
The Stranger on the Tube Pt. 01

Big Dicks

1 hour each way. Home to work and back again. 3 days a week. The tube allowed ample time for reading, listening to music and of course, occasionally, spotting the beautiful women who came and left the seats around me.

You’d often spot the same commuters, arriving for the same train each day from their various stops. There was one in particular that I always popped my head up to look out for. One stop after me. Twice a week if I was lucky. She would appear. And my attention would shift to her.

She was not much over 5ft, short, but what she lacked in height she made up for in curves. She would always be bursting from whatever outfit she was wearing. Buxom breasts and ample arse straining to get out from a mini skirt, blouse, t-shirt, jeans or whatever lucky piece of material was touching her skin. She was pretty too. I guessed maybe early 30s, homely but sexy rather than super model stunning; which was was perfect. Straight shoulder length brown hair was so glossy it shined.

When you spend two hours of a day, with a random bunch of strangers, people tend to stick out. And that’s exactly what she did. In another world maybe she wasn’t even that hot. But in this underground, worker ant environment, she brightened my day.

It was late. Creeping towards to last tube late and I was counting down the stops to home through heavy drunken eyes. I’d been sinking beers since work had finished and was so preoccupied with my hazy thoughts I hadn’t even seen the figure now opposite me slip into place.

As I looked up from my phone I realised thankfully that I was through central London and heading to the northern suburbs. The carriage had emptied out and the scrolling display above me showed a few stops to go. As my eyes drifted to a stop having glanced to the giggling couple on my left and the business man to the right they came to rest on the lady sat immediately opposite.

It was her. I nearly did a dramatic double take with shock. But it was her. Looking up from the floor I took in the black knee high boots that met bare pale thigh skin. The alabaster flesh then hit a black leather mini skirt. Trying as covertly as I could I let my gaze drift upwards. A few inches of exposed stomach before a white t-shirt covered the rest of her. Well it tried. The bra was visible through the material, desperately holding back her ginormous rack.

I felt unbelievably awkward as I eventually allowed my vision to reach her face, a voyeur, but was surprised to see her staring back at me. Our eyes met and I couldn’t help but smile. She smiled back. Neither of us flinched from our momentary silent acknowledgement.

“Train girl!!” I suddenly blurted without Eryaman Rus Escort thinking.

“What?” she looked quizzically back at me.

“Sorry…I. Erm..I’m tipsy. Ignore me. I…I just recognise you from this train.” I stammered shamefaced.

“Ha! I thought you looked familiar.’ I was pleased to hear her respond. Before she added….

“Normally the morning though, huh?”

“Yep. This is completely new.” I tried to relax.

“Good night?” she continued the conversation.

I tried to play it cool and told her about my work drinks, before she told me about her similar night. I asked where she was headed, knowing full well her stop and she told me the station I expected. When she asked me I countered with my destination just one further on, but unconsciously added, that I sometimes got off at the same stop as her so I could have a walk. This was an absolute lie but seemed perfectly timed as the train slid to a halt in her terminus.

“So you walking tonight?” she proffered half heartedly as she got up to leave the train.

“Yeah. Yeah. I think I will”. I jumped up to follow.

We rode the escalator in silence as I thought about why I had just given myself a far longer walk home. Through the ticket barriers she said she was heading right. This was also the way I would have to go now so I nodded my agreement.

As we passed a still busy and eastern european bar we both at the same time chuckled loudly…

“Sunny Beach!” the name of the classy establishment.

“Great bar!” I added.

“The best.” she mockingly nodded back.

I was amazed with myself when I seized the moment and hurriedly spat out.

“Drink? For the road…best bar in town and all…you could have a classy cocktail!” I pointed at the painted advertisement offering beer, wine and cocktails and tried to make it seem jokey.

“Yeah. Why not.” I couldn’t believe I heard.

We stumbled in and found a table inside ordering beers having decided against the cocktails. And we chatted. It felt surreal. Otherworldly. I still hadn’t really taken in what I was doing and who I was with. I wanted to say something about how much I liked seeing her everyday without sounding creepy and so when she opened up with…

“Can’t believe I’m having a drink with random tube man! I’ve seen you looking!”

“What….?” I was genuinely shocked.

“Don’t worry. I’ve looked at you. You know…wonder where he is from, what job, how old? Clearly married.” she pointed at my wedding ring.

I ignored that bit and agreed.

“So true. I always think those things. It makes the journeys Sincan Rus Escort more bearable. And of course you bring added enjoyment.” I forwardly added.

“Really? Tell me more.” she tilted her head and smiled teasingly.

