
A Walk in the Hills


How can

A Walk In The Hills

add variety into your life.

I had four consecutive days off work without any tours planned, it was early in the morning sun was up and the start of another nice warm day that I decided I would go for a walk in the hills. Kitted up in boots, shorts and polo shirt I stopped off at the local garage to get their special lunch offer of the day, a packet of crisps, sandwich and a drink. Which I stashed away in my daysack for later.

The local bus arrived on time, I had enough of driving for the past ten days the bus would take me to my hike start point and back with possibility of a pub lunch in-between. It was a slow enjoyable meandering drive through the rolling hills of the Cotswolds’, numerous villages and small towns in the Oxfordshire countryside. Just over an hour later I arrived at my start point, fired up my hiking navigator, it’s just like a car satnav but uses approved country paths and rights of way.

As always the first twenty minutes or so of a walk are challenging until you settled down into a steady pace and head for your first waypoint.

By now it had started to get warm I discarded my polo shirt into my daysack. The sun was on my back and a gentle hill breeze it was ecstasy, no stress just take one step after another.

At the bottom of the third valley I was starting to walk between bushes and trees. I always wanted to do this but never had, I stripped off my shorts, bagged them and apart from my boots and sun glasses I was naked. I always wanted to join a Cotswolds naked ramble but never had the courage to do so. This was my solo chance.

The base of the valley ran for about a mile, I walked at a slower pace enjoying the natural freedom of it, I could feel a dangling arousal start. I discarded the thought and kept going the more I tried to discard it the greater the thrill.

I reached the point where I had to do something about my arousal, being alone for so long I knew just what I wanted to do.

Just off the path I saw a small hillock with short grass it had a hollow in the middle discreetly out of view. I lay back in it by now I had a full blown almost pulsating hard-on, I couldn’t resist it any longer and started to enjoy a slow hand job.

I was enjoying the slow pace of the ecstasy build-up the sun on my face and body in total tranquillity. I caressed myself each stroke was bringing me satisfaction and enjoyment slowly adding to its anticipated climax. It had been months since I had such enjoyment or satisfaction.

I didn’t take long before I could feel a climax start to peak, usually I would ease back at this point but not this time I was so excited I went for gold and was amply rewarded by an erupting and vortexing climax.

I lay back recovering rubbing cum away when I heard distant voices, I didn’t know from where or how many in the party, but quite a few from the sound.

I discreetly looked over the mound without breaking the sky line, the way we were taught by the army, they were much closer than I thought and my presence would become noticeable to them shortly.

In my rush to get dressed my boots got tangled up in my shorts, I could now make out what they were talking about, even allowing for the gentle breeze carrying their chatter they would be literally on top of me at least able to see me any moment.

Panic more than calculated judgement I grabbed my daysack and shorts rolled over the far side of the mound, crawled towards then through a stand of bushes and lay their naked apart from my boots.

Settled and starting to recover my composure I looked over my shoulder down into the valley below, with any movement I would be fully exposed to anyone in the next valley looking in my direction, although I couldn’t see anyone.

The lesser of two embarrassments I stayed put. My adrenalin was pumping and my arousal was still egging me on I was really enjoying the thrill of it.

I was spared embarrassment and was somewhat disappointed that they had passed me bye without incident. As I looked through the bushes could see the party descend the hill into the next valley.

In the distance and foliage I couldn’t be sure but I thought they were rather scantily dressed, like I was I suppose. By now my arousal had restarted its temptations and was pulsating with more intent than before.

Then I detected hiker’s movement in the distance on the other side of the valley. I resisted pulling my shorts back on and scrambled back through the bushes over the rim and back into the hollow, recovering my dropped sun glasses.

I lay there thinking about one thing; should I; could I?

Looking over the rim of the crater nobody about or any voices. I was so intense now I could only think of one thing that I hadn’t experienced since that time a few months ago when I visited the Royal Ballet in Covent Garden.

