


Everyone is 18, consenting, and fictional.


Got a story for ya, boys n’ girls. It starts off with a dude passing out in a campfire (a la Survivor season 2) but it gets a lot more uplifting from there. Particularly if you like the idea of compulsory, matronly mothers who can appreciate their son’s virility. And you agree with Burt Reynolds when he said (in Boogie Nights) “We gotta have the big dickkks… the big titttttsss”. I’ve got some of that for ya. And if bathroom scenes are your thing, or voyeuristic tendencies, or the tension that occurs when both parties aren’t too sure if this is a good idea or not…

I got ya covered. And I do mean covered.

My name’s Robbie. And I fell in a campfire a few years ago. It was early and I thought I’d be Ranger Rick and rekindle the fire before everyone woke for breakfast. Was a summer thing following High School to teach us self-sufficiency as well as group dependability, now that we’re going out into the real world (was my mom’s idea. And yes, she felt bad about it afterwards). So I figure I’m accomplishing both those things by blowing in this fire.

Only, I pass out for a sec from the smoke. Just like in Survivor (and hey, that dude killed a boar, so I could be lamer, okay?). My body’s wiser than I am so I got my hands out in front of me before landing my face in there. But by the time I’m done blinking myself awake — my hands are pretty fried and my forearms too. The river was right beside us so it could have been worse.

So, doctors and all that and I’m back at home. Bandages all up my forearms and mummifying up my hands to such a degree that I can’t use them for anything. I’ve got my thumbs out but that’s it. By far the most severe problem that created was… I was an 18yr old virgin with a 10inch non-stop throbbing Cock! Ten to twelve days like this they said. Can’t touch my boner… for 10-12 days. Fantastic.

The first problem occurred the next morning. No work for me the next several weeks so I sleep in, right. But Mom’s got to check on me, make sure I’m okay the way I’m situated in bed. I finally arise around noon and see her standing there. The most obvious thing in the room is the pitched tent between us.

The morning wood is always there. Only, normally my mom isn’t in there with it.

She’s in her running attire… which I have to admit, looks pretty sexy on her 36 year old frame. I mean, she’s sorta stacked… store boughts. She got ’em when I was 12 for her 30th birthday. Went to the best doctor on the West Coast — and it shows. She didn’t go insane large but given her natural chest size, she had no option but to upgrade from the 36C to a D. In the end that matched a bit better with her fit yet curvaceous hips… Ever since I was a kid I heard whispers passing by, ‘Jesus christ, did you see that foxy bitches hips, man? She’s CARVED! Oh my god, man — look at that ass!’ Used to upset me when I was younger but once she passed 30 I saw what it did for her confidence and knew she appreciated it. Anyways, the thing about the boob jobs is… they tend to perpetuate stiff nipples. It doesn’t take much to set ’em off and once it happens, they stay that way for awhile regardless if she’s doing the dishes, moping the floor, or just sitting there eating Pringles — doesn’t matter, they’re thick and they’re stiff!

Anyway, the point to make is… I’m rubbing my eyes awake and trying to focus beyond the tent I produce every morning, to some hourglass figure in my room that I soon recognize as my mom all sweaty from a run, in her skin tight shorts and tank top – with her fuckin’ high beams on pointed at the ceiling. I’m not the only one stiff.

She’s lookin’ straight at my boner, of course.

“Oh shit, Mom? Get used to it… It looks like that every morning.” I’m embarrassed but what are ya gonna do?

She raises her eyebrows a bit comically and says, “Not only that but it’s been like that for hours. I’ve been in here four times since eight this morning and that thing’s been wide-awake the entire time… waiting on you. You trying to pull a prank on your poor mother?”


“Is there a GI Joe under there or something?”

“Jesus, mom — no. They don’t even fuckin’ make those anymore.” We’re pretty lax with language in the house, it’s okay to cuss. (As it turns out her mouth was far more filthy than mine was. Or her language anyway. Her mouth was very clean and appreciable.)

“Right. Well, can it help you get dressed and feed you breakfast?” She loves to tease me about most things.

“Turn around, will ya. Lemme see what I can do about it,” I tell her.

She agrees but continues to toy with me… “What were you dreaming about for the last four hours? Patty from gymnastics?”

“What? Gymnastics, from last year?”

“Yeah, she was really cute, right?”

“I guess… if you like five foot tall.” I totally wanted to ream the hell out of Patty and pretty much any other girl with exhibitionist tendencies at school. But like I said, I never did. More on that later.

