
The Visit: Saturday



The year I spent working as the morning jock at a radio station turned me into a morning person. After a few weeks of needing the alarm to wake me in order to get to work on time, I trained myself not to need it and turned it off. Truth be told, I really grew to hate the alarm sound, so I was relieved not to need it after a couple of weeks. Even though I left that job years ago and didn’t need to get up so early for work anymore, I am still pretty much a morning person. This morning I woke up later than usual even after compensating for the time zone difference; but still it was still early considering it was Saturday.

Sharon was still nestled in my arms in front of me. I felt some “morning wood” between my legs. My cock had found its way between her buttocks for its night time resting spot. I fought the urge to wake her and take care of it. I knew she worked Friday and that last night was a late one–especially for two people who typically need to be at work early every day. I thought back on the night before. I felt we had incredible sex and a definite connection. I hoped she felt the same way. I listened to her breathing–hoping she was still asleep. She was. It was a peaceful sound.

I realized how hungry I was. She would be too. The previous night’s activities burned a good many calories and I had no way of knowing when she ate last–outside of her snacking on me.

I needed to do something about that. I tried to figure out a way to extricate myself from holding her and getting off the bed without waking her. I gently slid my arm out from underneath the pillow her head was on. Having successfully done that, I moved slowly towards my side of the bed. I was relieved to see her quickly readjust, nestle under the covers, and continue sleeping. What an angel, I thought. I pulled my pants on and left the room silently pulling the door until it was nearly closed behind me.

I found my way to her kitchen and began to scout out options. Hmmm. Eggs, cheese, milk, bread, some fruit, jam. French toast? No. After last night’s activities, we needed protein. I decided on an omelet with toast and some fruit. I wondered if she got any of the apples from her students. Did kids ever really do that? About 15 minutes later, I had a large fluffy cheese omelet on a plate we’d share. Toast, sliced fruit, and some orange juice. Good for a start. Maybe we’d go out and eat more later. Didn’t think to look for coffee? Did she even drink coffee? One of many things I didn’t know and wanted to. God there’s a lot I want to learn about her. I carried my efforts back to the bedroom. I pushed the door open with my foot and entered. I stood at the side of the bed, holding the food, and looking at Sharon resting peacefully.

I don’t know if it was the aroma of the food or if she just sensed my presence that made her eyes open dreamily. As she woke, she smiled softly.

“Sweet dreams,” I asked.

“Mmmm. Not telling. I’m glad you’re here.”

“You’re glad?” I laughed. “How do you think I feel? I made us some breakfast. Hope it’s OK. I just kind of made myself at home.”

“You certainly made yourself at home last night.”

I laughed again. She sat up in bed and after I sat down set the plate between us, cut a piece of the omelet with the edge of the fork, and gave her a taste.

“I know I’m hungry, but this is very good.”

“Glad you like it. My friends call me a chef, but I just enjoy making good food and seeing people’s reactions to the food.” I paused before continuing, ” It’s just an omelet. I’m better at other things.”

“I’ll say,” she replied hinting.

“Uhh. I meant cooking food when I said it.”

“I know, but you’re not the only person who can joke.”

God, I love smart women. Sharon was both smart and beautiful. I handed her the fork and pulled out a second one for myself. We shared the omelet and toast and conversed.

We had a lot to share, the balance of the weekend was ahead.

As we continued our minimal breakfast I asked, “Were you nervous about meeting me? I mean, what if I was a ‘creeper’ or something?”

Sharon laughed. “A couple of things. First, I had a pretty good feel for you from our email exchanges. You seemed like an OK guy. You gave me good advice and looked out for my interests. So I felt I had a pretty good idea of your character. I also had my cell phone. And, I had a back-up plan.”

“What do you mean back-up plan,” I asked.

“You probably didn’t notice but there was a black guy near the luggage carousel at the airport. That was Kelvin.”

My mind raced backwards in time. I remembered him. Confident guy, could be imposing if he wanted to be. I remembered that he observed Sharon and I during our passionate initial meeting and turned to leave about the same time we did. Maybe Sharon gave him some kind of signal.

“We live in a pretty crazy world. I’m glad you had someone there for you,” I said truthfully.

She nodded.

“So what’s up for today,” I asked.

