
The Shy One Ch. 02



The gang was hanging out at the beach after dark, all nine of them. One of the older guys had brought two whole cases of Lake Mud, a locally brewed beer. They’d started a small bon fire, then sat around in its flickering light, making jokes and teasing each other. One by one the various couples paired off and fell quiet, huddling close to whisper and giggle among themselves, or to just quietly cuddle and kiss. Brad grew more despondent with each moment, as everyone’s boisterous nature succumbed to lust, and they all found satisfaction in their partners, everyone but he, Lisa and Cassie.

Brad could see Jason’s hand up Bailey’s shirt. Her eyes were closed and content. He could see Jason planning his next move, trying to figure out how and when to get Bailey away from the crowd. Brad had been with Bailey a few times last summer, and wished he’d moved more quickly this time. She wasn’t as cute as Cassie or Lisa, but she loved oral sex. Jason had beaten him to it, before he had even realized it was a race.

Lisa and Cassie never sat together when their group gathered. Lisa wasn’t sure how everyone else would react to a lesbian couple in their midst, so they played it cool, unless only Brad was around. Lisa usually sat beside Brad instead, with his sister somewhere nearby. Lisa seemed to like making people think that she and Brad were a casual item, to disguise her fling with Cassie.

Cassie stood up to get another beer from the cooler.

“You can come watch us tonight,” Lisa told Brad offhandedly, once Cassie was out of earshot. She casually took a swig from her own bottle.


“Come watch us,” she continued, after swallowing the mouthful. She held the bottle near her lips, as if eager to drink more, but she waited to finish her explanation. “I’m taking Cassie down to that secluded spot at the corner of the lake. She still won’t go down on me, but you can watch me make her come. It will be better than just listening to her. Or pretending your hand is hers.”

She put her lips to the bottle, tipped it back, and poured in enough to bulge her cheeks, looking at his eyes the whole while, awaiting his reaction.

Brad didn’t answer her. He just stared into space. Lisa was a good friend, and they’d shared their deepest, darkest secrets for years now. He knew about her pathetic suicide attempts and her bad poetry, and she knew about the time he’d been with a guy his freshman year at college, something no one else in the world was ever, ever going to know about.

They’d shared a little of everything, over time, but his lust for his little sister was probably his most shameful secret ever. She had guessed at it, teased him with it, but he still wasn’t openly admitting to it.

“Look, you don’t have to stay long,” she said. “I won’t even know you’ve been there, that you ever showed up. You know the spot. Just wait for Cassie and I to slip off, then follow us. If you want to.”

* * *

Brad’s heart was pounding loudly, at least to him. He didn’t dare to get too close, to have Cassie hear him. Lisa had been right, he didn’t want her to know he’d taken her up on her offer. He hovered in the darkness on the path, a short distance away, trying to peek between the trees and the undergrowth. Between that, the distance and the dark night, he imagined far more than he actually witnessed.

There was a large, flat boulder by the lakeside. Two summers ago he had lain naked on his back on that boulder as he watched Lisa ride his cock for the last time, before ending things the next day. The memory was painfully erotic.

His little sister had climbed onto it now. She lay on it on her back in the moonlight. She looked lovely.

Cassie had her knees bent and her ankles pulled up against her ass, with the soles of her feet flat on the stone and her knees spread wide. Her sun dress had been pulled up above her waist.

She almost always wore a loose shirt or dress over her bikini, even at the beach, to mask the smallness of her bust. Lisa had told him Cassie was embarrassed by her small tits, especially as the young women around her all matured and developed more fully, while she was left feeling like a little girl among them.

Lisa knelt on the ground beside the boulder, with her head buried between his sister’s legs. Cassie had one hand in Lisa’s hair, and the other crammed into her mouth in a fist to help fight back her charming moans.

She wasn’t succeeding, but the girls were far away from everyone else. No one would hear anything through the thick woods. By now they were probably all making too much noise of their own, anyway, Brad thought sourly. No one istanbul escort could hear Cassie except Brad.

