
Vermillion 02: Connections

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Vermillion was a kingdom of possibilities, dreams, and hope. It’s neighbor was a bit different. Casor was a kingdom covered in mist, nearly always rainy, and overall was an average place to live in. Casor held all the same amenities that Vermillion did and more. The people of the sullen looking kingdom were of mostly humans, under the eye of a tragic queen who reigned with her mind never her heart. She and Nicholas had made several appearances with one another in ensuing equality among the two lands to help the country prosper and grow.

Not everyone wanted peace or prosperity, especially the people of the town of Rain. Rain was once a hidden village that raised spies and assassins, thought to be cursed for how much blood it’s citizens had spilled. There were even tales of sacrificing their own as tribute for the lives lost to an unknown deity. If the tribute was accepted, for an entire year it would rain down and replenish crops. If not, for an entire year the blood of their victims would pour souring the land and poisoning any harvest.

It was an interesting history to the man sitting in the house of the leader of the village. He was sitting in an iron chair, his feet resting comfortably on the bodies of those he had slain earlier in the day without alerting any of the villagers.

“Lynx.” The deep voice called smoothly with ease as a woman slid over a slide door from the outside and walked in. Lynx had russet eyes, peach skin, emerald hair down her shoulders, and a permanent frown. “You didn’t need to take the woman’s clothing.”

Lynx shrugged staring down at the black silk robe, embroidered with red drops down the torso with lengthy freeing sleeves that nearly covered her hands.

“It’s best to blend in for now. I honestly don’t get why you have to pretend as if you’re overseas, Sirus.”

Sirus smiled at her, his entire aura was a big black blob of aggression tangled in lust and death. His hair was ebony and his eyes were the color of fresh snow, and like his eyes he could be just as cold.

“We’re here playing dollhouse when your true prize is next door in Vermillion. Luna’s literally in your grasp.” Lynx growled.

“I got hungry-

“You got bored!” Lynx angrily stomped on the head of one of the dead men under Sirus’ right foot, crushing the entire skull in. Blood, bone, and brain matter stuck to the floor and some of the face stuck against her shoe which she rubbed off hard against the floor until it was clean. The eyeballs were ejected through the sockets and slid across the room as soon as she had done the act.

“Someone’s hangry.” Sirus teased “Maybe you’d feel a bit better once you’ve had a snack.” Sirus nodded at the three corpses on the floor. One was the leader of the town who’s neck was snapped by Sirus, the other two bodies were his servants.

“I’m irritated.” Lynx crossed her arms, she had already consumed parts the wife of the leader of Rain. “We came all this way to toy with these insects when you can swoop in and take her.”

“I’m not so sure about that. I heard that she has protection from Vermillion’s king. And he himself is not ordinary-

“He’s a vampire-

“He’s a problem.” Sirus glared at her for underestimating such an opponent. Nicholas was not only older than they were, but knew more, experienced more, and had killed all sorts of creatures including demons in the past. “I’d like to monitor her for now.”

Lynx sighed “Do I need to send a spy? As an incubus you can do that on your own.”

“I’d like you to go. I know you, I trust you. And I want you to get Luna to trust you too. Let her warm up to the idea of our engagement.”

Lynx rolled her eyes, incubi and succubi could be so dramatic. She herself was a demon, one of the remaining Arae, demons/spirits who cursed the guilty. However Lynx believed that guilt could be found in the smallest of tasks, and her punishments were cruel and swift, it was a version of justice that fed her lust for violence.

“And if she doesn’t comply?”

“Be…persuasive.” Sirus told her “Luna’s weak right now, but what’s worse is that her true weakness lies in the heart. She cares. For mortals and immortals alike.”

“Threatening people she cares for seems like the opposite of getting her to accept you.”

“She’s a girl.” Sirus reminded her of this fact that he firmly kept in mind. Young, naive, and innocent. She could be turned if the right person tilted her head, if that person had the strength to. “She’s to be mine per the arrangement. So we’ll play this little game awhile longer.”

“Fine.” Lynx knew what this really was, babysitting. “When do you want me to head out?”

“Maybe a week or two from now. A little birdy chirped in my ear that the princess is in town, and she is even more destructive than her brother. We’ll wait until she leaves, then you head out. Take your time too.”


“Take a car or something to appear as humble. Think you can manage?”