“I thought I’d give you a little bit of a tour. I thought we could go out and have dinner, maybe dance, just play it by ear. Maybe a surprise or two gaziosmanpaşa escort along the way”

It was all new and different and it all sounded good to me. Mostly I just wanted to be with her. I nodded.

“You probably want to shower and stuff,” she said. “I’ll clean up the dishes while you get ready. Oh, and thanks for breakfast.”

As I headed towards the bathroom, Sharon gathered the plate, forks, and juice glasses. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her pick up my white shirt from the floor. She put it on. There were two things about her doing this that excited me. First, it reminded me of the very first picture she sent to me after I wrote to her telling her how much I liked her story. The picture was of her from behind wearing a white shirt and somewhat backlit showing her incredible body. When I got it, I thought it was sexy as hell. Secondly and she had no way of knowing this, for some peculiar reason, I find women wearing my dress shirts incredibly sexy. She left it unbuttoned leaving her tits exposed and the bottom of the shirt barely covering her ass. My shirt never looked so good as it did that moment. I felt a hardness growing again between my legs. She caught me smiling as she turned around.

“What!?” she demanded.

“I was thinking my shirt never looked so good.”

She smiled, pushed me towards the bathroom, and walked saucily out of the room. I knew she knew I was watching.

I shaved and turned on the water in the shower to let it warm up before stepping inside. It really felt great to feel hot water across my body. With my eyes closed as I shampooed my hair, I felt a sudden rush of cooler air and then heard the door as Sharon climb into the shower to join me. Her shower wasn’t big, but I’ve never been in a shower where there hasn’t always room for a willing two.

“You here to help wash my back?”

“Yeah but I’m certainly not going to neglect your front,” she quipped.

I rinsed the shampoo from my hair and opened my eyes to see her. I greeted her with a warm embrace. Her body was slippery from the water and felt great. I kissed her on the forehead then moved to her mouth when she tilted her head up towards mine.

In turn, we soaped each other and washed each other. I’ll admit my hands lingered in the areas of her body that gave me so much delight and pleasure the night before.

After she turned away from me, I scrubbed her back. When the job was accomplished I dropped the loofah and handed her the soap. My left hand slid up her side towards her left breast. My right hand slid down her right side, across the bottom of her ass, and into her pussy. My chest pressed against her back and her front against the wall of the shower. The shower head pummeled my back with hot water. The room was getting steamy and the heat from the shower wasn’t the only source.

“Do you know how much I crave you,” I uttered into her ear as I fingered her cunt with one hand and her breast with my other.

She gasped. “Tell me.”

She soaped her hand then dropped it. She reached behind her and began massaging my dick and balls. The slipperiness of the soap on her hands coupled with the stroking she was giving my dick felt great. It was a sensuous combination of firm and slippery. She didn’t neglect my balls in all this. Her hand caressed each in turn then together in her palm and fingers, massaging them. Her longest finger dipped below my sack towards my ass, then back up towards my balls, separating them before running her hand back up to give my dick a nice long firm stroke. She kept working my package as I spoke.

“We’ve only been together less than a day and I’m insatiable for you. You’re incredible. It’s like you’re reading my mind when we make love. With you it’s not just fucking to get off. We connect. You have a gift. You are a gift.”

“Fuck me.” was all she said. If it wasn’t clear how she wanted me by that, it was amply clear when she rose on to the balls of her feet providing me with greater access.

I penetrated her from behind. As my dick entered her pussy, my left hand grasped her left tit. It was a lot more than a handful and I felt its weight in my hand. My finger and thumb reached towards the nipple as the rest of her breast filled my hand. The soap made it slippery and it eluded my grasp at times but I was determined. I let the water rinse the soap from my hand before attempting again with greater success in being able to hold on.

My right hand stretched around her other side and downward towards her pussy. Reaching the inside of her thigh, I soon felt both my dick and her pussy with my hand. I reached higher towards her clit. I quickly found it and began stroking it with my fingers as my dick thrust into her pussy. My finger slipped from the soap and then dipped slightly to feel the underside of my shaft as it moved in and out of her. I moved my finger back up to her clit to resume giving it the attention it deserved. My dick continued sliding in and out of her pussy.

As the water pulsated against my back, I moved my face to the left side of her face. I gently gölbaşı escort bit her earlobe, then whispered low and huskily.

