
Where’s the Glory in That? Pt. 01


“Don’t be a baby,” Jess scolded.

“We’ve all done it. It’s kinda fun, actually,” Annie coaxed.

“They can’t see you,” Taryn added, “and it’s a quick way to earn fifty bucks.”

I don’t know how my friends coerced me into doing it, but there I was inside the women’s locker room at a run-down gym, about to offer my services to men on the other side of a wall in exchange for money.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah… I get it. Now, where is this hole to hell? I wanna get it done and over with already,” I huffed.

“Whoa, okay, bible thumper,” Taryn chuckled. “Like Annie told you, we’ve all done this. We all still have our flowers so it’s not likely that any of us will go to hell for doing a bit of dick sucking.”

Taryn walked to the end of the locker room and pulled back the torn curtain to one of the older shower stalls while Jess picked up a wooden stool from next to the rusted, purple lockers. She placed it in the middle of the stall and I swallowed hard, trying to gulp down my nerves. Seeing me struggle to take my first step, Annie wrapped an arm around me and led me forward.

“It’s not that bad,” she whispered, “think of it as good practice. It’s actually kinda fun if the guy responds well to you. It’s even… enjoyable.”

“Annie… it’s filthy,” I said.

“Yeah, but the good kind of filthy, Vic. I swear to God that you won’t hate it. Just relax and think of someone sexy. That’s what I do sometimes,” she laughed. “Oh, and most of them really like it when you swirl your tongue over the tip before sucking on the head. So, give that a try first and maybe their reaction will give you the confidence boost you need to finish?”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; from Annie of all people. My shyest and most frail-looking friend was giving me advice on how to give head. The petite blonde with an angel face who looked like innocence walking was telling (me) how to enjoy sucking a stranger’s cock through a glory hole. Flabbergasted? Not a strong enough word.

“Isn’t this all wrong?” I asked Annie. “I mean, we live in a small town full of holy rollers, for heaven’s sake… so to speak.” I gave a small smile. “Really, though, isn’t this what we’ve been taught not to do?”

“Well, yes, but haven’t you ever wondered about it? Have you ever thought about it, even enjoyed it? You know, on your own. Even just a little?”

I ignored her questions, unwilling to admit to the salacious ideas I had and my activities during my time alone at home. I’d had to keep my erotic side a secret as it was and, having grown so used to keeping quiet about it, I didn’t think I could be honest, especially since Annie had starred in a fantasy or two of mine.

I never understood the distaste of sex or the restrictions on who you had sex with but, growing up in our town, things had been made very clear for those of us who might stray from the designated path. I wasn’t sure I could handle the kind of consequences my parents and pastor would have in mind.

“It’s basically giving into the temptations that we have been told all our lives to avoid, right? I just don’t want to be…”

“Dirty like the rest of us?’ Jess cut in as we all finally huddled around the shower where the hole came into view. “Listen, Vicki… yes, we live in a small town. But, do you wanna know a secret about all the hypocrites who live in our lovely little town? Everyone, and I mean everyone, uses this gym. They always have. Which means everyone knows about the little sex hole here and have probably used it at one point or another before marriage. Hell, some of them even use it after their marriage. Everyone seeks a little pleasure, it’s natural, and you don’t have to ride in on your high horse when you’re going to be just as filthy and lusty as the rest of us by the time this is said and done.”

She wasn’t wrong: I knew that as soon as I saw the hole in the tile. Its location, however, was more daunting than I’d anticipated. It would be at eye level when I sat on the stool and, as I continued to stare in its direction, impure thoughts filled my head, each one more indecent that the last. My imagination went into overdrive.

I took notice of the cracks surrounding the dark, gaping opening, all leading to what could be supreme pleasure for me — or something entirely different. The hole was wide enough to put my hands through and I thought about the more exciting aspects and contemplated the kind of arousal that I would more than likely experience there.

“Jess, that’s enough,” Taryn snapped. “She’s scared. And you know damn kırıkkale escort well you just about pissed yourself when I first brought you here. So don’t go getting mighty because you’ve now had more experience.”

“At least I didn’t complain as much as she is.”

“No, but you clung to Jesus like no tomorrow. Now, get off your high horse and be a little bit more helpful instead of being a bitch.”

Jess narrowed her eyes before finally stomping toward one of the lockers and opening it. “Don’t forget the condoms,” Taryn instructed. “The act is dirty enough; we aren’t putting her at risk for anything else.”

“Condoms? What’re they for?” I asked.

“To put on the cock, sweetie. So you aren’t at risk of getting any diseases or infections,” Annie said sweetly, pressing her lips together but failing to hide her amusement at my assumed naivety.

“No, I know about condoms, but I thought that they weren’t needed when you… you know, did this sort of thing.”

“Condoms are always necessary,” Jess said, shutting the locker door. She walked to me and shoved a small notepad, pencil, and a box of condoms into my hands. “Now, sit on the stool. It’s nearly four-thirty and the gym will be damn near empty, except for those who are waiting for you.”

