
The Unholy Whale Ch. 06


Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, or non-consensual sex.

Chapter 6 The Reality Schism

According to the text she had sent me, Jenny planned to visit by train. She also informed me that she had booked a room for staying overnight, since she would arrive pretty late, at a decent hotel not too far from the trendy Italian restaurant that she had suggested we should try out. I offered to pick my little sister up by the train station so she would not have to walk too far by herself, I figured I should at least attempt to behave like the nice older brother that I aspired to be.

Before heading out, I made sure to style my hair to the best of my ability and to spray on some cologne. I also made certain to thank whatever lucky stars that had arranged for me to have been gifted an outstanding quality suit just earlier today. The man that left my apartment certainly looked dressed as though he was going on a date with a beautiful woman, or at least to an important meeting. And to me—this was important! I wanted to do my absolute best to improve the since long spoiled relationship between me and Jenny… well, the “Simulacrum-Jenny”, now that she finally seemed to be willing to give me a chance. When we had talked on the phone earlier, she had seemed a bit off from what I knew as her normal behavior, but I had no real idea how much this version of Jenny could have changed. I recalled that Azrael had mentioned something about how a Simulacrum would be forced to cope with my influence over its soul or something like that. I briefly thought back to how the Simulacrum of Xue Mei had seemed unable to stop staring at my crotch after I had taken her. Stolen her soul, claimed her… Well, I guess I would have to figure out the deal with these so-called “Simulacrums” as I went along. In any case, I looked forward to eating some good pasta; I felt hungry!

I headed out of my apartment and to my surprise saw that Xue Mei was also waiting for the elevator, same as she had been doing a few days ago. “No, not Xue Mei—her Simulacrum.” I corrected myself. “The real Xue Mei was my catgirl ninja slave now. Life had sure become weird.”

“Hi Xue Mei!” I waved at her while I approached.

“O-oh… hi…” She responded with a much weaker voice than I had expected. She looked immensely tired, as if she had not slept good for a week. Her black makeup was sloppily applied and she seemed to shiver as if cold, despite the oversized hoodie she wore. “You look ummm… handsome today?” She continued in a half-question, half-statement.

“Thanks! Yeah, it’s unusual for me to dress up like this, huh? I like it though! How are you?”

“I’m okay… J-just been having a lot of w-weird dreams lately.” The Chinese girl tentatively answered while both of us got in the elevator.

“I see. Perhaps you should go see a doctor, then? Even I can tell you look kind of tired, Xue Mei. Are you feeling sick?”

“Umm… A-actually I think maybe this could be fixed if we could go on a date together? Like, r-right now?! I think that would absolutely help!! I… I’d really like if we could go out like you suggested a few days ago when you uhh… grabbed me from behind!!” Xue Mei’s words came out so fast that she stumbled on them. While her voice sped up, her eyes wandered across my body, as if unable to focus. She reached for me with a trembling arm, sounding absolutely desperate.

“Let me think about it.” I replied with a smile. “Actually, I’m on my way to a date with another girl right now. I’m really looking forward to it!” I continued, with a laugh. I saw no reason to tell her it was just a dinner date with my sister.

“…I hope… you have fun…” Xue Mei stuttered in an almost inaudible whisper. It was as though I had shattered her hopes and dreams.

“Well, good to see you, Xue Mei. Let’s talk more later, huh?” I said while I pushed past her and hurried out of the elevator. In what must have been frustration over the rejection, Xue Mei bit her lip. Hard. Drips of crimson blood mingled with her black lipstick. To be honest, I didn’t give much of a shit about what was going on with her (or “it”) anymore. Thanks to the powers of the Soul Deck, I could have a hotter version of my girl next door whenever and however I wanted. Why bother?


Jenny was sitting on the side of a fountain outside of the train station, her arms crossed, when I—late as usual—finally found her among the crowd. It was weird for me to see my Korean little sister with normal human proportions and clothes fit for use outside of a porn shoot. When she saw me hurry towards her, her eyes were also filled with a lot less unconditional love and adoration than what I had grown used to, and instead more of her trademark simmering anger at me keeping her waiting. At least that’s how it looked to me.

“You are late!” She pouted at me, her arms folded just under her small chest.

