
The Text Pt. 04


“So, what’s it gonna be Sam. You know I love you staying here and all, but you’re going to have to make a decision about Jason. I know this limbo is killing you. And I’m getting tired of Jason’s unending texts and calls. He is freaking out,” Anne said as she refilled my wine glass. I had been staying at her place for almost a week. I hadn’t seen or spoken to Jason the entire time, and he had been doing as I had asked by leaving me alone. I had received one text from him three days after I had walked out. I had told him I was with Anne and not to call me. He hadn’t, but he was blowing up her phone trying to get expert advice from my best friend.

“I don’t know. I’m considering my options but can’t decide. Do I forgive and forget? I don’t think I can. I’m still too pissed. And he works with her, so it’s not like I can ask him to never see or speak to her again, and how could I trust him? Another option would be to leave him. Just get a divorce and try to move on. But I still love him, Annie. As pissed as I am right now, I still want him. And then there’s the whole question of why the hell I was so turned on by his affair? I’m still confused about that.” I sipped my wine and leaned back into the sofa, sighing.

“I can’t tell you what to do. But I can take you out tonight. You’ve been moping, we’ve done the whole ice cream and wine thing. Now it’s time to remember what it’s like to have fun. Girl, go take a shower and don’t come out of that bedroom until you are the drop dead gorgeous chica I’ve known since I was thirteen!” Anne tried to grab my wine glass, but I pulled it away and laughed.

“You know what? You’re right. But I’m going to finish this in the shower.” I slipped off the sofa and padded into the guest room that had become mine. I would have fun tonight, and I wouldn’t think about Jason at all. One night out with my best friend, and I could make the tough decisions tomorrow.

* * *

I glanced around the beer garden as we stepped onto the patio. Anne had chosen a bar with indoor and outdoor seating, and the outdoor area was packed. A band played on a small raised stage in one corner, and criss-crossed strands of string lights gave the large garden a soft glow. Tables interspersed with outdoor furniture gave many seating options, and a few people danced near the band. A long row of lilac bushes along the back fence filled the space with the intoxicating scent of the flowers. My favorite flower. This would be nice.

“Find us a nice spot, I’ll grab some drinks,” Anne said, and headed for the outdoor bar. I was about to head to a small table in the corner when my eye caught on a man standing near the bar. My heart fluttered and my breath caught. It was my high school crush. I hadn’t seen him in fifteen years. My freshman year I had met Corey, a senior, in study hall. He had an on again off again girlfriend, but that never stopped our flirting. We’d had a canceled date near the end of my freshman year, and then hadn’t seen each other until two years later when he came home to visit. We carried on a long distance relationship for three short months when he broke up with me without warning. Long distance was too hard, he had said.

At that moment he looked up and caught my gaze. I held his eyes and smiled. He turned to the group he had been chatting with and excused himself. I stared as he walked toward me, floating on a buzz of wine and memories. He looked better than he had 15 years ago if that was possible. He was easily six foot three, with chiseled features and dark blond hair.

“Samantha?” He whispered when he reached me. I nodded, unable to speak. He was the one that I still had dreams about. The one that got away. I felt seventeen again.

“Hey.” I said, and leaned toward him as he opened his arms to give me a hug. His hand pressed into the small of my back as my head touched his chest. Butterflies filled my belly as we separated. I felt his eyes run down Alanya Escort my body briefly before locking onto mine again. This, I thought, is just what I needed tonight.

Anne showed up at that moment carrying two glasses of wine. She glanced between Corey and me and her eyes widened. “Corey, is that you? Oh, my God, what are you doing here?” She handed me my wine and I took a long sip, letting them do the talking.

Corey was in town for the weekend visiting a couple of friends from college. After a couple of minutes of chit chat, Anne turned to me, “I’ll let you two catch up. I ran into a couple of my coworkers at the bar and I’m going to hang with them for a bit. Yell if you need me.” And with that she was walking away, leaving me alone with Corey. I took another sip of wine.

“Come on, let’s find a spot to sit, I can’t believe I’m seeing you after fifteen years!” He led me to a small table in the corner near the lilac bushes.

Over the next thirty minutes we reminisced about the past, rehashing our year as friends and the short fling that followed. He regretted breaking up with me, turns out his old high school flame had shown back up for a while. After they broke up for the final time, he’d kicked himself for breaking things off with me. I told him about my college years with Anne, and ended by saying I had married, leaving details of Jason conveniently out. Corey glanced at my ringless hand and I hesitated. “Yeah, things aren’t so great right now. I’d rather forget about it if that’s okay with you.”

