defeat accepted, temporarily anyway, I followed her to our resort, barely lifting my eyes from the movement of her ass under her white skirt. We dropped our bags and her plea that she was hungry and that we should have dinner first, was rational, but not the preferable choice. I took solace, however, from her use of the word ‘first’. Dinner proved forgettable and was frustratingly followed by her insistence on a romantic walk along the beach. I sat behind her in the sand, holding her tightly, as the moon took its turn in illuminating the beauty around us. My arms folded possessively around her, the breeze toying gently with her silky black hair which fluttered up into my face. We sat as close as our clothing allowed, occasionally I kissed the side of her head, but mostly, we just sat in comfortable Bostancı Escort Bayan silence, a silence broken only by my repeated suggestion of going to our bungalow. Finally, she relented and hand in hand we headed back to the privacy of our room. It was comfortable, rather than luxurious and a wall of windows opened onto the resort pool. May could not wait to see the view in daylight; I could not think that far ahead. I watched May unpack her little bag, hoping it may contain sexy underwear, but to no avail. Then she disappeared into the bathroom for what seemed like an eternity. I waited out on the terrace, watching other couples pick their way through the dark garden as they headed back hand in hand to their bungalows. The romanticism of the scenery made this a place where making love was obligatory. Across the pool, a tall, muscular man cuddled a petite blonde girl on their terrace, his hands confidently moulding her into a state of readiness. As I watched she stood, her hand trailing his as she stepped seductively into their bungalow and closed the curtains. Behind me, I heard the door shut and I went in to find May had emerged wearing a dressing gown and towel that, due to her petite size, was like a second dressing gown. I was beginning to find her innocence as frustrating as it was arousing. As I showered I could not help but jealously and unfairly, imagine what the blond girl was changing into for her lover. Yet as I left the bathroom, I had a pleasant shock. She lay face down on the bed, reading a Thai book and she looked utterly edible. Her slender, toned brown legs were stretched out and as my eyes found her thighs, the naked curve of her bottom was teasingly hinted at and hidden, by a pair of tight, bottom hugging silky white panties with large pale pink spots. The tightness of her panties fully displayed the pertness of her sexy, teenage ass. Above, a matching strappy top, silky, temptingly innocent and deliciously feminine. It was a perfect blend between sexy and innocence that epitomized May. I told her she looked like an Asian doll and it was to be the first of many photos I took of her wearing it. It was much later that I found out that wearing it made May feel sexy. She adored the soft friction of the tight silk on her body, the femininity of the lace trim and the feeling of showing just enough of her sexy body to harden a cock. This was accentuated by her sense of vulnerability, the feeling that she might be grabbed and fucked at any moment. It was an outfit deliberately and painstakingly chosen, to wear for her first white cock. She did not move as I sat on the end of the bed, in just a towel, my hand stroking up admiringly over the back of her taut calves. Neither did she move as I stroked my hand along the back of her smooth, polished thighs. Escort Bostancı Her long, black hair lay to one side and I stroked it, my hand trailing down over the back her silky little top, over her silky little ass. Uncrossing her legs and separating them, I began to kiss gently, lovingly over the back of her teenage thighs, the tautness unyielding against my pressing lips. My tongue moved in circles, tickling her thighs, higher and higher until it brushed the curve of her ass cheeks. May had stopped reading, her head now resting on her arms. Gently kissing the back of her head, I eased the pillow she had placed under her chest down, under her hips, until her Asian ass was raised like a target. My kissing became more urgent, over the back of her panties, the silk so soft against my face, her ass cheeks beneath so firm. My tongue trailed along and beneath the lace trim of her tight panties, getting ever closer to where it hungered to go. May began to make little mewing noises, her head buried in her wrist. I sat upright, admiring the sight of her with her young Thai ass propped up, like a lion proudly surveying a fresh kill, my eyes scouring the perfect ripeness of her teenage body. My hands slipped under the tight, lace trimmed elastic of her panties, stroking the perfect firmness of her pert bottom cheeks. Her mewing grew louder as my cock lengthened, begging for attention, frustrated by the patience of my kisses. I tried to ignore my cock’s plea to rip her panties down thrust right up her and fuck her hard, delight in her shocked cries as she helplessly felt her first white cock ramming into her. It was throbbing with anticipation, desperate to experience an Asian pussy for the first time, but my love for her, my desire for her to enjoy the experience transcended the pleas of my cock. Easing her thighs wide enough for my face to fit between, I began to trail my tongue over the back of her panties, down until my tongue felt the warm softness of her pussy through her panties. Her head lifted and she gasped, my tongue teasing her young pussy through the silk until her gasping grew louder, until her gasping was a plea for more. Sweet little May wanted to be fucked. Gripping her panties, those fragile, delicate oh so rippable panties, I slid them down, slowly exposing her naked bottom and then her little oriental pussy. I hurried them over her legs and flung them across the room, she wasn’t getting those back until I had fucked her. My eyes and cock feasted on the delicious view. I wanted to see all, I had waited long enough and easing her bottom cheeks open, I admired her tightly puckered little ass and below, her young Thai pussy was glistening with readiness. Dinner time. I nestled between her thighs and licked my tongue up along her brown slit, watching her head rise and her mouth sigh loudly, as my tongue delved between her Asian pussy lips. She was more aroused than I had expected and I sucked each of her lips into my mouth, gently at first, letting them slip out from the grasp of my lips. Then, lifting her ass higher, harder, sucking her Thai cunt as hard as I could, her juices spreading over my chin and mouth.

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