“Sorry, sorry! I had a few things to deal with this afternoon. Great Kıbrıs Escort to see you, Jenny!” I said as I, without really thinking before I did so, gave her a hug. It was the first time I had ever greeted my sister by hugging her, we did not really have a hugging sort of relationship. Well, until I had forcibly changed it with magic, that was.

When I wrapped my arms around my little sister as she sat beside the stone fountain, I felt her body go limp and she gave a small surprised gasp. When I let go, Jenny’s face had turned red as a beet. She sat atop the fountain seemingly in shock while she looked down at the ground, mumbling incoherent words that I somehow interpreted to be meant to tell me that my suit looked nice.

While Jenny was busy panicking over my public display of affection, I took the time to check her out a bit more closely and noticed that her clothes did in fact look a bit unusual on her. She wore a red sweater that tightly hugged her upper body, a short black skirt which showed off part of her thighs not covered by black thigh-high stockings. Her slightly wavy hair was done up in twintails, a hairstyle I had never seen on her before. Then, it suddenly hit me! Wasn’t she… cosplaying as that tsundere mage from that super famous old visual novel?

“Thanks! Yeah, the suit is new.” I told her with a smile. “Nice clothes by the way, Jenny! They look… familiar somehow?”

“H-huh? Ummm… no, it’s the first time I wear them! I figured the combination would be stylish. I-it is, isn’t it?” She replied, shyly tugging at the hem of her skirt while she still sat down, seemingly oblivious to what I was hinting at.

Was Jenny… unaware that she was dressed in a cosplay getup? Either she tried to hide the fact that she had dressed up in cosplay to meet me, or she was oblivious to the fact. The character was so popular that she must’ve seen her before, so unconsciously buying similar clothes and styling her hair that way was not out of the question. Either way, the way she awkwardly fidgeted with her skirt while blushing was adorable!

“Absolutely, it’s a really good look for you, sis!” I affirmed.

“I’m glad you like it!” The compliment seemed to have caught her off-guard. Jenny looked up at me with a big smile, still blushing, and then suddenly stood up! “Anyway, enough waiting around. Hey, let’s go! I’m starving!” She struck an awkward pose while she said this, pointing her finger up and forward in the air and froze in place, as if imitating a pose and catchphrase that a ditzy girl would do in a manga. She held the pose for a few moments too long, just standing there.

“Yeah, I… uhhh… I agree, let’s. My car’s right around the corner. I’m starving too!” I replied, trying my hardest to appear unfazed—I had expected “Simulacrum-Jenny” to act more like the “normal Jenny” I knew from before. From our short exchange so far, it seemed as if the Attributes that I had forced onto her soul when transforming her into my “Loving and Energetic Little Sister, Jenny Sakamoto” had really done a number on the poor girl in front of me. I would be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate it, though.

I took my (perhaps unwittingly) cosplaying little sister’s hand and began leading her to my car. As I gripped her hand tightly, I swear I could almost hear her heart beat hard and fast inside of her small chest.


I led the Korean American beauty by hand to where I had parked my beat up old garbage heap of a car. Jenny was way too good looking and well-dressed to be seen in such a trashcan—heck, even I looked too sharp for it in my current state. I opened the door to the passenger seat and guided Jenny inside. When I sat down in the driver’s seat and started the engine, I noticed how Jenny looked at me with big eyes.

“It’s been… a long time since you drove me anywhere, hasn’t it?” She asked, intently gazing at my face.

“Huh? Yeah, I guess. You got your own driver’s license pretty early.” I replied, popped the stick in reverse and began to slowly drive out of the parking lot.

“Thank you for this…” She mumbled, once again nervously fiddling with the skirt and now also her twintails.

“Don’t mention it, sis, you know I’m glad to assist you. It’d be a long walk from the train station, especially considering you’d need to lug that heavy bag around. What did you bring with you anyway?”

We drove out of the parking lot and onto the street while chatting.

“I’d have been happy to drive you around more when we were kids, y’know? But you had little interest in hanging out with me back then, remember?” I smiled at her while I mentioned this.

“I… ummm…” It seemed as though she didn’t know how to respond to what I had just said. Jenny kept fidgeting with her hands while her breathing got more and more heavy. I remained quiet but no reply came. Instead Jenny continued to stutter nervously, her chest heaving more and more, as if she would start to hyperventilate. She seemed equal Magosa Escort amounts nervous and bothered by what I had just said.

