
The Trespasser Ch. 03


Cecilia woke up in a strange place. She inhaled the now familiar fabric softener scent from the pillow her face was buried in.

‘That’s right,’ she thought to herself as she stretched like a cat enjoying the silky feel of the sheets against her bare body. ‘I successfully invaded.’

Looking around, she found herself in bed alone. The sun was bright outside as evidenced by the strong glow at the edges of the curtains. She looked for her clothes where she had left them scattered across the floor, but they were gone. Sitting up, she saw them folded neatly atop a vanity.

She chuckled to herself, ‘What man owns a vanity?’

After being pleasantly surprised to find to clothes freshly laundered, she stepped into her underwear and ran for the master bath. After addressing her more urgent needs she looked at herself in the mirror. Her state was worse than she imagined, blonde hair was somehow tangled and flying at once. Digging in a draw she located a hair brush and attempted to restore order. With her hair somewhat under control she went to take one of his shirts from the closet.

“What the fuck?” she cursed upon seeing the closet contents.

Standing in the closet, she looked around and half the space was dedicated to women’s clothes. She took a particularly cute sun dress and held it up for inspection. It was a size two, perfect for her. She put it back and checked several other items. All of the clothes were in her size, so it was unlikely they were there to accommodate a crossdressing fetish for Martin (which would have been a preferable conclusion than the idea she was in another woman’s house, sleeping with another woman’s man, thus making him unavailable for her to have). She noted a foot of empty hanger space, the likely home of the cold weather gear Martin have given her.

Shoes lined the floor, she loved shoes and these were nice. Discovering they were all in size 6, a size and half too small for her feet, she pouted, cursing her feet for being too big for this adorable collection.

Suddenly the vanity in the bedroom made a little sense. Turning to his clothes she took one of his soft flannel button-ups.

Martin had some explaining to do.

Wearing only the flannel she went in search of the man of the house bare legged. As the scent of bacon drew her along the hall, she passed a wedding photo on the wall.

Lurching to a stop so sudden she had to reel her arms for balance, she went back for a second take. Wedding photo?

It was Martin and a young, pretty brunette. A very pretty brunette. Irritated malice toward the woman grew in her. She saw that Martin had been younger by a decade.

She finally looked at the other pictures scattered around the house. The happy married couple on vacation in Hawaii, another skiing, one hiking at the Grand Canyon and so on.

Cecilia was jealous. Insanely jealous. She felt a horrible, hideous twist in her gut and a possessive anger, but Martin cheating on an amazingly beautiful wife with her did not fit and she knew she was missing a critical piece of information. At the end of her quest to find the source of the bacon smell she found a kitchen and Martin. She wanted to ask about the woman in the photos, but feared what answers she might receive. Martin was hers now. She had conquered him.

“Good morning,” Martin offered brightly, sitting a cup of coffee in front of her. “If I remember correctly, you take it black?”

“Yes.” his good mood was killing her take-no-prisoners attitude.

“How do you like your eggs?”

“Over medium.” She eyed him suspiciously. “Someone’s chipper this morning.”

She chalked his good mood up to the fact he had gotten laid last night. They both had. She would most likely be riding the same high he was, if not for her mother.

The floor went out from under her feet. Her mother was dead. Gone forever.

Then she found she was feeling guilty about not being more sad. The truth that had been eating her was that she was relieved that her mother’s suffering was finally over. Should not she be overwhelmed with grief?

“Do you want toast, hash browns, potatoes, bacon, sausage? What do you like?”

She supposed he was making an effort to learn about her.

“Bacon always, potatoes never with breakfast, sometimes toast but not today. I like fruit. Do you have a banana or orange or something?”

Feeling overwhelmed, by the growing mountain of questions and doubt, she walked over and hugged him from the side. Was she a horrible person for being relieved her mother was with God now? Did Martin have another woman? Was she a married man’s unwitting mistress? Is that why Martin refused to kiss her? She wanted to forget it all and pretend everything was normal and would turn out okay.

“Just hold me for a bit,” she asked.

“Of course,” he turned off the burner and turned to embrace her. “You okay?”

“I’ll be fine in a minute.”

She rested her head on his shoulder and squeezed him tight. All of the fucked up questions could wait until later. Why ruin what she had right this Avcılar Escort second.

