
‘Under New Management.’ pt 8

Big Tits

One of the bedroom’s in Master William’s home had been given a feminine motif. Lace curtains, plush carpeting, a pretty comforter with matching pillow shams an armoire in one corner with a vanity table in another. Throw pillows and stuffed animals added a whimsical if not distinctly feminine-adolescence feel.

Jake stirred awake trying to figure out why the room looked so girlish. Looking down he saw the 3 boxes in the corner. His hand drifted lower feeling the luxurious panties he’d nicked from his mother’s stuff.

Padding out from the room he heard the voice of William…”There you are… you passed out last night so I thought I’d bring you to my place…I checked your car and thought it best to bring in those boxes from the back seat….the barkeep Alan dropped it off…its in my driveway.’

In just some shorts the man walked over holding a joint. Offering a hit Jake took it. Nearly nude at 6′ 3″ William was thick at the waist and even more so on his upper frame. Muscles on top of muscles they ran across his broad shoulders

“You look nice in those panties.”

William let his hand drift lower giving a brief caress at Jake’s bum. The younger man felt his penis growing erect when William pulled him close. Jake could feel the strength the man possessed wrapped up in his arms.

“I like how soft your skin is…say thank you when a Master gives you a compliment.”

It was a transformative moment. Jake could try and walk away …or he could stay and see where things went to.

“Yes Master William …thank you.”

He lifted up on his toes and kissed the man’s cheek. Jake couldn’t explain why yet he’d felt a need to do it.

“Darling you have a really sweet bottom.”

The master’s hand gave it a caress.

“Pull back…I want to see them…Yes just as I thought….now I know why you have 3 boxes filled with intimate wear and feminine lingerie…put your hands under them…cup your breasts….every t-girl I’ve ever met loves having breasts as pretty as yours…just wait til you see how larger they’ll get….you’ll find breasts help define who you are and what you’ve become.”

It was like Jake was finally acknowledging he was in one of the developmental stages of transitioning with his breasts blossoming.

“I tell you what sweetheart…you go in your bedroom and take a shower…I know how you girls like to feel clean and fresh…after that we’ll sort you out over some eggs and bangers”

“What’s a banger?”

“I’ve innovia escort travelled the world…a stint with colleagues at MI-6…it’s British for sausage.”

“You mean a spy… like James Bond?”

“Yes and no…somewhere in between mostly.”

“Ummmm….That room it’s so pretty.”

“Yeah…fortunately for you it came with the house like that.”

“Oh William …I mean Master William.”

Jake just broke down and started to cry a band of estrogen-driven emotions rising to the surface. The man pulled him in for a hug bringing a sense of comfort and protection being in his strong arms.

“Hey …hey…things are going to be alright…As a Master I can be very demanding… yet I know when someone I care about feels vulnerable.”

He lifted Jake by the chin a minute or so later. This time Jake leaned up kissing him full on the mouth.

“It’s all so different …but I like it.”

“Run along now honey…you’ll feel better after a shower and you’ve put your face on and done something with your hairdo…..I took the liberty of ordering from Amazon…you’re going to look gorgeous in high heels.”

Jake stared up at the BDSM Master. Laying on the couch the bra and pantie set was white with bright red embroidered vines and tiny flowers swirling on it.

A matching hold-up and sheer ivory-colored stockings and heels added the finishing touch. Pulled to the side the thong clung to his smooth, soft near hair-free skin.

When the Master put a chastity cage on it after the shower Jake wasn’t sure what to think. When he took it off for the photo session he was glad his penis was temporarily set free.

It was a new experience to hand over control of the sex organ being told to call it his t-girl clit. If anything it meant his days of having free access had come to an end.

“Give your hair a shake…I’ve decided we’ll call you Lisbeth…I always like that feisty chick Lisbeth Salander from ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’….you keep growing it out…understand?”

“Yes Master.”

“That’s a good gurl Lisbeth…smile…keep stroking that little plaything…let your other hand go between your legs to fondle that rosebud pussy of yours…I want some nice pictures for your profile.”

The man stepped forward to undo the clasp on the front of the demi-cup bra.

Jake had never felt more was scared or intimidated by a man before in his life. Somehow he ipsala escort was drawn to how macho Master William was.

