
Trevor Meets His New Doctor Ch. 02

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Doctor Samantha Taylor, somewhat exhausted from the wake up call she had just experienced, left the young nurse and boy to sleep and dream. She smiled to herself, imagining Trevor’s body replenishing another quart or two of his warm, thick, viscous semen with those millions of healthy sperm just ready to find that fertile egg.

Even though Jenny was a bit older than Trev, Jen was starved for the raw sex that a growing boy provide her after months of sexual famine.

As she sat at the little table in the coffee room, Sam’s cell chirped with a text. The message was from Sarah, daughter of a good friend and med school classmate, Linda. Sam hadn’t seen Sarah since she was eight…maybe ten years ago. She remembered the girl as very pretty…long blond hair, crystal-blue eyes perfectly wide set over that cute little nose full lips and a dainty little cleft in her chin. Sam could only picture the extremely cute little girl as she had seen her last but wondered how she’d grown up since. Sometimes cute, pretty kids lose that natural beauty as they grow. Sam read the text:

“Hi, Doctor Taylor! It’s Sarah Hart! You probably don’t recognize this number and you may not remember me, but I just got into town on a quick visit. My national dance competition starts here in town on Tuesday after the holiday and I was going to stay with my grandparents to let them catch up with their “little precious”. But, OMG!!, they’re gone on a cruise!! (That’s what I get for jumping on a plane without thinking and checking with them?.) Anywaze, since my return flight isn’t until late Tuesday night after the competition, I need a place to crash. Any ideas? I texted Mom for your number and I’d love to say hello and, if you know of any place I could sleep over, I’d be forever grateful!! ICYMI, I’m 18 now! An adult!! Text me anytime. Hoping, hoping, hoping – Sarah”

Sam carefully read Sarah’s text again. As she read, her pulse quickened a little for some reason. She immediately texted back:

“Sarah!! Of COURSE I remember you!! ??. How could I forget that gorgeous eight-year-old!! LOL I’m so sorry your room and board plans left you without a cozy bed to sleep in but I insist that you come and enjoy the weekend with me!! I have to stay in the clinic through late Monday night nursing an out-patient under special observation but you’re welcome to crash at my place while I’m stuck at the office. Just come by the clinic right now if you want and I’ll give you a key to my place. I live just a couple doors down. I can’t wait to see how you’ve grown, Sarah! If you still look like you did my last visit, you’re a knock-out!! Lemme know! – Sam”

Sam texted Sarah her Google Maps location. Sarah replied,

“AWESOME, ‘Sam’!! Thank you SO MUCH!! BTW, Yup: I’m grown now. P.S. It looks like I’m five minutes away. I have an UBER. See ya!!”

Wheels turning in Sam’s head, she quickly shed her silk robe, quietly entered the bedroom where Trev and Jen still slept soundly and hung the robe up. Sam then ran into the exam room, grabbed her white blouse and skirt. No panties? Where did they go? No time!! Sam jumped into the black skirt, threw on the white blouse, tucked it in, stepped into the black patent leathers and made herself as presentable as possible for the “little girl” soon to arrive.

As she rode in the back seat of the UBER, Sarah was remembering a beautiful, exotic, gorgeous woman who visited her mom ten years ago. She remembered being in awe of Doctor Samantha Taylor and smiled inwardly at the little girl crush she had on her. Now, she was going to see her again and, somehow, her pulse was quickening, and she almost felt embarrassed. Why? The doctor had signed her text “Sam”. Did that mean Sarah was promoted to adult in the doctor’s mind? ‘Hope so! Sarah was a grown woman now even though she was still a “little girl” in one way. No boyfriend yet. Dance training took up her entire young life beginning at age five and boys had always been too shy and afraid to ask her out for some reason; Sarah remained a virgin.

The UBER driver pulled up in front of the nice house with the clinic sign posted at the curb. Sarah observed a townhouse complex a couple hundred feet further. Probably where ‘Sam’ lives. Sarah thanked the driver and walked toward the clinic door, her large backpack over her shoulder. Sarah took a deep breath as she tried to slow that heartbeat… What’s going on with the body? Sarah tapped the doorbell.

Samantha was nervous for some reason, not knowing how to handle the young teen’s impromptu visit. So many things happening since last night. The last thing she would probably want Sarah to know about was the fact that, in the bedroom of this house, there was a beautiful 18-year-old boy and a gorgeous 22-year-old (yes: 22) nurse sleeping in each other’s arms nude.

