
10. Linda’s Family Evolves – Pt. 02


Bobby was the next step in my little open family’s evolution, but it wasn’t like what I expected. It was nearly a month before I saw Bobby again. I got back from visiting my parents, though unfortunately I did not see Gary. Then the beginning of the semester, Bobby and I were thrown into incompatible schedules and we were both really busy. I had gotten another part time job helping out in our little art museum and I had resumed the nude modeling I had done. I needed the money since there were only four of us in the house now instead of seven and we each had to come up with more rent money. But adding a new person into our little company would have been complicated, since we still were having sex on a rotational basis.

But before I talk about the sex that Nick, Matt, Derek and I were having I should talk about the sex that Bobby and I had begun to have. I finally caught up with Bobby in the fourth week after classes started, and he seemed a bit nervous. I knew something was up but I didn’t know what.

“So, what is bothering you, Bobby?”

He was silent a minute and I just gave him time. It is always a mistake to try to hurry a guy into an answer. They need time to process. Eventually they get to the point.

“I think we are going to have to stop our, uh, times together. I have certainly missed you but there is a complication. I have a serious girlfriend.”

As usual I was caught off guard. That happens to me a lot. Bobby was so shy, so insecure, I was just surprised that he had gotten up the nerve to talk to a girl. But this was exactly what I was hoping. Andrea had said I liked picking up strays, and that was what I had done with Bobby. I had taken him under my wing and had sex with him and hoped that I was helping him become self-confident. I had been afraid he would become dependent on me instead of being confident in himself, and apparently my hopes were realized.

“Wow! That is great, Bobby. Tell me about her.”

“So you are not upset?”

“No! I am happy for you if you are happy. There were no strings attached to our relationship.”

He looked relieved. All that time I had worried he might get dependent on me and he was worried I was too attached to him. “Well, her name is Terry. Tereza. With a z. She is a sophomore and majors in chemistry. And she comes from a background similar to mine. The thing is, I am pretty sure that she would want a more … normal relationship.”

I could see it plainly and wasn’t surprised. Few people would understand, much less want, an open relationship. Terry would be jealous of me, insecure. Of course, she would.

“Have you told her about me?”

“Uh, no.”

“Then don’t. It isn’t something she needs to know, not in detail anyway. If she asks you if you ever had a girlfriend before, you can tell her that you thought it might work out between us but that we aren’t that way anymore.”

Again he looked relieved. “So you don’t think I need to tell her about us … having sex.”

“No. You were not in love with me and I am not in love with you. There was no commitment. It seems to me irrelevant.”

“Wouldn’t it be lying to not tell her?”

I had to think about that one. “It is important to be truthful, absolutely. But I don’t know how to explain truthfully what we were doing. If you just told her that we did have sex, she would imagine much more. And the ‘more’ part of it is what is not very explainable. Someday, when your relationship is secure and committed and you think she needs to know, then you could tell her. But I don’t think it would be helpful now. Maybe I am wrong. I don’t have much experience with how ‘normal’ people think about sex, so I might be wrong.”

We walked on in silence for a minute. Then I said, “I would like to meet her, sometime, when you would both be comfortable with it. You could introduce me as a friend from the art department.”

“I will see if she would be OK with that. I don’t want to do anything that would mess this up.”

“I know and I don’t want to mess it up either. I am very happy for you. You deserve someone who wants a real commitment, where there is potential for a future.”

By then we were at Bobby’s apartment. “OK, I will see you around then. God bless you Bobby.” He looked surprised at that. We had never talked religion. I was surprised at it too. Both how Bağdat caddesi travesti much I believed in God and how much I cared about Bobby. So I walked on home. No kissing good-bye.

The next week I discussed him with Andrea. I usually discussed everything with Andrea, everything sexual anyway. “So, I am not seeing Bobby anymore.”

“Really? What happened?” She was already smoking a cigar, which meant that she had something on her mind, but she was always interested in my strange adventures. She found me perplexing. A Christian, living with a house full of guys, who seemed well-adjusted to sex.

So I explained about Bobby and his new girlfriend. “Well that beats all! You actually picked up a stray, helped him to heal so that he could find a new home, and then you let him go. Amazing.”

“I guess that’s what I did, though it wasn’t as intelligently thought out as maybe it should have been. He seems happy, though. I’m just glad.”

“How is your harem going? Are you going to try to fill up the number with more guys?”

“I don’t think so. It would be … complicated.”

“True! Though you could ask another woman to join you.”

“I hadn’t thought of that. But I’m not sure it would be less complicated. You seem to have something on your mind. What’s going on?”