I slowly walked to the stool and I looked down at it with dread. I became as terrified of a few pieces of wood as if it were the Devil himself. My chest grew tighter as I tried to focus and find the courage to sit. My head was spinning a little when I lowered onto the seat.

“Okay, so here’s how things normally go,” Taryn began, getting my attention. “You use the notepad to write down how much you want them to pay, roll it up, and slip it into the hole. The first man will grab it and if he agrees to your price then he’ll wrap the money in the paper and place it back through the hole. After that, you slip the condom through and he’ll put it on. Then, he’ll carefully insert himself for you to do your thing.”

Taryn paused long enough to take a deep breath. “What all three of us did at first was charge fifty bucks for the whole thing. The better we got at it, the more we charged. Jess gets paid a hundred bucks per guy now and Annie’s price is even higher. Another important thing is, they can hear you. The wall here isn’t the thickest and you’ll be able to hear them, too, which is a big help in letting you know if you’re doing good or not. But it’s not so clever if you speak and they can guess who is on this side.

“Most women normally come to the gym during daytime hours so right now is more than safe to be in this locker room. You won’t be bothered. When we leave, we’re going to lock the door behind us just in case,” Annie said, obviously trying to help me relax.

“The campus girls don’t show up till late at night. Most of them are aware of what goes on during this time anyway so they steer clear. A few even partake in a similar kind of explicit activity here anyway, so you don’t have much to worry about. If you hear someone trying to unlock the door, though, you knock on the shower wall twice and then scramble for the windows by the bathroom stalls. It’s pretty easy to climb out,” Jess added.

“Explicit activities?” I asked, ignoring the other instructions. My interest centered on knowing what else might go on behind closed locker room doors.

“Oh yeah,” Annie giggled, “several of the girls at school are ‘cam girls’. Most of the time they do it in their dorms but they also come here and film it. Some even bring a friend… or two,” she winked.

My eyes widened with curiosity and disbelief. I couldn’t believe that there was a whole world that I hadn’t been privy to all this time. “How come you guys all knew this and I didn’t?” I was annoyed at not being told the secret before now. “We normally share everything.”

“We’ve only known about it for a few months, Vic. We haven’t been doing it for long, honest,” said Taryn. “You’re just the last one of our little group to join in. Anyway, it’s a very well-kept secret for a lot of reasons.”

“Well, how did you find out about it?”

“I’ll tell you that another time,” Annie interjected.

“It’s time for us to go,” Jess said, motioning the other girls toward the door. “You’ll be fine,” she added, “and if you don’t like it, then you can just walk away.”

They all waved goodbye, wished me luck, and Annie even gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before they strode out of the room, leaving me utterly alone.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard kırıkkale escort bayan the door click shut and it began to race while I waited for the clock to reach four-thirty. I couldn’t pinpoint individual emotions since I was feeling so many, but one that did stand out from the others was, unmistakably, fear.

I was terrified. For starters, I was scared that I would be caught and kicked out of school. My family wouldn’t tolerate a harlot in the house, not given their strict beliefs, and if I was found out and kicked out of school, they would never believe it was my first and only time. Forgiveness would not be forthcoming.

A ruined reputation wasn’t the only thing I feared. I was even more petrified of enjoying myself. What if I couldn’t stop with just this? Given my fantasies and certain tastes for both genders, what if I grew even more curious and people found out about that? And what if I was terrible at sucking off a stranger and I couldn’t earn enough money to leave this awful town after graduation?

The girls may enjoy doing this for fun in addition to getting some extra money, but my sole reason for doing it was so that I could leave town. That was never their plan since they fit the mold of our backwoods slum. They could blend but I never could, and leaving was my only hope of finally exploring all of me, without fear and without religion.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steady my pulse. Walking away from this was not an option, I thought, giving myself a pep talk while I concentrated on my breathing. I inhaled deeply through my nose, held it for a moment, then exhaled gently out of my mouth.

You can do this, you can do this. After a few full breaths, I felt calm enough to assess what I wanted to happen next and with that, I took the opportunity to open the notepad. You can do this. You can do this.

I wrote Price: $50. I tore out the page, rolled it like a cigarette, and hesitated, looking at the hole. Eventually, I placed it inside and found myself peering through to the other side.

The lights were on in the men’s locker room and I could see bright orange lockers, wooden benches, and gym bags littering the floor. How many men are in there? I took notice of the odd layout of the building for a moment. I thought that shower blocks would be connected to one pipeline either side of this wall, but clearly not so in this old building.

Then I was brought up short when I thought about the men on the other side. They wouldn’t be concealed in a shower or bathroom stall so they would just… what? Stand there? For everyone to see as they fucked some stranger’s mouth?

My inhibitions receded as I became more curious as to how things were going to occur. My anxiety about the aftermath, about possibly being caught, slowly decreased in comparison to my anxiety about when the events would actually take place. The more I enticed myself with thoughts of enjoyment, the more I became aroused.

I tapped my foot as I waited, trying to maintain patience. I looked around the shower and I realized that, with the lights on, someone could catch a glimpse of me. The thought of someone knowing it was me on the other side of the hole was frightening. I ran quickly to shut off all the lights before resuming my position on the stool. Much better.

