
Unexpected Offer Too Good To Ignore

750 Word Project 2023; after the ==== there are 750 words, the minimum allowed for a story, and the maximum for this challenge.

Bobby Freeman: “Well, do you wanna dance, under the moonlight? Hug and kiss all through the night, now Baby, do you wanna dance?”


Even though we were still wearing our work clothes, albeit a bit raunchy, Janice and I decided to chill out at Night Moves. That’s the nightclub where people go to be seen. We did not fit in, but it mattered little to us.

I ordered Vodka with a lime and Janice did her little umbrella drink. The music was loud and lots of skin was showing. My desire to just sit and watch was matched by Janice. It’d been a long day.

Spaced out I heard Janice ask “Whacha pondering?”

“Well, I want to be eighteen again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas. How about you?”

“I’m going to get a Life Alert bracelet so if I get a life I’ll be notified immediately!”

We clinked our raised glasses.

There was a noticeable increase in the buzz and the dance floor parted giving us a view of some well-built guy with a wisp of a bursa escort bayan lady, both looking foolish on the dance floor.

Janice shouted loud enough for me to hear “Isn’t that Vince Swagger, the visiting quarterback for tomorrow’s game?”

The lighting was poor but I had to agree “Thought he was married, and that don’t look like his wife.”

“I agree. Doubt his wife would grind him like that in public.”

For whatever reason Vince glanced our way when the song ended. He returned the little wispy thing to her table. Janice and I sat drinking without talking. Our silence was interrupted with “Would you like to dance?”

I was fairly certain the deep male voice wouldn’t have been asking me. A meaty paw was extending towards Janice.

“No thanks” came quickly from her.

“Aww, come on beautiful. You’re just what I’m looking for.”

“Really, and what is it that you’re looking for?”

“An angel like you to share my bed tonight.”

I cast an evil eye towards the cheeky asshole, but Janice reached across the table and squeezed my hand.

“Nice try. Don’t you play soccer or gorukle escort something like that?”

“Football. American football. Don’t know if you’ve been following the news but I just signed a nine-digit contract. Looks like the two of you could use a little help and I’d be more than happy to accommodate you.”

Janice wasn’t backing down “Now what do you mean accommodate?”

“You spend the night with me and I’ll give you ten grand.”

“And what are you expecting from me for your money?”

“A night of sex, and probably a repeat performance in the morning before the big game. I’ll even make sure you get home safely.”

Janice needled him “I hear steroids make all of you jocks end up with teeny weenies. What’s in it for me?”

“Oh, it ain’t small” as he cupped his groin.

I got a jab in “Could just be a sock stuffed in your shorts.”

“Nope, it’s for real and I can last forever.”

Janice took charge “What do you think John? That’s a lot of money.”

My turn “Cash only AND before we leave this place. Can you swing that hotshot?”

“Piece of cake. Let’s bursa merkez escort bayan meet over by the coat room in five minutes.”

I continued “How about we find somewhere a little more private, as we’ve never seen that much cash. How about just outside by the valet booth?”

“No problem.”

Janice and I paid our tab and waited for mister all-star to show.

Pulling my personal phone out I clicked on the FanFool app. The money line for the game tomorrow had our team at plus one sixty. That means for every hundred bet, on an outright win by our team, would return a profit of one hundred sixty. I bet five grand on our boys.

With his entourage following closely, Vince approached. Taking a few envelopes from his pocket he handed them to me. I peeked inside and there were hundred-dollar bills.

“Let’s go sweetheart.”

Janice and I simultaneously pulled out our service revolvers and badges.

Smirking I spoke “Vince Swagger you are under arrest for solicitation of prostitution. You have the right to remain silent…”

You see, Janice and I work undercover vice on the streets in the vicinity of the night club. I am married, but not to Janice. We’ve never even shared a kiss.

Vince was booked and scheduled to appear before a judge on Monday morning. He’d miss the game on Sunday.

Our team won as the backup quarterback for them was a backup for a reason. I made an easy eight grand.

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