“I was going to serve you breakfast in bed,” he whispered, “you can go back to bed if you want and I’ll feed you there.”

“The table in here works, and I can operate my own fork you know. What’s with you wanting to hand feed me?”

“I like the intimacy.”

“It makes me feel helpless.”

“And you can’t ever allow yourself to feel helpless,” he added.

She did not like to hear this startlingly correct evaluation of her character so she changed the subject. “So what’s on the docket for today, Tin-Man.”

Martin grimaced at her evasion. He was becoming used to her using it as a defense mechanism now. At some later date he was going to push her about it, but not today.


After breakfast they went about their day, going down to the cabin where she lay on a blanket by the lake in her bikini working on her notepad while Martin went about wading in the water with a tape measure.

After 15 minutes Cecilia’s curiosity got the better of her so she asked, “What in the world are you doing?”

“I’m measuring for your boat dock.”

“You’re really going to build it?”

“Yeah. I thought you wanted one.”

“I do.”

She pondered the fact that a man who refused to kiss her and kept clothes and photos of another woman was building a dock only because she asked.

“Give me your shirt before it gets wet.”

He shrugged it off his shoulders and tossed it to her.

Enjoying the view of his muscles, she held the shirt to her nose for a moment breathing in his unique musky scent.

“Your shorts are getting wet too,” she added hopefully.

“They’ll dry,” he muttered. “Can you take a couple of notes for me?”


He rattled off a series of measurements that she dutifully wrote down.

Deciding she would like to sunbathe topless she reached back to untie her top.

Martin grunted. “Can you keep that on until I’m done working?”


“Yeah, it’s hard enough to concentrate with you in that bikini. If it comes off my brain will shut down and I’ll be a total disaster.”

“Maybe I don’t want your brain to work.” she said in a seductive voice.

“I still need to chop some wood. I might cut off a foot.”

“You could live with one foot.”

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t want to ruin my best work boots.”

“Fair enough.” She said her next words as though she was afraid of being rebuffed. “I’m not spending the night in the cabin anymore.”

“That’s good, what I hoped, but I wanted to stock up anyway so we could spend the night here together if we wanted.”

“You want to play lost hiker with me again?” she asked with a hopeful tone. “Make me pay? Oh, I need pay you so hard baby.”

He looked at her curiously for several seconds before saying, “Or maybe we could act out your fairy princess story. For accuracy of course.”

“Of course. Ooh, I need to get a costume.” She was practically panting with excitement. “God, we have to do that.”


Cecilia showered in Martin’s master suite and went to his bed in flannel pajamas. Martin underwent his own ablutions and joined her in the bed where they lay looking into each other’s eyes wordlessly. Cecilia rolled into her elbow and slipped a hand into his boxer shorts. They maintained eye contact as she played with his member, bringing it to full size.

“I’m about to show you what a fool you’ve been,” she said.


“I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I’ve been back, but you’ve been avoiding me. I could have been doing this all along.”

She pulled back the covers, then together, they removed his boxers. She maneuvered so that she lay on her stomach between his legs. Still stroking him, she kissed his balls then licked the bottom of his cock.

Martin was propped on his elbows watching her intently. Her eyes locked with his as she said, “I could have done this every day.”

Her mouth opened and the first half his cock disappeared inside. Still looking into her eyes, he saw them open a little wider, as though in challenge. She drove herself slowly down onto him. He could feel her throat taking him. When she was halfway down, she came up for air before immediately reversing direction and taking even more into her mouth.

He placed his hands on the sides of her head lightly pushing her head even lower. He felt no resistance from her. He sensed the opposite. He somehow knew she wanted him to use her. Pressing her lower, waiting for her to stop him, her lips and nose meet his abdomen and he held her there savoring the feeling. After a couple of wonderful moments she pulled back. He maintained his hold on her head but gave her freedom to move.

Heavy breathes puffed against his testicles while she caught her breathe, then she gave him an almost imperceivable nod. He drove his hips up and her head down. Again she provided no resistance. When she met bottom he guided her up again, but halfway up he pressed back down. Beylikdüzü Escort She left him fuck her mouth at his will, so he moved her head up and down more quickly.

Then she began to firmly pull away. He let her up and give her a little time to breath before she gave the go ahead for him to use her throat again.