Instinctively I took thing in hand and started to give myself my now third hand job of the day, it may not have been as good or Alsancak travesti as prolonged as its predecessor but I achieved another erupting and vortexing climax. Again I rubbed it away as I recuperated, 50 years of age has its stamina price.

I finally dressed without tangling my shorts up in my boots. Using my hiking navigator circumvented the cratered hillock and soon found the trail and, continued my journey to my next waypoint. Albeit still a bit high and out of breathe not how I expected the morning to play out and it was only just after ten.

As I descended into the base of the valley enjoying the scenery with the Oxfordshire rolling hills disappearing over the horizon. I could now make out the next waypoint which was at the junction of two streams with stepping stone bridges protected by a stand of trees and steep embankments that had been carved and errored over the years by nature.

In the distance I saw someone walking in my general direction. Like me all he had on was boots and shorts. We eventually converged at the stream crossings under the canopy of trees. We stopped and started chatting to each other with the usual questions and answers hikers ask each other.

His name was Frank from Stow on the Wold and was planning to have a coffee break and invited me to join him. He selected a grass mound just above the tree line. It wasn’t unlike the mound I had lain in an hour or so back but larger and deeper, with a crater that the grass had grown over. It was a small climb more a scramble up to and over its rim.

The view was magnificent we seemed to be sitting in a crater at the top of a hillock overlooking two valleys. Frank who apparently was into geological history of the area said he thought this may be the remnants of an old Iron Age fort or settlement that had a domed roof at one time, they were many such hill site structures in Oxfordshire.

We settled in the crater and were protected from the breeze but still enjoying the warm baking sun. We shared what we had we in our daysacks as we chatted away, I could feel a sort of affiliation to Frank, I think he did too to me, don’t know why but I did.

Frank asked me.

“Would you mind if I stripped fully off in the sun.”

I actually felt quite excited about the prospect as I said.

“No problem feel free.”

He took off his boots and shorts exposing his totally bronzed body with no tan lines which I admired but like me possibly should have spent more time in the gym.

He saw me looking at him, I hadn’t realised I was doing it as he said.

“Why don’t you join me?”

He had invited me to join him naked in this discreet crater with the sun beating down on us, possibly too quickly I replied.

“Yes I would like that.”

I discarded my boots and shorts but my speedo type tan lines were very noticeable. Which he didn’t comment on.

We both became more relaxed with each other’s company as we lay there naked and in close proximity to each other chatting. By now we were both lying side on facing each other.

It was sort of surreal but erotic as we chatted away, I was starting to feel I was having an arousal develop the way I did in the crater a few hours ago.

Discreetly I looked at him to see if he was having similar feelings. It was then Frank without prompting said as he looked straight at me.

“I am gay; are you?”

Caught on the hop for an answer I said.

“Why do you ask that?”

“The way you look at me,” as he looked down at my now partial hard-on.

“No I had a wife but we both went our own way’s a number of years back.”

Reassuringly he told me.

“I am now alone too my partner went his separate way a few years back too.”

Bluntly he asked me

“Did you ever have any gay friends or relationships?”

The ice and the taboo broken I shared my guilty past.

“Yes in my last year at college, I became good friends with Archie, both of us were in our early twenties at the time, and still am although now distant friends as he lives in France with his new twenty something openly gay Italian partner. Well we all have to have a hobby.

Our friendship took a hit when we got caught in bed together by someone who couldn’t keep his mouth shut and disclosed it to the newspapers with photographs of us together naked in bed. Even the papers would only publish the vanilla ones some of the pictures on offer were quite athletic and explicit but he was able to post them on OnlyFans for money which you could in its early unregulated days.

Frank’s family were very unhappy when they were found out about our relationship in a music magazine, Archie was an up and coming singer. Out of respect for them and Archie’s fledging music career we distanced our friendship.

I got married to quell my part in his history but it didn’t last, he went overseas and became a very popular French entertainer. The gay revelations gave him publicity and a career kick he needed, but that was almost 30 years ago now.

