
A Favor for a Friend Ch. 07


Turbulence shook the plane a little as we flew over the ocean. That didn’t really bother me that much. I didn’t overly mind the take off or the flight itself, but I hated the landings. Landing is where everything can go wrong. Cross winds, bird strikes, tire blow outs, other planes crossing at the wrong time…the list goes on. I think I would rather parachute out of a plane every time then stay onboard for the landings. The flight attendant had just passed with the drink cart. Maybe I should have a few. Just enough to where I wouldn’t care how we landed, as long as we landed in one piece. The blanket over my lap started moving.

“What the hell?” I wondered.

My half hard manhood was softly gripped in the warm hand which gently ran their fingers over my reacting flesh. I groaned slightly at the sensation and thrust my hips towards it a little in encouragement. Who was under my blanket? Was it that cute blonde flight attendant that had winked at me as she passed with the drink cart? How could she have gotten under there without me knowing? Not that a little detail like that really mattered at the moment. I could feel a mouth slowly and wetly descend over my hard, throbbing cock. This was a surprise, but it looked like I might be joining the mile high club today. I placed my hand on top of the blanket, coaxing further action. This was top notch in-flight service. I’d have to fly with this carrier from now on.

I opened my eyes to the darkness. I could hear the ceiling fan above and it took me a moment to realize I was not on a plane, but that I was in bed. Good news for me, since I didn’t have to suffer through another plane landing, but bad news for me, as I was just getting into the really good part of the dream. I lay there trying to go back to sleep when I realized that my cock was still being grasped beneath the covers. I automatically accounted for both of my own hands that were above the covers. My mind was fully awake that very moment, and I ripped back the blanket while backing myself up against the headboard. I fumbled for the switch on the bedside lamp, wishing at that moment for voice activated lights.

I finally got the lamp turned on and saw someone else in the bed. I grabbed for my gun on the nightstand but it was missing. Instead, I grabbed the lamp and was just about to start swinging when I realized that I recognized the intruder. It turned out to be Karl with a ‘K’. He had recoiled at the sudden violent movement when I jerked away and looked like he had seen a ghost when the light came on.

“Karl?! What the hell are you doing in my room?!” I yelled.

“Your room? This is Chase’s room! What are you doing in Chase’s bed?” Karl questioned back at me in confusion.

I rubbed my eyes trying to fully collect my thoughts. Where was I? What was happening? Was this Chase’s bed? Why was I there instead of my own bed? I looked around and quickly confirmed that this was not my bed or my room. No wonder my gun wasn’t there. It was on the other nightstand since the lamp and alarm clock took up all the space on the one I reached for. This was definitely not my room, for which Karl was extremely lucky. My adrenaline was still pumping, making it difficult to quiet my mind. Karl had retreated from the bed to stand near the door. He was fully clothed, and I realized that I was not. That was normal for me, as I sleep naked, but was now reconsidering that habit. I pulled the sheets up around me as I ran over the facts in my head, still trying to clear the fog of sleep.

“Chase had to go out of town. It was some kind of family emergency.” I finally said. “There have been a few break ins around here lately, so he asked me to housesit for him. He only left this afternoon, and I got here a couple hours ago. Now what are YOU doing here and how’d you even get in?”

Now Karl with a ‘K’ looked a little embarrassed. “I knew I was going to have a little time between meetings, and I hadn’t seen him in a while. Actually the last time I was here was when you showed up in the middle of it. Chase said I could come over, but we set that up last week. I guess he forgot to tell either of us anything when his plans got changed. As far as getting inside the house, I know where he hides his spare key.”

“So you just let yourself in and then what? Decided it was playtime while he’s still asleep?”

“I didn’t know how late I was gonna get in, and for the record Chase likes to be woken up like that.” Karl explained.

“Let me put something on and I’ll be right out.” I said, motioning him to the door.

