


Subject: When You Least Expect Chapter 21 Copyright 2020-2021: No part of this story may be reproduced in any way without the express written consent of the author. The author fty permission to post the story on their website. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction and fantasy. No part of it is based on true events, and any similarity to any person, living or dead, is coincidental. It contains descriptions of homosexual activities between consenting adults. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then – I hope you enjoy it! Nifty needs donations to continue doing what we all enjoy. If you can, please consider donating. When You Least Expect By Josh Blake Chapter 21 I thought life after having a baby would be easy. Was I ever wrong. Don’t get me wrong. Braden and I both loved Jackson with all of our hearts. He was a ray of sunshine in our lives, and I don’t think I could have loved him any more if I had birthed him myself, if that was possible. But a baby’s sleep schedule doesn’t match that of the adults in the house, which causes some stress for everyone. Mom moving in was the best thing that ever happened to us. She had the motherly instincts that Braden and I, both being males, lacked. That is definitely a downside to a gay male couple raising a family, but we were determined to make it work. Mom did a great job of anticipating his needs, knowing when to feed him, burping him, and getting him to sleep. She was also doing a good job of training Braden and I on the necessary skills of fatherhood. Bonnie spent a lot of time at the house as well. She and Mom were getting a long great, and she was a big help for having another female in the house to help us know what to do. I had enough vacation days to take off the entire first week we had Jackson, which was great. We spent a lot of time just bonding. Between Braden and I both holding him, the little guy didn’t get much of a chance to just lay in his crib on his own. Mom had read online that it was important for the baby to feel his parent’s skin against his own in order to bond, so we spent a lot of time shirtless while holding him. This also met the dual purpose of making cleanup easy when he inevitably spit up on us. Austin was loving his role as an uncle. Somewhat surprisingly, he spent a good amount of time at the house during that first week as well. Mark was there a lot as well, playing the role of the doting grandfather. Picking names for the grandparents wasn’t as easy as you would think. When my grandmother, my mom’s mother, was alive, I called her Meemaw. Mom thought that was just fine for her, so she became Meemaw. Bonnie, on the other hand, didn’t think she was old enough for a nickname such as `Granny,’ or `Mamaw.’ “I’m still a young woman,” Bonnie said. We were sitting at the table finishing lunch one day as a family. Mark and Austin were there as well. “I just don’t want to be `Granny.'” “What did you call your grandmother?” I asked. “Well, my mother’s mother was very old. I don’t remember much about her, but she had to be in her eighties when I was a little girl. She died when I was six or seven. I literally called her `Grandmother.’ She was nice, but very old fashioned and very proper. I wasn’t allowed to play at her house. I had to sit quietly on the sofa and not touch anything.” “What about your father’s mother?” Braden asked. “Ah, that was Nana. Nana was so nice and so much fun to be around. We baked cookies and made cakes. She always let me help. She would slip me money and say `now don’t tell the other children. I can’t give to all of them.’ Her home always felt so happy. When she died, I cried for a month. I was about thirteen when she died. I can still see her face and hear her voice.” “Wow, it sounds like she was an awesome grandmother,” I said. “Maybe you want to be `Nana’ like her.” “You know what, that’s it! I’m Nana! I want to be just like her!” Bonnie exclaimed. “Well, that settles it for you,” Braden said. “What about Dad?” “My favorite grandpa was Pops. Can I be `Pops?'” Mark asked. “You can be whatever you want to be,” I said. “It sounds like Jack has Meemaw, Nana, and Pops. I think we have it covered! “What about you guys?” Austin asked. “What do you mean?” Braden asked. “What’s he going to call you? He can’t just call you both `Dad,’ can he?” “We really hadn’t thought about it,” I said. “Well, I think we may have thought about it a few months ago, but that really became the least of our worries.” “I guess we’ll just let him decide when he’s old enough to start talking to us,” Braden said. “I guess just calling us both `Dad’ isn’t terrible, is it?” No one could come up with any good reason not to just allow him to call us both `Dad,’ so we left it at that. The sound of Jackson crying changed the subject. “It sounds like someone is awake and hungry,” Braden said. “I’ll go get him and feed him.” Braden went into Jackson’s room to pick him up. “I’ll make a bottle,” Mom said. “No, let me,” I said. “I need to practice.” With Mom’s guidance, I