The cute a-cups gave off a jiggle. It felt instinctual Lisbeth arched his back to show off the pair with the deep-dark colored nipples sticking outward.

“Alright that’s enough for now…let’s get you back in that chastity cage I don’t want you creaming out a climax…those have to be earned young lady…’

“Yes Master William …I’ll be real good.”

“I’ll be the judge of that…you’re not ‘out’ yet so you can’t be that good…you go to work still pretending to be a man.”

William stepped forward lowering his shorts…”On your knees Lisbeth…there’s only one man here.”

Jake slithered across the carpet on all fours rolling the cheeks of his pretty bum back and forth. From the polished nails to the make-up and the spiked-up gelled hair he never felt more feminine lifting his lips to the hard cock.

Thick with lipstick his plump pouted lips slid along the length of the shaft. The contrast of the man’s strong hairy body compared to his soft hairless look was striking. Using the pads of his fingers he gave a soft caress along the stiffness. Forming a classic ‘O’ his mouth descended almost halfway down.

Lisbeth’s mouth bobbed up and down playing with the ball-sac at the same time. He could feel the heft of the scrotum and knew it was building up its load of semen.

The nice thing about t-girls is that they know just where to lick. Flicking his tongue on the underside brought out a grunt from Master William.

“Ugggg…oh that’s good…keep that up gurl.”

The man squatted down a touch like he was sitting on a stool. His strong hands reached out taking hold of Jake at the ears. The t-girl put her hands at his muscled thighs realizing the man was taking over. Back and forth the cock slid in and out of his mouth to the point he thought he was going to gag.

Then it happened…the first of the man’s cream exploded from the tip of the prick. Closing his eyes Lisbeth could feel it hit the back of his throat. Jake couldn’t help yet think it…’I’m a cocksucker now.”

He focused on swallowing… Jake’s cheeks pulling in creating more of a suction. 2, 3 by the 4th eruption Lisbeth knew what it felt like to suck a man to completion.

It was the 5th explosion of warm semen that told the t-girl the Master was special…that he was more of man than Jake could ever iskenderun escort be. After all how many men can summon up that much sperm on a simple blow job.

As the stiffness receded Lisbeth let her tongue and lips clean up the residue. Looking at the pair of boxer’s she reached down and pulled them into place on William’s body. It let the Master know that the gurl was special….that she cared about her man enough to have him cleaned-up looking good after it was over.

Call it a ‘take me to the river’ moment. Master William and Lisbeth made a clear determination of where Jake had been and where the two as a couple would be going. Keeping the job was important yet secretly William knew of Vanessa’ plans.

What was established was that the BDSM Master and budding t-girl had a level of understanding if not affection for each other that they wanted to explore in the coming days and months.

Olivia’s boyfriend Harold just didn’t know how to tell her. When he finally blurted it out that evening …that he’d been sacked at work the woman took it as a sign from Mother Universe. She saw it for the opportunity that existed.

It was time Harold’s cuckold training began.

In some ways it was a transfer of power in the relationship. After all there can only be one dominant and one submissive in any successful coupling. Knowing men tie their self-esteem to how much money they make Olivia seized on the opening.

That first week with him out of a job she would belittle him at every opportunity… dropping little bombs of comments…’what kind of man loses his job’…’a real man would never let his woman become the breadwinner in the relationship.’

The emasculation aspect soon started…’I’ll not have you sitting around…if doing housework was good enough for women to do I see no reason why you shouldn’t learn how.’…’hmmm…a man hand-washing his women’s lingerie…doesn’t sound manly to me.’

Harold could feel his self-worth tumbling lower. The crisp look of a business man in a suit, white shirt and tie soon gave way to a more casual appearance that many a housewife adapts. It was only a matter of time before his work suits were bagged put to storage with Olivia having him in yoga pants and gender-neutral tops that leaned towards the feminine.

Complete with a list put on a daily schedule of housework Harold would sit quietly while before she went to the office Olivia went into what she expected of him that day. Given a new focus on becoming domesticated ….like many a housewife discovers Harold was learning cleaning a home everyday often addles the mind.

It became automatic…standing at the front door before she left for work Olivia trained Harold to kiss her vagina while kneeling in the nude before her.

End of part 8 …

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