


Subject: YOU KNOW HE’S SUB, DON’T YOU? – PART 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE. PLEASE CONTACT bit IF YOU LIKE TO PRAISE OR MOAN. SEARCH NIFTY FOR bit or link www.bit.ly/2x8dXEV TO READ MORE ^sharp TALES. REMEMBER TO MAKE YOUR DONATION TO WWW.NIFTY.ORG !! HERE fty/donate.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ YOU KNOW HE’S SUB, DON’T YOU? – PART 35 I knew all right. It was like that. And then I started thinking, so if Luke really IS queer, do we actually need TWO cocksucking bitches? So we were like this close and sort of mouth-to-mouth-‘not’-kissing with Dean and Monster holding us like that and, and I heard Monster say, “Go on! Bite his neck hickey-boy!” Which is when … Luke goes absolutely apeshit! Absolutely ape! shit! and he’s kicking and head-butting me and punching me and just generally sort of struggling against me and the other guys, Monster and Dean, holding us. And he was just so fucking violent and I couldn’t do anything but, like I had to fight back – cause just holding him tight, as tight as I could, didn’t work. So I was trying to grab his head, to like stop him banging it into my face and ended up grabbing my thumbs into his eye sockets so he closed his eyes tight and just kept on kneeing me in the groin and punching me in the sides which fucking hurt, all of it! And it was getting so fucking ugly. Plus I was tired. And I thought, ‘Why are we doing this?!” But everyone else loved it. Dean and Monster were laughing like we was toy dogs, and fun and games and stuff and, I mean, Dean was really cracking up. You know, cause it was so funny, you know, cause Luke had lost it. Until Baldy, who had just laughed til now, and watched, comes up and just sort of intervenes, like big brother, and he says stuff like, you know: “Break it up. You’ve had your fun. That’s enough. Separate. Girls. Stop the fucking – I said stop! Stop now.” Monster and Dean let go of us and briefly Luke went totally mad and all I could do was hold him and we was momentarily Erzincan Escort just standing no distance apart, with our arms around us like boxers on the ropes – and just one thing I’d like to note: how intimate is boxing? Fucking hell that’s hot, two men, or beefy men, just in contact like that, hugging and sweating. I thought, I’d like to take up boxing! But then Luke punched me in the neck, the side of the neck, and I thought, ‘NOT!’ Cause boxing is a different thing. And it hurts! Anyway. Meanwhile, this was getting out of hand. I was flagging and sort of afraid. Even John sort of stood up and came over (ambled) and kind of did nothing in a ‘what can I do?’ sort of way – like ‘I know this is bad but it’s also kinda I’m enjoying it’! “Girl fight,” he said with a smirk. Look I know I should’a done what Po told and stayed inside until the hickeys went down; but how long was that going to take? And was Po going to ever come back, if his brother was this fucking problem he always was? Or what the hell? And meanwhile: I was hot, I was hot to suck cock! I was hot for cock as hell and I wanted some action – so why shouldn’t I? Life is short. And on top of all that, I wasn’t thinking clearly, was I? I wasn’t thinking. Cause cock clouded my judgement I reckon. Yeah. I wasn’t thinking. Not clearly. Except I was thinking clearly, except only about cock. Not about anything else. But then I REALLY started thinking like what if Luke’s a queer as well? What if he’s another one? What if he is like me and Po and what if, what if, turns out EVERYONE is queer? It’s confusing when you’re getting beat up and no one is doing much to stop it. But then it was all up cause Luke saw something that everyone else (except me!) had only just saw as well, but not known how to do anything about. Cause that’s when Brenda turned up. Luke just stopped and pushed me to the ground like he won the fight (which he had anyway) and kind of shook, like with energy, and pushed his hands over his face. So now I was on Erzincan Escort Bayan my back, on the ground, on my elbows and I looked and I saw Brenda and another girlfriend I didn’t know, marching up. They had wheeled up on their bikes that they threw on the ground like rubbish and Brenda marched up like a nuclear powered steam train on wheels and started shouting stuff like, “Oi!” Stuff like that. “Oi! Oi! Luke! Whathefuksgoinonwiyiulot? Yomentolosomethi? Fknowswayoufknatfiytnlikethat!”