However; the Alsancak travestileri press followed up my story more than once for a follow-up exposé after I left college, so I moved away one night in the dark which closed that chapter in my life at least for a while.”

Frank had leaned over and was now rubbed the inside of my leg seductively as he asked me.

“Then what happened I don’t think it ended there?”

“It did for quite a few years but I was always alone then I met a student nurse from Spain when I was in hospital after a road accident, she was a lesbian. Her landlord had asked her to leave after he caught her with two girlfriends in her bedroom one night.

The papers had tracked me down again and I had just moved for a second time, this time to Stratford upon Avon and had bought a new three story town house overlooking the railway station, money was tight because of the mortgage rates shooting up so I took her and one of her friends in as paying lodgers.

Clara the third in the expelled group came to my house one night a week or so later, the others were on night duty, and asked me if she could rent a room from me. Blond five foot four, mid-twenties, with a seductive mysterious smile, I invited her in, her landlord had jacked up her rent significantly after the three in a bed tryst.

I was really taken by her showed her the ground floor living area and the second floor bedroom area. I showed her the bedroom her two friends shared, then the one that was empty. All it had in it was a drum shaped double bed that a friend gave me and a clothes rail. She seemed taken by it, and asked.

“Can I see your room?”


We went up to the third floor which was all my bedroom, shower and dressing room. As she stood in front of the shower room alongside the full length mirrors started to slowly seductively strip until all she had on was bra and pants. I stood there in awe as she said.

“I am only a student nurse and can’t really afford a place like this, can we come to some arrangement?”

She dropped her bra then slipped off her pants and came over to me, removed my shirt and trousers until I was naked too. She pressed on me with her warm body we both ended up on the bed together where she fucked me until I was exhausted and had agreed to have her as my third lodger.

When her two friends came off night shift they didn’t seem to be surprised to see the both of us in the kitchen diner together having breakfast.

It was a great arrangement they looked after the house, did all the cooking, housework etc. between them, after my leg healed up I was back driving a luxury tour coach all over Europe sometimes for weeks at a time.

Yes they did invite me to joint in with them from time to time for group fun. Clara who was the most athletic of the three when the other two of them were on night shift would join me in bed. One night we had a noisy and illuminating lighting storm being terrified she came into my bed she was truly a dynamic athlete sex kitten that night.

The nights when all four of us would share a bed was very demanding.

They lived with me for 18 months until all three of them qualified, during that time an aunt had left me her Kensington London flat, sold it for silly money; mortgage gone and money in the bank.”

Frank had now moved from leg rubbing to kneeling over me and gave me a very enjoyable but slow and caressing blow job, so much better than a self-hand job. The sun was still beating down on us until, using Frank’s words, ‘their she blows’ happened; now the fourth epic and messy climax of the day.”

After Frank recovered his composure and my drained out energy tank replenished, Frank interjected by saying.

“Okay what happened next I can tell the best is still to come?”

I was starting to enjoy reminiscing and sharing my confessions so continued.

“Last November I was given a below the counter bonus of Radisson hotel points by my boss who owned the coach tour company. I traded them for four nights at the Radisson Hotel at Seven Dials in Covent Garden, I liked the area the pre-Christmas shopping and the theatre in London at that time of the year.

I had pre-booked with the Royal Ballet in Covent Garden a back stage tour for my first morning. We witnessed first-hand dance rehearsals and met some of the student dancers, one student came over to me and asked if I liked his dancing he could see I was watching him.

I was watching him not because of his dancing which was very good but his tight body suit and incredibly muscular body contortions as he danced. I couldn’t say that but I am sure he knew that was one of his attributes; I said.

“I think you are a very talented dancer and will go far with your dancing.”

I then asked him “what’s your name and where are you from?”

“I am 22 years old and my name is Paul from Rennes and a ballet student at the Palace de l’Opera in Paris. I am visiting the Royal Ballet on holiday and they have let me rehearse and dance Travesti alsancak here tonight and tomorrow night.”