I put on some pajama pants and a t-shirt from my overnight bag that I had brought, then went out to join Karl in the living room. I sat in Chase’s spot on the couch while Karl took the recliner. şiran escort He had grabbed the remote on his way through thinking I was going to be a few minutes rather then the few seconds it actually took. Karl had just turned on the TV when I entered, and as I sat down the TV came to life with a full screen of loud, screaming porn.

“Oh for fuck’s sake!” I shouted at the screen. “Does Chase ever watch anything else?”

Karl fumbled with the remote, going through menus on the screen in order to change the content. “What’s all this?”

I looked up again to see little thumbnails all across the TV. Karl scrolled over and picked one. It flared to life and I felt that it was disturbingly familiar. Had I seen this before? I didn’t watch nearly as much porn as Chase seemed to, but this video was different. As soon as one of the characters appeared it was obvious that it was Chase. I was frozen in place. What the hell was this? I also recognized the setting. It was inside of Chase’s house. I couldn’t move, and I couldn’t speak.

“Well, I recognize the star of this movie.” Karl said as he smiled broadly.

Just from where I sat in the living room, I looked around, now noticing several cameras just in this room alone. The video was really good quality. Apparently Chase did not skimp when he spent his money on something.

Karl exited back to the video choices, and quickly found another one. He pushed play and it filled the screen. Chase was once again a featured character, but Karl was on there as well. I had never noticed the cameras before, but was glad to see that there were no videos including me on the ones Karl scrolled through.

“Hey, that’s me!” Karl smiled as he pointed at the TV. “I’m glad it caught my good side.”

“I think it’s time I went back to bed.” I decided, trying to get out of there quickly.

“Do you mind if I take the spare room? I have to get on a flight to Denver in the afternoon and don’t really feel like wasting more time getting an Uber and finding a hotel this late at night.”

“That’s fine. I’m sure Chase wouldn’t mind.”

I got back into Chase’s room and closed the door. I fixed the mess that I had made of the sheets and blanket, turned off the light, stripped off the clothes I had put on, and climbed back into bed. I still faintly heard the TV in the background for a little while before Karl finally turned it off, but I couldn’t get back to sleep. I heard the shower in the guest bath start and eventually stop, and figured he would be in bed soon.

I was laying still on my back trying to drift off to sleep. I wasn’t going very well. The room was pitch black except for the dim glow of the alarm clock, which didn’t provide any real illumination. I heard the doorknob turn and the door creak open ever so slowly.

“Brad.” Karl whispered. “Brad, are you still awake?”

I feigned being asleep, seeing if he would actually wake me up needing something. I heard the door close again, but instead of him going back to the guest room, I heard him approaching the bed.

“Brad.” Karl said again, a little louder this time. “I just wanted to tell you that I watched a bunch of those videos. I probably shouldn’t have, cause now I’m horny as fuck.” He kept talking, apparently to himself.

I felt him sit on the edge of the bed, pausing to see if I would react. When I didn’t he got a little bolder, removing the covers from my legs. He lightly ran one hand up my leg, shifting the fabric higher as he went. His hand moved even higher, this time not stopping until he lightly wrapped his fingers around my cock. I had been hard since his hand first made contact with my leg. I didn’t want to stop him by ‘waking up’. I kinda wanted to see what he would do now that he knew it wasn’t Chase in the bed.

“You don’t mind if I stroke you a little bit, do you?” he asked quietly.

His actions matched his words and his hand began to glide across my skin. A breathy sigh escaped my lips, but Karl didn’t let that stop him.

“Yeah, you like that huh? I liked it last time I was here. Would you like me to suck you a little bit? You can tell me not to. I won’t be offended. I’ll just go back to bed and leave you to sleep. Is that a ‘yes’? No objection? I’ll take that to mean you agree.”

I felt Karl’s tongue lick up and down the sensitive underside of my tool as his hand moved out of the way. Every time I exhaled it came out as another sigh of pleasure. I couldn’t make myself stop doing it. Karl took that as further permission to continue. He then moved into opening up to engulf the tip of my spear with his talented mouth. And now we were back to where we had been before I woke up the first time. Only this time I was şirinevler escort certain he was in no danger of being shot or clubbed with a lamp.