made a bottle, testing the temperature of the formula on my forearm to make sure it wasn’t too hot or too cold. I took the bottle in to Braden, who was sitting in the rocking chair with Jackson in his arms. “How did we get so lucky?” Braden asked as I walked in. “He’s absolutely perfect.” “He really is,” I said. “I must have hit the jackpot to score both of you in the same year,” I said, handing him the bottle. I quickly took out my phone to snap a picture. I’m pretty sure in the last few days I had taken more pictures of Jackson than NASA takes of Mars, but I didn’t want to forget a single moment. This picture of Braden holding him would definitely be one we would look back on years later. I texted the picture to Ginger, who responded with “Awwwww.” I asked how Kiersten was doing. She responded that she was a little depressed, overall, but was improving. Ginger had been showing her the pictures we had sent so she could see that Jackson was well and being cared for. With Jackson’s arrival, I hadn’t had time to decorate the house for Christmas, a task that I always thoroughly enjoyed. This would be the first year that I didn’t have to tackle the entire task on my own. Braden helped me pull out the artificial tree that I had been using for the last several years, and we got it set up only to find that half of the lights were out. “Let’s get a real tree!” Braden said. “Can we, please?” He was as excited as a little kid. “Well, I guess we can,” I said. “We definitely can’t use this one.” We left Jackson with Mom and hopped in the truck to head to the local hardware superstore that sold Christmas trees. Since we were somewhat late in picking a tree, there weren’t a ton of them to choose from. We were able to find a decent tree that we both liked. We picked up some colorful lights and a few new Christmas ornaments that we both liked. We paid, then loaded the tree on the truck and drove home. When we got home, Mom had a Christmas movie playing and was making hot cocoa. Jackson was in his carrier sitting and watching her in the kitchen. “Mom, I’m so proud of you! You learned how to find a movie on the Smart TV!” I said. “I’m not that slow,” she laughed. “It took me a minute, but I figured it out! I figured we needed to ramp up the Christmas cheer in the house while we decorate the tree!” Braden and I got the tree in the house and it it’s stand. The next task was stringing the lights. Since I was the tallest, I started the lights at the top, then Braden took over. As all moms do, Mom had to fix it to be perfect, so the wires didn’t show. Mom poured us each a cup of hot cocoa, and we enjoyed sipping on it while we hung ornaments and halfway watched “Christmas with the Kranks” playing on TV. “I think we just about got it,” I said, standing back to admire our handiwork. “It is beautiful,” Braden said. “There’s one more ornament to hang. I’ll be right back,” Mom said, walking to her bedroom. She came out holding a small box. “This is a special ornament. Here, both of you open it up and hang it.” She handed me the box. I opened it to find a cast of Jackson’s tiny footprint with the inscription `Jackson’s First Christmas, 2020.’ “When did you have a chance to do this?” I asked Mom, handing the ornament to Braden. “Ginger helped me with it. She actually handled the imprint part while he was still in the hospital. Then we sent it in to finish the process to some company on the Internet.” “Mom, that was so thoughtful. Thank you so much!” I said, hugging her. Braden thanked her and hugged her as well. The ornament was beautiful on the tree, and it would be a keepsake that we would treasure for years to come. With the tree decorated, we moved to the outside of the house. With Mom inside with Jackson, Braden and I strung lights in the bushes in front of the house. We finished just before dark. With all the lights on and the tree lit up in the window, the house was a beautiful sight! We went back inside and watched more Christmas movies with Mom until it was time to go to bed. I put Jackson down in his crib and turned on the baby monitor before we went to our room. We tried to keep Mom from waking up to deal with him during the night, but she would sometimes still hear him crying and get up to take care of him. Intimacy with a baby in the house was a little more difficult as well. Braden and I both started sleeping in shorts and T-shirts so when we got up to go check on the baby, we didn’t have to worry about getting dressed. “I need your cock in me,” Braden said almost as soon as we closed our bedroom door. “It’s been too long, and I need it. So, I’m going to go get ready and when I come back, I want to see you naked with a hard cock.” “Yes sir!” I said, starting to take off my clothes. I could hear Braden in the bathroom getting himself ready for my cock. After about 5 minutes, he emerged from the bathroom naked and ready. “Now that’s what mezitli escort I’ve been wanting,” he said, walking over and wrapping his hand around my already hard cock, giving it a couple