Quickly looking at my phone to check the time, I heard a door swing open followed by laughing and distant chatter. Oh heavens, it’s showtime. I listened to the squeaking of tennis shoes and water splashing against tile. It wouldn’t be long now. When some of the men had washed and left, the few who remained would clearly feel comfortable to approach the hole.

I listened as the men laughed and talked about their daily lives, apparently unaware that I could hear them.

“My wife is mad at me… again.”

“What’d ya do this time, Ralphie?”

“Hell, I don’t know, it’s always something.”

“Hey, don’t complain about your wife too much now. Marriage is a partnership so it takes two to tango,” said a third voice.

“Yeah, yeah, says the man with the most perfect marriage in the whole damn parish. Must be a hard knock life when your union has God’s full blessing,” yelled someone.

“Yes, being a pastor has its perks but that doesn’t mean I don’t have struggles with my wife, believe me. There are plenty of days when I wanna set the woman on fire.” The room filled with laughter.

Oh, sweet Jesus. The pastor was on the other side of the wall. My pastor! Separated by thin escort kırıkkale drywall and old brick. The image of him participating in the glory hole was unsettling and I wanted to leave. Right then and there.

“Speaking of marriage unions,” the pastor said, “how is yours going so far, Todd?”

Todd? Todd Matthews? As in sexy, Mr. Matthews, the librarian at my old high school? The same Todd Matthews that every female in town fantasized about, including me? My interest peaked again as I thought about his cock poking through the hole, awaiting a pleasure that only I could give. My cheeks glowed as I remained still, listening to the rest of the conversation.

“It’s going fine so far,” Todd said and I immediately recognized the voice. My pussy throbbed at the sound and I started recalling the fantasies I’d had about him when I was seventeen. I hadn’t seen him since my graduation and I certainly didn’t know that he’d married. What woman was lucky enough to have him? But, even more important, what was the probability of me having him tonight?

“Jenny seems like a lovely girl and I would hope that it’s going more than fine for you both,” the pastor said.

Jenny? Jenny who? There were half a dozen Jennys in town.

“Of course,” Todd chuckled, “it’s really great. She’s a fantastic woman and even more so as a wife.”

Well, that was a shit response. My attention was diverted when the showers turned off and more men made their way to the lockers to dress and retrieve their belongings. As much as I wanted to peek through the hole to see what I might be dealing with, I forced my gaze to look elsewhere.

Really, I didn’t want to take a chance on seeing someone I didn’t want to — like, Pastor Louis, for example!

I sat and concentrated on the rambles of the men, my attention switching from one conversation to the next as they discussed wives, kids, and jobs. As they talked about the mundane happenings in their daily lives and I could tell that some of them wanted more out of life. They just didn’t have the courage to admit it.

For a long while, I listened to a man tell someone about his upcoming anniversary and how he planned to take his wife on a fishing trip.

“But your wife hates fishing.”

“I know. But when she asked what I wanted to do, I told her that I wanted to go fishing and take her with me — teach her to fish and maybe get her to see how much fun it can be.”

“You know she’s going to hate that, right? Won’t matter how hard you try. Women just don’t like to fish.”

“Yeah, she might. But she’s not going to hate the expensive diamond ring I’ve bought her so at least we both get something we want. Maybe I can even get a little more.”

“Well, here’s hoping you get a little bit more than fish out on the water, then.” They laughed.

“Alright, guys,” someone called out, “it’s time for me to head home before the wife starts to worry.”

“Yeah, I gotta go, too. See you boys on Thursday.”

My heartbeat quickened while I listened to the rustle of clothing and the shuffling of shoes as men left. I desperately wanted to peek through the hole again to catch a glimpse of who might be on the other side. But I decided that it would be better if I didn’t know who I’d be sucking off.

The room went quiet and with each passing minute I grew more anxious. Sweat bubbled on my palms and I could hardly swallow. It was nearly five o’clock and the thought crossed my mind that the men had simply decided to leave without making use of the glory hole. Maybe today just wasn’t my day. I was left with mixed feelings.

I was relieved that I could possibly avoid this strange situation — but, on the other hand, I was disappointed that I might be denied an unusual experience.

When I heard the men’s locker room door swing open, I was intrigued. I lit up with curiosity and arousal, and I succumbed to peering into the other side. I listened as heavy footsteps stomped in my direction and watched intently when a figure came into view.

I saw a pair of well-worn jeans directly across from me at the locker benches. As the man lowered into a sitting position, I held my breath and stared, watching as an unknown man put his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together.

Why didn’t he approach the hole?

I was puzzled but could only watch and marvel at him. He had strong biceps and large hands. He wore a white t-shirt and had a black tattoo on his left arm. From my view through the hole, he looked quite masculine. That was nice and, believing I would at least be blowing someone who sort of fit my tastes, helped put me at ease.

Is he waiting for something?

After several minutes I was feeling confused, but when I heard the door open again the man stood. This second set of footsteps approached the hole and this time, whoever it was, reached in and took my slip of paper.

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