I was enjoying the slow leisurely blowjob that Karl was administering and my sighs had turned to quiet groans. I heard a popping sound and smelled the scent of strawberries. Karl had brought the familiar bottle with him, but what was his plan? Did he really think he was going to fuck a guy while he was sleeping? Karl removed his mouth and dripped some of the liquid into his hand, which was then slathered all over my member. He went back to stroking me, once in a while running his tongue up and down the shaft. He then slowly and carefully moved my legs one at a time. He crawled in between after he spread me apart and placed each leg over his shoulders. Karl moved forward in the bed, and my ass came up off the mattress. Could I still feign sleep? At what point would someone wake up? I pushed those thoughts away in my curiosity to see how far he would go.

Karl trailed his tongue down my cock, over my balls, and continued his southward journey. The farther his tongue went, the more I had to fight to keep from gasping and moaning. When his oral digit reached my ass and flicked along my opening, I couldn’t stop all of the sounds. I was hoping a sleeping person would react that way from the attention. A lube slick finger joined his tongue, lightly penetrating me. I was just about out of my mind as he continued to tease and probe me.

“Sounds like you enjoy that.” Karl whispered again. “Does that feel good? Do you want some more?”

Karl progressively got a little faster and rougher, like he didn’t care if I awoke at this point. He popped open the lube again, and this time I assumed he applied it to his own tool, as the wet, squishing sound was not corresponding to anything he was doing to me at that moment.

“I hope you don’t mind, but this whole thing has got my cock to the point that it’s about to burst. I gotta feel it sink into that ass. Are you okay with that?”

I finally couldn’t stay quiet. There was no way someone would still be asleep.

“Karl?” I whispered.

“Yeah Brad?” he answered just as quietly. “You’re awake? Good. Just so you know, I’ve known that you were awake this whole time. Even Chase can’t stay asleep once I start sucking him, and he could sleep through a tornado. I was wondering if you were gonna play possum while getting fucked. That would really only happen if I had gotten you blackout drunk. We’ll have to do that some other time.”

Now that neither of us were maintaining the ruse, Karl repositioned me on my side, sliding up behind to spoon me. He lifted my top leg up to give him access, and placed the head of his cock at the entrance. He slid up and down the crevice until he found his spot, then slowly and gently began inserting himself into his target. We both groaned in unison when he entered. His achingly slow penetration seemed designed to tease himself as well as me. He didn’t hurry or falter with his movements. He wanted to take me his own way.

“Chase hardly ever lets me do this. He keeps telling me he’s the pitcher, but I enjoy being on the mound once in a while.” he said.

“I hate baseball.” I mumbled.

Karl’s front eventually pressed tight to my back and he held himself there, not moving for a minute. Then he slowly retreated in the same teasing manner. He completely removed himself and slid his entire length between the cheeks of my ass before invading my interior once more for another long slow stroke.

“Damn Brad, I wish I could fuck you like this all day.”

Karl kept his actions consistent for a comparatively long time, considering most guys seem to be in a race to the finish line. He wanted his time to last, and I was not going to argue.

“I don’t think I can keep this up much longer.” he finally said. “Get up on your knees.”

I rolled over per his request and he came up behind me. He sank into me just as slowly as the first time, but each stroke got progressively faster. We were both groaning, but he was starting to show signs of his exertion. His breathing increased, his hands gripped my hips harder, and he started grunting with each entry. I could tell he was close, but then he slowed way down again. I’m guessing he wanted to tease us both some more, but I was done with his denial. I needed to feel him explode inside me. I wanted him to shoot everything he had and collapse in a drained mess of limbs. He still gripped my waist as he slowly fucked, but I started thrusting back against him, taking him fast, hard, and deep.

“No, no, no. Wait, wait!” he stammered.

“C’mon Karl, give it şirinyer escort to me!” I demanded. “Cum for me Karl!”

He tried to hold off, but it was too little, too late. He pulled me back onto his cock forcefully and held me there as he lost control.

