
The Ultimate Bachelorette Party


Part 1 – The Introduction

My step-daughter Lani has been the source of many of my hottest sexual fantasies over the years. I have watched her grow up, starting as an athletic pre-teen with a gymnast’s body, through her years as a slightly overweight, self-conscious teenager with mild acne, then her blossoming into a smokin’ hot adult with a model’s face and figure.

The transformation apparently happened when at the age of seventeen Lani suddenly asked to attend a modeling school. She came away with a huge boost in confidence, self-image, and makeup skills. Lani has long legs that fill out pants or a slit skirt wonderfully. Her ass is perfectly proportioned, with just a touch of jiggle under tight skirts and pants. Lani’s hips lead up to a high, narrow waist which sets off her slightly small breasts.

Based on her behavior and occasional comments, I know she is self-conscious about her chest and works hard to overcome any perceived inadequacies. Her wide shoulders dramatically set off her long slender neck with prominent collar bone. Her heart-shaped lips and huge green eyes are crowned by a high forehead and spectacular mane of curly, wavy, barely controlled auburn hair which she always manages to put up into an intricate arrangement.

My fantasies are fueled not only by Lani’s sexy body or gorgeous face.

What drives me crazy are the mixed signals she broadcasts. Her normal behavior is Christian ice-queen, always ready to scorn overt sexuality and judge other women for being too revealing. On the other hand, she will sit in our living room with her husband and her mom and dad and watch a Robin Williams video where he parodies a man on Viagra fucking a woman for hours and then spewing a litre of cum everywhere (actually a water bottle for a cock.)

One time she was watching her rather unattractive cousin swimming in a very revealing swimsuit, and wistfully thought out loud “I wish I could be that comfortable with my body.”

Lani frequently wears hot outfits that say “Look at me, but don’t touch.”

A typical day might have her wearing high-heeled sandals, skin tight stretch jeans that look painted on, a padded wonder bra, a camisole to hide any evidence of the bra, a form-fitting button down long sleeved blouse, and a skin tight cotton tank top with a cross over arrangement to emphasize her tits. Throw in spectacular hair and professional-quality makeup and the package is riveting. She has perfected the way to show off her body without revealing anything sexual such as panty lines or bra outlines, let alone hard nipples. Because Lani is so guarded and private, I always wondered what she might be like sexually, but knew I would never find out.

Until recently, that is…

Part 2 – The Discovery

One weekend I received a phone call from Lani, who was stressed out over a leak under her kitchen sink. Although she was only 24 and married just under a year to a handsome young man, they managed to purchase a small house with her salary as a clerical worker and his income in law enforcement. Knowing that Lani’s hubby was working a long weekend, I knew I had no choice but to grab my toolbox and head across town to help.

When I arrived, I was disappointed to see her in her least sexy clothes – tennis shoes, farmer overalls, and a thermal underwear top. Ugh. As I am working on my back under the sink the phone rings and Lani starts chatting with her friend Katarina who lives in another town a few miles away.

After the call she announces that she’s returning a book to Katarina, and will be gone for an hour or so. (I know that’s going to be at least 2 hours) I grunt to let her know I heard, and she bustles around getting ready to leave.

With a final “See ya,” she goes out to the garage and I hear the car leave and the door close.

After another 10 minutes or so, I take a break to get some water. While I’m drinking the water and resting, I wander over to the entertainment center to scan the selection of DVDs in their collection.

On the bottom row in the corner I see their wedding video and it brings back memories of the great time we had (and the bills we’re still paying off.) While looking over the packaging and thinking what a shame Lani’s uncle did such a poor job on the project (what do you expect for free), I notice another copy of the video tucked in the back corner of the shelf. I pull out this second copy and wonder why it’s almost hidden back there, so I open it to see if it’s any different.

Everything seems the same, and then I feel a raised area under the paper on the back of the DVD case and realize there’s another DVD slipped in there. I pull out the DVD and it has the word “Party” scribbled with a black felt marker in Lani’s handwriting.

Intrigued, I fire up the TV and DVD player and pop the disk in to see it. What unfolded before my eyes was beyond any fantasy I could have imagined. I was about to see the hottest video ever made, and it stars my step-daughter in a role that I never would have believed if I hadn’t seen it with izmit escort my own eyes.

