
The Woman of My Dreams


Copyright 2007 The Big Bopper. This story may not be reproduced in ant published form or posted to any other website without the written permission of the author.

I will return to my other continuing story in the Loving Wives section soon, but this is a self-contained story with different characters that I just had to finish and post in Literotica. It’s a change of pace from my previous efforts and could almost have been in Romance, except it was just too erotic for that. I hope you like it.


I cannot believe that it’s possible. Really … I consider this stunning woman who sits here before me, perhaps the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. But not just having the looks of a model … she seems to have such a wonderful personality and for the past twenty minutes, she has been making great conversation with me. Wow! I am blessed!

I just cannot believe that I would meet her here … of all places. Here, in this palatial six-bedroom mansion built high on a cliff top not far out of a city that I have lived in for all of my 33 years. However, this expensive home is the venue this Saturday night for a Swingers’ Party … and just when I was questioning why on earth I was here, I met her … this beautiful dark-haired woman.

My name is Brad … Brad Rodgers … I’m a sales guy, been doing it ever since I left university. So much for my degree, I don’t need that to sell things. But I’m happy selling, it pays well and I guess that’s when I’m most content.

I like to talk, that’s how I ended up selling things. I have a great bunch of clients and I really like just sitting with them and talking … it doesn’t have to be about the products I sell, although that helps. No, we talk about the weather, their workmates, my workmates, politics … there isn’t a thing I can’t talk to my clients about.

Well, maybe there is one thing I don’t talk about to them. My personal life … I don’t usually talk to my clients about that … cause it sucks. I’m married … five years now … I bet it won’t last another five. Might not last another week after this disastrous night.

Here was I starting to tell you about this wonderful woman I have just met and now I’ve got sidetracked. I’m going to have to explain about my wife Heather to you first, just so you will know why I am at this magnificent house at a Swingers’ Party while my dear devoted wife moves from room to room fucking every man she sees.

I met Heather at a bar seven years ago, seems pretty appropriate now … now that I know so much more about her. But then … well, then I was 26 and I was smitten. I was out with the sales team from the office. We were having a pretty good night, knocking back some cold ones to celebrate my setting some new sales records for the company.

Just across the bar was a group of about ten young women … turns out they were on a Hen’s Night, celebrating the coming marriage of one of their friends. She – Heather – was to be one of the bridesmaids. She was blonde, quite a good-looking girl, I guessed that she was about the same age as me. She stood out from the rest, at least as far I was concerned. I had my eye on her from around the fourth round of drinks.

It’s true you know, at the risk of sounding chauvinistic, the women in a bar do get better looking the more you drink. But not just women looking better in men’s eyes … I guess the men look better to the women too.

Anyway, after a while, I found that she was looking back at me as much as I was checking her out. Eventually, I worked my way across to the group, threw in a couple of okay pick-up lines that seemed to work (I was better at it then) and the next thing I know, she’s moved over to our group and she’s sitting on my knee.

Anyway, I got a cab and took her home, thought I might have been a chance. But she played it very straight, turned her cheek toward me when I went to kiss her at her front door and I was back in the cab before I knew what had happened.

That’s pretty much how it went for the first month. Despite her being very rowdy and life of the party in the bar that night, I found Heather to be very shy and demure and it was about our tenth date before I managed to get her bra off and get my mouth on those ample 36D’s.

In fact, it was a full six months before we got to have sex. It wasn’t mind-blowing sex, but it was good and I sure appreciated it because I hadn’t strayed while I had been dating Heather so I was raring to go.

Twelve months after we met in that bar, I plucked up the courage to propose and another year on, we were married. That’s when Heather changed. It was quite remarkable, before the end of our Hawaiian honeymoon, I felt like I had married a different woman. Did she really want a ring on her finger that badly that she would go through a two-year charade of being innocently sweet and chaste.