strokes. “I want to ride you. Just lay there and let me do all the work.” Braden climbed up onto the bed so he as straddling me. He then started to lower himself down, using his hand to guide my cock to his entrance. As I started to slide inside him, I could tell that he had lubed his asshole while he was in the bathroom. I slid right inside with no hesitation. Braden’s hard cock was already dripping precum as he impaled himself on my cock. I reached out and started stroking him in time with his up and down motions on my cock. “Oh God. Josh. Keep stroking just like that baby. Oh, that feels soo good!” Braden moaned. His ass on my cock felt amazing as well. “I’m not going to last long, babe,” I said, feeling myself already getting close to an orgasm. We hadn’t had sex in the last few days. “Me either, it’s okay. Shoot it when you need to,” he said. Before long, I felt Braden’s asshole start to tighten up around my cock, signaling that he was close to cumming as well. Suddenly, ropes of cum shot out of his cock and onto my body. My own orgasm started as well, sending cum rocketing into his rectum. “Motherfucker that was good,” I said. Braden collapsed onto me, kissing my lips. We got up and took a quick shower to clean ourselves up, then got dressed and went to bed. Both of us were asleep quickly. The baby monitor woke us up about 2:00. Jackson was crying. “I’ll get it,” Braden said. I didn’t argue with him. I let him take this one, which meant the next one would be mine. We tried to take turns getting up and taking care of the baby. A few minutes later, Braden was crawling back into bed. “How bad was it?” I asked. “Not bad this time. He was wet, but that was all. He’s good now,” he said. “Good,” I said. We were both back asleep quickly. Jackson woke us up again a couple hours later. It was my turn to get up, and my reward was not a simple wet diaper. It was not fun to clean up, I’ll say that much. We managed to sleep until 6:20, when he woke us up again. Before either of us could make it out of bed, we heard Mom in the hallway. “You boys go back to sleep. I’m up and I got this one,” she said. She apparently flipped off the baby monitor when she got to his room, because we didn’t hear anything else. “Your mom is a savior,” Braden said. “I’m so tired.” “Same here. I’m going to take her up on the going back to sleep part,” I said. The following week was the last week before Christmas break, and I had to go back to work. Everyone was in a jubilant mood because Christmas break was coming. I was pretty excited about it myself, and after a rather uneventful week, I was glad it was finally Friday and time to go home. Just before the end of the day, several students showed up in the doorway to my office. Sabrina, Sam, Trey, and Lucas were standing in the doorway. “Mr. P?” Sabrina said. “Can we come in? We wanted to give you a little something for being the best principal in the world,” she said with a smile. “Sure, you can! But you guys really didn’t have to do anything,” I said. “Well, we know we are your favorite students,” Sam added. “Yeah, you love us, and you know it,” Trey said. “You’re right. I do love you guys. And you are my favorites, but don’t tell anyone else I said that,” I laughed. Sabrina handed me a small box neatly wrapped in blue paper with snowmen on it. She also handed me a card. I opened the card first, and I teared up a little reading the message they had written. “Dear Mr. P., thanks for being the greatest principal in the whole world. You don’t treat us like kids. You treat us like people you respect, and we respect you too. We hope you, Braden, and Jackson have a wonderful Christmas! We love you! Sabrina, Sam, Trey, and Lucas.” I opened the box to find two smaller boxes. I opened the first one. It was a Christmas ornament in the shape of a snowflake with a photo of all four of the kids together embedded in it. The inscription below the picture said, “Merry Christmas 2020 From Your Favorite Students.” “You guys, this is great! I can’t wait to hang this on my Christmas tree. I’ll treasure it forever!” “Open the other one,” Sabrina said. I opened it to find yet another Christmas ornament. This one was in the shape of a star, and also had a picture inside it. However, this picture was an image of Braden, Jackson, and me in front of our Christmas tree at our house. We had just taken the picture a week ago, and it wasn’t posted anywhere online. How on earth did the kids get it? The ornament was inscribed with “The Pattersons’ First Christmas, 2020.” “You guys! This is too much! I love it! But how did you make this happen? And how did you get the picture?” I asked. “Well, that was easy,” Sabrina said. My mom makes the ornaments. She does ceramics all the time so that was no big deal. For the picture, we just asked Mr. Anderson to help us out. We know you are friends with him, so he got Braden to send him the picture and he sent it to me.” I made a mental note to thank Devin for his involvement in the surprise. “I’ll treasure these forever. You guys