“I think I should kill you.” Lynx’s eyes shifted to vertical slits that flickered bronze, istanbul escort the air around her exhumed that of a predator ready to pounce on their prey, coiled muscles, breathing shallowed, heat reeling off the body, hair standing up from pure excitement and fear (as well as all signs which were present during sex).

Sirus let out a wild guffaw, of course he knew she was serious, and she had a strength that could match his, but Lynx never went through with that promise.

“Have at it.” Sirus extended both arms to opposite sides of his body “Just be careful not to stain anything.”

Lynx rolled her eyes, transitioning back. Sirus was her friend, the one demon who understood her and vice versa. He was a pain in the ass at times, but in a way him asking a favor was good a thing, especially if one day she asked for one in return.

“Consider it done, you owe me.”

“More than that, I owe you in blood by the gallons.” Sirus’ eyes lit up like a Halloween lantern with excitement “Prepare for your journey. Verdure soon awaits.”

Back in an old stone castle that sat on the cliffside of a hill was an unsure Luna. Elizabeth’s eyes probed her from the moment she came into the room, but Luna took her frail white hand and shook it rigidly.

“Nice to meet you, Elizabeth. I’m Luna.”

“Hm. It’s nice to meet you too. Brother, you didn’t tell me you were still keeping guests.”

Nick laughed nervously rubbing the back of his neck “It’s a bit complicated, Eliza.”

“Then uncomplicate it for me. Dominic.” Elizabeth turned to face him, her eyes were a shade darker than Nick’s and gave Dom chills. “You’ll join us after dinner’s been prepared.”



“O-Of course. Of course.” Dom nodded and quickly excused himself from the room, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

When the moon rose dinner was served, and for the first time Luna saw Dom sit at the table, he sat next to her, with Luna across from Eliza who sat next to her brother. For the first five minutes no one said anything, just ate in awkward silence.

“The castle’s still bleak.” Elizabeth told Nick “And why is it so dark?”

Nick sipped water from his glass before answering, Elizabeth was exuding annoyance. He was always being berated by her for little things. She was bossy to say the least, but this was his home to do with as he pleased.

“Because I like it that way. The open windows-

“That’s very dangerous by the way.”

Nick sighed and turned to her “I enjoy the fresh light that shines in, it illuminates the castle in the most enchanting way. Secondly, Eliza, no one is coming to attack me-


“Stop, please.” Nick furrowed his brow, she always had to say something.

“Dominic what do you think?” Eliza turned her harsh glare to the faithful servant of two hundred years hoping for some type of explanation as to why Nick was trying to fight her on the subject (though it was small).

“If my count enjoys it then should it matter what I think?” Dom asked, Eliza’s eyes didn’t leave him, he had to answer her “I enjoy dark corners myself, my lady.”

Eliza murmured something under her breath before speaking to Luna “What’s your opinion?”

Luna herself wasn’t feeling so hot, she hadn’t fed in almost a month, she’d been pretending to have secret romps with Ian during Lord Romus’ stay.

She was becoming ill, sickly even, but with the help of Alex’s magic herbs she kept her complexion healthy, at least when in the company of the king and Dom. She had already cut things off with Ian two weeks ago, due to her constant worrying about the letter.

“I guess it’s okay.”

“You’re a bit of a bird aren’t you?” Eliza asked, she noticed everyone’s interactions and expressions.

Nick was a bit embarrassed and angry with her for acting as if she was above him, of course that wasn’t the case. Dom was quiet and stoically thinking about seeing Brina to avoid lady Eliza, that was something she had honed in on accidently. But Luna, Luna was dead silent, she had barely begun her meal and the others were picking at their leftover scraps.

Eliza unlike her brother had the power to read thoughts, but Luna kept her mind shielded, maybe by her own power or her will was just that strong to block others out. Eliza was fascinated and curious about her, she already knew that she was a succubus, but the smell of her skin, the sheer light in her eyes spoke to her. She was a bit different.

“Luna, are you feeling well?” Nick frowned, his eyes sank down with concern. Luna nodded.


“But you’ve barely eaten.” Eliza said.

“I’m already sated, thank you.”

“But you seem so…frail.” Eliza reached out and touched her hand, Luna jumped back so quickly that she nearly knocked over her glass. “Please speak if you have something to say.”

“No offense, but it’s not your business.”

“I may not know you, Luna. But you seem to be special to my little brother and even to Dominic. I believe if anything happened to you both would istanbul escort bayan be extremely displeased.”

Both Nick and Dom put down their utensils and stared at Luna.