. She had a funny way of speaking, like it was all one word like that meant you could never get a word in edgeways cause she never stopped talking. I wondered if she even shut up to kiss! “Boysllbeboys,” said the other one, safely folding her arms over her tits, following, and talking at a slightly slower pace. “Fuck this,” said Baldy, “The fucking cavalry’s come!” It was like the cavalry, cause I thought, ‘What’s she going to say about all this?’ Brenda and her friend were both wearing tight tops and leggings, hair pulled back in tight ponytails. Her friend was a bit smaller – I don’t know why I’m telling you this, like you care! The thing is, Brenda and her friend were on the scene and that made all the difference. She marched up to Luke and grabbed his arm and shook him – like he was a kid – and I knew immediately what had been going on. It was mad. “Watyusayinbehinmyback?” She looked at me, “whosthsweerdoo?” “That’s Jason,” said Luke. “Oiyou!” she said directing her terrifying gaze in my direction, “Whathefkyouthinkyouvfkedmeyou? … nyourlikklewillieyiupath ETIC excusfra?” Yeah well I didn’t get it either. She talked like a runaway train. But I managed to grasp enough to not admit it: “I – I didn’t say that!” I lied. “He did,” said Luke, apparently unaware that he was using his so-called girlfriend to defend his honour and didn’t see anything wrong with that. Everyone else added their agreement that that is exactly what I had said. “Youfkntoldmthat?” She said to me, completely ignoring Escort Erzincan that I had just denied it. She was still holding Luke by the arm, as though he had to be controlled like that. Luke was looking down at nothing in particular, but when he spoke he always looked at her, in a sort of pleading way, like children do. “Comere!Comestandupcomeherejasnherecomeover.” I got to my feet and took a step closer, feeling her heat like the anger of a Norse Viking queen and looked at her breasts – well there was nothing else to look at cause it was either that or look in her eyes, and I couldn’t do. “Brenda, it says you gave those lovebites,” said Dean, helpfully pointing them out, from a safe distance. “Hesaidwhatfknliar …” “Yeah! It did! It sid it fucked you and you loved it cause it was gay and it turned you on so much you gave it love bites!” Dean added. “IT?” said Brenda shortly. Dean pointed at me, “That!” “That’s not ITyiufknhomophobemygodwhatisityoucuntstalklikebogtrashteachother’ncallyourselffrie nds! Jusfkngrowup!” She said that to Dean, and put him in his place! “Ididngivhimnofknhickeysimtellinyou!” she added and then caught me looking at her helplessly, “nWHATYOULOOKINAT!!? Fknliar!” I looked away instantly. She was terrifying. I looked at her hand holding Luke’s arm and then thought better of it and just looked at the sky and the space just above her head. It was so dark now that I didn’t see anything in the trees or houses. The only light came from a streetlamp and it fell on the pavement where nobody was standing. I started to panic. “Look,” I said, “Look, I, I, I,” I said, “I just said that … to … to …” And I thought – well I didn’t think; I just knew it was useless and I knew I had to run and I was just turning to run when I saw Monster, one way, and Dean, one way, and John, one way, and Brenda’s friend, one way, and Brenda and Luke and I just, you know, momentarily hesitated and, it was just long enough. Brenda grabbed at me and said, “Naaoodontthinkso!” Cause I was about to run, and she knew it. “Wheredyothingkyourgonto?” But then by some miracle I DID run. I heard Brenda say “GettimRose!” I guess the other girl’s name was Rose. But I was off and I was just running – into the darkness. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF YOU KNOW HE’S SUB, DON’T YOU? – PART 35

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