“Like this my little slut? Do you like feeling my hand pulling your nipple? Me fingering you? My dick rammed up in your pussy?”

“Yeah baby. Give it to me. Fill my pussy with your cum.”

“You acting or fucking?” My question didn’t exactly come out of the blue.

There was a pause as she mulled this over.

“Both. Fucking is acting. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

Inwardly I laughed. She had used the phrase “all fucking is acting” in a couple of our exchanges.

“I don’t know. I never considered myself much of an actor, but this is pretty easy and fun.”

I knew our height difference meant that her feet were arched. Looking downward I could see she was on the balls of her feet as I pinned her against the shower wall. I could feel her rise as my dick impaled her, moving deeper into her pussy. The top of each thrust resulting in nearly lifting her off the floor. Was it pure animalistic desire or something else? I felt greedy for her, my motions were rhythmic and repetitive. Sharon flexed her pussy muscles gripping me with each thrust. It felt like she was milking my cock with her cunt. Tightening and loosening with each of my thrusts. Our breathing grew heavier and as she tipped her head back my mouth found her left ear lobe again. I began to suck it greedily as I continued kneading her breast and rubbing her clit.

I was very hard and at the point where selfishness for my own orgasm took over. The sensation of hot, slippery, rhythmic, wet, and the sounds of our lovemaking put me on the edge.

My words timed rhythmically one word with each thrust. “You. Make. Me. Feel. So. Fuck. ing. Good.”

“Use me baby. Fill me with you come.”

That was all it took. I could feel my balls tighten and it seemed as though my cum was drawn from my toes. I gently bit her earlobe as I came, then released it to cry out, emptying my jizz into her wanting cunt.

With each pulse of my cock, I felt like I was melting into her. The heat and steam in the shower added to the effect. The sudden release seemed to trigger a similar response everywhere else in my body–like my whole body was liquefying and would run down the drain with the water, soap suds, and soon any of our bodily fluids. I continued pressing her against the wall of the shower using her to keep me upright as I regained my strength.

She turned around, pulled her body against mine, put her hands behind my head to draw my mouth to hers and kissed me soulfully.

“Wow” I whispered when I broke from her kiss. She put a finger to my lips before I could say anything else.

“Dry off. I’m going to finish up in here. We’ve got a big day ahead.”

“Hey! I just want to double check. How should I dress?” I asked.

“Casual now. We’ll come back here later to change into something different for tonight,” Sharon explained.

After I finished dressing, I looked around Sharon’s home while she finished dressing. I enjoy looking at how people decorate their homes. Looking at titles on their bookshelves or music collections gives me insights to their interests and tastes and these tidbits can be great conversation starters later. I wondered how people in the future will get these kinds of insights with more people using e-books and MP3 players.

I walked to the window that looked out onto the street. It was a pretty typical suburban neighborhood. My mind flashed back again to one of Sharon’s stories—the one where Kelvin set some specific terms for Sharon before fucking her. One of the terms was that she would greet him at his car naked. I remembered reading and how excited I got about it seeing it in my imagination and the great orgasm I had. I wished I had thought of that bit. I decided to tuck it into the back of my mind for some future adventure. I was really growing to like where my new relationship with Sharon was going and the exciting possibilities Sharon provided for living out my fantasies. It was kind of exciting to finally meet someone who stimulated me like she did.

I must have been lost in thought because I thought I heard a car door open and then close. The next thing I knew Sharon came up behind me and startled me.

“Ready to go?”

Turning around and seeing her I was pleased. She looked radiant, casual and classy all at the same time. Blouse that revealed some of her amazing cleavage when she’d bend the right way, pants that showed her ass that I suddenly wanted to bite, and some ankle high boots with a bit of a heel to not only make her a little taller but did very nice things to both her legs and her ass.

“Definitely. Let’s go,” I said.

After we were in her car, I asked her about our destinations.

“Well….I thought I’d show you some of the area. Didn’t you tell me you’d been here before?

I nodded before qualifying, “yeah but it was so long ago I don’t really remember it at all.” After a short pause, I asked “Am I going to get to see Zoo Road?”

Sharon laughed. “Zoo keçiören escort Road. Sure.”

“I think you did more to promote Zoo Road as an attraction than the city tourism department ever did,” I joked.

Sharon laughed. She knew that I was referencing another one of her stories that she wrote and published on line.

