
Troll Bridge


Brooke was on an overnight hike – by herself. Originally a friend was to have accompanied her but they’d cried off at the last moment. Brooke supposed Tiffany’s excuse was reasonable, what with being in hospital with a broken leg, but felt that she could have deferred her accident until after their hike. Still, what will be, will be. Losing her companion was not sufficient reason to abandon her hike.

It was early afternoon and Brooke was well on her way. Continuing on her present path she estimated that she’d reach the lookout point in another couple of hours. That’s where she intended to camp for the night. Coming around a curve in the path she saw a bridge up ahead. She’d been on this hike before but the bridge was new. Not that she was complaining. The old bridge had looked as though it would collapse if anything bigger than a sparrow landed on it.

Approaching the bridge Brooke found that there were two gentlemen leaning against it, although she used the term gentlemen carefully. They looked to be around thirty, ten years older than her. They were both big and very solid looking, muscle behind their weight, not fat. Casually dressed but their clothes seemed clean, as did the two men. Not a pair of bums, she decided, but workmen.

“Good afternoon,” she said politely, coming to a halt and waiting for them to step to one side.

“Afternoon,” came the reply. “And you are?”

“Brooke. I’m on my way up to the lookout. If you’ll excuse me?” She waved at the bridge, indicating that she wanted to pass.

“Hullo, Brooke. I’m Tony. He’s Jerry. Like the new bridge.”

“Did you say Tom and Jerry?” she asked, biting her cheek to stop herself giggling.

“Like we haven’t heard that before,” muttered Tony. “I said Tony. Ah, the bridge?”

“It’s very nice,” Brooke stated. “Um, I’d like to cross it.”

“And so you shall. There’s a small catch though.”

“And that is?”

“It’s a Troll bridge and we’re the Trolls that live under it. Everyone knows that you have to pay a toll to a Troll.”

“I see. How much is the toll?”

Maybe they were bums out for a quick buck. They wouldn’t get one from her.

Tony looked her over, smiling.

“Seeing you’re so young and lovely we’ll make a special toll for you. Just take off your shorts and panties.”

Brooke blinked. If she’d had false teeth she’d probably have swallowed them, she was so startled. That was laying it on the line.

“I see. And would that be the complete toll?” she asked, her voice all sweet reasonableness.

“Not exactly,” Jerry said, his voice also sounding soft and reasonable. “That would just be preparation for the real toll.” He gave her an engaging smile.

“And what happens if I don’t want to pay.”

“I believe trolls are supposed to eat people who don’t pay the toll to cross,” said Tony, giving her a look that she could only describe as carnal.

“So I have to pay or retreat,” she observed.

Tony bowed his head in acknowledgement.

Brooke considered the matter. She didn’t want to retreat. If she did they’d probably relent and let her pass but it would feel as though they had beaten her. Neither did she want to try Göztepe Escort to push past. She didn’t think they’d do anything but it would still feel as though they were playing with her, and winning.

What, she wondered, would happen if she did as they asked and took off her shorts and panties? Would they back off or would they really try to have sex with her? She took another look at them. They weren’t bad looking and they weren’t obvious slobs. If it came to a pinch could she handle both of them? She rather thought she could. She felt a strange sensation below her tummy; a sudden swirling of heat.

Before she could change her mind and come to her senses Brooke took off her backpack and placed it on the ground. Without taking her eyes off the men she undid her shorts and slid them and her panties down, stepping daintily out of them. Picking them up, she dropped them on top of her backpack.

She smiled in satisfaction. Both men were staring at her with a stunned expression. If someone had walked up behind them and sandbagged them they couldn’t have looked more shocked.

Tony was the first to recover. He stepped to one side, ushering her onto the bridge.

“Leave those,” he said quickly when Brooke reached for her backpack and clothes. “We’ll let Jerry do the carrying.”

He stopped her in the middle of the bridge.

“Raise your arms,” he told her and Brooke did so, knowing what was going to happen even as she did it. He lifted up her top, taking it right off. Reaching around her he unclipped her bra and removed it. He handed top and bra to Jerry as he passed with her backpack.

“I was going to have you lean over the bridge and enjoy the scenery as well as me,” he said, leaving her wondering if he meant he was going to enjoy the scenery or that she was going to enjoy him. The way his eyes were running over her he was certainly enjoying what he was seeing.

“However,” he continued, “I’ve decided that you’re the type of woman who will want to see what’s coming your way.”

He was both right and wrong. She didn’t want to see what was coming but neither did she want it to happen when she wasn’t watching. Why, she wondered, couldn’t she have her second thoughts before she had her first ones? Her first thoughts came up with some terrible ideas. And why couldn’t she lose her pride for a while? If it wasn’t for pride she’d be out of here so fast, nudity notwithstanding.

She watched, butterflies churning in her stomach, while Tony undid his trousers and dropped them. Were her butterflies made of fire? Whatever was churning up her stomach was also lighting fires down there. Tony’s erection looked like him – big and strong and rather hard. She swallowed nervously.

His hands brushed across her breasts and she felt them reacting, tightening up, her nipples puckering. A hand dropped down to her mons and slipped between her legs. She almost screamed when his hand closed over her in such an intimate manner. Why did his hand feel so hot?

She twisted about a little as he rubbed her, his eyes watching her. When he straightened up she knew that he wasn’t going to waste any time. He was ready Göztepe Escort Bayan and as far as he was concerned she was ready. Why wait?