“Tell them.” Eliza urged “The sooner the better, it will clear the awkward tension in the room and settle things.”

“Luna.” Dom called and Luna looked at him, her friend. The one she joked with and was sarcastic and picked at constantly.

“Luna, are you alright?” Nick repeated, she looked back at him, her other friend. The one who she teased, who gave her a place to stay, gave her his protection.

Her canary eyes wavered “She’s underfed, brother. I thought she was under your watchful eye.” Eliza raised one defined blond eyebrow at him.


“You told me that you’ve been feeding, all the times we went into the cit-

“Dom, I lied.” Luna shrugged “I didn’t go to see Ian, I haven’t seen Ian ever since Lord Romus came. Ian and I are no longer Ian and I, okay?”

“You haven’t been feeding, do you want to starve to death?” Dom fumed, it was one thing to lie, but another to let yourself die without even giving your friends a heads up.

Nick joined his hands together and placed his elbows on the table. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


“Because I wouldn’t understand? That I’m different, you’re different-

“Because I don’t want Ian to die.” Luna bit her lip “He has the power to break spells, wards, and even though you may be a king, you can’t watch the entire country. Every crime committed you don’t see-

“Yes, but you’re here where I can see you. Why do you have to push away?”

“Because I’m scared.” Luna grabbed her arms staring down at her plate thinking of all the horrors she’d seen. Sirus’ cruelty could not be contained when released, and it was something she couldn’t stomach. Nick was a strong vampire, considerate, and sweet, but he was often busy on certain occasions.

“Ian’s safety is insured if I stay away from him, he’s not like anyone in this room. He can’t get a second chance at life unless you granted it to him.”

Nick’s eyes turned stony “Even so, you’re letting yourself wither away, because of a fear. He will not take you. You are my friend, Luna. You’re punishing yourself-

“I’m not.” She dug her nails into the side of her arm not caring if she cut herself “I can’t feed, because I think what if he targets this one guy I seem to be interested in, or who I feed on. I can’t sleep, because what if he appears in my dreams? So yes I lied. But I don’t want anyone harmed and that is not an excuse, this is not a punishment. So fuck you for saying that it is.”

“My my..” Eliza began eating again as Luna stood up, frustrated.


“Dom, I want to be alone.” Luna left as Dom leered down at his king who hissed at the unfortunate situation.

“I’ll excuse myself, my lady.” Dom bowed out as Nick felt his blood boil, maybe if he told her about the letter maybe then things would mellow out.

“She’s young, but she’s a very nice girl. I’ve never met such a wonderful succubus, so willing to give her life for humans and paranormals. I love you Nicholas, but you were in the wrong and-

“I need to apologize.” Nick finished placing his head down on his knuckles.

Eliza gave a small smirk “Aren’t you glad I came? Just in time too.”

Luna was already sitting on her bed trying to calm herself. Nick knocked, Luna didn’t answer, so he came in anyway. He shut the door behind him.

“I’m sorry-

“It’s okay-

“No, it isn’t. And I think before you sulk that I should tell you about Sirus’ letter. Will you let me?”

Luna nodded waiting for whatever dark doings to be spilled.

“The summarized version is that he plans on arriving in three weeks as Lord Sirus of Hirea peacefully without harming any of my citizens or even entering the city of Verdure. He plans on trying to woo you up until he must return to Hirea.”

“And that’s good news?” Luna squinted at him as if he’d barely said anything positive.

“Ever since you told me about him I did my own research with Dom’s help.”

Luna rolled her eyes “Meaning you sent Dom to the library to do a history project.”

Nick looked down, he did remain at the castle during the duration of the research, that he admitted, but he pieced everything that Dom collected together to create a clear picture on who Sirus was.

“The point overall is that he keeps to his word-

“Nick, he can twist his own speech however he wants.”

“So can I.” Nick countered looking at her eyes, they were glassy and her skin had a slight gray hue to it, her hair looked lifeless, she herself looked like she was dying despite her immortality. “Your experience in dealing with him tells you what?”

“He will keep to his word for as long as he can keep himself satisfied, fulfilled. And it takes a lot to fulfill a psychotic incubus. And you’ve made sure that there were no brothels in this country.”

“And I’m not offering anything to him besides escort istanbul a chance.” Nick smiled at her “I can walk around it.”

“Don’t get cocky.”

“I’m not, I’m well prepared for any attack. And even I’m not in the other towns and cities, I have those who’s responsibility is to initiate the failsafe to protect the people. Which is why I’m sure he’ll keep to his word.”