Brad wished he could see more. He dearly wished that he could clearly see her face. He imagined it contorted in agonized ecstasy, fighting to hold still as Lisa’s tongue tormented her. He especially wished that he could see his sister’s tits. He thought briefly, wistfully, that Lisa would strip her naked. Maybe Lisa could arrange something another time.

Brad quickly dismissed the thought. He could never, ever admit his lust for Cassie to Lisa, no matter how much she had guessed, or how obvious it was to her.

He stayed until the end, until his sister was spent and quiet, softly whimpering in Lisa’s strong embrace, before slipping away.

* * *

“I could actually arrange for you to fuck her, you know,” Lisa said in an absurdly casual tone. They were walking together up the steep road beside the lake, heading to the corner store together to pick up the morning paper. Cassie was back home, sleeping in.

Brad had made his trips to the boulder a routine, regularly watching Cassie and Lisa together each evening. But the thought of fucking her was ridiculous, and Lisa knew it.

Brad looked at her long and hard. He couldn’t tell if she was serious or teasing him, or trying to trap him into saying something revealing. Every day she seemed to take this one step farther. He had no idea how she could even pretend be so blithe about the idea. Lisa was a real work of art sometimes.

He looked up at the low ceiling of gray clouds stretching across the entire sky, threatening to ruin the day.

“Come on, you know you want it,” she said. “I can see it in your eyes every time I talk about her, and every time I kiss her. I’ve never seen anyone so jealous in my life.”

“She’s my sister, Lisa,” was his annoyed reply.

“Oh, so what. I fuck other women. And more. Half the time I wish I had a cock of my own, to fuck women with. Who am I to judge? In case you haven’t noticed, there aren’t a lot of alternatives around here for you, and I’m not going to service you any more. That one blow job was it. It’s going to be a very long summer for you. You want her, badly. Give it a try. I won’t tell,” Lisa finished, staring at him.

“How exactly would you get Cassie to let me fuck her?” Brad asked, keeping his eyes facing front. He felt unsettled, and oddly detached. It seemed as if his feet were walking on their own, while his own voice carried on a conversation without him. His throat had tried to make the question sound entirely hypothetical; as if there was no way that he was seriously considering the idea.

“She’s already bored with me. She won’t lick pussy. It scares her. At first it was cute, a real turn on, the idea of luring a naive, little virgin into lesbian sex, going down on me. It’s getting tired, though, and becoming a turn off, instead.

“She wants a cock in her. She lost her virginity at college this year and now she’s hungry for more. It’s all she talks about. It bugs me. I’ve tried some cucumbers and things, but the fact is the girl’s not a lesbian at heart. I’m afraid I’m just a casual excursion for her. A toy.”

Brad looked at Lisa with what he hoped was an expressionless face. Inside, he was a jumble of emotions. The idea that Cassie wasn’t really into Lisa made him feel great, even though he knew he couldn’t ever fuck her himself. It had made him jealous to see them together. Now that seemed less important, almost silly. Their affair wasn’t permanent. It was just summer fun, just a passing adventure for Cassie.

“When I go down on her I tease her a lot about cocks, about how much she wants one,” Lisa continued. “That’s usually what sets her off. Lately, I’ve been telling her that she’d take any cock she could get, no matter who the guy was, and then she really gets going. She really would take any cock she could get. In fact, it seems like having any random guy off the street is more exciting for her.”

Brad searched Lisa’s face, trying to figure out where this was going. He was offended that Lisa had implied his sister was a slut. He also knew that it was all true. He’d heard a lot of Lisa’s dirty monologues for himself the last few nights.

But Cassie couldn’t possibly be willing to fuck her brother, no matter what the circumstances. And Lisa couldn’t have told Cassie about his presumed interest. If she had, he’d kill her.

“So what I figure is that I can tell her that I’ve arranged for her to have a secret, anonymous cock come to fuck her. It has to be anonymous, or I’d get jealous. It’s attached to some guy, but he’s just a prop, istanbul escort bayan nothing more. I’ll tell her that she’s mine, and I don’t want her to like the guy, so she can’t know who it is. She can’t look. She has to promise not to look.