By the end of our 10-day honeymoon, escort bayan she had become a sexpot … hot as curry. She wanted to do it rolling around in the surf by day, at night on Waikiki beach, even after midnight in the hotel pool. When we did do it in our room, we would do it standing up against a wall or doggie over the table … and she wanted anal too. I just could not believe the transformation that came over this woman just because we both said I do.

Don’t get me wrong … at the time, I wasn’t complaining. I was in for every thing she wanted to do and I couldn’t believe how lucky I had become. That was until…

I guess our marriage was about six months old when I first suspected that she was either getting a casual bit on the side or … perhaps even having a full-on affair with someone. At first, it was just the odd night going out with the girls … or telling me she had to work late. They were the subtle signs.

Then it became more obvious to me. She always threw her used underwear on the bathroom floor for washing later … we hadn’t yet bought a clothes hamper. I don’t know what drew me to them but one morning after one of her late nights out, I picked up her soiled panties and the crotch appeared to have dried cum stains … quite a lot of it.

I let it go that first time, not wanting to admit that I was such a suspicious character that I was checking out her soiled underwear, but when I found a similar result two weeks later, I knew I had to have it out with her. I challenged her, voiced all of my suspicions. Of course, she vehemently denied it, told me I was sick for checking her panties. Attack is the best form of defence and she used it all.

From that day on, I knew the marriage was in trouble. Somehow, we struggled on for another four years … who knows why and I know, you’re reading this and saying what a dickhead that Brad Rodgers is. Heather never changed her ways, just continued on doing whatever she wanted. It’s not like she stopped having sex with me … that was still pretty much full on in our bed. We weren’t climbing the walls any more, and no adventurous couplings outside the house … at least not for me.

So there you have my story up until now. So why am I here in this luxury mansion at a Swingers’ Party? Heather’s idea, of course! She had wanted to go to one for some time. At first I resisted, fearing that by going to one of these nights would be driving the last nail into our marriage coffin.

When she suggested this night about a week ago, I just decided that I had been through enough with this woman. I didn’t really love her anymore, so I decided to leave the marriage. But since she wanted to go, I might as well go too and at least get myself laid … with another woman.

We arrived at this house about 7pm, there were cocktails on the terrace, then we all went inside to a large dining room where a two-course dinner, with wine, was served. There were six couples and we didn’t get around to meeting them all over drinks and dinner. Heather seemed content to mix with just two couples that she seemed to already know, although I had not come across them before.

While Heather made small talk with the two couples nearest us, I did notice the striking woman with the model looks at the far end of the table and determined that it would be good to meet her. She had jet-black hair, very straight and shiny and it flowed to just touch her shoulders, her sleek black dress matched her hair. She seemed to talk easily with the other guests, although didn’t seem to be paying much attention to the man on one side of her. I figured that she probably came here with him, that was an encouraging sign if I was lucky enough to meet her later in the night.

The host rose to make a speech, welcoming us all to his home … he started spelling out the ground rules for the coming night of swinging. I’d had a few drinks by this and, wouldn’t you know it, suddenly I’m busting to have a piss. I tried crossing my legs and thinking about sex with that striking brunette at the other end of the table … anything to get my mind off a trip to the bathroom.

But it was inevitable, I would have to go now because I figured when he finished speaking, everyone would start pairing up and I didn’t want to miss out. It seemed like his speech had heaps to go, so I pushed back my chair as quietly as possible and tried to slip away unnoticed. Heather gave me a scathing look … like as if I could control when I needed to go to the toilet. Boy, that woman … every thing she does now pisses me off.

With great relief, I found the bathroom … probably in a mansion this size, it was just a bathroom of many. My bladder relieved and hands washed, I returned to the dining room. The table of 12 that I had just left was now a table of 3 … two women and a man. I figured that he was probably married to one of bursa vip escort them, so there was not going to be any choice in my first experience at swinging.

Heather had gone … to some bedroom, goodness knows which one and I didn’t really care. So had the two couples who had been sitting with us. Whether the five of them were together, I didn’t know. Most importantly, the ravishing brunette at the end of the table had gone too … somebody had got to her first. Lucky stiff!

