
The View From the 23rd Floor Pt. 06


The View from the 23rd Floor, Part 6

(Fetish, FLR, cross-dressing, feminization, chastity, reluctant, lesbian, DS)

By ChangeYourPassword

Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

Read the previous chapters, first.

Synopsis: Daniel’s cross-dressing fetish is discovered. Mandi becomes a friend.

As soon as she walked into the comfortable little bar, Audrie saw Mandi sitting at a small table in a back corner, sipping a glass of wine. The place was quiet, casual and dark, and not too crowded on a Wednesday night.

Mandi spotted her and waved.

“Hi Audrie. Nice to see you again.” She said as soon as Audrie arrived at the empty chair across from her.

“Hi Mandi. This is a nice place. Cozy and quiet.” Audrie responded, as she scanned around the room. Mandi had suggested it, and Audrie could see why.

“It’s a favorite of mine.” Mandi said, flagging down a waitress.

Audrie also ordered a glass of wine, and the two of them chatted about simple topics while they waited for her drink to arrive.

After that interruption they continued along the same vein. Weather, local crime, fashion trends, and the like. All neutral topics, that allowed them to get a bit more comfortable with each other.

Deep down, both of them were nervous. Mandi, although dying to find out more about Daniel and his keyholder girlfriend, and Audrie anxious to find out what Mandi wanted. Why was she so interested in her Danni?

After a while their discussions kind of ran dry, and there was an uncomfortable period of quiet.

Eventually, Audrie smiled and broke the stalemate, “One thing that has me curious.”

“Only one?”

Audrie laughed. “Well, the first thing that comes to mind. I’m sorry but I have to ask. Your name?”

“My parents liked Barry Manilow, what can I say?”

And they both chuckled. “He did have a nice voice.” Audrie added, and Mandi smiled.

But, again, things got quiet.

Audrie found herself thinking that Mandi was just as Danni had described her. Bright, small and cute. She was probably eight years younger, probably four or five younger than Daniel. And Audrie liked her.

Finally, Mandi got to the point. “Okay, so let’s get to the main topic. I like Daniel. Of all the guys at the office, he’s the nicest and I thought he was available, so I started pursuing him. I don’t have a boyfriend, at the moment, and I’m horny. What can I say?”

Audrie sighed. She was relieved that it was nothing more than a girl’s interest in a guy. “I understand. You’re certainly pretty enough to catch a guy, any guy if you want one.”

Mandi chuckled. “Thanks. I’ve had several boyfriends, a couple of them lasted for quite a while, but I wasn’t ready to settle down, so we eventually split. I’m still not ready.”

“I get that. You’re young, intelligent and have a good job.”

Mandi nodded and smiled at the compliment, before continuing. “One of those guys was a bit like Daniel, from a personality standpoint. And he was kinky in the same way Daniel is. At least I think he was, or is.”


“Yes, he let me put a chastity cage on him. And play out some fetish fantasies with him.”

“And you enjoyed it?” Audrie asked.

“Yes, I did,” Mandi said cheerfully. “I hadn’t met anyone like that before, it was more his fantasy than mine, but I learned to enjoy those games. Being the keyholder for a nice guy was fun. Don’t you agree?”

Audrie paused for a moment, averse to admitting anything, particularly chastity key holding, to this girl who she’d only just met, and who was a threat to her relationship with Danni.

Finally, she just muttered, “perhaps.”

Mandi just gave her a look, before continuing. “Anyway, Daniel fascinated me, and the more I saw of him the more intrigued I became. So, I finally just went after him.” She shrugged. “And here we are.”

“Yes. Here we are.”

At that they took a break, and a bit more relaxed and comfortable with each other, they ordered appetizers and more wine. After the waitress had left them, Audrie smiled, for the first time. “Just like you, I’ve had the same problem with men. I always preferred guys more like Bradley Cooper or Ashton Kutcher, than the Vin Diesel, macho man type.”

Mandi nodded and smiled back. “I know, right? And Daniel fits that bill.”

Mandi, though was growing annoyed. “Alright, enough about me. It’s your turn. Tell me about Daniel, and what games you two are playing.”

Audrie didn’t respond. She was thinking, trying to figure out how best to handle the situation. She’d assembled several speeches in her head, but none of them seemed to fit the situation. Mandi seemed nice, legitimately curious and inoffensive. But how could she be sure? hakkari escort She didn’t want anything to ruin the way things were going. She loved Danni and was afraid that Mandi could destroy everything.

