
A Question of Her Value Ch. 03


As always seems to be the case I was unsure which category to post this story in but eventually, after some thought, decided it belonged in BDSM.

Please take the time to read parts 1 my eyes fixed on the iron heating in the forge.

“Silence whore.” She laughed and nodded to the blacksmith.

My eyes widened in terror as he pulled the red-hot iron out of the coals and, smirking, stepped towards me.

“Please…. you can’t….. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

I screamed and struggled harder as he approached me holding the hot iron out in front of him with an HM glowing bright orange at the end.


The pain was indescribable as he pressed the brand against my rear and, for the briefest moment, my nostrils filled with the scent of burnt flesh as I screamed.


Then I passed out.

When I eventually came to, I was laid out, still nude, in the back of the same large vehicle that had bought me to the market. We were slowly bouncing along a adıyaman escort track, presumably heading towards Hanif’s property where he kept his harem.

Remembering the pain of my branding I tentatively felt for my bottom and my fingers came into contact with a gauze pad of some sort covering the mark.

“You’ll be fine. We’ve put a salve on it to help with the pain and reduce the swelling.”

I jerked my head up to see the Arab, my owner, sitting up front smiling as he twisted around to face me.

“The other girl I bought is Lara. She’s still unconscious behind you.”

I glanced back to look at the attractive brunette sprawled across the other seat, a similar dressing on her backside.

“Where are you taking me?” slowly I tried sitting up and was relieved to find my rear was only slightly uncomfortable.

“To your new home.”

“You mean your harem.” I stated flatly.

“Yes, but you may prefer to call it home. You will be there a long time.”

I glared back at him defiantly, “My afşin escort husband will be looking for me.”

His eyes twinkled humourlessly, “I’m sure he will but I have many, how do you say, friends in the police.”

There was nothing else I could say or do. I was, along with my unconscious companion Lara, on my way to a very different existence.

Sitting I silently stared out of the window looking at the barren landscape passing by as dusk slowly turned to night.

Tomorrow I would be starting a new life as a sex toy to a slave trader.

My pulse was racing while my heart beat like a trip hammer as I contemplated my future.

‘How many times would I be fucked? Once a day, once a week?’

‘Would he share me with his friends and business associates?’

‘Would he breed me?’

Somewhere along the journey I fell asleep, the events of the day finally catching up with me, and only awoke when we stopped at some large wrought iron gates set in a high white wall.

“Where are we?” I asked afyon escort slightly groggily noticing that the other girl, Lara, was also awake beside me.

“Your new home.” Was the only answer we got as we waited for the gates to be opened and the car to proceed.

Inside the wall we made our way up a gravel driveway, set in lush gardens with vivid green lawns either side of it, the drive led up to a large two-storey house where lights blazed brightly dispersing the darkness.

Pulling up in front of the property the driver opened the car door so that Hanif could usher us inside. Stepping through the front entrance we found ourselves in an opulently decorated hallway with a large sweeping staircase running up from the centre to the first-floor balcony.

Waiting for us was a woman.

“Ah Lina.” Our owner greeted the older Arab woman who seemed totally unphased by our nudity.

“Sir?” she bowed respectfully.

“This is Amy and Lara. Please see to it that they are cleaned up and fed.”

“Shall I place them with Maria and Esther when I’m finished with them sir?”

Her reply made me wonder who the other two women were.

“They will be going into the harem, yes.”

He went to turn away dismissing her before continuing, “On second thoughts when you are done with them bring Amy back to me.”

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