
Tiffany’s Getaway


She waited impatiently by the window. It was a typical northwest day, gray and cloudy. About sixty-five degrees and a steady breeze from the west. “Is he going to come?” she asked herself aloud.

“Who, Mommy? Who’s coming?” her son chimed in.

“A friend of mine, sweetie. You’re going to Grandma’s for a few days while we go for a ride.” Tiff explained to her young son.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“He didn’t say. I don’t know, yet.”

She started thinking about what was happening today. Tiff had met Roger online almost two years ago. At thirty years old, divorced, with a ten year old son, she needed some stability in her life. Roger was a motorcycle mechanic in the U.S., fifty years old, and looking for someone who had the same feeling for life and living that he did.

The wrote back and forth for a long time. Finally he asked her one day if she would like to “meet” for real. It had taken her a long time to decide. Now, she was having the jitters over the long awaited event.

It was a long way to B.C. Canada from Texas. Any thing could have happened. Was he alright? Did he get lost? Did the bike break down? She worried that he may have changed his mind.

She reminded herself that he hadn’t been specific about exactly when he would arrive, and left the window seat to check her e-mail, just in case…

Her boy came running in to the “office”. “He’s here! Mommy, here he is!!”

She ran her fingers through her waist length blonde hair, and smoothed her clothes before she went to the door. The black Harley glittered in the sunlight as he pulled up the drive. He had mounted the sidecar on the machine, making it look even bigger than it was.

Her heart fluttered as Roger dismounted. Dressed in black leather from head to toe, heavy jacket, pants, vest, thick soled boots. He peeled the black helmet from his head, and she got her first look at his handsome face.

He strode up the walk, flashing her a straight toothed smile on his lean face. High cheekbones under sparkling green eyes, and a short, straight nose, and close cropped dark hair. He was everything she’d imagined, and then some!

Roger hugged her gently, and kissed her cheek. “Made it!” he said. “What a ride it was. Beautiful scenery, all the way up.”

“I’m so glad you’re here! I was beginning to worry.” Tiff said softly.

“No, I didn’t chicken out. I’ve been looking towards this for a long time, too!” he replied.

“Are you ready? I’ve got my stuff packed, just like you said.”

“Have you got the kid’s stuff, too?”

She got a curious look on her face. He answered before she could ask, “We’ll drop him off at Grandma’s on the way out. Okay?” Johnny heard that!

“I get to ride, too?”

“Just to Grandma’s, but yes, if it’s okay with your Mom.”

She couldn’t say no, and it did save them the wait for Grandma and Grandpa to come and pick him up.

They loaded up the bike with Tiff’s backpack, and Johnny’s overnight. The sidecar held everything out of the way, including Johnny.

A short trip to the next town found them at Grandma’s. Kisses and hugs all around, and Tiffany and Roger headed out for their first time together. Alone with her “Knight in Black Leather”, she wrapped her long legs tightly around his butt and thighs. Her arms pulled her small breasts close to the soft leather jacket, her face cradled at the back of his neck. She could smell the combination of his masculine scent and the old leather. The heat of the big bike between her legs, combined with the heavy mechanical vibrations, was making her wet with arousal.

This ride has been her fantasy aldatma porno for a lot of years, she couldn’t believe it was happening, at long last. She could feel him breathing under her slender fingers. ‘Yes, it is real.’ she thought. ‘He’s really here. I’m with this gorgeous man on this beautiful bike, and I don’t know where we’re going.’

Her mind was racing, her heart was beating out of her chest, and her thighs were soaking in a pool of her nectar.

They were heading east, towards the Selkirk Mountains, in Alberta. The spectacular countryside flashed by as the rode up Highway 1 to Golden, Alberta. The light jacket she wore wasn’t quite heavy enough for the road speeds, and she began to shiver. “Getting cold?” he asked, as if he read her mind.

“Um, yeah. A little chilly.” Tiff said.

He pulled the bike off the roadway, in a small clearing. “I need a break, myself.”

He shut the Harley off, and walked out into the brush. Tiff followed him, and guessed quickly that he had to relieve himself. She heard the zipper, and saw the yellow stream between his feet, the soft plashing sound made her want to go, too! Roger zipped up and turned. “Uh, Where do I get to do that?” she questioned. He looked around, and said,

“I suppose, right here, also.” Her need to go overrode her shyness, and she stepped off the side to empty herself. Not sure of what would happen, she turned her back to him and unfastened her jeans.