are the best!” I said, getting up from my desk to hug each one of them. When I got home, I hung both ornaments on the tree. Braden especially liked the one of the two of us with Jackson. While Devin had asked him for the picture, he had no idea what it was for or that the kids were planning to do something like this. Being home for Christmas with Jackson was so much fun. We tried to do something fun each day with him. We made Christmas cookies and let him play in the flour. He made a huge mess in the kitchen and on himself, but he loved it. We took him to see Christmas lights and to see Santa Claus. We knew he wouldn’t remember any of it, but we took lots of pictures so we could share them with him when he got older. We had a great time making memories as a family. We decided to swap gifts as a family Christmas Eve night. Braden surprised me with a gorgeous silver necklace with the infinity symbol. On the back of the symbol, he had them engrave our initials and `2020.’ He had one that matched as well. It was a symbol of the infinite love we had for each other. He also bought me some nice new leather dress shoes and several shirts that he knew I liked. I bought him a jacket that he had been wanting as well as a new Apple Watch. He was really surprised when he opened the card that I handed him. “What’s this?” he asked. “I don’t know. Open it up and see,” I said with a smile. Braden tore open the card and pulled out the enclosed piece of paper. “You got us a couples hot air balloon excursion? I’ve always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon!” Braden said. “I know, that’s why I got it! And we’ll have to wait until warmer weather, but yes, it’s already paid for!” “Oh Josh! I love it! And I love you!” Braden hugged and kissed me. Mom just sat by, smiling. Mom had bought both of us some new clothes and some restaurant gift cards she knew we would enjoy. Braden and I bought mom some new house slippers and a nice, warm robe. We also got her some gift cards to some clothing stores we knew she enjoyed. It was great to have a family at home this Christmas! The real fun began when we got to play Santa Claus for the first time. We knew Jackson was too young to know what was going on, but we weren’t going to miss the opportunity to have fun with it! Being so little, he didn’t need a lot. We got him some stuffed animals and several toys suitable for an infant. We set it all up so we could bring him out in the morning and take pictures of him looking at his gifts from Santa. After setting up Santa’s arrival, including taking a couple bites out of some cookies and setting out a partial glass of milk, we were ready for bed. Braden and I had so much fun staging Santa’s visit that I couldn’t wait until Jackson was old enough to understand so we could show him the pictures from the first time Santa visited him. We made sure Jackson was okay in his room, turned on the baby monitor, then went to our room. Braden went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. He closed the door, so I figured he wanted some privacy. After a couple minutes, I heard the shower running. Then, he opened the door a little. “Josh, I have one more gift for you, but you have to close your eyes,” Braden said. “Oh, I wonder what it could possibly be?” I said, somewhat mockingly. I laughed. “Okay, my eyes are closed.” I heard the door open and after a few seconds, Braden said “okay, you can open your eyes now.” There stood Braden with a big red bow tied around his hard cock. He was also wearing a Santa hat. I couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s so funny?” he asked. “Aren’t you going to come open your present?” “Oh, I’m definitely going to open my present! Damn you’re so hot!” I got up off the bed and walked toward him. I put my arms around him and enveloped him in a hug while we started making out passionately. I was running my hands all over his body. I loved feeling his muscled torso. I used my thumbs to tease his nipples, making them erect from my touch. My hands finally made it down to his pubes, which he had finally trimmed back. He didn’t shave because he knew I didn’t like him totally smooth, but he had trimmed them down, making his cock look even bigger. I pulled the bow, allowing it to fall from his erect cock. I stroked his hard, leaking cock, pulling back his foreskin to reveal his moist, deep pink head. I dropped to my knees to taste my Christmas gift. Braden moaned deeply as I enveloped his hard, leaking cock in my mouth. I could taste his precum, and it made me suck even harder. I ran my hands all over his abs and then around to his bubble butt. I used my hands to pull him in even closer to me. My fingers played with his backside, finding their way into his hairy crack to tease his pucker. I pulled my finger out and moved it up to his mouth. Without pozcu escort prompting, he sucked on my finger, which I returned to his crack. Finding his hole again, I started circling it with the moistened finger. I was still sucking Braden’s cock, causing