
A Little Bit of Love


All characters are well over 18. If denial and sph is not your kink, simply don’t open.


Daniel had what his parents had often described as a “minor problem” with women. It wasn’t that he didn’t like them; quite the contrary, Daniel fell for women hard and often. Neither was he a womanizer; in fact, Daniel was so intensely devoted to whichever woman was currently holding his hand that he couldn’t even look at other women. It wasn’t his looks, either: Daniel was tall and handsome, if a bit thin, with big, dark eyes and mahogany red hair that entranced quite a few women from the first glance.

The problem was that he couldn’t seem to keep a woman to save his life.

It didn’t make any sense from the outside. He was polite, and sweet, and eager to please. When asked, his exes often described him as “very loving, just…a bit much…and not where it counts.”

They never elaborated, and no one wanted to ask, but it was pretty clear what they meant. Daniel was…lacking, and severely enough to turn them off.

That is, until Alice. Just barely shorter than Daniel, her eyes green against his near-black and and hair dark where his was bright, Alice was attentive and devoted to him from the start, her first date with him such a success that he didn’t find himself home until the sun was coming up, grinning stupidly and and filled with that beautiful feeling he craved so desperately from his previous attempts at dating. Alice….Alice understood what he needed from her.

Whatever deficiencies he may or may not have had, Alice seemingly found him perfect, and within 3 months they had moved in together full time. Fast, true, but Daniel was so happy he practically glowed whenever he was around her, so no one questioned it.

They might have, if they could see Daniel now.

Tied spread eagle to a large bed covered in red and black bedding, naked save for a collar and blindfold, Daniel trembles slightly, an expression of radiant joy breaking over his face even as goosebumps alaca escort raise up and down his body when Alice, seated beside him on the bedspread, trails her right hand fingers across his belly to his hips. She pulls her fingers across his hips and down his leg, firm strokes like a paintbrush on canvas, circling closer and closer to his cock (“if you can really call it that,” she’d once jeered) without ever touching it. Daniel tries not to pant, squirming as she starts tapping a maddening rhythm back and forth across his hips.

“Please,” Daniel whines, hips twitching. Not bucking just yet, but getting closer to it with each second. An hour and a half of being ruthlessly teased will do that to a man…especially on top of a week of chastity and denial.

“Please what?” Alice stills her fingers, drawing another whine from him as he squirms against his bonds. “You have to be specific, darling.” She smiles, her other hand circling lightly around his throat, thumb stroking the side with gentle pressure.

Daniel moans, pushing his throat up into her hand.

“Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” Alice croons, leaning in to kiss him. He responds eagerly, leaning up as far as her can to be close to her, arms jerking against his restraints with how bad he wants to wrap around her. When she pulls away he’s panting for breath, and lets out a soft, sad sound of dismay. “Tell me what you need.”

“T-touch me, please,” he stutters, face turning red with embarrassment under the blindfold. “Please!”

“Touch you? How?” Alice kisses along his jaw, drawing another lusty whine from him.

“Please stroke my cock, please, please,” he pants, turning his head blindly towards where he could feel her lips, desperate for another kiss.

“Oh? You want me to stroke you?” Her fingers start tapping again, moving downward and circling tightly around his leaking, throbbing, and undeniably small cock. “You want me to make you cum?”

“God yes, please,” he pants, trying to buck against her hand. “Please, please!”

“Then alanya escort ask right, sweetheart,” she replies, stilling her hand with her fingertips just barely brushing against the head.

“Oh, please don’t make me,” he whimpers, turning redder still, the blush creeping down his chest.

“You know you want to, dearest,” She soothes, planting another kiss on his jawline. “Don’t lie to me.”

“Fuuuuck…” He squirms, biting his lips hard. “I do want to…but it’s humiliating…” he chokes out a short whine as she drags her fingers down his shaft, beads of pre-cum pumping out of his cock as it twitches. “Oh, fuck!”

“Look how hard you are just thinking about it,” Alice responds teasingly, pulling her hand back slightly as he attempts to thrust against her palm. “It feels good to be humiliated, you know that.” She returns her fingers to resting against his cock. “You know you need to be honest, baby. Only honest boys get what they want.”

“…Please stroke my cocklet,” Daniel whispers, turning his head away from her, biting his lips hard as his cock jumps and twitches under her fingers.

Alice laughs, a sound that only serves to make him pant out a short moan of breathless need. Her fingers wrap around him, slow languid strokes wringing a series of whimpers out of him as he squirmed under her touch.

“Good boy,” she murmurs, sliding her hand up his neck to his jaw and turning his head back to her, kissing him again and giggling softly in her throat as he squirmed against her, happy little grunts escaping him as her tongue flicked across his. She pulls back, ignoring his pitiful whines of want. “Now…say it again.”

“N-noooo,” he gasps, thrusting into her hand frantically at the thought. “Please, please, just-“

She takes her hand away, and he wails in frustration, twisting under her. “No?” she says, voice light and mocking as she returns to tapping his hips gently, watching him squirm and beg wordlessly. “I thought you wanted me to stroke you, dearest.”

“I do, I do!” He wails, alsancak escort bucking into the empty air.

“Then say it again.” Her hand passes so close, so so close to touching him. “Be a good boy, and say it again.”

“Oh, fuuuuuck, please, please stroke my cocklet, please,” he cries out, writhing, desperate.

“You want me to stroke your tiny little cocklet?” She slips her hand around him again, thumb resting just against his most sensitive spot, rubbing just enough to draw gasps from poor, bound Daniel.

“Yes! God yes!” He cries, bucking into her hand furiously. “Please, please!”

“Are you going to cum?” She speeds her thumbs slow circles to a feverish pace, and he arches, whining loudly and tossing his head side to side.

Alice laughs again, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “What a pitiful boy. You’re really gonna cum just from having your little cocklet touched like this? You have no self control.” She plants a kiss on the corner of his lips and he whimpers again, turning his head sharply towards her. She stifles a giggle, pressing her lips back to his ear instead. “What a pathetic little slut you are. Your cute little mini can’t even satisfy me, but here you are begging to cum anyway.”

“Oh please, please,” Daniel practically sobs, thrusting frantically. “Please let me cum, please!”

“Hmmmm…no.” Alice grins sharply, drawing her hand back. “I don’t think I will.”

“Nooooooooooooo!” Daniel sobs, thrashing. “Please, please, PLEASE!”

“Now, darling, you know that doesn’t help,” Alice soothes, running her fingers through his hair as he pants and thrashes, cooing gently at him until he finally settles back onto the bed, trying not to cry, cock throbbing and twitching. “Good boy…just relax.” She peppers him with kisses. “When you calm down…it’s back in the cage. Cute boys with tiny cocklets should always stay locked when not being teased. If you’re good, I’ll take you out again tomorrow.”

Daniel loses his bid not to cry as she takes his blindfold off, burying his face in her neck as his cock throbs.

“I love you,” she whispers, arms around him, holding him close.

He smiles, radiant and watery, against her neck. “I love you, too,” he murmurs, burrowing deeper into her neck.

He tries not to whimper as he hears the jingle of the cage keys being pulled out of her pocket.

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