“Errr… anyway! I’m really glad you want to hang out today! You did good at a tennis tournament, huh?” I said, finally giving her an out. I did not really grasp what Jenny had been going through just now, but clearly our past seemed to bother her.

“O-oh, yeah!” Her breathing calmed, as though she was relieved I had moved the conversation to a more comfortable subject for her. “This last week or so I’ve been feeling really good whenever I’m on the court. It’s like, I feel like I’m faster than I used to be! I’m like the main character in that old anime, Princess of Tennis.” She laughed. She always had a wonderful laugh. “You remember it?”

“Hell yeah, of course I do! You used to love that show!”

“Uh-huh! Oh, guess what! You won’t believe this but I… ummm… I started to watch some anime again recently.” Her voice suddenly full of passion, she brushed one of her carefully tended twintails aside as she leaned towards me.

“Really? What anime?!” I asked with genuine surprise.

She listed ten of the currently airing anime. “That was way more than what I was watching!”

“That’s… surprising.” I replied. “Can that really be considered as ‘some anime’ though? I’d say it’s a ‘whole lot of anime’ you are watching, Jenny. And some of them are really ecchi shows too! I thought you hated that stuff? What’s happened to you, sis?!” I asked, feigning shock.

“Hey! Don’t be mean… I thought you would be happy to hear about my rekindled love of anime! I’ve even started playing some old video games, y’know?!” She stuck out her tongue at me. “Oh oh!.. I see my hotel! Do you ummm… mind if we stop by my room there first?”

“Of course not. Let me help you carry your bag, sis.”


We rode the elevator up to Jenny’s room in silence. She had apparently booked a luxurious suite for the night, using most of the prize money from the tournament. It reminded me that she had always been a bit too eager to waste money on needless luxury. Not at all like me who spent my money on valuable stuff such as half naked plastic figurines and digital pictures of 2D babes… She opened the door to her suite and I followed her inside to drop off her bag by the side of the bed. When I put the bag down, I noticed that Jenny had sat down on the bed behind me, seeming to be nervous about something.

“Umm…” She began, while I still stood next to the table I had put her bag on, my back turned to her.

“Yeah?” I replied without turning around to look at her.

“Brother, I… ummm… I’ve been having so many new thoughts and ideas, lately. I swear I wasn’t planning to bring it up because I feel too ashamed, but… b-but after what you said in the car about how I didn’t want to be with you before, I cannot ignore my feelings anymore! I n-need to tell you!!”

She swallowed, pausing to gather courage. I waited patiently, silently, my back still turned.

“Brother, I… I am sorry for always being such a mean bitch of a sister to you! I feel… so fucking bad about it! Just thinking back on how badly I’ve treated you… I feel terrible!!” Her voice broke. She hesitated slightly, as though she did not know how to continue. Then, more words came pouring out of her. “No, that’s not correct either! Fuck!! It’s… it’s not just because of how badly I’ve treated you. It’s… it’s shame, brother! So much shame over how little I have done to satisfy you—to please you as your little sister!! Just thinking about it… my chest hurts! My heart feels like it’s tearing apart!” Her voice was trembling.

Holy shit! I turned around to see Jenny, in her cute cosplay outfit, crying on top of the bed while she was looking straight at me.

“Hey, Jenny, don’t cry it’s-“

“P-please, let me finish.” She began bawling. My Korean supermodel of a little sister did not cry gracefully at all.

“All my g-goddamn life, I’ve wanted to please you. I freaking love and adore you, brother! How c-c-could I have misunderstood so much about myself until now?!” She looked straight at me through tear-filled eyes, confused, as if she was hoping that I would have the answers to her questions. I did of course, but I saw no reason to share them.

“Sis,” I took off my suit jacket and sat down next to her on the bed. “I’m very glad to hear you tell me this. I… am happy to know that you actually care so much about me.”

“I don’t just care, stupid brother!” Her eyes were still filled with tears. “I want to—no! I need to!—be desirable and pleasing to you!”

As she said this she embraced me from my side, both of her slender but slightly muscular arms wrapping hard around me. She lifted her lithe legs from the floor to the bed and leaned her entire weight against me, holding on to me as if I were a stable rock amid a stormy sea. I responded to her desperate embrace by gently patting her head, brushing her Girne Escort long silken twintails with my hand.