Squatting quickly, she allowed only a brief glimpse of her muscular, toned thighs. He could see the thick stream flow from her and puddle at her feet. She had no paper, so she just pulled her pants back up. Her shirt was out, and as she started to tuck it in, Roger moved closer, and wrapped his arms around her naked waist. “Come here, Tiff.” he said softly.

She looked into his eyes, and saw they had turned a light blue. Lighter than her own deep blue eyes, she studied his face as he put his face nearer to hers. They were the same height, and their lips met exactly. His lips parted, and he brushed her soft, thin lips with the tip of his tongue. She closed her eyes and opened her own mouth to receive the warm flesh. They kissed hot for a few minutes. “Hello, Tiffany. It’s nice to meet you.” He spoke softly.

“Hello, Roger.” she replied, slightly out of breath.

“I didn’t want to kiss you like that, in front of the boy, but I’ve needed that since we started.”

“I wondered about that. You seemed a little reserved, from what I expected. This, is more like it.” She pulled him closer, and renewed their hot kiss.

Liking the feel of her soft body against his, he moved his hands around to explore the rest of what he could reach. Her firm butt confirmed her description of ‘staying in shape’ down to her thighs.

“We should move on, before it’s too dark.” he said, reluctantly breaking their hold on one another. He opened the pack in the sidecar, and handed her a worn leather jacket. “It’s one of my old ones, it should fit okay.” Tiff pulled off the one she wore, and slipped into the leather. It faintly smelled of him, his bike, the road. She could only guess how many places the jacket has been, how many times it protected him. She felt safe, wrapped in the stiff cocoon.

He kicked the old bike to life, the heavy rumble shook the air around them. He mounted smoothly, as he had for many years. Tiff marveled at hoe he melted into the bike, to become one with it. She snapped out of her reverie, and climbed up behind him. The thoughts stimulated by the hot kissing had her wet between the legs, again. The leather jackets creaked ensest porno as she tucked in behind her ‘dream man’ , still not believing it was real.

Just as dark took them, Roger pulled the bike up to a house near the entrance of Glacier National Park. “Well, Roger. You’re back sooner that I thought” the man in the doorway spoke. “Everything is just like you wanted.”

Roger waved, and pulled up the small camp road. Through the deep woods, a heavy canopy obscured what light was left. They rounded a curve, and a small lake appeared. A cabin sat on the rise nearby, lights already on, the aroma of a wood fire filled the air. Tiff looked around in amazement as he pulled under the shed, and shut down the bike.

“What was that about?” she asked, pointing back to the road entrance.

“I stopped her on the way in, and rented this place for us. I thought it would be better than camping or a motel. It’s okay, isn’t it?”

“It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed.

“Go on in, I’ll get our stuff.”

Tiffany went up the trail and gazed into the log frame cabin. A large fireplace was burning brightly, soft lights surrounded the room, and she could hear ‘oldies’ playing in the background. He was right behind her with the gear, which he carried back to one of the bedrooms.

“You want to clean up a little?” he asked. He paused for a moment. “Together?” he added hopefully.

“Uhm….welll…yeah, I guess.” she responded after a moments thought. “Yeah, why not! Lets go.”

He led the way to the bedroom, and started the shower running. She stood motionless, as Roger began to strip. She watched as he uncovered his chest and firm belly. No ‘six-pack’ but very trim. He folded the leather vest and shirt over the chair, and bent to take off his heavy boots. Tiff got her first look at the tattoos adorning his back and arms.

Dragons and daggers on the left arm, eagles and fish (with nudes) on the right. A large set of Harley-Davidson wings covered most of his muscular back. His heavy boots hit the floor, and she watched him intently as he started to unbuckle his leather pants. “Is something wrong, Tiff?” he asked as he noticed her standing motionless across the room.

She stammered a response, almost embarrassed at getting caught ‘looking’. “Um….no…I, uh…was curious about….well…you know.” Her pale skin flushed from her neck up to her face. “It’s been a long time since….”

Roger didn’t let her finish. “You saw a man’s penis?” he volunteered.

“Uh-huh” she nodded.

“Come here, Tiff.” he spoke so softly, she almost didn’t hear, but moved towards him slowly. He took her trembling fingers and put them on the warm flesh of his naked belly. He put her mouth next to his, and kissed her lightly. “It’s okay, we have all the time you need.” He traced the line of buttons up her front, and slowly unfastened them.