The soft door chime startled Sam back to the moment and she walked to the door. Sam opened the door to a vision that stole her breath: The heart-stopping, incredibly Bostancı Escort beautiful model of a young girl/woman she had ever laid eyes on! Long blond hair in a French braid, perfect smooth, lightly tanned skin, sparkling, twinkling, and pale blue eyes anyone would want to get lost in. This 5-feet, 7-inch beauty wore a simple crop top and worn, tight jeans that were painted on a body that was so obviously in perfect shape from years of dance training. “My GOD!!”, Samantha silently murmured to herself. Now, Samantha’s pulse was quickening.

“Sarah!! My GOD!!”, Sam stammered as she attempted to control a sudden rush and maintain composure. The two went into a quick like-old-friends hug at the threshold. Sam felt Sarah’s body practically melt into hers as the two immediately accepted each other as new, close friends. The young dancer’s perfect body was quickly evident to Sam – firm thighs pressed forward, solid but soft abs encountering Sam’s body just above her pelvic bone in a friendly, warm hug. Sam could feel moisture forming between her legs and a clear line of precum fluid beginning its trip down her left inner thigh. Panicking, Sam fervently wished she had found that thong earlier! And Sarah’s breasts!! My Lord! This third grader had grown into a super model with natural C-cup breasts! Sam could tell that Sarah wore no bra under her rather short crop top. Samantha could tell their perfect teardrop shape by the way the hard nipples pressed slightly upward. Sam broke the hug and held Sarah away from her so she could get a good look at the girl. Beautiful. That not-so-conservative thin cotton crop top ended no more than a couple inches below those nipples. Succulent. Wait…this is an 18-year-old child. Get a grip!

Sam managed to stutter, “Come on in, Sarah. You can drop your backpack there. Is that all you have?”

“Yup. I just have a change of shorts, jeans and a couple light tops plus my dance stuff.” Sarah turned to drop the pack – her heart racing after that hug. Geez! That hug! That doctor is ‘one tall glass of water’! Sarah had just felt so good pressed up against Samantha. She almost lost herself pressed against the doctor’s body, sensing hot warmth through the black skirt and she was shocked to feel large, full woman’s breasts mashed against her own; hard nipples pressing through just the white blouse and the thin, brief crop top.

As Sarah turned to drop the backpack, Sam got an excellent look at the prettiest, roundest, sexiest woman’s ass she had ever seen…as perfect as Nurse Jen’s! Mucous continued to flow slowly down that left thigh. Sam would have to make a quick pit stop!

“Come on back to the kitchen, Darlin’ while I run to the bathroom. We can sit for a minute before I show you to the condo up the street. Water?”

“Sure. Thanks, Sam! Can I call you Sam?”

“Absolutely! Sarah.”

Sam made her way to the bathroom where she grabbed some toilet paper and quickly wiped away the clear fluid from her leg and vaginal lips. The two sat at the little kitchen table, silent, gathering their thoughts.

“Where’s your patient?”


“Your patient you’re having to observe?”

“Oh! He’s sleeping! He was exhausted from some testing we…I had to administer this morning. Trevor’ll be fine.”

Sarah assumed Trevor was a young boy since Samantha was in pediatric practice and asked, “Are his parents here, too?”

After a long, uncomfortable pause Sam replied, “…uh, no. They were unable to stay but…they know that Trevor is in good hands…”

Just then, Sam and Sarah heard footsteps approaching the kitchen in the hallway leading from the bedroom. Sarah gasped at what appeared at the doorway! There was Nurse Jennifer Landry, RN, standing in the doorway with not a stitch of clothing on!

Sarah gaped as Miss Nurse Goodbody froze in the doorway, one arm across her breasts and another reaching down to cover her puffy vulva. “Hi…I’m, uh…Nurse Landry. Sorry…I didn’t…”

Jen turned and quickly walked back to the bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind her. Sarah, flushed red with embarrassment or maybe, in a way, excitement, and asked, “She’s a nurse? That nurse be naked!…” Questions were percolating in Sarah’s head, seeing this awesomely beautiful nurse standing naked in a medical clinic when the doctor had said she was treating and observing some little boy.

Urgently wanting to change the subject and get things moving in a safer direction, Sam said, “Hey! Let’s get you settled in at the condo! I have some doctoring to do and you shouldn’t have to sit in here all day. Let me give you a set of keys and get you settled in at home. We can get together a little later, maybe dinner? We could eat out if you want.”