Luna looked Nick up and down, what type of failsafe did he have against someone as powerful as Sirus? Someone who once collapsed an entire civilization in six hours. Nick’s powers were known, his own history laid out for the world to see. But did he hide a portion of what was known?”

“You need to feed.”

“I’ll feed in Ian’s dreams. But whatever it was before is over.” Luna sighed, he was a nice guy, funny, cute, and a realist.

“You’ve barely slept.” Nick told her, every living being needed rest except that of the undead, it was just a nice luxury for them.

“It’s hard to close my eyes when he could creep in. Potions won’t work, my powers won’t. Not against him.”

“He’s your boogey man. I understand that.” Nick took a seat next to her on the bed “But even they have a weakness. I know this may seem odd, but can I ask a favor of you?”

Luna turned to him “Of course you can.” He had given her a chance to start a new life, she not owed him her life, but was very thankful.

“Never let yourself starve, never shut us out, we’re here to help. I don’t want you to be in pain or in fear. You have to start taking care of yourself too.”


“No, not kay, not fine. Promise me.” Nick’s eyes flickered crimson then teal again.

“I promise.” Luna breathed “Nick, I just want to sleep for right now.”

“That’s all well and good, but if you do not shape up I’ll get Dom to follow y-

Luna held both hands up “Uh no. That’s not gonna happen. I’ll feed again, I’ll sing in the rain again too if that makes you happy. Dom’s cool, but he can’t creep around me twenty four seven.”

Nick laughed “It does make me happy. But I want you to be happy too.”

“You are such a prince charming type, it’s ridiculous.” Luna laid back onto the bed staring up “Night, king.”

Nick took the hint and stood up “Night, Luna.” He took his leave and slept contently knowing that she would keep this promise.

In the morning Luna got up tiredly, her first stop was to the bathroom next door. She slid her clothes off filling the porcelain tub with hot water and sakura bath gel. Luna tossed and turned the entire night thinking on what Nick said, she was tired of feeling helpless and needed a bit of tranquility. That was what the bath would give her, something to calm her nerves.

Slipping into the foamy water Luna closed her eyes, the water washed over her skin softly wrapping her body in a warm blanket. She let herself drift sleepily into sleep, she only meant to rest herself a bit, not fall into a deep slumber. But she knew the feeling, her body felt as if it were falling, her consciousness swimming further from her. It was too late, she was under. Dreaming.

Luna’s first instinct was to wake up, her eyes shot open in urgency as she scanned the white washed room, it was a blur and she felt numb.

“Pace yourself.” The voice spoke clearly in a deep volume, but it made Luna’s heart rate quicken “Calm yourself, Luna.”

Luna felt as if her throat was being squeezed, unable to even whisper. She slowly breathed in thinking of Nick, he was always there comforting her, always trying to make her feel at home. She needed to relax even with the fear breathing down her neck.

Her vision became clearer as she made out the bathroom features, white and black tiles, with walls to match, a sink with a golden faucet, a silver mirror above it behind her.

Luna swallowed hard as she looked towards the left, Sirus’ eyes were dead on her. He was kneeling near the end of the tub, hands on the edge.

“What do you want?” Luna growled.

“Feisty as ever. I have to admit that I’ve missed seeing you.” Sirus rubbed his hands down her shoulders which definitely tensed Luna up. “Is this attraction or repulsion? I can’t really tell.”


“Don’t what?” His hands were traveling down her arms into the water “I can’t help but admire your full form. The touch makes me…insatiable.” Although he wanted to feel her round milky breasts, feast upon her blushing nipples, he resisted.

Luna grunted as she tried to get her arms to move, but nothing happened. She felt as if she were slowly sinking, with no power over her own body. It was a vulnerability, what would he do? Defile her? Tease her? But she wouldn’t stop fighting.

“Don’t exhaust your energy, it won’t do you any good. I honestly hoped to talk.” Sirus felt a boiling in his loins as he reached down the center of her flat velvety stomach towards her inner thigh. She was flesh, sensitive, supple flesh that made him want to ravage her.

“Is this to scare me?” Luna narrowed her eyes, if she couldn’t stop him with action then she would delay him with words.

Sirus stopped himself and removed his hands from the water “No, I wanted to speak with you without formality. You left in such a rush last time.”

“You turned innocent happy go lucky people into a lynch mob, because I rejected the proposal.”

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