“She’ll lie on top of me, kissing me the whole time, and I’ll have a guy come and fuck her from behind, and she’ll never know who it is. She has to just pretend that it’s my cock fucking her. Then the guy will slip away, while I hold her and kiss her and calm her down, and maybe tell her what a good, little slut she is.”

Lisa paused to study Brad’s face, trying to gauge his reaction. Brad stopped, trying to think, and failing. Instead he was picturing it, picturing Cassie’s tight little ass in front of him, with his cock slipping in and out of her willing slit. In his mind he could hear her squeal as Lisa held her down and he fucked her relentlessly.

Even now his cock was straining against his shorts. He knew that if he were really given the chance he couldn’t stop himself. He’d have to fuck her. And Lisa was giving him the chance.

“I could find someone else to do it,” Lisa said.

Brad turned quickly to look at her. That comment had had its intended effect.

“You like the idea, I can tell,” Lisa said, before he could respond. She and he were too close, he thought. She always knew what he was thinking, sometimes before he did.

“She’ll like it, too, I promise, and she’ll never know it was you. I can make sure of that.”

She made it sound like he had just agreed to her ludicrous plan. They arrived at the door to the store. Lisa hesitated before pulling it open.

“Come to that same secluded spot tonight, after we slip away from the group again.”

She didn’t wait for an actual answer. She just walked into the store, ending the conversation.

* * *

Brad couldn’t believe he was really going to do this. He was going to fuck his sweet, darling little sister. He felt like a rapist. He knew she wanted it, or at least that she wanted a cock, but not his, not her brother’s. She didn’t know it was going to be his.

His was probably the only cock in the world she didn’t want, her brother’s cock. If she knew she would freak out.

He felt slimy. Brad thought about heading back, right now, before it went any further. Lisa would call him a coward, but they’d all be better off.

Yet there they were, Lisa on her back on the stone, with Cassie sprawled on top of her, both of them naked from the waist down. Lisa held Cassie in a tight embrace, kissing her passionately, seemingly never letting Cassie up for air. Lisa had been alternating between kissing and talking to her for a while, asking Cassie if she was ready to feel her cock inside her.

Cassie never answered, but she moaned and squealed more loudly whenever Lisa said anything. Brad knew what that meant; that she was ready.

She looked so sweet and inviting in the moonlight. He looked down to where her back narrowed into her slim waist, then spread pleasingly again to form the beautiful, small, round globe of her ass. He watched jealously as Lisa’s hands traveled down to cup Cassie’s ass cheeks, then grab them tightly, squeezing and spreading them, opening Cassie further to Brad. He couldn’t see clearly in the dark, but he knew her tiny cunt was right there, waiting for him.

Brad moved closer, just behind Cassie, to within a step or two. He’d taken his own shorts off further up the path, tucking them away beside a tree. He’d left his shirt and shoes on. His cock strained toward his little sister’s ass, leading him there.

Lisa grinned at him over Cassie’s shoulder. She slid her own legs in between Cassie’s and used them to pry Cassie’s legs apart, opening her even wider for him. Once she had her properly spread, Lisa looped her ankles over Cassie’s, holding her legs firmly down, pinning her in place for Brad.

Brad hesitated. This was incest. This was rape. This was a violation of his beautiful little sister, the girl he had protected since she was young. It was just a cheap trick to get his rocks off. He was basically going to masturbate into his sweet baby sister.

Lisa looked at him imploringly, sensing his apprehension. She widened her eyes at him, egging him on. Brad hesitated a moment more, then surrendered to everything. With a sudden urgency, he moved forward onto the boulder, on his knees. He leaned over the girls, propping himself up with his arms to either side, and hovered there, just above Cassie’s naked flesh. He briefly, gently brushed his cock across his baby sister’s cool, smooth, soft ass.

“Here escort istanbul it comes, Cassie,” Lisa purred. “My big, beautiful cock is coming to fill you.”