Mandi sat, quietly staring at her, but finally lost patience. “Oh, come on Audrie. I know he’s locked up. I felt his cage. And I’ve seen his nails and his ears. So, I have some other suspicions, too.” Mandi said forcefully. She was clearly frustrated, and getting angry.

She stared at Audrie for a few seconds, and then added. “Come on, tell me. I swear, I’m no threat. I’m only curious, and I do just want to be friends.”

Audrie sighed, moaned really, and then started in. “Alright. You’re right. Daniel and I are playing some pretty fetishy games together. I am his keyholder and I am working on his feminine side.”

“So how often do you let him out?”

“Oh, about once a week.”

“And in between?”

“He makes love to me with his mouth and hands, and my vibrator.” Audrie said, and then blushed, realizing that she was providing too much information.

“Cool. Is he good at it?” Mandi asked, enthusiastically.


They both took a break sipped their wine and nibbled on their munchies. Both were lost in thought. Audrie was still wondering where this would all lead. If it was trouble, or not. While Mandi was imagining sessions with Donald sucking her to an orgasm. How cool would that be? She asked herself.

A few minutes later, Mandi started things up again.

“But what about the polished nails and the ear-studs? You mentioned his feminine side. What’s up with that?”

Now Audrie really got nervous. This could go so very wrong…

“Um, can I ask you a question first?”


“Have you ever gotten it on with another girl?”

Mandi looked at her curiously. “Well, actually, I have experimented, but I’ve spent most of my time with the male of the species. That doesn’t mean I’m against it, though.”

Audrie, nodded. “Well, I’m definitely bi, so I’ve been working on Daniel.”

Mandi got it immediately. She giggled. “You mean feminizing him?”


“Oh my God. That sounds fun, and exciting.”

Mandi sat quietly for a moment, lost in thought. Then, “are you a dominatrix, too?”

“No. I do like being in control though. And Daniel, seems to enjoy being controlled.” Audrie said, carefully. She still didn’t know how far to go with Mandi. How much she could trust her, and with how much information.

“Oh, you’ve got to tell me more. This is just too cool! What have you done to feminize him?” she asked excitedly.

Audrie still hesitated, but when she looked at Mandi, she realized that she’d have to tell all. Despite her youth, Mandi was obviously not going to let her, or Daniel get away from her clutches.

Finally, she took a deep breath and dove in. “I’ve converted him to Danni. She exists all of the time, when he’s not at work. It was Daniel’s other fantasy. He’s a cross-dresser, not gay and not really transgender. He loves only women, and dressing as a woman.”

Mandi, sat stunned. At a total loss for words. Danni? Daniel in drag. All the time, or all of the time when he wasn’t at work. Holy Shit!

While Mandi was sitting there dumbstruck, Audrie sipped at her wine and waited nervously to see what would come next.

Finally, Mandi asked quietly, “can I meet her?”

“Mandi, this has been hard on her. Danni, er, him, Daniel I mean.”

Mandi chuckled. “I understand. But it sounds so wickedly cool. I’ve never met a cross-dresser before, especially one who’s so into it.”

Audrie smiled, tentatively. “It is cool. At this point Danni is all girl. Since I never see her at work, She’s always my lesbian lover.”

“But with a cock.” Mandi added, giggling.

“Yes. And when I let it out of its cage, it feels good.” And as she said it, she blushed, realizing that it was definitely too much information.

Mandi saw her embarrassment, and chuckled. “Damn; you’re one lucky woman.”

Audrie just nodded. Afraid to say anything further.

“Listen Audrie, it sounds like you and, ah Danni, have a good thing going. You obviously enjoy what you two are into, and I assume Danni does too, else, ah Daniel, would break it off. If he wanted to split, you’d unlock him, and let him move on, right?”

“Yes, of course.” Audrie said without any thought. And she meant it. She no longer considered the blackmail she had originally hung over his head. And she hadn’t mentioned it to Mandi, in any case.

“Well then, it’s just private fun between two consenting adults. I have no problem with that.”

“Good. Thanks.”

“But I do want to meet her, and hang out with the two of you.”

Audrie looked at her for a moment. “Mandi, I wouldn’t mind. I think it would be fun. But I don’t think Danni would want to. I mean, you work with Daniel. I’m afraid it would drive her crazy. She’s already scared to death that you might out her at the office, and that would ruin his career.”

“Audrie, halkalı escort now that I understand what’s up with Daniel, I’m more interested than ever in him, or her, whatever. I really have to meet her. And you both can rest assured that I’ll never tell anyone about meeting Daniel or Danni, outside of work. Please. Do this for me.”