They traded who was in charge frequently. She let him have control to fuck her face and throat then he let her have control when she needed to breath. When they established a rhythm it became clear he was not going to last.

“Good yes, I’m going to cum.” he let her know.

She immediately sat up and took control, sucking on just the end while her fist pistoned at a blur. One of his hands cupped the back of her head as his hips jumped at her. Each thrust into her mouth was accompanied by a jet of semen which she swallowed as fast as she could.

After he gave her the last of his seed, her tongue went in search of any she may have missed. When she finished licking his cock clean, she lay next to him and pulled the covers over them.

“You are the most amazing woman in the world,” he quietly whispered.

“Yeah and don’t forget it,” then she whispered, “and I could have been here for you everyday.”

Martin asked, “Do you want me to do something for you?”

“No. I’m fine. It’s late and we’re both tired. Maybe you can be the most amazing man in the world to me tomorrow night.”

After rolling away from him, she muttered loudly, “Funny how you don’t seem to mind me kissing you down there.”


Martin walked up to the baby’s crib. His brunette wife was suddenly at his shoulder sweeping the resting infant into her arms. The blonde baby girl giggled and smiled at her.

“Just like we imagined,” the dark haired woman said softly. Her fingers combed the child’s honey colored locks. “Well, almost.”

She kissed the babe’s forehead and smiled happily at Martin. No regrets, or sorrow, or jealousy marred her raven beauty, only joy as she rocked with the child.

“So perfect, just like we wanted,” she murmured. “But with her, you’ll have three little babies.”

Martin tried to reply but his throat locked. He was frozen, head to toe.

“Stop being a dumb ass,” she said sternly as she continued to happily rock the baby girl as she moved away from him.

Too soon the dream faded away. Martin fought to hold on to the thread of the dream as he woke to a kiss on his shoulder. A kiss with a lot of teeth he noted as Cecilia lightly bit him.

He rolled to her, his fingers played in her blonde hair the same way he had dreamed his departed wife’s hand had teased the baby’s hair.

“Three,” he heard the voice echo in his mind.

“I’m going to visit my dad,” she said.

“After breakfast,” and a round in bed he hoped.

“I already ate. I’m leaving now, I just wanted to say goodbye before I left.”

He finally saw she was fully dressed. In tight jeans he dismayed. Wrestling her out of them would be hard work. Had she worn a dress she would have had a challenge on her hands to get away without being accosted.

He quickly said, “I’ll go with you.”

“No, this is daddy-daughter bonding time and I have to visit my agent to remind him he has a client and then my publisher to sell the new book concept.”

“You have to get their buy in?”

“It’s for the best and I’ve been MIA for a couple weeks. I’m surprised no one has come around to roust me.”

“Okay. I have been getting a little lax on doing my rounds as well.”

“Rounds? You’re suddenly a doctor or something?”

“No. I own a whole bunch of rentals. Mostly cabins for weekend guests, but a few long term tenants.”

“When have you been looking after that?”

“I’ve been working while you were skinny dipping at the cabin. The long term renters are pretty good, they only call if something breaks otherwise they’re quiet. In the winter, the cabin rentals are a full time job, with people coming and going and breaking stuff, I usually hire help. The summer is about half speed; the two of us together can probably handle it. Right now, in the spring, business is dead. This is when I should be catching up on repairs and painting.”

“Do you rent out my cabin?” she asked in near panic.

“No. I don’t rent out YOUR cabin.”

“Oh good,” she released a relieved breath.

“I’ll see you tonight?”

“Wow, sleep in a guys bed a few times and suddenly he gets all possessive.”

“Will you be back by six? I want to take you on a date.”

With obviously fake excitement she yelled, “Oh boy, our first date.”

“I guess so.” he replied not liking the sarcastic response.

“Romping around your house does not count as a date.”

“The night in the cabin should count. We had steak.”

“I was naked while you hand fed me in bed after you had your way with me. It does not count as a date.”

“Sounds like a dream date to me.”

“Okay, you’ve got me there. It was awesome in retrospect, but at the time I was freaking Esenyurt Escort out. And you literally thought I was someone else.”

“Six o’clock?” he confirmed.

“Alright, Tin-man.” she smiled cheekily at him as though he had missed a joke.

She accented her walk from the room with extra sway from her hips.