Her eyes dropped from his to where he was touching her, to how he was touching her. His fingers moved slightly and then she could feel the head of his cock pushing up into her. She wanted to scream no, and to scream it loudly for all to hear. Instead she watched, gasping slightly as he moved into her.

This is not happening, she told herself. You couldn’t have been this stupid. Oh, yes, you could, her body was telling her with some satisfaction as it adjusted, accepting what Tony was doing to her.

Then he was fully inside her, groin mashing against groin. Her eyes snapped up to look at him, finding him smiling, anticipation on his face. He started moving and Brooke found herself moving with him.

As she moved in unison with Tony, Brooke felt delightfully wicked. She was doing something she had no right to be doing and she was enjoying it. And there was more wickedness to come. Her eyes flicked across to Jerry, finding him watching her, an anticipatory smile on his face. Oh, yes, he was definitely going to have his turn.

Tony had started off at a brisk pace. He obviously saw no need to coax her into the proper frame of mind. As far as he was concerned she’d made her choice and he was quite happy to live with it. He pressed on, his hands running over her breasts, liking the feel of them.

Pleasurable heat was running through Brooke’s veins, slowly igniting her passions. Tony had struck a rhythm that she found to be just right and she was pressing hard against him when he thrust, encouraging him to go deeper. She raised a leg, wrapping it around him, using it to draw him in, wanting more. All the time, wanting more.

She was gasping, urging him on, telling him what she wanted. She could hear herself pleading and was vaguely shocked. Was that her, urging a stranger to fuck her? She was saying fuck? She never used that word. Well, she wouldn’t be able to say that in the future, she thought.

It was all getting too much for her. She wanted to scream. Gods, she was screaming, and she was climaxing, Tony absolutely thundering in, spilling his seed in her, making her lose her head as well as her control.

Brooke leaned back against the bridge railings, feeling confused. She’d let Tony, a complete stranger, fuck her almost senseless and had thoroughly enjoyed it. And now here’s Jerry, a little voice whispered to her and she bit her lip. Could she back off now? Did she want to back off now? She wasn’t sure.

“Turn around and consider the view for a moment,” she heard one of the boys saying. Grasping at anything to take her mind off what had just happened she turned and gasped. There was quite a panoramic view from the bridge. She hadn’t realised just how high the bridge actually was. When she’d crossed using the old bridge she’d always kept her eye on the bridge and the other side, hurrying to get off the bridge in case it collapsed. Now, the world was laid out before her.

A pair of hands came around her and closed over her breasts.

“Lean Escort Göztepe forward a little, sweetheart,” she heard Jerry whisper.

Oh. Not a considerate sharing of the view with her but a positioning of her ready for Jerry’s depredations. She could feel his erection pressing against her, hot and hard. A hand dropped from a breast and she knew where it was going. She could feel his cock brushing against her as he moved it, changing his position, getting ready to take her.

It was pressing against her, gently at first, making sure it was where it ought to be. Now not so gently, driving up and into her, taking advantage of her previous arousal to sheathe itself fast, his groin slapping against her with a wet slap.

Hand back up to claim her breast, both hands now massaging them, and Jerry was going to town. Jerry, she thought, must have got rather worked up watching her and Tony. He certainly seemed desperate to work off some energy. He felt different to Tony, too. That was something she’d never considered before. She was moving to meet him, lifting her bottom and pushing hard against him.

Just how strong were the bridge railings? The idle thought crossed her mind. The way Jerry was ramming into her she was quite sure they were putting a bit of stress on the rails. What an ignominious end; thrown off a bridge by a man’s cock driving in too hard. She bit her lip and pressed on.

For all Jerry’s energy Brooke found that he wasn’t getting to her the way Tony had. With Tony she had been getting excited even before he’d entered her, all nervous anticipation and not being disappointed. With Jerry it seemed more of the same old, same old. Not that it wasn’t very pleasant. It was. It was just that Jerry seemed to lack that certain something that Tony had had. Still, a girl had to make do with what she had and Brooke did her best to please Jerry.

Again, for all his energy and nervous haste Jerry seemed to go for longer that Tony had. Or was it a case of the lack of that extra excitement just made it seem that way. Maybe she should have arranged to time them. She smirked at the thought. That would have put them on their mettle.

She was breathing hard, gasping a little. Jerry was finally winding down. At least, he seemed to be winding up for the big wind down. He was driving in harder, making her really work her hips to keep up with him. The fires burning within her were flaring up, threatening to burst out of control. Yes, she silently pleaded, let it be.

Brooke was relieved to find herself climaxing at roughly the same time as Jerry shot his load. OK, maybe he shot first, but he had sufficient energy left to press on for a few moments, finally pushing her over the edge.

Toll paid Tony formally escorted Brooke off the bridge.

“We’ll be here all day,” he said softly. “Toll’s payable each time you cross.”

Brooke smiled. “Such a shame I won’t be coming back today. The toll was – almost – interesting. Maybe you can work on it with your next customer.”

Tony smiled, looking at her thoughtfully.

“Camping overnight?” he asked.

“That’s right. Tomorrow I head home again, but tomorrow is Sunday. Everyone knows that tolls aren’t payable on a Sunday.”

With that she headed on up the trail, feeling slightly giddy. That had been an experience she hadn’t expected. She’d love to tell someone about it but probably better not to. Still, it was nice to be delightfully wicked and get away with it.

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