Corey smiled and reached across the table, “That sounds good, come on, let’s dance,” he said, and led me towards the stage.

The wine and the magical way Corey appeared after all these years made me feel like I was in a dream. The heavy scent of the lilacs in the air, the warm light from the lights, and the music invaded my senses and I closed my eyes and put my arms around Corey’s neck when the band began playing a slow song. We danced and Corey’s hands fell from my back to my hips. I felt his breath in my hair, and his chin on the top of my head, then his cheek. He squeezed me closer and I was transported back in time to the party that started our brief fling.

After the song ended, I didn’t want to let go. Corey gave me one last squeeze and took my hands in his to lead me back to our table. But then he walked right past and pulled me between two of the lilac bushes. His back hit the privacy fence as I flung myself at him. He pulled me close and we kissed like we hadn’t kissed for fifteen years. I pulled myself closer, lifting my leg along his side. His hands were on my back and in my hair, as I reached my hand up the short sleeve of his shirt, running my fingers along his biceps. His kiss was long and slow, his tongue explored my mouth and neck for what felt like hours and seconds all at the same time.

Finally I pulled back and looked up into his eyes. He stared for a moment, then flipped me so my back was to the fence. He lifted me off the ground and my legs wrapped around his waist; my arms around his neck. I kissed him again, longer still, grinding against the bulge I could feel under his jeans. His fingers fumbled with the top buttons on the front of my dress. I felt his fingertips slip beneath my bra and brush my nipples. I moaned and threw my head back against the fence. His lips and tongue traced along my chin and neck, working their way downward to my cleavage. The short sundress that I had borrowed from Anne was thin and I could feel every ripple of Corey’s muscles as he pushed me into the fence. The skirt was hiked around my hips leaving nothing but flimsy thong underwear between me and his jeans.

Slowly I lowered my feet to the ground and slid my hands to Corey’s hips to find the top of his jeans. My fingers made their way to the button, then the zipper, and I reached down to feel his member bulge in my hands. “I’ve Alanya Escort Bayan wanted you for fifteen years,” Corey whispered in my ear. We’d never made love in our short affair. Everything but, since I had still been a virgin. After we had broken up I’d wished I had. I had wanted my first time to be something special with him. It was not.

“Me too,” I whispered back, “I’ve dreamt about you.” My hands navigated into the waistband of his boxer briefs, finding him hard and dripping. I pulled his underwear down enough for him to spring free and slipped my panties down my legs. I hiked my skirt as I flung my legs around his middle again and grinded against his rock hard dick. I was dripping wet, sliding up and down, rubbing against his shaft. He moaned and lifted me up, setting me down slowly on his dick, feeling him slide slowly inside me. I groaned and pushed my pelvis down, grinding up and down against him. I felt like I was about to come already. As the fence dug into my back, Corey thrust into me rhythmically, his mouth sucking on my throat.

A small part of my brain was telling me to stop, but I pushed that voice away. All I wanted to think about was how Corey wanted me, and how he filled me up. I felt his lips sucking at the base of my throat, and his cock throbbing within me. I couldn’t get closer no matter how hard I dug my fingers into his back. I arched my back and timed my thrusts perfectly with his. I felt my orgasm building and bit down on Corey’s earlobe. “Don’t stop,” I whispered, “I’m going to come…”

My body shuddered and I couldn’t stop myself from crying out as I climaxed. Corey kept his rhythm as my orgasm reached its peak and I felt him explode inside me. He gripped me tightly as he shot his load deep inside me. His face was in my hair as we breathed heavily, trying to catch our breath. His mouth met mine and we kissed again. After a minute, he slowly pulled out and I stood, feeling his seed drip down my thighs. I reached down to pick up my panties and tucked them into my bra. I glanced over Corey’s shoulders to see if anyone had noticed us hiding in the lilacs and saw the back of a blue t-shirt through the bush. Hopefully whoever that was didn’t see what we had been doing.

I looked back at Corey who had a silly grin on his face. “Seriously Sam, after we broke up I really wished I hadn’t tried to be such a good guy when we were together. I thought about you a lot over the years. You know, part of the reason I was here visiting my old college buddies was for a job interview. I had an interview on Friday afternoon, then decided to stay the weekend and see what the area had to offer. I have to say, you are a very appealing offer. I really want that job now.”

I smiled, then stopped. What had I just done? How drunk was I? I had just fucked my high school boyfriend and I was (not-so-happily) married. Corey didn’t know the half of it. He probably thought I was going through a divorce and here I’d only been away from Jason for 5 days.