I was about to backtrack and act all innocent when the devil on my shoulder intervened. Nothing to lose.

“Well…OK. This might sound weird…but fuck it. Honestly…I just love seeing you. It makes the trip so much easier when you get on. You’re hot. I know I shouldn’t be perving but hey ho.”

She didn’t reply but I felt her leg under the table rub against mine. This was no accident. I froze as she clearly teased my legs with her boot. She fixed me in the eyes, a changed person.

“What do you think about when you see me?” she probed.

“Just how gorgeous you are.”

“Really? Nothing else?”

“Well I mean of course. But I can hardly get it out and start having a play at rush hour.”

“Right. I’m done.” she abruptly snapped, downing the rest of her bottle and getting up.

“uh ok.” was all I could manage as I followed after her. She was already in the street and marching off. I stopped and watched her go. I must have crossed the line but didn’t see how.

“You walking me home or what?” she then shouted over her shoulder.

I ran after her before joining her in a fast stride. We didn’t speak for what seemed an age and I let myself be led as she grabbed my hand to drag me up a garden path to a house.

She opened the front door and we hurriedly entered her house. She almost pushed me into a small lounge, turning on a dim light and then disappearing.

I sunk into the sofa and waited nervously. She blew back in and shut the door.

“My housemate is asleep.” She stood a metre from me looking down intently.

“Tell me what you think!” she matter of factly stated.

“What…?” I fumbled for words.

“Do you imagine being on a packed tube. Me next to you. So close you have to rub against me?” She stepped forward and taking my hands urged me up. She then turned away and edged back towards me until her body hit mine. I felt her grind against me.

What was happening. Was this real. I didn’t know how to react.

“You’d want to touch me wouldn’t you? But you know you can’t. I might scream help!”

“I guess so.” I feebly admitted.

“Maybe I wouldn’t. Maybe I want it too.” She leaned her head against my chest.

Taking this as my prompt and blocking everything else from my mind I bent my knees slightly so my groin could meet her round butt and pushed into her.

“Can you imagine if my Etlik Rus Escort hand slid round you and began stroking your thighs. Gently lifting your skirt just a little?”

“Show me.”

Wrapping my left arm round her waist I pulled as close as I could to me. Then my right hand found her bare thigh. Stroking her with my finger tips I gradually moved up bringing the skirt with me. I traced them up her inner leg until I felt the material of her panties.

“I have to stop as everyone would see.” I moved back down her thigh.

“Not if I had a bag. Like this.” She plucked her large handbag off the table and held in front of her crotch.

“I’d have to go over the top.” I pointed out.

“Here?” She took my hand and guided it to her stomach and the waist of her leather skirt.

“Yep.” I tickled my way downwards, my hand delving deeper inside her skirt. Again it met panties. I kept going, my fingers passing a closely shaven minge until my fingers felt the lips of her pussy.

I eased them open and felt her the moisture building. One finger found her hole and darted inside. She gasped and then collapsed against me as I began fingering her sensually. I dipped one, two and then three digits into her before I found her swollen clit. I worked it as deftly as I could and felt her bucking against me with every flick.

I needed to taste her. I knew she would taste incredible. The scenario wouldn’t allow for this but we weren’t actually on a train!

“The driver hit the brakes too hard and everyone is falling over.” was the best I could think of. I lay down on my back theatrically.

I grabbed her legs and eased her down.

“Don’t fall on my face!”

“Too late. And hell my knickers fell off.” She lifted her skirt and then stepped out of her lace panties. I watched in awe as I saw her perfect snatch lowering towards me. She came to a stop hovering tantalising over me. I reached up and dragged her the last few inches, her glistening pussy smothering my hungry mouth and thighs squeezing my head.

My tongue probed its way deep into her hole as I slurped at her hot steaming box. She tasted even better than I could have dreamed and I downed every drop of juice she gave me. She ground her crotch into my face as I sucked and licked her clit, her body shaking above me and liquids flowing down my chin.

“I’m cumming.” she moaned, spurring on my endeavours. I felt her twitching violently and then lapped at her now streaming fluid as she orgasmed on my face.

“Fuck!” She gasped as she slowed to a stop and I drained the last drops from her.

And then she was up. Knickers back on. Skirt down. She looked embarrassed. I now felt the awkwardness and jumped up.

“Right. I guess I should go?” I ventured.

“Yeah. Cool.”

I was gutted to be leaving having only sampled this goddess, but also relieved and knew it was what she wanted.

“See ya.” I said to her back as I left the room and then the house. Outside I caught my breath. And wondered what the fuck had just happened.

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