him to moan in ecstasy. “Josh, will you eat me out?” Braden asked. He knew it was one of my favorite things to do. “Hell yeah, I will. Get up on the bed,” I said. Braden got on the bed on his hands and knees, then lowered himself so he was resting on his elbows with his ass up in the air. His crack was spread a little, giving me a perfect view of his pink pucker and the dark hair lining his crack. I think the older he was getting, the more hair that grew in his crack. I didn’t care at all. I used my hands to spread his cheeks even more. I blew air on his pucker, causing it to twitch a little. I leaned in, taking a whiff as I did so. He mostly smelled of shower gel, but I could still pick up a little of his scent that I loved so much. I finally just devoured his ass, licking all around his hole and up and down his crack. He was moaning in pleasure begging me to keep going. “Josh, please fuck me. I need you inside me,” Braden said after several minutes of having his ass eaten. He flipped over on his back and held his knees back while I lined my cock up with his hole. He was wet enough from the thorough rimming I had just given him that I didn’t think we’d need any lube. I was right. I started pushing in and met little resistance. His ass fit me like a glove. I started pumping in and out of him. “Oh Josh, oh God yes. Fuck. Fuck me harder. Give it to me. Oh God I love you,” Braden moaned. He was stroking his cock as I fucked him. Suddenly, Braden’s orgasm started, causing him to shoot cum all over himself. It even landed in his hair! This pushed me over the edge, causing me to pump a huge load into his ass. “Fuck, that never gets old,” Braden said, kissing me. “No, it does not,” I agreed. “I hope it stays this way forever,” I said, stroking his hair. We stayed on the bed, kissing and just holding each other for the next couple minutes. Suddenly, Jackson’s crying on the baby monitor broke the moment. “I’ll go check on him,” I said. “He’s probably hungry.” “At least he let us finish,” Braden said. I grabbed my t-shirt off the floor and used it to wipe myself off as best I could, then just put my robe on over my naked body. I walked to the nursery and picked Jackson up out of his crib. I held him and soothed him until he stopped crying, then went to the kitchen to make a bottle for him. After finishing the bottle, I went back to his room and sat in the rocking chair to feed him. Mom walked in while I was sitting there feeding him and talking to him. “You make a great dad, son.” Mom said from the doorway. “I didn’t even see you there,” I said. “No, you were too caught up in your son,” she laughed. “I love watching you and Braden with him. Especially you. You’ve got this dad thing down!” “I don’t know about that,” I said. “I always feel like I’m going to fail at something.” “You are going to fail at lots of things. No parent is perfect. You make mistakes and try to fix them as you go,” Mom said. “But the most important thing is to never stop loving your child, no matter what they do. As long as you love him and try your hardest, it’ll be okay.” Jackson had finished his bottle, and after burping him, I put him back down in his crib. He whimpered a little but was soon asleep. Mom came up beside me and put her arm around me. “I love you, Mom,” I said. “I love you, too, Josh,” Mom said. “But you smell like sex. You should really go take a shower.” I probably turned ten shades of red with embarrassment. I didn’t think I smelled that bad! “Sorry, mom. I think I will. Goodnight!” I said, leaving the room as fast as I could. Mom just laughed. “Boys will be boys,” I heard her say. When I got back to our room, I saw that Braden was already asleep. I’m guessing he had gone ahead and showered. I went quietly into the bathroom and washed off the smell of sex, then crawled into bed, spooning Braden from behind. “Goodnight Josh. Merry Christmas,” Braden mumbled, sleepily. “Goodnight babe. Merry Christmas to you too. I love you,” I said, kissing the back of his head. With Braden in my arms, I soon fell asleep. Christmas morning woke us with light coming through the windows and the smell of bacon from the kitchen. We walked out to find Mom making waffles and frying bacon for Christmas morning breakfast. We got Jackson from his room and brought him out to see what Santa had left for him. He couldn’t crawl yet, so we had to hold him and show him things. One of the items Santa had left for him was a huge stuffed dog that was several times his size. He smiled and laughed at the dog. It was so cute. We took a lot of pictures of him with the dog and his other toys. “Do you see the doggie?” Braden said, holding him close to it. Jackson put his hands out to touch it. “Yeah, pet the doggie,” Braden said. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life! We enjoyed our waffles and bacon for breakfast, then we each went to get ready to go to Mark and Bonnie’s house for Christmas dinner. Since Mom and Bonnie had worked so hard on Thanksgiving dinner, we decided to go easy on them for Christmas dinner. We were having soups and sandwiches instead of a full spread of traditional food. Mom had made her broccoli cheddar soup, which was one of my all-time favorites. As soon as we walked in the door, Bonnie practically ripped Jackson from my arms. “It’s my grandson’s first Christmas!” She announced, running with him to the den where the Christmas tree was. “Merry Christmas to you, too, Mom!” Braden shouted. “You do realize we don’t matter anymore, right?” I said to Braden. “It’s all about Jackson now.” We made our way into the den where Bonnie was already helping Jackson unwrap a gift. Mark was recording on his phone. “I’m sorry, boys, Merry Christmas to you, too! But this little cutie is the star of the show now!” Braden persuaded his mom to wait until after dinner to open anymore gifts, so we sat down by the fireplace and looked at pictures and video of Jackson on Christmas morning with his Santa toys. “Where’s Austin?” Braden asked, suddenly realizing his brother was absent. “He’s upstairs in his room. He got a PS5 for Christmas, so we haven’t seen much of him since he opened it last night,” Mark said. “Oh, sweet! I’m going up there to check it out!” Braden said, running up the stairs like an excited kid himself. “And that’s the last I’ll see of my husband for a while,” I announced. Everyone laughed, knowing that it was true. Braden had always been into video games, and he and his brother spent many hours playing together before he moved out. It was great fun just sitting with the family and watching Christmas movies on TV. Mom and Bonnie disappeared to the kitchen to finish dinner, leaving Mark and me together. “Josh, I’ve just got to say, I am so glad you are part of this family,” Mark said. “I admit that when I found out Braden was gay, well, you remember how I reacted. But it was out of fear. I was afraid of the life he would lead. I saw what it did to my brother, but it was a different time. I never knew many gay people that well, so I guess I just assumed they were all promiscuous and just dated one guy after another. Then I was sad because Braden wouldn’t be able to give Bonnie and me any grandchildren. But you guys figured out how to handle that, too! I guess I just want to say thank you for being so good to Braden. And to Jackson. You’re the best son-in-law a guy could want!” Mark was tearing up near the end of his speech, and so was I. “I love you, dad,” I said, moving to give him a hug. He embraced me and we just hugged for several seconds. “Now I’m gonna cry!” Bonnie said from the doorway to the room. We didn’t know she was there. “But everything he said is true and I feel the same way!” She came over to hug me as well. Jackson, who was sitting in his carrier on the floor, started talking baby talk and whimpering a little. “I guess he feels the same way!” Mom said. We all laughed. “I just came in to say that dinner is on the table.” She went to the bottom of the stairs and yelled “BOYS! DINNER IS READY!” For some reason, I just knew she had years of practice at calling them for meals. Braden and Austin came bounding down the stairs and into the dining room. “Josh, the PS5 is awesome! We have to get one!” Braden said. “Can we please? Can we get one?” “It’s like I’m raising two kids,” I said, getting a laugh from everyone. As we sat around the table eating, a sense of love and peace surrounded me that I hadn’t felt in a long time before Braden came into my life. Part of me still thought this was a dream from which I would wake up at some point. After dinner, we went to back to the den to finish exchanging gifts. Mark and Bonnie had bought Jackson several more toys and some clothes. They had also got Braden and me some gift cards that we could use to buy diapers and other things that he would need. Braden and I each got some clothes and some nice cologne. We got gift cards for our personal use as well. Mark and Bonnie bought my mom a nice pair of earrings and a new watch, which she really liked. She got Bonnie a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure and a cookbook from one of the celebrity chefs they both enjoyed watching on TV. She got Mark a nice sweater like the ones he wore often and some good cologne. While Braden didn’t know Austin was getting a PS5 for Christmas, I did. Bonnie knew Braden wouldn’t be able to keep a secret. So, thanks to me, Austin got some PlayStation Store gift cards from Mom, Braden, and me. He couldn’t have been any happier, and soon disappeared back upstairs to continue his fun. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. “I wonder who that could be?” Bonnie said, getting up to go to the door. It turned out to be Hunter, our friend and Austin’s on again off again friend and love interest. “Hey escort bayan Mrs. Howell, I was hoping I could see Austin for a minute,” Hunter said as he walked in. “Of course, you can, dear! He’s upstairs in his room playing with his new PS5. Go on up,” Bonnie said. Hunter spoke to the rest of us and then headed upstairs to see Austin. I gave Braden a sideways look, but he just shrugged his shoulders. Hunter had been upstairs for a while when Braden and I decided that we were about ready to go home. “Let’s go upstairs and say bye to Austin and Hunter,” I said, “then we’ll head out.” We went upstairs and found the door to Austin’s room to be closed. Braden was about to turn the doorknob when we suddenly heard Hunter yelling out “Fuck me harder man! Give it to me! Give me that dick! Oh, fuck! Fuck my pussy!” I just looked at Braden and both of us started laughing. It seems that Hunter was in the mood for a good ass fucking, and Austin was just the one to do it for him. At Austin’s age, I was really happy that he had found someone to have some fun with, safely, and not be tied down in a relationship. He would be turning 17 soon, and would no doubt figure out what he wanted soon enough. We turned and walked downstairs just as we heard Austin say “I’m cumming man!” We snickered again, both thankful that the upstairs was separated from the downstairs well enough to not be able to hear anything going on up there. “I’m assuming both of them are wrapped up in their game,” Bonnie said. “Maybe I’ll take them some dessert.” “I wouldn’t do that, Mom.” Braden said. They are way too wrapped up in the game to stop to eat dessert.” “Well, they can eat it whenever they want,” Bonnie said. “Bonnie, trust us on this one, don’t go up there right now,” I said. “Why on Earth not? Oh, wait, are you saying they’re…oh. Well, I’m definitely not going up there right now then,” Bonnie said, obviously somewhat embarrassed. “Yeah, boys will be boys,” I said. “Isn’t that right? Boys will be boys!” I said to Jackson as I picked him up from his carrier and lifted him into the air, causing him to giggle and coo the way babies do. About that time, Hunter and Austin came walking down the stairs, their faces flushed. “I wanted to see the baby before I left,” Hunter said. “I actually have him a little something in the car. Let me go grab it.” Hunter ran out the door to his car. Braden looked over at Austin and smiled and winked. Austin just smiled and looked at the floor. Braden walked over to him and in a low voice said, “Hey bro, your zipper is down,” Austin quickly pulled up his zipper, turning red with embarrassment. Hunter came back in the door with a rather large box wrapped in red and green paper. “It’s not a lot, but I wanted to get him something,” Hunter said. “Can I hold him and help him open it?” “You sure can!” I said” Hunter set the box in the floor, then took Jackson from my arms and sat in the floor with him, helping him rip the paper off the box. He then opened the box and pulled out a large, blue plush elephant pillow. It was super soft and would be great for Jackson to sleep with. He laid Jackson back on the elephant, and Jackson just waved his arms and his legs around and giggled. “I think he likes it,” Hunter said. We all pulled out our phones and took several pictures of Jackson with the elephant. “Thank you, Hunter,” I said. “That was very thoughtful of you!” Hunter picked Jackson back up and held him for several minutes. Austin walked over to where Braden and I were sitting and said quietly “Damn he looks hot holding a baby!” “Hey Hunter,” Austin said. “I think you left something upstairs in my room.” “No, I don’t think so,” Hunter said, not picking up on Austin’s excuse to get him to come back upstairs. “I really think you did. Come look to make sure,” Austin said. Finally, Hunter picked up on it. “Oh, yeah, I think maybe I did.” Hunter handed Jackson back to me, then followed Austin upstairs. We didn’t go eavesdrop, but I imagine Austin was the one getting his ass fucked that time. Braden, Mom, and I gathered up all of our things and took them to the car. We said our goodbyes and hugged Mark and Bonnie, then we drove the couple of blocks home. It was really nice living this close to Braden’s family, and we would definitely miss that if we moved in the future. Later that evening, Austin showed up at our house. He rang the doorbell, and when I opened the door, I could tell he was a little down from the look on his face. “Hey, Josh, can I talk to you guys?” Austin said. “Yeah, man, come on in. What’s wrong? Braden is in with Jackson. Let me get him.” I yelled down the hall for Braden to come out. “Shhhhh!” He said as he poked his head out of Jackson’s room. “I just got him to sleep!” A minute later, he came out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him. We all went to sit in the den and talk. We found out that Austin did indeed get his ass fucked when they went back upstairs. But after that, Hunter wanted to talk to him about something. “What did he say?” Braden asked. “So, you know I’ve been looking at schools and scholarships. Well, Hunter has too, and I didn’t know it. Come to find out he has an offer from a school up in Tennessee to come play baseball. So, he’s moving up there next month to play,” Austin explained. “Oh, wow. How do you feel about that, bro?” Braden asked. “I don’t