“AAAAaaaahhh! Oh FUCK! Oh fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” he repeated as he shot his cum right where I wanted it.

He apparently hadn’t been drained in quite a while, as his cock released shot after shot after shot as he held me in place. I restarted my short thrusts back against him, my ass gripping at his cock like I was refusing to let him go. His body draped over mine and I slid down to the mattress, with him riding me to the bottom. We stayed that way for several minutes, trying to recover from the fuck filled marathon.

The moon had been obscured by cloud cover all night, but the sky was clearing, letting the dim light filter into the room. Whereas before the room was completely dark, now we could make out what went on around us.

Karl got off of me, pulling and prodding me until I rolled onto my back. His mouth moved down and encased my turgid pole, renewing the life of the lube still covering it. He then straddled me, guiding my member to his surrendering portal. As he sank down, his ass swallowed my flesh covered timber until he hit bottom. We both groaned again as he settled in place. Karl started riding me with purpose, sliding up and down cowgirl style. He leaned forward and braced his hands on my chest, using the leverage to bounce up and down with long and fast strokes.

It never took me long to reach the edge after being fucked, and today was no exception. Karl could now see it all over my face.

“That’s right Brad. Don’t fight it. You took mine, now I’m taking yours.” he said, staring down at me. “Give it to me Brad!”

I grabbed his waist and pulled him all the way down onto my rod. I held him there and he watched me as I released each spurt of my cum until I was spent and panting, trying to regain my breath. Karl bounced on top of me a few more times and then ground his ass on my pole.

“Got anything left?” he asked.

I couldn’t have answered if I wanted to but he seemed to already know. Karl dismounted from his impromptu rodeo ride, rolled over to the edge of the bed, and managed to get to his feet.

“Go grab a shower Brad. You smell like strawberries and sex.”

Karl left the room but it took me several minutes to gather myself and stagger into the shower. I heard Karl in the other shower taking his own advice. Afterwards I went back to bed and was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

The flight attendant had just passed with the drink cart. Maybe I should have a few. Just enough to where I wouldn’t care how the plane landed, as long as we landed in one piece. The blanket over my lap started moving. I felt my tool get enveloped in the warm, wet tunnel of an accommodating mouth. I placed both hands on top of the head in my lap, encouraging more of the attention I was receiving. I was granted my unspoken request, the head in my lap bobbing faster than before.

I was pulled from my dream and returned to reality, finding that the actions in my dream were actually happening. Sunlight filtered into the room, showing that Karl was involved with giving me a morning blowjob. I was surprised that I hadn’t woken up before and even more surprised that I was already on the verge of orgasm. Karl noted my consciousness and started really going to town, no longer worrying about waking me up. I didn’t have the opportunity to stop him, question him, or help him, as I was already beyond stopping. I tangled my fingers in his hair and held tight as my orgasm ripped through me. He was humming his approval as I shot my morning load into his mouth. I lay gasping and weak first thing in the morning, not sure if I could function the rest of the day in this condition.

Karl’s hand was coaxing the remnants of my cum from me before removing himself from my spent member. He came up to where I lay on the pillow and brought his lips to mine. Chase had once done the same thing, so I wasn’t as surprised when my own cum was pushed past my lips and over my tongue as my guest fed me my own load. After I swallowed, Karl stood up, overlooking where I still lay.

“My Uber should be here any minute. I got booked on an earlier flight because my meeting got moved up.” he explained. “I saw your morning wood under the covers and couldn’t leave without a proper show of gratitude for last night.”

I was looking at him while still a little dazed from the beginning of my morning. I wasn’t able to form any coherent thoughts as he rambled on.

“By the way, I got your number off your phone. You really shouldn’t leave your phone accessible to just anyone. I’ll call you when I’m back in town. Maybe all three of us can get together sometime. Sound like fun? Gotta go Brad. Don’t get up, I’ll see myself out.”

And out the door Karl with a ‘K’ went. It was such a whirlwind few minutes, I wasn’t entirely sure I wasn’t still dreaming. The film in my mouth said otherwise though.

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