Part 3 – The Ride

The video opens in a moving vehicle that must be a limousine. The back of the limo is lit by a bright light which, from the way it moves, appears to be attached to the hand held camera. Sitting in the seat and facing the camera are Lani and her best friend Sara.

They are dressed in the same outfit, but the choices made and resulting impact couldn’t be more different. Lani, no surprise, is dressed with the usual multiple layers, starting with white high-heeled sandals, skin tight stretch capri pants and a very thin, ribbed, stretchy, sleeveless pull over sweater. Under the sweater she has the usual wonder bra and camisole for maximum coverage.

Sara on the other hand is wearing the same outfit but with a Victoria’s Secret kind of décolletage bra under the sweater, which is so wispy you can clearly see her areola and erect nipples. Sara’s nipples are so prominent that they cast obvious shadows depending on the angle of the bright light from the camera.

Sara and Lani have been friends for many years and always manage to stay in touch even though separated by a thousand miles. Sara is a stunner with closely cropped blonde hair, sparkling eyes, a mischievous look, and a well proportioned body that holds many promises. She turns heads wherever she goes, and leaves a trail of boyfriends and broken hearts, without seeming to realize the effect she has on the opposite sex (yeah, right…)

Sara looks into the camera and says “Are we ready, Mel?”

A woman’s deep sultry voice from behind the camera says “Yep, we’re rolling.”

Sara turns to Lani, they clink some champagne flutes and take a sip.

Then Sara says “Well, girlfriend, are you enjoying yourself?”

Lani smiles and says “Oh, yeah. This is great! I love this limo!”

“Yep”, Sara says, “I gotta hand it to my parents, they sure went all out for us.”

Lani then asks “Where are Katarina and Stephanie? Don’t they get to ride with us in the limo?”

Sara smirks and looks over at Mel behind the camera. “Don’t worry. They’re at the hotel getting set up for your bachelorette party. You’re gonna love it!”

Lani pouts a little, and in a wheedling voice asks “Why can’t you give me a hint about my surprise?”

Sara smiles and says “It would ruin everything! We want this to be the most fun, so our lips are sealed.”

“But I’m so curious about it.” Lani says in a concerned voice. “I can’t imagine what could cost $6,000 or even up to $9,000. Nothing could be worth that much money.”

Sara laughs and hugs Lani saying “You’re too practical! My parents got a lot of money in their settlement, and gave me a wish. I wished to have the best party ever. My parents were glad to give me $15,000 to do whatever I want. I’ve been planning this party for over 6 months.”

Frustrated, Lani retorts “I don’t know… Maybe I won’t like this surprise. If you won’t tell me more, maybe I should just call it off and go home.”

Audible gasps can be heard from Mel behind the camera and from Sara, whose shocked look shows they had clearly underestimated Lani’s strong will and stubborn streak.

Sara quickly recovers and says “Jesus, girl! You can’t be serious! The money isn’t refundable, and it would all go to waste. We just want you to have the best time of your life, a party you’ll never forget.”

Lani folds her arms across her chest and retorts “Maybe you should have thought of that before spending all this money and insisting it be a surprise.”

There’s a short pause while Sara begins to realize Lani is determined to have her way. After a few moments of thought and a glance toward Mel behind the camera, Sara gets a very serious look on her face, takes Lani’s hands in hers, leans forward and gazes into Lani’s eyes.

“Not only do your bridemaids want this to be a surprise, but we have to ask you to make a promise.”

Startled by the sudden change in mood, Lani frowns, saying “What promise?”

Sara never breaks eye contact, saying in a solemn voice “Promise to do whatever we tell you.”

Lani reacts by pulling her hands and body away, saying “I can’t do that! Do you think I’m crazy?”

In a low voice Sara replies “No, Lani. You’re not crazy, but you have to trust us. We want to make this a great day, but you have to be willing to try new things. Trust us?” Sara follows with a slight smile of encouragement.

Lani refolds her arms and says “I wish I could trust you, but you’re asking too much. I can’t make a promise like that.” Lani looks down and away from Sara, knowing this could be hurtful.

Sara reaches out and lifts Lani’s chin with her hand, saying “Well, you leave us no choice. If you can’t make this promise, your bridesmaids will not participate in your wedding. That’s all there it to it.”

Lani jerks her head up, looking in her best friend’s eyes, hoping it’s a joke. Her mouth drops open in astonishment, and she looks over at Mel behind the camera. “Is this true?” yahya kaptan escort she gasps.