“Ohhhh, you like them taller? Like your mother illegal bahis then, yes?” She stood upright and I caught her glancing at herself in the mirror. Uh… 5ft8 with a frame like that? Yes, that’ll do just fine. Of course I didn’t tell her that. Or really much consider it until things got very difficult the next few days.

“Don’t you wi…” I started.

“Ah ah ah, don’t you dare insult your aging mother, Robbie,” she quickly advised me.

I altered my comment to kid, “I should be so lucky.”

“That’s much better. Much, much better. Learn to talk like that and you might have more girls around here.” She had a point. “Now hop up, let’s go. We’ll not have you laying in bed all day. Gotta work that body to keep the healin’ happenin’.” My mother was enthusiastic about motivation and energy.

She moved to the side of the bed to help me up but I didn’t quite have control of ‘things’ yet. My focal point told her the story.

“What? I don’t see it anymore, honey. Is it okay?”

“Not completely,” I assured her.

“Well it can’t be that bad,” she continued. “Turn around and stand up, I got your favorite sweats for you.”

And she did indeed. My favorite sweats cuz there was plenty of room for my unit to jostle around in and not be too alarming.

She helped me up by my torso but I kept the sheet held to myself and turned to face the head of the bed. The back dropped down behind me. Offering her something unexpected.

“Jesus christ, Robbie! I wasn’t expected your naked ass just now!”

“Well what do you THINK I’m wearing for it to spring stiff like that. I CAN’T wear anything. I’d never get any rest all jammed up and restricted.”

“Gawwwwd… you’re right, I guess I’m stupid. Damn, Robbie. I wasn’t aware this was such an ongoing problem,” she said a bit flustered.

“Trust me, Mom. It’s a problem.” And she was due some clarity to that equation in the days to… uh… cum. Seriously. I’m not making a pun.

“Alright then, let’s just do this like we’re adults…” I could see her in the window beside me turn back to decide what to do. I caught her looking at my ass for a moment, but she owned up to it without knowing I saw her… “Hmm, not bad Robbie. We both know where you got a bum like that from.”

It looked to me like she thought about swatting it. But her hands playfully sashayed my sweatpants in her hands instead.

“Okay now, uh… I’d rather not like, kneel behind your naked butt and pull these up. Maybe you better sit back down. We’ll do it one leg at a time.” She carefully held me once again under an arm around my back. (Though she might be a bit crass she was very matronly, my mother. Very. With no man in the house — she never married – I was Momma’s boy. Boy Howdy would I be even more so!).

This arrangement turned out to be not quite free of error, as my stuff had still not quite subsided. It wasn’t near erect like when I woke up (thanks to her innocent insults), but I was still pitching a plank off the edge of the bed… looked like I was sitting on a ruler, extending the bed sheet. Worse, I’m normally a bit of a restless sleeper but mom tucked in the sides the night before pretty tight to keep me from doing so and flopping around on my burns… this left just 6-8 inches of bed-sheet hanging out past my cock. And the air underneath… felt good. Furthermore, mom had her impressive juggs all up on me while helping me back to the sitting position… and was still leaning over while noticing the cock situation had not been solved… It’s a good thing her track suit was tight to hold her chest together and not allow me to look way down in there… but she also knew to strap all that stuff up so they don’t lose heft from age again, which meant she wore a tight as fuck bra underneath that shoved her boobs out when bent over that way to a porno-fuckin-graphic degree…

Commence drawbridge metaphor…

Mom had remained a little too stunned to unfreeze her position. It might have been because the cut of my cockhead is a pretty thick ridge, pronounced… and you could tell that beneath the thin sheet covering me. Once again worse, the bridge had begun before she snapped out of it and that began the throbbing… ‘Throbbing Rob’, that’s me. (More on high school hazing later on.)

Rather than stare at her boobs some more I looked at my cock and tried to talk some sense to it.

Mom was in a trance, or snake-charmed or something. I swear she was reaching her hand down from around me and heading for the cock, slowly, like there was a butterfly on the tip she wanted to catch.


“Huh?” she startled. “Well jesus, Robbie. What the hell are we going to DO with that? Why is it growing again?!”

I sighed…

“I’ll be honest, Mom. Most of the time I have to… relieve myself before I start the day.”

“Well that’s not happening today, mister. Unless you got talented feet!” she laughed at my hilarious situation, not recognizing how cruel it was for an 18yr old unable to touch his particularly demanding appendage. “Use casino siteleri the head up top to control the one below.”