My sister getting the headpats she was programmed to love—her soul was programmed to love—got precisely the reaction out of her that I was hoping for. Jenny snuggled herself even closer to me, her whimpering and crying slowly dying out, to be replaced by a content and calm breathing.

I kept patting her head while my little sister pressed her soft yet strong body into me to find comfort and safety. Her breathing was calm, Jenny was at peace next to me. She had no way of knowing that the magic I had used to capture and change her very soul was the very reason she was in need of my comfort and safety. No way to know that her feelings were manufactured—artificial emotions forced upon her by dark arts she was powerless to resist. Naturally, I got hard just thinking about this. Jenny stirred as she noticed how my hard member pressed against her stockings-clad thighs, through my dress pants.

“Sorry-” I began to apologize.

“Don’t apologize. Feeling you like this makes me… happy. I think?” She replied. She then began to slowly move one of her black thigh-high-clad thighs teasingly up and down against my dick, rubbing it through my pants.

“H-hey… we are siblings, Jenny. What are you doing?” I asked, pretending to give a shit.

“I’m doing what I want, brother. Pleasing you.” She simply replied as she pulled off her red sweater over her head, revealing a sexy pink lace bra underneath.

My sister, her tears still drying in her eyes, pushed me back so I was laying down on the spacious hotel bed, and then she climbed on top of me. Still rubbing against my dick with black stockings and thighs, she began to take off my pants with one hand while the other nimbly unbuttoned my shirt. With regrets, I had to admit that it seemed as though my sister Jenny had a lot of experience in undressing guys…

“I don’t care about anything else. Just… this. Just my brother…” I heard her whisper to herself, as if she needed to reaffirm her feelings to herself. While she did so, she rubbed her legs and herself up and down across my hard shaft, pressing up against it through my underwear.

“Fuck! I’ve always wanted this, Jenny! I’ve always wanted to see you to act like the whore I’ve known that you actually are, solely for me!” I told my Korean little sister while I groped her toned legs and tight ass with my hands, squeezing them hard.

“I just wanted to be noticed by you, brother! Please, let me finally be your slutty little sister…” She confirmed with a moan, beginning to take off my underwear.

I took a moment to admire my cock-hungry, now turned brocon of a sister, while I fondled her body. She was still mostly in her cosplay as she straddled me, her pink bra being the only thing that was off-model. It was such a turn on that she did not even seem to realize that she was acting like a dirty cosplay whore for me right now.

I moved one of my hands from her legs up towards her crotch, under her skirt and pulled her panties aside. I was not even surprised that Jenny was wearing a thong under her skirt to her date with me. Whore underwear seemed to be the standard for this Asian slut. I slid my finger inside her wet snatch while she hungrily continued to grind on my now naked rock-hard dick, still using her legs.

“Take your off bra, Jenny. Show me your slutty tits!”

My sister was happy to comply, quickly freeing her breasts from their constraints. She moaned as I teased her cunt with my finger and she threw her bra to the side of the bed. Compared to the ripe melons I had gotten used to see flop around on her, her breasts were a pathetic size, but for an Asian girl she was actually quite big. Her size surprised me! Seeing my satisfied expression at her reveal, Jenny licked her lips; she needed more than just my finger inside of her.

“Wait here, just like this, brother. I’ll go get us a condom from my bag.” She whispered to me, her voice dripping with desire.

“No.” I held her by her hips, preventing her from getting up. “I want to enter your right now. Like this.”

“But-” She tried to protest.

I began guiding her gushing pussy towards my dick, still pulling her thong aside. Jenny was moaning like the slut she had always been while her hips quivered from the excitement, making no effort to stop me. No matter if she was fake or real, seeing the girl that still looked and talked exactly like my little sister changed into a whore desperate for sex and my attention made me tremble. I felt the warm outline of her pussy against the head of my dick; it felt like heaven.

“Yesssss….” She moaned when I slowly slid her wet pussy down on my dick. As I impaled her, she began rocking her hips back and forth, squeezing me. Jenny was just as tight as I knew she would be.

With my little sister moaning on top of me, I sat up and embraced her while she was slowly gyrating her hips. I pulled her head towards mine and we met in a long kiss. When I kissed her, I felt how her pussy twitched and quaked as she squeezed, her strong muscles from years of sports doing their absolute best to satisfy me. When we finally broke the kiss, Jenny held her face close to mine. Tears filled her eyes once more.

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