
Up to You – 2


I hadn’t expected this and the unexpected is so often more exciting, more heady than the planned or anticipated. Her mouth hard on mine, she pushed her tongue into my mouth and her leg between mine while her hands explored first my back, then my hair, then my breasts and ultimately and beautifully went up under my dress and found my cunt. She leaned back. “I’m going to fuck you, you know that, right? You’re definitely ready for it.” “I want that.” “Undress for me.” I looked at her and unzipped the dress and let it fall. I undid my bra and cast it aside, there in the small, intimate room.  “Get your knickers off too. I want to see all of you.” Her voice had become huskier somehow. I pushed them down and she bent to pick them up and I thought she was going to do something cheesy like smell them but she just threw them to join my bra and advanced on me again and attacked my mouth. I tried to undo her shirt but she told me to stop and leave it to her when she was good and ready. Her manner was harder now, dominant and I was loving it. She turned me so my back was to her and one of her hands held my left breast while the other ran over my buttocks, around my hips to my trimmed mound and then under me until her finger was between my lips but not inside me. I’d never expected to see her again, never mind have her take me like this. I let my head fall back onto her shoulder and the hand on my breast moved up to my exposed throat and she encircled it as her tongue slithered into my ear. Work finished I went for a small, private celebration at my local pub. A glass of wine and a chance to sit and think about the first week in my new almanbahis şikayet job. I’d always hoped to be an archivist and finally, I’d been taken on by a family-owned cidermaking business that had been operating from the same farm for almost two hundred years. The records were in a total mess so I knew I had my work cut out but even the few hours I had spent during this my first week had been fascinating and I was in heaven. Val would not have understood but, I thought, she can fuck herself. It must have been she who sent me that bloody picture and wasn’t that simply the cruellest way to end a relationship? I took my wine to a corner table, one of those with wrought iron bases that apparently had formerly been used to hold sewing machines up. The rings on the wood left by previous drinkers’ glasses were somehow comforting, like flaws on a lover’s features. I was far too happy to let reminders of Val get me down. Rhonda, never far from my thoughts appeared in my mind’s eye and I felt that familiar swelling of my lips and moistness inside me when I remembered that kiss, the way her tongue had driven into my mouth and searched it. Her hands stroking my arms. God, why had I left? I shook myself mentally, finished my wine and went back to the bar for a second. “Well, well, I’ve seen you before, haven’t I?” I turned toward the voice and there she was. The girl from the alley, Sue? Yes, that was it, Sue. “Hello, Sue.” “You remembered my name? I don’t remember yours.” “It’s Cass.” “Right.” She looked good, better in the light than in the gloom of the club or the sleazy half-light of the alley. Her hair looked neater, tight almanbahis canlı casino around her scalp like a black cap. She was taller, less heavy than I remembered although that may have been her clothes. She was wearing a pinstripe blue business suit with a white shirt and a blue silk tie, slightly pulled away from the open top button of the shirt and black toe-capped shoes that were polished and clean. Her Asian eyes, like almonds, were black like her hair and her lips shone with a red gloss that made her teeth look like little pearls. “Let me get that drink?” “Thank you.” She paid for my wine and we moved to my table. Sitting opposite me, she sipped her beer and looked at me. “Where did we meet?” So, she didn’t remember me or that she took me from behind in the alley up against a wall at the back of the club. So I just gave her the club’s name and she smiled. “Right, it’s coming back to me. You don’t fuck in toilets, right?” I looked around to see if anyone could hear. “Is that all you remember about me?” “Well, we didn’t talk a lot as I recall? No, I thought not. But we both got what we needed or wanted, didn’t we?” “Yes. I’d have gone home with you.” “I wasn’t looking for a relationship. I’d just got rid of a woman who cheated on me and I wanted a nice, simple fuck.” “I’d just been got rid of by a woman who cheated on me and I wanted a lovely, rough fuck.” “You do that too?” I nodded as I sipped. “Well, to be honest, I didn’t care why, just that you did. You feeling better now?” “It must be six months, so yes, I’m good.” “Six months? Christ, no wonder I couldn’t remember your name. I’m surprised I remembered almanbahis casino you at all.” “I saw you in the club a few weeks later but you ignored me.” “No, not ignored. I didn’t see you. I’m not that rude.” “You look good.” She smiled and said I did too which was nice because I’d made an effort for my first week. A loose, pale yellow summer dress and, unusually, a bra because, well, it was my first week at the new job. I needn’t have bothered. I hardly saw anyone once I got started. We talked. We talked a lot and I realised I liked her. She was dry-witted without being sarcastic, she was knowledgeable, and she taught something incomprehensible at the local university which surprised me because she was so smartly dressed. “I just like to feel good,” was her explanation. We got to the obvious question; no, neither of us had anyone currently in our lives and that led on to , ‘yes, that’d be good,’ when we talked about maybe having another drink together sometime and we exchanged numbers which I thought was a bit, well, what people do whether they mean it or not. I changed my mind when she touched my hand. “I don’t just fuck good-looking women in filthy alleys.” “Nor do I.” “It’s all about the moment, isn’t it?” I couldn’t argue with that so I didn’t. “I like it though, the urgent stuff and you were good.” Big smile. “Did you wait the two minutes?” She remembered. I nodded. “I know. I watched. That was so hot. Are you always obedient?” Now, there’s a question. “No.” “Ever?” I looked at my glass, empty and suggested I get us another. “Tell you what, why don’t we go and get something to eat?” I looked at my watch. “Something you have to escape to?” “My cat.” She seemed surprised. “He needs feeding.” “I’ve never been passed over for a cat before. Impressive.” “I wasn’t passing you over, I just have to feed the cat. Why don’t I do that and meet you somewhere for supper.”

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