“Right… it doesn’t quite work like that… Might even work in reverse.”

“Mind over matter, honey.”

“Tell that to those,” I said, pointing out her reckless headlights. Which may have increased in size since I sat down.

“Honey! You know I can’t control that! It’s because of the boob job!”

“Yup. I’m aware of that.” I concurred. “This is natural,” and pointed my bandaged hands down at my boner.

“Baby, don’t tease me about that. It’s not something I can…” and she realized her hypocrisy. “Okay, you got me… Okay, okay, okay. I won’t tease you about your stiffening… POLE anymore…” She took another eyeful before kneeling down and turning her attention to my sweatpants. I kind of liked the way she said POLE! “Just point that thing at me as little as possible. It’s a little unnerving…”

I thought I knew what she meant… but I didn’t. Not yet anyway.

So now I had a leg out and Mom was working my right foot into the cotton legging. We jostled around a bit and… it hit her in the head.

“Jesus christ, Robert!” She jumped back up to stand. “I don’t know if I can do this…”

“God, I’m sorry Mom. Really. It’s always a fucking problem… Here, I’ll try to…” I was feeling kinda griefed at this point while I tried to arrange my hand to hold my third leg still. Nearly impossible. I almost started to cry from frustration… how the fuck was I going to get through two weeks like this? I’m gonna need to empty my balls SOMEhow!!

Matronly mother that she is she recognized my unpleasant predicament and not to hold it against me.

“I’m sorry, honey. It’s not your fault. It’s just…”

As I looked up at her I noticed the cleft between her paper thin silver running shorts was tight around her mound… she appeared more puffy and pronounced than usual… not that I ever looked there much before. And maybe it was a new aroma filling my nostrils but I noticed how truly breathtaking she was, standing there over me with her hands at her hips…

Ah hell, let’s just be honest. My Mom pretty much looks like Nude Supermodel, Erica Rose, with 10yrs on her but a body no different (I already described that before, don’t make me do it again. I’m trying to get through this, friends). Their facial construction is much like a mirror and the hair-color/style — exactly the same. Thick curls of auburn to the center of the shoulders, ruby thick lips, and perpetually tired eyes under sleepy sexy eyebrows. Her eyes themselves, a burnt aqua that shade to gray. And worst of all, if I have to admit it, there’s rarely a moment that goes by where she doesn’t have an effortless ‘fuck me’ look painted on her face. Wanting it there or not, it’s forever present. (I found out later, when she uses it on purpose… your dick sets off fire alarms all over the county. There’s not a bucket of water cold enough to put that flame out.)

I can hear her faintly talking assurance to me as well as understanding…

But suddenly I see her hands slide up her hips like molding clay… her breasts bunch out and she squeezes them out from her chest… pinching her nipples when she reaches the tips… her hips begin to swivel… and I hear my cock talking to me again… ‘Yeah buddy… that’s what I’m talkin’ about, boy’…

“Robbie! Are you listening to me?!” I snap out of it. She was still standing there with her hands on her hips like before. But I now have a full erection and it’s swaying around beneath the sheet, daring to free itself. “Put your hand on that and hold it down some! I don’t want to see it.”

Jesus christ, I think to myself. What just happened? (Okay, so I hadn’t admitted my mom was hot before now. At least not consciously. She’d also never been in a 15min conversation about the dangerous size of my equipment and had it hit her in the head before either!)

“We need to get this done as fast as possible, Robbie… Point that thing away from me.”

Good advice! It might go off any moment. Who knows…

We manage to get the right leg up under the sheet, partway up my thigh. The sheet’s come up even higher but I’ve managed to hold it mostly covered and away from her proximity. Or at least it appeared that way from my vantage point.

“You can get the rest of that from there once I’m done with the other leg, just slide your ass down…”

I’m not listening closely and I start to slide my ass down. My erection rises…

“Not NOW, Robbie!” She spots it. Probably half of my shaft and big balls are visible from where she’s at on her knees, even though I’m holding it off to my other leg. “Good grief… other way, other way, we need to do the other leg…” I move my appendage across her view and I swear I hear her sniff sharply as it crosses over. Her chest heaves sharply as well.

I start to ooze from the tip and stain the sheets while she works my left leg into the cotton. I can feel either my irregular heartbeat off my leg into her poker siteleri fingers, or hers into mine. No way to tell. Except for her reddening chest. ‘She can see us, Throbbie Robbie… it’s making her really nerrrrrrrvouuuuuus’. It starts to twitch and jerk a little, I’m losing control of it with my feeble thumbs… ‘Yeahhhhhhhhh, it says. You like the look of THIS, lady?’