As I made my way back into the room and headed toward the remaining threesome, one of the women turned and smiled brightly. “Oh, here he is now. I’m so glad you’ve come back, I was beginning to feel very left out.” Standing and proffering her hand to greet me, she told me “My name is Barbara … and you are?”

“Brad,” I said, shaking her hand, not knowing whether it was protocol to kiss her since it was looking like she was my anointed first sex partner of the night.

Barbara half turned toward the couple with her. “This is my husband John and his new friend… um … I’m so sorry, I missed your name.”

John stood and the other woman rose and spoke, “I’m Jeanette, how do you do?”

I shook hands with each of them, acknowledging them each by name as I shook. “Barbara … John … Jeanette. So what’s happening?”

Barbara became a spokesperson for the trio. “Well, it seems that while you were gone, everybody paired up and there’s just us left. John and Jeanette are ready to go and fuck, but they kindly waited with me so I wasn’t left alone. I guess it’s you and me first up.”

She had been talking all very fancy, with a plum in her throat. She was sounding like a sophisticated society person so naturally I was stunned when her la-de-da vocabulary suddenly told me John and Jeanette are ready to go and fuck. I was so bemused by all of this that I flippantly replied, “Well, I suppose a fuck’s a possibility for us then.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” said Barbara and took my hand. “Let’s claim a bedroom before John and his friend … um … what’s her name.”

With that brief introduction, Barbara and I found a bedroom that wasn’t occupied and I proceeded to fuck a woman that I had only met five minutes ago … a surreal experience. It wasn’t earth-shattering sex, but with five minutes of foreplay in which I sucked her breasts and fingered her clit and cunt, we were both able to get our rocks off with considerable satisfaction.

When I rolled off her for us to bask in the after-glow, she promptly sat up, pulled her panties back on, grabbed her dress and bra and disappeared out the bedroom door. Without even a ‘Thank you’ or ‘That was good’ or whatever it is that swingers say at a time like that.

Where she went to so quickly, I have no idea. Nor do I know if that was a typical reaction, because that was the only fuck I got that night at the Swingers’ Party. I lay there for about 10 minutes, dwelling on what had just happened, considering how I had just had my first adulterous sex in the five years of my deteriorating marriage. How did that make me feel? Numb really, when I thought of how rapidly my partner had departed the scene.

I didn’t know if I was supposed to just lie there until another woman walked in, something like musical rooms. When nothing happened, I got dressed and went back down to the dining room. Naturally, there was nobody around, not even Barbara, so it appeared that she had crashed her way into another bedroom. I walked back out onto the terrace where we had earlier had cocktails. As I sat down to breathe in the fresh sea breeze, a waiter appeared.

“We were just packing up sir, but I thought you may like a drink before we go.”

“Thank you,” I told him and placed my order. I gazed out over the moonlit rolling surf that thundered in at the base of the cliff on which the house stood. The waiter returned with my drink and I took a sip and watched him depart through the French doors back into the house. My attention was still directed to those doors when a moment later, a vision appeared.

It was the striking dark-haired beauty from the far end of the table. Yes, the woman I told you about in the first paragraph of this story. Most definitely, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Hold on, I better qualify that … that was a very bold statement. I better describe her as the most beautiful woman that I had ever been this close to.

“Oh!” she said, surprised to see me sitting here on the terrace while all that fucking was going on in the bedrooms just one floor above us. “I didn’t expect to see anybody out here.”

“Neither did I,” I told her, standing and offering my hand. “I’m Brad … Brad Rodgers.”

“Oh, how do you do, Brad. I am Jacqueline.” Her voice was almost lyrical, as romantic as her name. If she had continued talking, I would not have bursa elit escort heard the words. I held onto her hand far too long as I admired her beautiful face, elfin like within the frame of her sleek black hair flowing shoulder-length. Her make-up was sparse, not overdone, so her beauty appeared more natural.

“You are welcome to join me, please have a seat.”