Cassie wailed as soon as she said it. Brad couldn’t hold back any more when he heard her. He lost all restraint. He pressed his cockhead against his little sister’s wet cunt, intending to just touch her with it. He was amazed at how quickly and easily he slipped inside her. He hadn’t really meant to go that far, that quickly. It just happened.

Cassie’s squeal then was like magic. It was the most wonderful sound he’d ever heard. Now there was no stopping him. In a moment he was ramming himself in and out of her, listening to the slap of his hips against her ass cheeks, listening to her moans and little girl squeaks and whorish squeals, listening to Lisa ask her how it felt, how her cock felt, how deep it went.

Cassie’s cunt was so tight. It was so wet and hot and tight. Cassie’s cunt muscles clenched and unclenched around his cock, like a hand squeezing him over and over, trying to grab him and hold him inside her. She was literally pulling the cum out of his cock with the strength of her cunt. He had never felt anything like it.

Brad didn’t last long. He couldn’t. In moments he felt his cock harden further, then blast waves of cum into his little sister. He hadn’t meant to do that. He’d meant to pull out, to come on her, or on the boulder, not in her. He’d wanted to save her from that aspect of her violation. But he didn’t, he couldn’t. He poured his cum into her with no will to stop.

He stifled his own groan as he came, afraid Cassie might recognize his voice. He drained himself into her, giving her every drop he could, while he listened to Lisa yell to Cassie that they were all coming together. Lisa told Cassie she should see the look on the guy’s face, the amazing expression he made as he came.

Brad panicked then, afraid that Lisa’s words would incite his sister to turn and look at him. Instead Cassie buried her face in Lisa’s neck, gripping her tightly as she continued to shudder with one orgasm after another. Orgasms he had given her, Brad thought to himself. He had made his little sister come. She was still coming for him, over and over, her cunt walls quivering delightfully against his hypersensitive prick.

When Cassie finally subsided, Lisa held her head in her hands, running her fingers through her hair. She kissed her forehead and made shushing sounds into her ear. Lisa softly told Cassie what a good little girl she had been, and how nice she’d made her cock feel, how hard she’d made it come, how she’d completely emptied it of every drop it had to offer.

Brad wanted to stay there, to stay in his sister all night, but the overpowering feeling of lust had passed. Now that his cock had finally released his tortured frustrations into Cassie, he felt himself panicking. He pulled out.

Once the cold night air hit his wet, cum covered cock, it snapped him into startling awareness. The remnants of his lust washed away in moments and he was left in a rush of guilt and fear.

He scrambled back off the boulder, scraping a knee in the process. Once on the ground he turned and ran up the path, stumbling in the dark over tree roots and half buried rocks. He grabbed his shorts, then hurried further along the path into the woods before stopping to pull them on. Without looking back he continued home, hating himself all the while for what he’d just done.

* * *

“You have to do it again tonight,” Lisa told him the next day at the beach, as they waited at the snack bar for an order of fries and drinks.

Brad looked at her in surprise. He’d spent all night and morning wrestling with his memories of their encounter, alternating between a feeling of absolute elation and a stronger, more prevalent feeling of unbelievable guilt. He’d raped his baby sister.

They got their food and headed back to the beach. Lisa started eating her fries before they’d even paid. Brad didn’t have much of an appetite.

“I can’t,” Brad told her matter-of-factly, but sternly, as soon as they were away from other people. He suspected there was a touch of whine in his voice, too, and that embarrassed him further.

“You have to. She loved it, Brad, she can’t stop talking about it. She’s asked me a dozen times already when we can do it again.”

“Find another cock, then,” Brad said tersely, not really meaning it. He wanted desperately to do it again. He knew he couldn’t, but he wanted to. And he never wanted another guy anywhere near Cassie.

“Oh, come on, it wasn’t so bad, was it? This time you’ll last longer, too. We’ll all really, really enjoy it this time.”

Brad still didn’t answer.

“She loved it Brad. You should have heard her talking about it afterward. All night. All morning. She absolutely loved it.”

Brad stared at her, knowing there was no way he was going to refuse. She knew it, too.

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