She puffed away for a minute before answering. “There was a rape. While you were gone. The guy who did it is well connected. The poor woman is staying at one of our safe houses and is having a rough time. She went through the whole legal thing, as hard as that was. And she’s willing to testify. But she’s having a rough time of it. There’s pressure on her to settle out of court. To let the guy off without the publicity. We are trying to encourage her not to cave in. It’s time for the bastards to be held accountable.”


I didn’t know what to say. I had almost been raped once and couldn’t imagine how I would have felt. (see “A Close Call … and Then”, the very first of the Linda stories.) “Well, if there is anything I can do, let me know. The guys too, if there was any way they could help.”

“Thanks. If she’ll just hang on, it will be hitting the local news soon.”

Meanwhile, back at the house.

Now that Bill, Desi and Ken had moved out, there were only three guys and the old sex partner rotation I had set up had not been updated. Over the summer though, we were all too busy to notice. Nick had a job that kept him out camping, giving nature tours, stuff like that. Matt had a job that kept him traveling as well. And Derek did as well. I was the only one relatively free, so we tabled the whole question until classes started up again.

We had had a schedule (that I had made originally) that I would “sleep” with each of the six guys once each week. Now that there were only three guys, we had a choice. Should I sleep with each guy twice each week? Or should we keep it as it was and have four nights a week that were free? Or did someone have a better idea?

As so often happened, Derek had an interesting idea. “Why don’t we do the rotation we are used to for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and then have group sex on Friday?”

“What do you mean ‘group sex’? All four of us together at once having sex with each other?” Nick was a bit nervous about the idea. He was the most thoroughly heterosexual one of us.

“Yes. I don’t mean that you and me might be having sex, but we could all have sex with Linda on the same night at the same time, more or less. That is, if she likes the idea.” Derek was the most willing to experiment of all of us.

I was remembering the day I had spent naked with all the guys. That I had loved. The only difference this time would be that we would all be naked. That sounded like fun to me. So that is what I told them. There had also been the day that all the men had been naked and I alone was clothed. It wasn’t like we had never done anything like this before.

They were all waiting for me to weigh in so I said, “I think it would be fun. Like those two days last spring. But maybe we should have another kind of rotation. There are a lot of ways a foursome might work out, I would imagine. Maybe we should take turns planning out the … activities we would do. I am willing to do whatever you all want. I trust you. Let’s do Bağdat caddesi travestileri it.”

Derek suggested that I should be the one to plan out the details of our first experiment with group sex and it was settled. And so that next Friday night we would have our first foursome. I already felt tingly in anticipation. There were a lot of possibilities, and I wanted to do them all, sometime or other.

When Friday night came we locked the doors of the house and gathered in the living room. This was where I had painted them all posing nude for me, and given them blow jobs one by one. That had been nearly four months ago. It was also the room where I painted a nude self-portrait and had let them take me any way they wanted to. Sex in this house was so much fun.

Derek was eager to begin. They all were but Derek was the one who got things going. “So, Linda, you have ideas I imagine?”

“Anything I want, right?”

“Yes. Anything you want. I am sure we will all enjoy it.”

“Well, what I really want this time is to be covered in semen.”

A short silence. “OK, then. How do you want us to do it?”

“I will lie down on the floor naked and you guys will stand around me and jerk off. I get to watch you, and uh, experience the rest. I want you all to be looking at me and fantasizing about my body and what you’ve done to me in the past and what you hope to do to me in the future. And I want to watch you fantasizing. And I want the fruit of your fantasizing to rain down on me.”

I began taking off my clothes. When they went to take their clothes off, I said, “You guys don’t have to take your clothes off. Unless you want to. I would feel extra … uh, used if you kept your clothes on. I want to feel what it is like for three men to take me. Just unzip your pants and take your dicks out and stand around me and give me all you’ve got.”

By then I had all my clothes off and laid down on the floor, with my arms spread out and my legs apart. “One of you stand up by my head and one stand near my tits and one stand between my legs. Aim at my face, my mouth, my tits, my pussy. Let me be your slut, or whatever you want to call me.”

Nick stood just above my head and took his dick out. He had unfastened his belt as well as his zipper so he could pull his underwear down and I could see his balls nearly right above my eyes. His dick was already pretty hard. Derek was between my right arm and body and was also already hard. And Matt was between my legs. He was hard too. This was going to be fun.

They all started their own version of masturbation. I had not realized that every man jerks off differently. It shouldn’t be a surprise. All women do too. Some like to just rub their clitoris, some like to rub their nipples at the same time, some like to put fingers into their pussy. There are so many ways to masturbate and the same is true for men. Nick like to play with his balls while he rubbed the whole length of his shaft. Derek concentrated on the head of his dick. Matt varied his movements quite a lot. Every dick is different.