“Oh my god,” she mutters — half looking at my rapidly worrisome situation and half racing to get the rest up my leg without tearing the sheet off and exposing her son’s enormous stiff cock right in her bedside face! She gets it up over the knee and I hear her consume another intake of breath (this one far more substantial) before leaping to her feet and turning around — the very moment my cock leapt out from under the sheet and my unable thumbs. ‘Hellllllooooooo MAMA!’ it said.

I’m pretty sure she saw it just before she turned. Hopefully she didn’t hear it like I did.

It’s swaying around happy to finally be free and I’m stabbing at it with my hands trying to get it under control. Beyond me is her fabulous ass, wrapped up tight in huggy little shorts. All the commotion while she was on her knees caused things to ride up HER legs as well and the bottom of her phenomenal butt cheeks are exposed… so is something puffy between them. I’m losing focus and I just want to stroke myself so bad, maybe if I keep banging it around I’ll…

“If I catch you staring at my popular ass instead of putting that thing away I am going to whip you like you’ve never felt before, mister… Now’s not the time for catcalls.” And she’s fuckin’ serious. That sobers me up real quick like.

‘Don’t listen to her. She WANTS it!’ Sorry demon dick… you lose this time.

I manage to get myself covered again by working the sheet back over with my elbows.

“Fuck, mom… I’m so sorry. I’m so embarrassed.”

“It’s okay, honey. It’s okay… If I didn’t know any better I’d be flattered.” She turns back around to assist me while I edge my ass over the lip of the sweats, underneath the covers. My cock swings around madly from the base, but I’ve got lots of coverage this time.

“Maybe you should be,” I chuckle exasperated, noticing her hourglass figure from the front. And those thick unforgiving nipples telling me what she won’t.

“Naughty boy… very naughty boy,” she winks. And I’m thinking… more of that please. “Okay, let’s get you up now. Just turn around as I get you up so I don’t have to see it.”

She quickly puts an arm back around me while reaching under the covers with her right hand to grab me by the waistband, underneath her left arm… dangerous, but the smart way to go… pulls me up while holding my pants up ’till I stand. I let go the sheet and my freedom flaunts around again, fighting against her pulling up my waistband from behind. She’s miscalculated the size of my balls and makes me chirp a bit when the waistband slaps up over them.

“Them too, huh? Sorry, honey. I’ll remember next time.” She gets me all up over the hips and this time swats my ass. “There ya go! Mission accomplished.” Then unwisely swings me around expecting a proper presentation.

She doesn’t get one.

I’m just large enough to threaten my own belly button and waist high ain’t quite enough. She gets an eyeful of my bulging hammer-head, strained and peaking out the top of my waistline. We’re both looking straight down at it.

“ACKKKKK!” she screams and covers her eyes.

“You didn’t give me a chance to warn you,” I chuckle… while noticing her hands up to her face like that puts her elbows in a certain position to squeeze her big boobs together and pop those ever-present nipples out at me like her eyes surprised. ‘There’s no hiding, baby girl’ it says to her.

Thankfully she chuckles as well. What else to do, eh? “It’s never ending!” Then turns away and goes after a nice long jersey in my closet. Throws it back at me unseen. “Come down for your protein shake when you can,” she says. But before she steps out the door she can’t resist…

“It’s a good thing no High School girl ever got a hold of that, Robbie… You might be in Juvenile Hall right now for assault and battery…” And from down the hall I hear her call out… “Or Murder!”

‘Yeah… I’d like to murder you some, Mommy. You ain’t no little high school princess…’ the cock was not done talking for me.

I sigh. “Two weeks… this is gonna be difficult.”

‘Just follow my lead, bro. I got ya covered. Trust in me.’

At the time I thought that voice was the enemy… but that turned out not at all to be true.


I thought to punch my cock down my leg before I went downstairs for breakfast, but that felt pretty difficult and maybe not the best suited idea. I was probably a lot less visible with it planted up under my waistband than any other option. Only… I had to have the string tied. Mom hadn’t helped with that yet.

I stopped at the bathroom and looked inside at my usual morning ritual location… the toilet looked at me sadly… ‘I’m gonna miss you, man.’ Honestly, I had no idea how to go about a day without that every morning. For 4yrs of High school I had a minimum of 4 to 5 growth spurts in a day and sometimes just from the wind blowing… or the bouncing bus seats on the way back from school.

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