We drove past various places and Sharon pointed them out to me. The school where she used to work, some historic and cultural places, shopping areas, her ex-husband’s studio….

“Let’s stop and I can meet him,” I suggested with a tinge of irony in my voice.

“Why? So you punch him out, get arrested, and end up in jail? There goes the rest of my suck and fuck weekend.”

“Might not be so bad–if there are conjugal visits. Didn’t you ever have one of those fantasies of being the big tit chick with a bunch of horny male prisoners?”

“Hmmm.” Sharon mulled it over in her imagination.

If she hadn’t ever had that fantasy, I knew I planted a seed. If what she told me was true, all of Sharon’s stories I had read were based on actual events. I wondered if she’d cross over into fiction and if I might read one about conjugal jail visits. I didn’t think about it too long because we found a place to eat and talk. The food was good and we were both pretty hungry because it had been a while since our meager breakfast. After lunch we drove away from the city.

“Upstate NY is noted for some wineries. I thought we might do some wine tasting and buy a couple of bottles,” Sharon explained.

During the tour, I tried to pull Sharon between two huge barrels in the cellar to feel her up. Then we did some wine tasting, and made some necessary purchases. We pulled out of the winery parking lot and were soon on a highway heading back towards the city.

Driving back towards the city we drove on towards Zoo Road. Driving along, I could see people jogging, biking and walking along the trail, through the woods, and along the water. It was scenic and seemed to have some possibilities for privacy. Sharon told me to pull over and park the car.

“We stopping?”

“I have something to show you. Up for a little exercise?”

“I can be,” I replied.

“I’m actually counting on it,” Sharon. “Bring the wine.”

I grabbed the wine and the glasses and got out of the car and as Sharon did I saw she grabbed a blanket from the back seat. We walked along the trail for a little while and then wandered off the trail to a more private place.

“Do you know what poison ivy looks like,” Sharon asked. “I’d hate to see either one of us catch it –especially in a sensitive area.”

I wasn’t sure if she was joking or serious. I was still getting used to her sense of humor. I checked anyway.


We spread the blanket down in a grassy area underneath a tree and then sat down. I opened the wine and poured each of us a glass. We talked for a little while, enjoying the wine, the nice weather, then stretched out and began making out.

After some serious French kissing as we lay side by side, we began undoing each other’s clothes. She unbuttoned my shirt and began running her hands on my chest. I did the same unbuttoning her blouse and liberating her breasts from her bra. Sharon stood up to pull down her pants but left her thong on.Then I stood, unbuckled my belt and pulled down my pants and laid back down onto the blanket. I rolled onto my back with my dick pointing to the sky. I pulled Sharon on top of me. She straddled me, sitting on top of me without me penetrating her. One of my hands went instinctively to her tit and the other to her ass. Reaching under her blouse, I began kneading her tit and teasing her nipple. My other hand stroked the curve of her thigh and ass. I continued stroking her body.

Sharon bent down to bring her tits against my chest and stretched out her legs so they were on each side of mine. We began kissing again. Sharon began rubbing her body up and down mine. I could feel the softness of her tits mashed against my chest and the hardness and heat of her nipples against mine. My dick was trapped between my abdomen and hers when she began rubbing up and down my body. After a little while she moved to a point where she found the sweet spot that allowed her to stimulate her clit with my dick by rubbing its length. Then she began to press down to find the right amount of pressure. As she rubbed and used me as her fuck tool, the intensity of the pressure she applied to my dick increased. I tried to imagine what she felt—the silkiness of her thong, her own wetness, the pressure of my dick.

Listening to her breathing and judging from her movements and the ever increasing pressure she applied, I knew she was deep into her fantasy. I wondered which it was—the big tit chick with horny prisoner’s seed I planted earlier? Something else?

I decided to let her use my body to get off. I put my hands onto her ass and pulled her tighter to me, matching the rhythm and length of her grinding. She was working pretty hard and I could feel moisture from sweat and the heat of my chest against hers. My dick was aching from the pressure she was applying and it was beginning to hurt. I could tell she wanted this orgasm badly and I let her continue. Her focus and intensity was incredible. She had a goal and I knew better than to try to stop her. It was incredibly erotic for me to know how focused she was and how much her pleasure was being derived by my body and how in control she was in making it happen.

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