Audrie was tempted to agree, but she knew that she couldn’t without talking to Danni first.

“You never know, I might be able to help out with Danni, or better yet, we might be able to really get to know each other. I do have some experience with threesomes.”

Audrie, having just taken another sip of wine, almost choked on it. A threesome?

As she sputtered, Mandi laughed, “two guys and me that is. But, three girls sounds really cool.”

Audrie got over her coughing fit and looked at Mandi, who was sitting quietly, smiling. Now that was an interesting idea. She thought. She’d never tried a threesome, before. And Mindi was cute and probably good in bed.

She giggled as she thought about what Danni might think of the possibility. Most guys dreamed of sex with two women.

The thought sure had her aroused.

She smiled back at Mandi. She was really starting to like her.

“Can I talk to Danni first. I can’t commit until I’m sure she won’t totally freak out.”

“I suppose, but I thought you were in control?”

“I am. But I love her, and she loves me, and I don’t want to push our relationship too far, too fast.”

Mandi looked at her. “It’s love? Really?”

“Yes.” Audrie admitted, quietly.

“Well then I’ll have to be really careful. I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you two. But I still want to meet her. Please.”

“All right, I’ll talk to her and sell her on the idea, I promise.”


They sipped their wine for a few more minutes, and Audrie told Mandi a few more things about Danni and her progress as a woman. Mandi seemed decidedly fascinated, but not aggressively so.

Finally, they decided they’d had enough. “I really have to get home and talk to Danni. I’m sure she’s pacing around the house, worried sick.”

Mandi chuckled. “I can imagine. Please reassure her that her secret is safe with me. I’ll be a perfect lady around Daniel.”

As they started to stand, though, Mandi grabbed Audrie’s arm. “But wait. You said, you’ve never actually met Daniel? Really?”

“Yes, I’ve seen him, but from the very beginning of our relationship, I only deal with Danni.”

“Wow. That’s kind of bizarre. But cool, too.” Mandi said as she reached in and gave Audrie a kiss. Not just a peck on the cheek, but a real kiss on the lips.

Audrie was surprised, but she liked it. She decided right then that she likes this girl, and would defiantly introduce her to her Danni.

As expected, when Audrie walked in the door, Danni was pacing around, like a caged cat.

“How did it go? Am I screwed? Are we screwed?”

“No, we’re fine. Relax, she was really cool, and I like her.”

Audrie reached out, grabbed Danni and pulled her into a firm hug. “She won’t tell.”

She felt Danni relax and melt into her as she began to relax and realize that Daniel wasn’t going to be ruined. She stroked her lover’s hair and kissed her. Little, affectionate kisses on her cheeks and forehead, and then, more passionately on her mouth.

After a bit she pulled back. “But she does want to meet you, Danni, that is. And she won’t take no for an answer.”

“Oh my God. Really?” Danni said, horrified. She couldn’t imagine meeting someone she knew as Daniel. Especially Mandi!

“Yes, so I think we need to do that, soon. I’ll call her tomorrow and set it up. Will you be able to handle it?”

“Oh, Audrie. I don’t know.”

“You’ll just have to be Danni. Forget completely about Daniel. It will just be three girls meeting for dinner, at somewhere quiet and comfortable.”

Danni knew she had to do it. But she really didn’t want to.

“Danni, my love, she promised me that she’d never, ever, out Daniel; and I believe her. And you do like her, don’t you?”

“Yes. She’s cute, smart and nice.” Danni admitted.

“Well then, I think it could be fun. How about we meet her at The Shadows? You like that place, and their food is good.”

Heavy sigh. “All right, that will be fine.” Danni said.

Audrie kissed her. “Good.”

After that the two of them got ready and climbed into bed. No sex that night, just warm kisses and calming caresses.

Daniel didn’t see Mandi at the office that day, or the next. He did finally bump into her in the hallway and they simply smiled and exchanged a friendly ‘hi’ to each other. Nothing more.

The dinner was scheduled for the next evening, and Daniel was petrified. He was comfortable being Danni, and happily in love with Audrie, but despite her assurances, and Mandi’s casual treatment, he was deathly afraid that it would all come crashing down when Danni was exposed.

When Audrie arrived in Danni’s condo, that haramidere escort evening, she looked beautiful, and despite her fears Danni was impressed and aroused. Audrie, though didn’t feel that way about her girlfriend, at all.

“Danni, you look terrible. Did you even try to look pretty for tonight? It is an important event, isn’t it?” She scolded her lover.