“Sounds good! I could probably use a shower after the flight.” Sarah, still a little flushed from Jen’s entrance, stood and walked toward her backpack by the front door. Sam followed, grabbing a set Bostancı Escort Bayan of keys. The two walked the half block to the condo and Sam dropped the key chain on the entry table and quickly showed Sarah the place, getting her settled in the second bedroom.

“Sarah, I’ll be back in a bit, ‘soon as I finish Trevor’s morning treatment.” Thinking quickly, Sam added, “…and Jen…Jen must’ve wanted to take a quick shower before going back home…she had the ‘night duty’ babysitting Trev…Trevor. I have no idea why she would be out of her scrubs like that unless she was headed to the showers.” Sam could feel the blood spreading from her cheeks to her neck after the lie. Sam and Sarah locked eyes for a moment, deep in their thoughts.

“Anyway!…I’ll see you soon! There’s snacks and drinks in the fridge. I’m so glad you could visit, Sarah!” Sam let herself out and quickly walked back to the clinic. She walked directly to the bedroom door and quietly opened it to find Jennifer wrapped back in her thin silk robe standing next to the king-size bed where Trevor still slept.

“I’m so sorry, Sam…” Jennifer offered.

“s okay, Jen. You were quite the sight!”

The doctor and nurse gazed at the boy, lying on his stomach, head facing left, deep in sleep. The boy’s were extended up, tucked under the pillow. Under the sheet that covered Trevor from the lower back down, the women could make out the form of his spectacular gluts. His right leg was raised with his right thigh out 90 degrees from his torso, cocked at the knee; his left leg was straight. Both doctor and nurse gazed for a long moment at the scene, pulses beginning to quicken. It was time to continue Trev’s “treatment”.

Not wanting to wake Trevor just yet, the doctor and nurse took positions at each side of the big bed, quietly gripped the top edges of the sheet and slowly slipped the soft fabric down over Trev’s globes and extended right thigh, continuing along the back of his left leg, calf and foot until he was again totally nude. Both women caught their breath as the action revealed Trev’s large hanging scrotum containing those massive full testicles. Sam and Jen gazed at the nude boy, pulses quickening and fluids beginning to flow.

“Time to wake up,” Pediatrician Samantha Taylor, MD croaked. “Let’s go set up the exam room for more ‘treatment’.” Sam and Jen grinned with anticipation as they turned and walked to the exam room. Without further pretense, they readjusted the stirrups to take up where they had last left off torturing poor Trev to his first massive orgasm. They swung away the collector machinery and wiped the soft leather surface of the exam table/chair clean. Nurse Landry prepared another two syringes of the amber injection fluid, ready to heighten and maintain Trevor’s erotic sensitivity again. The women quietly worked to prepare for the next phase of the long holiday weekend’s activities.

Back at the condo, Sarah had taken a quick shower, getting squeaky clean after her trip. She examined her body in the full-length bedroom mirror as she took out a pair of skin-tight, black dance leotards. She was proud of her young body. Her full golden hair was still in that French braid, her sweet, wispy bangs danced over her forehead just touching her eyebrows above those spectacular blue eyes. She stared at her face, her perfect, cute nose, her very full lips framing gleaming teeth, and she observed her chin with the subtle little cleft she had always been proud of. She knew that her breasts were pretty because boys had always ogled them at school, always turning glances away in embarrassment when she caught them looking. The globes were creamy white, having been covered by her bikinis. They were not hard and stiff, aiming straight out from her chest but they dropped pendulously, tear drops swinging back and forth slightly with her movements. The light pink hard nipples and puffy aureole peeked upward as if greeting the viewer’s eye. Then, on to her genitals: shaved hairless, puffy…moist. “Yes, I think I’m cute,” Sarah mused. Sarah’s thoughts returned to the clinic. She remembered how she felt when the nurse appeared at the kitchen door. She remembered seeing a beautiful face turning slightly red with maybe embarrassment. She remembered the flawless skin, wide shoulders, gently swinging pendulous breasts (like hers). She remembered actually seeing a subtle rapid pulse above Jen’s abs and the rest of her spectacular body across her stomach, hips and legs to her toes. It was shocking. Sarah remembered now how, for a brief moment, the nurse had stood transfixed, her large, beautiful blue eyes roaming over Sarah’s own body clad in its tight jeans and short crop top. The nurse’s eyes had lingered for a second on Sarah’s breasts and the hard nipples that stood out in the thin cotton material of the crop top.