And every man’s cum is different from every other man’s cum. I had tasted them all. I had swallowed them all, and many times, so I knew them vividly. I knew their dicks so well I could visualize each one any time I wanted to. Sometimes I would remember so vividly how I had been having sex with one or the other of them, that I would just have to stop what I was doing and touch myself. Now I could let my eyes roam from dick to dick. It was heavenly. And all those dicks were hard because of me, wanting my body. Maybe euphoric is the word, or would be when they started squirting all that cum onto me.

They didn’t all cum at once, of course. It was Nick who was first. His cum flew down and across my face. The first string of his cum just missed my eyes, went across my nose and across my mouth to my chin. I had my mouth somewhat open and I felt some of that cum leaking in so I open my mouth to lick some of it in. The second stream went across my left eye and down my cheek where it slowly dripped down toward my ear. The third hit my eye again, but reflex had caused me to close my left eye in time, fortunately. Cum in the eye would not be good. His last ejaculation fell on my hair. I reached up to wipe his cum off my closed Travesti bağdat caddesi eye and put it in my mouth. I didn’t want to miss watching the others by having one of my eyes closed. I had seen Nick’s cum shooting out from underneath and it was awesome. It made my pussy feel hot and wet watching it all.

Matt was second. His cum sprayed all over my pussy, time after time. My pussy hair was soaked in his cum and some of it was slowly running down to my clitoris. It felt hot and sticky, stickier than Nick’s had felt. I don’t remember how many ejaculations he gave me. Four I think. When he was done I reached down and pushed some of his cum into my cunt. And I rubbed his cum all around my vulva, just with my left hand. I could give myself an orgasm just using his cum and was thinking that I would as soon as Derek gave me his.

Which he did very soon after Matt. His first ejaculation went all the way across my chest, over the upper part of both breasts. The second crossed my right nipple and nearly got to my left nipple. Then the third landed in a pool that was starting to accumulate around the right nipple and drip down to the lower part of my breast. There was quite a lot more dripping after that. I moved both of my hands and cupped my breasts to rub all that cum all around my titties. I was really nearly covered in cum. I took some of the cum from my breasts and rubbed it down on to my stomach. I suppose it seems odd that I got so much pleasure from simply being used by these guys, but then again I had a long history with each of them. We’d been having sex for a year now.

And then Derek did the unexpected. After putting his dick back into his pants, he knelt down beside me and sucked all of his cum off my right nipple. I can’t describe how that turned me on. Matt and Nick had seen him taste his own cum once before, and I had seen him taste himself a few times, but this was much more. There was a good amount of his semen on my nipple. It was more than just a taste. He was swallowing his cum. And, of course, I have always gotten off on men sucking my titties.

But then he moved over between my legs, bent over and began eating me out. My pussy was covered with Matt’s semen. But Derek put his face right in it and went to work on my clitoris with his tongue. He was massaging Matt’s cum into my clitoris. And he was getting cum all over his face while he did it. He rubbed his face into my pussy hair. I was already turned on by everything that had happened but he soon pushed me over the edge and gave me an orgasm I’ll remember for a long time. Derek had always enjoyed eating a woman out, he had tasted his own semen before, but tasting Matt’s cum was new. I know Matt and Nick were watching — I had my eyes closed just experiencing it all. When my orgasm subsided I notice two things.

First the surprised faces of Matt and Nick. And then the semen coating Derek’s face. As I said, Derek was the most sexually adventurous man I had ever known. Granted, I had only known eight men sexually, but still. I had never heard of a man doing this. I don’t watch porn — why would I need to? And back in high school when I did clandestinely watch porn, after a short time I found it routine and sort of predictable and eventually boring. But I had never heard of porn where the man did what Derek had just done.

Derek stood up and then reached down a hand to help me up. I just stood there for a second, naked, dripping cum, dizzy from my orgasm. Matt broke the silence, “Derek, are you bisexual?”

Derek looked thoughtful for a moment. “No. I don’t think so. At least I am not sexually attracted to men. I guess it is unusual for me to … like the taste of cum. When I am having sex, I lose inhibitions, I guess.”

After a minute he said, “Is there something half way between bisexual and straight?”

“Not that I know of.” Matt was still puzzled. He was into bondage stuff, and had probably done things none of us imagined, but he had never imagined someone like Derek. It was a new thing to him.

“Well, I need to take a shower, guys.” I looked at Derek. “And you should wash your face, Derek.”

“I think I need a shower too.” And he moved over to me and embraced me, rubbing his whole body against my whole body. He was getting a lot of cum on his shirt and pants. And he kissed me, putting his tongue as far down my throat as he could. Technically he only needed to change his clothes, but what he was really saying was, “Let’s take a shower together.” Which we did. As we were walking up the stairs, I said, over my shoulder, “Matt. You are in charge of next Friday.” These foursomes were going to be spectacular. I could hardly wait.

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