Her breathing deepened as her chest was uncovered in front of this “stranger’s” eyes. She felt the denim fabric sliding off her shoulders. She moved her arms, to let the shirt fall to the floor. He unclipped the light bra she wore, and it joined the shirt in a pile. Roger pulled Tiffany close, her firm B-cup breasts pressed tightly against the light fur on his chest. Their arms twined around each other as they kissed passionately. The two tongues danced in one another’s mouth, exploring every part they could reach.

He took her hand, and placed it on his belt buckle. “Take your time, Tiff. When you are ready, it’s good.” With that, he kissed her deeply, his own hand slowly working around her butt and back. He pulled her mound tight to escort porno his thigh, and she felt herself pushing her hips harder to increase the contact. She moaned softly as she felt the heat building deep inside her belly. The heat she hadn’t felt for so long.

Roger’s hands cupped her buttocks, kneading the soft flesh with his strong fingers. He felt the buckle of his leather jeans loosen. He pulled in his abs, to make it easier. Her soft, cool fingers slipped inside the waist to undo the button and zipper. Tiff’s hand slowly lowered the brass closure. Her fingertips touched the base of his penis at his lower belly. She pulled away for a second, and he took her hands in his.

“If you want, I’ll go shower alone. You can, too.” he told her.

“I’m… I’m just not sure…um….what to do.”

“That’s easy” he reassured her. “What ever comes naturally.”

Their bodies moved apart, and he unbuttoned her jeans. The rough fabric folded back to expose her hi-cut panties. Tiff let him pull the tight pants down her thighs, and stepped out of the pile at her feet. His face was even with her mound, he could smell the sweet aroma of her aroused sex. He kissed on the damp cloth gently, tasting her nectar for the first time. “Tiff, you are so sweet.” he kissed it again. “Mmmmm. So sweet.”

As he stood, he let his pants fall. Tiff didn’t notice until his firm erection was pressed against her belly. Her hand gripped the hot, throbbing flesh for the first time. She held him gently, and brought her mouth to his. They kissed tenderly as she felt her panties being pulled off the rise of her hips. She wanted this. She needed this hot man flesh in her body.

Her knees softened under her, and he helped her to the soft rug in front of the fire. Tiffany spread her thighs, and Roger’s hand found the cleft of her mound, while the hot kiss continued. Her moist slit parted for his exploring finger. She groaned as he pushed the long finger into her vagina.

“Ohhh, Roger! Feels soooo good.” she moaned.

Her hips thrust up to force his hand deeper into the hot, pulsing flesh of her mound. Her hand still held his penis, the heat flowed through her fingers. “Yes….I want this….in me.” she breathed. “Put it inside me. Please!” she begged.

“Are you sure, Tiff?”

“Oh, god. Yes!” her voice cracked. “I’ve waited so long, please…now!”

He moved over her lean body, supporting his weight on his arms. Her hand put his penis between the swollen lips of her sex. She felt the pressure of the crown at her entrance, and pushed up to take him in. Soon, she felt the tip push through the opening of her hot, tight vagina, and slowly split her body.

Smoothly, he entered her. She was so wet, so hot! The tight canal gripped his hardness like a moist velvet glove. He could feel every ripple of his erection pass through the small opening. As their bellies met, she moaned. “So big….so fulll. Oh, Roger…….yessssss….ohgod, yesssss.”

“You okay?” he asked.

“So good!…Yes…ohmy…do it! Ahhhh, Roger, fu…..fu….ohhhh, please! Fuck meeee!” she managed to gasp.

His hips began the dance of lovers, his length sliding in and out of her in a smooth rhythm. Her hips acted with their own thrusts, taking him fully into her little body. Their excitement kept the union short, within minutes, she felt the organ swell in her. She saw the question in his eyes before he asked. “Yess…inside me….fill me with your cream.”

Only a few more thrusts, “Ahhh, Tifff….here..it…comes!” he warned. His penis pulsed, sending the hot jets of cum deep inside her belly. She started to quiver as her own release was triggered. Her body shook, and stiffened as she soaked them with her girl-cum. He collapsed on top of her panting body, and they kissed hot, again.

“Mmmmm, so good, Rog. Ohmigod that was so hot!”

“Me, too, Tiff.” he panted back. “Ready for a shower, now?”

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