Danni just shook her head as she started to tear up. “I’m sorry. I’m just so scared about this whole thing. About revealing myself to Mandi, and about her reaction.”

“Well, you should be trying to look your best and impress her. Come on, let me help.”

By the time Audrie was finished, Danni was impressed and aroused, but also a bit embarrassed. She thought she looked great, in a sexy, slutty, bimbo sort of way. Her skirt was tiny, and didn’t even cover her stocking tops. She knew that when she sat, her garters would show. And her top was tight and hugged her breasts, making them look huge in relation to her corseted waist. And her make-up was heavy, emphasizing her startlingly blue eyes and bright pink lips.

“Audrie, it’s too much. I look like a slut.” she moaned.

“Oh, you do not. You do look sexy, and pretty, and ready to go out and have a good time. And that’s what we’re after.”

“Now, come along. We’re running late, and you don’t want to keep Mandi waiting, do you?”

Mandi was shocked when she saw Audrie’s girlfriend walk in with her. That can’t be Daniel, she thought, even though she knew it had to be.

Audrie led Danni right over, and Mandi stood up to greet them, still finding it hard to believe. The two women walked right up and Audrie and Mandi leaned in and gave each other kisses on the cheeks. Audrie smiled and then turned to her date. “Mandi, it’s great to see you again. This is Danni, my lover.”

And as Danni stepped forward, tentatively, Mandi leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then turned her head to accept one from Danni. It caught her a bit unexpectedly, but she recovered and kissed Mandi back.

“You look fantastic. Pretty and very sexy!” Mandi said, as she stared at the girl in front of her.

Meanwhile, Audrie had grabbed an empty chair and indicated that Danni should sit in the one on the other side of Mandi’s.

Mandi stood for a moment longer examining Danni, before she slid back into her chair, while Danni shuffled over and sat where Audrie had indicated.

Finally, Mandi looked over to Audrie. “Wow. All I can say is wow!” she said smiling enthusiastically.

Audrie nodded proudly and smiled, while Danni blushed.

“You look unbelievably good, girlfriend.” Mandi added as she turned back to again focus at Danni.

“Thank you.” Danni mumbled, shyly.

But Mandi wasn’t finished. “Your eyes look fantastic, not just your make-up, those blue contacts really look beautiful.”

Despite herself, Danni appreciated the compliment, and blinked rapidly, to show them off.

“I wondered why you’d begun wearing glasses. I thought that your contacts were bothering you.”

“No, we were just hiding her thinned out eyebrows.” Audrie explained.

Mandi chuckled. “I can see how that could be a problem. And it worked. No one mentioned anything that I ever heard.”

Audrie turned to Danni, “see I told you.”

Danni just shrugged. She was still unwilling or unable to say much, herself.

Mandi though, continued with her astonished compliments. She just couldn’t get over how good Danni looked.

“And your body is very feminine and sexy. Especially in that outfit.”

“Thank you.” Danni said again, quietly. She remained very nervous about the meeting. But she couldn’t help enjoying the praise.

“Danni, relax. Mandi clearly thinks you make a lovely woman. Isn’t that your fantasy? What you dreamt of? What you want?” Audrie urged, and scolded, too.

Danni looked at her. “It’s just so hard.”

Mandi, realizing Danni’s predicament reached over and took her hand in hers.

“Danni, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be so forward. I’m just shocked, and impressed, too. You look so fantastically feminine. I can’t believe that it’s Daniel under there.”

“Mandi, that’s not really the way things are. You’re looking at the real Danni. The person at work is her, in the Daniel costume.” Audrie said, firmly. “I know it’s a different mind-set, but you have to understand, and come to terms with that viewpoint. We have.”

Although Danni knew that was the way her lover saw things, and she was starting accept that viewpoint, it was still a difficult thing to comprehend. She wasn’t sure if Mandi could fathom it.

But after sitting quietly, evaluating Audrie’s explanation, Mandi nodded and looked at Danni quizzically.

“Are you always Danni, outside the office?” she asked.


“That’s rule number two.” Audrie added.

“There are rules? Danni, you have rules to live by?” Mandi asked. Clearly interested and excited.


“Go ahead, Danni, tell Mandi your rules.” Audrie ordered. She was losing patience with her. This was going to be a long night if she didn’t participate, and satisfy Mandi’s curiosity.

Danni took a moment to scan around tensely and make sure no one else was listening in; then she took a deep breath before starting in. “There are four rules. The first is, I’m not allowed to touch my cock.”

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