Once out of the room she cackled to herself, “Gotcha, we’re both hooked, no one is getting away now.”


Later that evening they sat at a table in a local restaurant sipping wine while they awaited their steaks.

Martin inquired, “How is your dad taking things?”

“He’s hanging in there. It was weird.”

“What was?”

“We sat at the kitchen table with her ashes on the table between us, speaking as though she could hear us.”

“Maybe she can.”

“I’d rather she moved on to a better place, not hanging around watching us make a mess of our lives.”

“I think they’re there for us when we need them.”

“I don’t know. This will sound crazy, but I’m pretty sure I felt Mom go.”

“When she died?”

“Yeah, well before then actually. While we were in the room with her. I felt something, then she was gone. I know it took a few hours for her body to stop functioning but I think it was just on auto pilot at that point.”

“How are you handling it?”


Martin nodded.

“Fine. Mostly feeling guilt for not being crushed by the death of my mother. I think because we watched her go over such a long time, I accepted it a while ago. The last month she had been gone for the most part already and before that, it wasn’t pretty. I wanted her to find peace. Am I a bad person for not feeling worse?”

“No. I’m glad you had time to say goodbye. I think that helps. If you weren’t expecting it, it would have been much harder.”

“Thanks for going with me.”

“It was nothing.”

“It was something. And it showed that you do care about me.”

She looked at him as he sat wordlessly looking at her. With her elbow propped in the table and her chin on her hand, she looked stoically at him trying to decide what to do with him. Her feelings for him were very strong and she thought he felt the same way. But there was an issue. A big issue. If only she knew what it was.

Cecelia saw a middle age woman doing the classic talking behind your hand gesture while looking at them. She noticed others were watching as well.

The steaks were delivered. They were so juicy and tender she decided not to ruin this delicious meal by trying the pound out their troubles.

Instead she asked, “Do you know the other people here?”

“Yeah, most of them. It’s a small town.”

“They are talking about you having a new girlfriend.”


“Right now.”

He looked around.


Cecilia smiled at the fact he did not seem troubled by the idea.

In a overly casual tone he said, “Ah, are kids something you want?” after a ‘too long’ moment he noticed her nonplussed state and added, “I meant eventually?”

“Oh wow. Talk about blindsiding someone.”

“I’m sorry, there was this dream I had… nevermind.”

“Yes, when I marry Mr. Right, I want kids, you freaking weirdo. Who asks these questions on a first date?”

“This feels more like a tenth date. We’re already a couple.”

“It’s still our first date,” she felt her ears turning pink. It felt good to hear him say they were a couple.

“Three kids?”

Cecilia laughed incredulously, “Sure, why not. I don’t know.” She thought to herself that she must have done too good of a blow job last night. He had a dream about them having children?

Martin stirred her from her thoughts, “They make really good mud pie here. Want to split one?”

“Of course.”

As they finished their meal her eyes continued to look at him. He wanted to talk kids with her, but not kiss her? What the hell?


Later, as they entered the house, she stepped into his path and looked up at him expectantly.

He knew what she wanted, but instead of a kiss he licked his lips with a pained expression and offered a strangled noise but fell silent.

She sighed, “Come on, dumb ass.” She led him to his bedroom.

After getting ready and slipping into bed, they lay looking into each other’s eyes.

“Why won’t you kiss me? Is it because you find me hideously ugly?” she asked.

“You know that’s not true.”

“No, I’m very certain you won’t kiss me.”

Martin lay quiet for a moment, she let him. Finally, He took a deep breath and said, “It wouldn’t be fair to you.”

“You know what doesn’t feel fair? Being in a perfectly good, intimate relationship with a man who loves me but doesn’t want to kiss me.”

She watched and noted that he did not baulk at the word love.

“Oh, I want to. I can assure you of that.”

“Then why not? I want to kiss you. I think I’ve made that abundantly clear. Is it the woman it the pictures?”

“In a way.”

“What’s her name?”


“Wow, awesome name. It’s literary you know, from King Lear.”

“Yeah, I know.” He shied away with a painful expression.

“Your wife?”

He nodded.

“She’s gone?”

He nodded again.

“She died?”

“Yes.” he whispered.

“I’m sorry. You don’t need to tell me any more.” Cecilia felt relieved, then shame for feeling relieved that someone was dead.

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