Mel’s voice from behind the camera says “Afraid so, Lani. We’re all in agreement here.”

Her face quickly turning white as the realization hits her, she protests “You can’t do this! We’ve spent so much money… the plans have been made… reservations… invitations…”

Starting to get angry now, she almost yells “How dare you do something like this to me!”

In a low reasonable voice, Sara replies “We’re not doing anything to you. Just make the promise and everything will be fantastic, better than you could ever imagine. If you refuse, it’s your own decision to be stubborn.”

Explaining further, she says “Lani, we know you all too well, how you are opinionated, willful and need to be in control. But this can get in the way of really cutting loose and enjoying yourself. We don’t think that’s healthy and just this once want to see you let go and have some real fun. We wouldn’t ask you to do anything illegal or dangerous, just things you would not normally do on your own. We feel this is the best time and place to encourage you to break out into new territory.”

Breaking into a stunning smile, Sara looks into Lani’s eyes and asks “So what do you say. Can you make a simple promise, or do we turn this buggy around right now?”

The play of emotions on Lani’s face is priceless. Anger turning to resentment turning to fear, then finally resignation as her whole body slumps and she looks in her lap and resignedly mumbles “OK, I promise to do whatever you say.”

Sara and Mel both squeal with delight, Sara clapping her hands and then fiercely hugging Lani.

She says in Lani’s ear, “You’ll never regret your decision, babe. You’ve made me SO happy!”

Sara then reaches in her purse for her cell phone and calls the hotel.

“Katarina. Hi, this is Sara. We’re a go. Yep. She promised! Isn’t that great?”

Frowning after a pause “What do you mean? I left the oil in the bathroom sink, getting it nice and warm for our surprise. I’m sure it’s still there. OK. Let Stephanie know about developments, OK? Great. Love ya. Bye!”

As Sara hangs up, Lani is reaching for the bottle of champagne to refill their glasses.

Half-joking, she says “If I’m going to get through this, I better drink some liquid encouragement…”

They both laugh as they start gulping down the expensive bubbly.

Part 4 – The Interview

The video fades out and fades in on a different location. Apparently a large, expensive-looking hotel room with a king size bed and other furniture, and a large arched opening on the right leading to another room in the background. Sitting on the end of a long, low padded bed bench is a slender, attractive woman with straight dirty blonde hair to her shoulders, wearing the same white outfit as Lani and Sara. This woman is not wearing a bra, and her hand-sized perky tits are standing proudly, with erect nipples tenting obviously from under the thin sweater, probably under constant stimulation from the ribbed material. All of this is so visible due to the large studio lights set up around the edges of the room, focused on the bed bench.

With a dazzling smile, she looks toward the camera and says “Are we ready, Steph?”

A cute woman’s voice from behind the camera says “We’re ready, Katarina. Go for it!”

Katarina replies “Thanks, Stephanie. ” Folding her hands between her knees, she leans forward toward the camera.

“Hello, Lani. Here we are getting ready for your bachelorette party. Less than a week before your wedding, can you believe it?”

“Of course, you won’t see this until after the party, but you might like to know what we were doing while you were riding in the limo with Sara and Mel to meet us here.”

“Sara had the great idea to give you the ultimate bachelorette party. We are basically going to guide you on a journey to places you never thought you would ever go, and have the time of your life getting there! We know you are not going to embrace this journey right away, so we’re going to seduce you step by step, until you arrive at the destination. I don’t know who is having more fun, you or your bridesmaids as we plan this whole thing out in every detail. Of course, we can’t go to all this work without recording it on video for posterity.”

“Since money was no object, Sara has arranged for the biggest studs in the adult film industry to come here and fuck you like a porn star. Since you’re a virgin, we will spend plenty of time getting you prepared for this, making sure that this will be the highlight of your sexual life.”

With a smirk, Katarina adds “We only hope this won’t spoil you, leaving you dissatisfied with your husband.”

Stephanie’s tinkling laugh can be heard from behind the camera.

Katarina then spreads her legs toward the camera and starts rubbing her pussy through the thin capri pants and g-string. With a look of pure lust on her face, she looks over her shoulder gebze escort toward the other room and calls “Get in here, boys, and let’s start the interview.”

