
Wasted Time


It was a Saturday morning in April; the weather was finally sunny for a change, despite it being early. My mom told me she wanted me to ride with her as she picked my grandma up from work and took her home over an hour away; I agreed without saying anything. I already knew how I could pass the time anyway, gotta love emulators. You know, those video games meant for consoles (Playstation, GameBoy, etc) that can be formatted and then played on a computer (or in this case my phone.) We took off from our apartment parking lot and I instantly popped my headphones into my phone and remembered the audio book I had downloaded last week on I decided to listen to that instead of play video games. It was Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex, no need to describe what it was about. I had gotten to about Chapter 9 the night before, so I continued from there, occasionally shifting my attention to my mom whenever she spoke to me. We finally arrived to my grandma’s workplace and we all did the usual greetings while we, well I, loaded her things into the backseat with me. I flopped into the back and continued listening to Gotta Have It. These stories were incredible! There were a few lesbian stories, Ankara bayan escort one about a sexy voice message, one with a quickie in the kitchen, some kind of vegetarian wanting to eat meat real bad, a gay one, and even something about Godzilla! There were lots and lots more, but needless to say, this audio book was FULL of diversity; just like I like it! It only took about seven less-than-ten-minute stories before I was achingly horny and hard enough to almost rip the front of my jeans; the two women aged thirty five in the front of the car completely oblivious to my situation. I shoot a text to my girlfriend, Trisha, educating her on my turmoil, hoping to torture her to the same yearning I suffered; she never replied. I dared to listen further into my audio book, distracted by my raging libido. I ‘accidentally’ wrapped my hand over my pitched tent. ’Trying to cover it up‘ I lied to myself. Only to be rewarded by chills rocketing down my spine. Fuck! I needed to cum now! But, being in the back seat of my mother’s car, masturbation was definitely not an option. What’s worse, we weren’t even a quarter of the way into our journey yet. Escort bayan Ankara I think back to Trisha, her being WAY more sexual than I, but when the mood hit, there was no issue. We didn’t see each other as much as normal couples, the reason being she lived over an hour drive from my house. We decided we would rather wait for that chance to see each other for days rather than a few short hours. Not even a week ago she spent her spring break over at my house; it was a blast, we shared the time with my roommate Shane and his boyfriend. My mom never questioned us much, just pondering on if we used protection; I lied and said we did just to avoid that lecture. Man, when I think back to that spring break the time we had where my mom was gone and it was just us four chilling watching Netflix on the couch, I can’t help but think no matter how relaxing the moment was, if I was more sexually hungry physically like I am mentally (even my girlfriend doesn’t know how wild it is, yet) I would have fucked her a lot more. I think back to those days my mom would be gone for unknown amounts of hours, all that wasted time on the couch, it’s kind of saddening. Bayan escort Ankara If only I felt then like I felt right now in this car, things would have gone a bit differently. I let my mind slip into the fantasy as I closed my eyes. We’d be holding hands as we always did, and I’d kiss the back of hers being the gentleman that I am. She’d smile at me and I’d stand up and walk towards the hallway that connected the living room to my room. She would smile at me still with her hazel eyes gleaming her happiness, gotta love her so much. But instead of my usual smile back, she would get a hungry stare, my eyes devouring her. She’d notice and smirk devilishly raising her eyebrows in that cute sexy way people do to signal ill intent. I couldn’t help but grin back, and then signaled for her to follow me with a curled finger. She would glance at the other couple sitting on the couch side opposite of us to make sure they didn’t notice. She’d rise and they’d turned to her when they feel the shift, Shane would make his usual comment relating to sex and I’d brush it off with the wave of the hand, trying not to show he was actually right this time. I’d lead her to my room and close the door behind us, my eyes exploring her pleasantly plump body attached to that oh-so-fun-to-spank ass. I approach her and rest my hand on her cheek; my dark chocolate skin contrasting to her ginger-pale. I pull her to me and our lips lock, both melting into each other. I slide my tongue to hers, inviting it to play.

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