“Look, Corey, I feel like I need to be 100% truthful in what’s going on in life right now…I’m not divorced, or in the process of…I actually just caught my husband cheating earlier this week. I honestly haven’t made any decisions on what I’m planning on doing about it yet.” Corey zipped his jeans and ran his fingers through his hair, then reached down for my hand.

“I’m not asking you to marry me, Sammy. I’m just saying, it seems like serendipity that we ran into each other tonight. I feel like if I get that job it’s something we could explore. I honestly don’t care if you’re married or not. And he’s a fool for cheating on you. His loss may be my gain. I’ve regretted losing you for years.” Corey turned and pulled me back through the bushes toward the table we had chosen as ours. Our glasses still sat there, but there was a man in a blue t-shirt sitting with his back to us. His ball cap Escort Alanya pulled low.

I stopped short, my blood running cold when he turned to glance over his shoulder toward us. There sat Jason, hunched over, head down. His eyes met mine and I could see the shine of tears. He was the man in the bush. He had seen me fucking Corey behind that lilac bush. Before I could open my mouth he stood and turned to walk away. Anne was running toward me, alarm written on her face. She glanced at Jason, then Corey, then me. She took in my mussed hair, smeared lipstick, and flushed cheeks and opened her mouth in awe. She turned to watch Jason walk toward the door, then looked back at me.

“What?” Corey asked, confused.

“That was Jason. My husband.” I said, and ran for the door, leaving Anne to explain to Corey.

I caught him at the front door of the bar, right before he walked out. I grabbed at his arm and he spun. I’d never seen him cry before, but a silent tear rolled down his cheek, and his expression was steely, almost angry. “I get it now Sam. That hurt.” He said, then tried to turn away.

“Stop. What are you doing here? Let’s talk. Now.” I dragged him to a booth in the back and we slid in opposite sides, face to face.

“Your phone. Find my friends, you didn’t turn it off. I saw that you left Anne’s and were here and I was hoping to talk to you. But you were obviously occupied.” He looked down at the table.

Find my friends. Of course. I hadn’t thought of that. Of course, I wasn’t planning on cheating on him when I came here. That totally came out of nowhere. I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. “Look Jason, I don’t know what is going to happen with us. I still love you, but I don’t think I can trust you and I’m still pissed. What happened tonight, that was totally unexpected.”

“What, you just met some random dude and fucked him? You can’t tell me this hasn’t been going on for a while, I saw the two of you, it was personal. It was emotional. It wasn’t two random strangers getting it on because they were drunk.” He scoffed and shook his head. “I saw you dancing, I saw him holding you and pulling you into that bush. I-…” He stopped. “I watched you unzip his jeans and fuck him.”

“No, he’s not some stranger, and I do know him, but not from now, not recently. Remember me telling you about Corey? My highschool crush who broke it off with me and I never spoke to again? Well, that him, and he just happened to be here. We honest to God haven’t spoken in fifteen years until we ran into each other tonight. I guess we got caught up in reminiscing. I honestly never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever cheat on you, but here I am!” I threw my hands up in the air. I was more drunk than I thought. “You slept with Rachel, I slept with Corey, and here we sit. Still in love with each other but fucking it up every step of the way. I came here to let loose with my best friend, not fuck my ex, but hey, now you know how it feels.” I let my arms fall to the table and stared at my empty ring finger. Jason was silent. So was I.

Slowly he reached across the table, touching the back of my hand lightly with his finger.. More confused than ever, I just sat and stared at him as he traced the veins on the back of my hand. I glanced up as the back door opened and in walked Corey, followed by Anne. Corey looked like he was going to come over, but Anne grabbed his arm and pulled him away, whispering in his ear as she led him to the bar. I glanced back at Jason to find him staring at me. “Now what? Are we even?” He asked.

“It’s not like that. Let’s take a couple of days to think about what we want and I’ll come home on Monday evening to talk about it. I can’t think right now. I need to go back to Anne’s and sleep.” I said.

“Alone, I hope.” Jason snorted.

“Stop, you have no right to say anything Jason. I’ll talk to you Monday.” And with that I stood and stalked toward Corey and Anne.

Corey looked subdued as he leaned toward me and whispered in my ear. “I gave Anne my number. Call me tomorrow and we can talk.” Then he turned and walked back to the beer garden. Grabbing Anne’s hand, I headed for the door, eager to get home.

To Be Continued…

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