Mounted on a tripod, the camera smoothly pans to the doorway, and three black men slowly walk into the room and stand to the right, facing the camera and Katarina. They are wearing identical loose-fitting black athletic workout jackets and pants, with red accent stripes. Katarina continues to play with herself while she slowly looks the men over from top to bottom, then begins the interview.

“So, we have the biggest studs in porn right here in front of me. Starting at the left, we have Mr. Marks, then Concord Steele, then Mongo.”

“Are you guys ready to fuck Lani, a gorgeous 23 year old virgin about to be married?”

The porn stars look at each other, grin lustfully, and start high-fiving each other, commenting “Fuck yeah!” “Can’t wait.” and “Bet she’s TIGHT!”

Katarina continues “Knowing how concerned Lani will be, we have to ask – are you all disease-free?”

Concord replies with what is obviously a frequent response “I’ve been checked every month for the past 5 years, and have never had a disease, and always verify my partner’s status as well.”

“Good!” Katarina replies. “And what about Marks and Mongo?”

They each respond with almost exactly the same response.

Pleased, Katarina says “Good. And we have signed a contract saying we will fly you here and back home, put you up over night in this hotel, and pay you $2,000 each to perform as specified. If you can accomplish the special act at the end as we discussed, you each receive an extra $1,000. Understood?”

The men grin and murmur responses like “Got it.” “Uh huh.”

Smiling delightedly, Katarina continues “Now that we have that out of the way, do you all remember the rules?”

The men slowly nod.

Katarina says “No orgasm for 2 weeks, so we get plenty of cum from each of you.”

The guys grab their crotch, and you can begin to see impressive bulges appear under their loose pants.

“You know the order you appear – first Marks, then Concord, then Mongo.”

“Finally, you can’t touch yourself at all, not even to cum. Lani will also be hands free. Only Sara, myself, Mel and Stephanie can touch you since we will act as “fluffers” for you. This will make it interesting when things heat up later.”

Wrapping up the interview, Katarina asks “Any questions?”

Marks says “Yeah. When do we get to fuck?”

Katarina laughs and replies “Whoa, big boy! You’ll have to wait a bit. The girls are arriving in 30 minutes or so, depending on traffic, and then it will take us a while to get Lani prepared for you guys.”

Seeing their disappointed looks, she says “Hold on. I think we need to check out the goods and make sure everything is in working order, don’t you agree, Steph? In fact, I know you like black men, so why don’t you give them a little workout while we wait?”

Without hesitation, a young woman comes out from behind the camera and walks slowly toward the men. She stops a few feet away with hands on hips, and slowly looks them over.

Stephanie is a short, curvaceous beauty, with wavy auburn hair, very cute features, a large chest, and a fantastic bubble butt. Like the others, she is dressed in the white capri pants and white sweater, which can barely contain her outrageous curves. Her tits are supported by a sheer décolleté underwire bra, and are pushing the sweater into the next zip code. The capri pants are stretched so tight you can clearly see the g-string disappearing between the cheeks of her perfect ass.

With a growing look of pure lust on her face, she growls “Come here, boys. Let me check you out.”

The men gather around Stephanie with their backs to the camera, and Stephanie begins making appreciative noises as they begin removing their jackets. She impatiently grabs their pants and helps them out of them. You can clearly hear both girls gasp, and Steph’s head and arms begin moving as she plays with her new toys.

She comes up for air, and gasps “I can’t believe the size of these cocks! Mmm… mumph…” The wet sounds of hands and mouth on cocks fills the room, as you see Steph’s large arm and head movements behind the men.

Pausing from her fun, Steph says “Oh, God. I have to have these dicks in me. This is fantastic!”

Katarina forcefully replies “No! You can’t do anything but suck and stroke. Only Lani gets to fuck them. You know the rules. Maybe we can work out a deal when this is all over, and you can get your fill as well…”

With a huge grin, Katarina starts moving toward them saying “Move over, Steph. I want some of that, too.”

As she drops to her knees, the sounds of pleasure fill the room as the camera fades out.

Part 5 – The Hotel

The video fades in on the limousine interior again, with both Sara and Lani leaning over to peer out the window.

Lani gushes “Ooh! Nice hotel! This must be the best in the city.”

Sara replies “Only the best for you, girlfriend.”

The limousine rolls to a stop and a valet opens the door. The girls slowly leave the limo, and Sara leans back in and says “Here, Mel. Let me take the camera while we go inside, since I don’t want to miss a thing!”

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