“Just to talk … I would love to,” she replied and I nodded agreement.

She sat opposite me in an upright chair, her sleek black figure-hugging dress riding up above her knees and she daintily folded one leg over the other.

What is the first thing you say to a beautiful woman like this at a Swingers’ Party? ‘Have you been upstairs yet?’ It may have been tempting to use as an opening line, but I didn’t. We made small talk for about twenty minutes, in which time I got to appreciate her vibrant personality, the ease with which she communicated. Then, when I felt more confident with her, I decided to use the line. “Have you been upstairs yet?”

She lowered her face demurely and softly whispered, “Yes … briefly. I don’t think this is for me.” She was getting in early, telegraphing a warning to me to not get any ideas about us returning to one of the bedrooms. “And you?” she asked.

“Yes I have … I think I might have had the same reaction as you,” I told her, seeking to reassure her that my intentions were honourable, at least at this time. This was a woman that you needed to get to know before you go jumping her.

“Is this your first time at one of these?” she asked me.

“Yes it is … what about you?”

“First and last, I’d say.”

That was the reaction that I wanted to hear from her lips. We had only just met, but if I were to pursue this woman and develop a relationship with her, I didn’t want another partner who was eager to put it around for everyone to have a piece.

“Sounds like it wasn’t your idea to come here?”

“No … my partner Barry has been pressing me to do this for months. I told him if he wanted to come here so much, then he should come on his own. He told me they wouldn’t let him in if he was single.”

“Why did you relent if you were so against swinging?”

“I got so sick of the arguments about why I wouldn’t do it. In the end, I only agreed just to shut him up. I thought that I could bluff my way through it, but when I got here tonight and saw all the men undressing me with their eyes, I realised that I couldn’t go through with it. Present company excluded of course … actually I don’t think I saw you outside. Did you get here late?”

“Wow, thanks. I really made a big impression. No, I was here on time.”

Jacqueline reached out with her hand and lightly touched my arm and I felt the heat from her. It was a nice gesture of affection. “No, please don’t get me wrong. I thought that I had met all of the men out here on the terrace before dinner … but now I realise that we haven’t met until just now.”

“You’re right, we didn’t meet earlier, but I did notice you at the table all through dinner. I could barely take my eyes off you. You truly are a beautiful woman.”

“Oh thank you,” she smiled and her whole face lit up. “You are so sweet. I am afraid I didn’t look around much at dinner. When everyone came in from the terrace, Barry and I hung back out there and we had a fierce argument. I told him that I wouldn’t go with any of the men here tonight. He was furious, he called me all sorts of names. Then he realised that he had gone too far, so he tried sweet-talking me. I was determined I wasn’t doing it.”

“So what did you do? I was the last to leave the dining room and you had gone by then.”

“When he saw how determined I was not to have another man, he said it would be okay if I went with a woman. I said no way … I was stunned that he would even suggest it. Anyway, he kept on and on at me, told me that we would both be kicked out if I didn’t do something with someone.”

“So you agreed to go with a woman?”

She nodded and I felt my cock lurch inside my pants at the thought of it.

“Was that your first time … with a woman, I mean?” I was curious.

She nodded again, then whispered “Yes!” so very softly.

“How did it go?”

She smiled slightly and nodded again. “Yes, it was alright. I don’t know if I would want to do it again, but it was an experience … and I did climax, so I feel quite good now.”

My cock jerked again. I could not believe this was happening. I had only just met this most beautiful woman, only minutes ago … and here she was, relating her first lesbian experience to me. Go figure!

“So you’re not going back upstairs?”

“No I’m not … not with anyone. Sorry Brad.” She must have figured that I looked like I thought I was a chance with her. She was possibly right, my face was probably indicating that I wanted to go straight back upstairs with her … I know my cock was.

I tried to reassure her that I was different. “No, it’s okay … don’t get me wrong … I didn’t mean that I wanted to race off upstairs with you.”

“Why not, every other man looked to have that on his mind … why are you so different?”

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