Curiosity took over Sarah. Another look at the clinic was in order and maybe they wouldn’t mind if Escort Bostancı she paid a visit while the little boy was treated for whatever his ailment was. And she could get further acquainted with her doctor friend and the nurse. Taking one last look and inspection of her body, Sarah picked up the thin, super-tight dance leotards. “Hmmm. No gusset. No double layer of material to properly cover the lips of my vagina,” Sarah announced to herself. She decided to go with it and dare to go commando under the leotard. She pulled them up over her calves and thighs and stretched them over her smooth, round athletic butt. She spread her thighs a bit to stretch the leotard material up, over and around her vulva and to stretch up over her mound of Venus. The thin material cuddled in between her pussy lips and, in the mirror, it was evident that the material had stretched to become semi-transparent. Sarah decided she should probably not go outside like that, so she pulled out a tiny pink wrap-around skirt from her pack that tied at the side. “There.” Next, remembering what reaction her breasts drew from the nurse, she decided to be a little naughty and pulled a pink, even shorter crop top from the backpack. This top was actually a petite size t-shirt, cut off considerably short and pink to match the tiny skirt. Sarah pulled the thin, soft garment over her head, dislodged her French braid, and adjusted the cropped bottom down over her jiggling breasts. The material felt good as it was pulled down across her nipples. The resulting swelling was evident and enjoyable. The thing about this crop top was that it was quite a bit shorter than the one she had worn before. Anyone standing in front of her would see the bottom at-least third of her creamy white twin globes. The nipples could be seen pushing against the thin material only an inch above the bottom of the cropped end. The material was so form fitting that one could also make out the swelling of the puffy aureole behind the hard nipples. What a sight! “And still a virgin!”, Sarah lamented.

Sarah stepped into her short-heeled open sandals and headed for the door, grabbing Samantha’s keys. Looking at those keys, Samantha noticed that one in the set was labelled “home” and another was labelled “clinic”. She wouldn’t have to ring the doorbell again…she could sneak in quietly and surprise Sam and Jen. Could be fun and playful. As she walked the short distance to the clinic, a car drove by and Sarah heard male voices as if urgently getting the other’s attention. She then heard whispers of “OMG! Slow down!!” Her pulse accelerated and a flush washed over her as she realized these guys could see pretty much all of her in those tights and erotically-too-short crop top. The car continued on as she observed the two young occupants throw a high five and make some unintelligible exclamation.

Sarah reached the clinic door and quietly let herself in with the key. She lay the keys down on a table and made her way from the entry to the hallway. It was quiet. Sarah stepped out of her sandals and, barefooted, checked the kitchen where she saw no one. Working her way quietly down the hallway, she looked through the open door of a bedroom. The big bed was empty and no one was in the room. Sarah turned and continued to the closed door at the end. She could hear muted voices behind the door, apparently the doctor and nurse conversing in low tones. Sarah slowly turned the lever and quietly pushed the door open to reveal a scene that violently took her breath away!

Sarah gasped and quickly covered her full, puffy lips with the long, slender fingers of her delicate hand to remain as quiet as possible and undiscovered by the room’s occupants. Her big blue eyes widened at the sight. A sudden flush returned to bathe her cheeks, neck and shoulders in excited, shy embarrassment. Still undiscovered, Sarah watched as a completely nude doctor and naked nurse flanked their completely nude ‘patient’. The patient was not a ten-year-old boy. The patient was a fully-grown young guy sporting an impossibly-huge, fully-erect, cock – it’s prominent veins were thick along the length of the shaft. The boy lay on his back on a luxurious looking wide soft leather exam table, his big feet were slung in stirrups, legs spread wide.

The two women stood on either side of his torso lightly running their fingertips over his stomach, sides and nipples. Sarah could hear the boy groaning and could see goose bumps all over the boy’s beautiful hairless body. Both women were intent on making eye contact with the boy. No one was facing in Sarah’s direction and obviously had not heard her enter or gasp, perhaps because the boy was groaning a bit loudly as his body reacted to the torturous caresses he was receiving from four hands, twenty light fingertips. As the nurse tickled the boy’s nipples, ribs and abdomen from the boy’s left side, Doctor Taylor leaned forward from the boy’s right side, and softly kissed him on his full lips as her swaying breasts raked across his side and chest, she slowly worked her right hand down over his stomach to oh-so-lightly skip and flutter over the full length of his genitalia from the gaping, leaking head to below his undulating ball sack. Sarah practically panted as she saw her first penis.

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