really know. I have feelings for Hunter, but I don’t know if I love him the way you and Josh love each other. I think he feels the same way. We love having sex and hanging out, but I don’t know if it’s the same as what you guys have.” “But you’re going to miss him,” I said. “I’m going to miss him like crazy! I guess I just took it for granted that he was around. He said we’ll get together when he comes home to visit, but what if he meets someone while he’s there?” Austin said. “Austin, you need to understand that the two of you are not exclusive,” I said. “Hunter may very well meet someone while he’s at school. But you might do the same thing. You have been preparing to go off to college after you graduate next year, and you weren’t thinking about Hunter in those plans.” “You’re right, Josh. I guess I just don’t know how I feel right now. I do love him as a friend, but maybe that’s it,” Austin said. “If the two of you are meant to be together, then you’ll find your way back to each other,” Braden said. “I guess so. And there’s something else he asked me to do for him. His grandmother is out there by herself. He wasn’t even going to take the offer because of her, but she forced him to. She told him she’s not going to be the one to hold him back from doing something that will give him a better future. So, he asked me if I’d check on her from time to time, make sure she’s doing okay, maybe have dinner with her sometimes, stuff like that. Of course, she doesn’t know about Hunter and me in `that’ way. She just thinks I’m a friend.” “What did you tell him?” I asked. “Of course, I told him I would. Mrs. Roberts is a nice lady. Besides, I figure it’ll be a lot like having a grandmother of my own,” Austin said. “Austin, you have such a good heart,” I said, moving to hug him. “Some man, or woman, is going to be lucky to have you as their partner someday. Hey, I just had an idea. Mom is a little younger than Mrs. Roberts, but I bet they could become friends! Mom could go over there sometimes during the day and visit with her and take Jackson. That would surely cheer her up!” “That’s a great idea!” Austin said. “Can I tell Hunter that I talked to you guys and that we are going to look out for her?” “I think you should call him tonight,” Braden said. “Since you’re here, do you want to stay and watch a movie?” I asked. “We were going to watch Christmas Vacation again. I’ll make some popcorn.” “That sounds like a great idea! Let me text Mom and tell her I’m going to hang out over here for a little while.” We had a great time watching the movie, eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate. Mom joined us, and we filled her in on what we had discussed. She said she’d love to make a new friend and have someone to visit during the day, so we had that worked out. We finished the movie, and surprisingly, Jackson didn’t make a sound the whole time! Austin was getting ready to leave. “Hey, do you guys mind if I see Jackson before I leave?” “Sure, go on in,” we said, following him to Jackson’s room. Austin quietly opened the door and peeked in. We were surprised to see Jackson was awake and smiling at us as we looked at him. “He’s not asleep, so pick him up if you want,” I said. Austin picked him up and held him, then sat down in the rocking chair with him. It was so touching to see how he had taken to his nephew. He was going to be a great uncle! Austin sat, rocking Jackson. Then he started to sing to him. “Hush little baby, don’t you say a word. Uncle Austin’s going to buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won’t sing…” “Be still my heart!” Braden said to me as he put his arm around me. “I never knew my brother could be so loving!” Thanks to Austin’s lullaby, Jackson was soon asleep. Austin laid him down gently, then we quietly exited the room. “Bro, I’ve never seen you be so…so loving!” Braden said. “It was so nice watching you with him. You’ll be a great dad yourself one day!” “It just came naturally, I guess,” Austin said. “Dad used to sing that to me when I was little, and I remembered it. So, I sang it to Jackson.” “Well, thank you for getting him to sleep,” I said. “We know who to call if we need a babysitter,” I laughed. “Anytime! Okay, I’m going to head home now. I love you guys,” Austin said, hugging Braden and me. He went out the door to his car and drove home. “Wow, your brother is really growing up,” I said. “I’m really proud of the man he is becoming.” “So am I. He really has matured a lot in the last year,” Braden said. “I know someone else who has matured a lot this year,” I said, pulling Braden in for a kiss. We went to our bedroom and closed the door, where Braden attacked me almost as soon as we were in the room. It was a great Christmas, and I just kept getting gifts! The next chapter in this series will be published soon! Your feedback is always appreciated! Send it ail. Let me know if you want to be added to my mailing list to be informed when new chapters are published.

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