“Excellent I also have a close friend called Archie, a retired musician, who now lives in Rennes, he and his partner run a free music café on the main square.”

Paul said.

“I think I may have visited there with my friends.

Can I ask a favour of you, I know you like my body as well as my dancing, can I stay with you for two nights, we will enjoy our bodies together these nights and you don’t need to pay me? I have nowhere to live, hotels are very expensive herein London.”

Without hesitation I said.

“Yes you can; but I am in a hotel if that’s ok with you.”

“Oui (yes).”

After he changed we headed to my hotel a short walk away, I had already checked in so no reception issues.

In my room as I had too many coffees and wines during the tour and a bit of erotic excitement I had to visit the washroom, I told Paul to make himself at home.

When I came out he was lying on top of the bed completely naked, body smooth like white marble looking up at me with a very erect penis. Before I could say anything he quickly got up came over to me and started to undressed me as he body kissed me.

I was enthralled by this and wasn’t long before I was on my back on the bed with a raging hard-on as he straddled me then engaged together. He started with a slow athletic rhythm while holding my hands until I started to respond and respond I did climaxing with one almighty blast of ecstasy satisfaction as Paul still straddled over me cried out.

“Magnificent Magnificent.”

An ego boost but what the hell, I looked at his baby blue eyes and said “your turn.”

He smiled and we started, it was one of the best invites I had ever made, we were both moaning and groaning as we contorted and rolled over each other together. Paul was endearing as his muscular body caressed me as he contorted over and under me without any effort in a continuous flowing almost dance like movement.

Until then I thought Clara was life’s ultimate sex kitten but Paul was athletically superior. He unloaded stopped and allowed us both to enjoy a combined climax of ecstasy as our sharing drained away.

We lay there together hot and sweaty chatting as we caressed each other’s anatomy until we returned to satisfy our mutual lust. Clara may have been my sex kitten but Paul was my sex predator I let him take me and take the lead repeatedly which was one of my better decisions.

I went to his show that night, I couldn’t think of the art of his dance but the repeated athletic romps we had together that afternoon.

It was a warm night as I waited outside for him with the crowd milling around me. I couldn’t see him just as I was about to doubt him turning up I felt a kiss on the nape of my neck. I turned as he said.

“I am Paula tonight I hope you like me this way?”

He was cross dressed in a short white tight fitting flaring dress and very high heeled shoes and gorgeous tanned legs. I was so enthralled by him that I said.

“I love you this way, we can go out clubbing if you like.”

His slow effeminate words were like the words of the God’s to me.

“Yes I would love to.”

He took my hand as we walked through Covent Garden’s late night markets and revellers, I could see people looking at us and thinking a young girl with long slender tanned legs a very short skirt and her sugar daddy.

I didn’t care it was my moment of triumph a fantasy coming true.

The night clubs were expensive but worth it, we drank and danced until the sun came up then we walked back to our hotel room. The receptionist just looked at us and smiled as we walked by. That night was one of enduring climax’s as we switched gender positions.

We had breakfast in our room that morning then did a walking tour of the Thames until early afternoon. That night I attended the ballet with Paula as my guest, the promise of a second night was withdrawn.

We still enjoyed the London West End night life, returning to our room as the sun started to rise. It may have been our last night together but we made it a memorable one.”

It was then we heard voices in the distance we looked at each other in resignation as Frank leaned over and kissed me and I let him, no I kissed him back as we both tongue wrestled with each other.

We redressed and booted up and moved off in a circular uphill path avoiding the group we heard talking.

When we were at the top of the hill we looked down on the mound with its crater now alive with naked female bodies cavorting around.

If only we had waited, we missed a naked Cotswold rambling group?

We continued our walk to the next waypoint, I showed Frank how my hiking navigator worked as he pointed out how to navigate from church steeple to church steeple. The old Oxfordshire way.

We stopped off at a country pub on our way to the last waypoint on our journey, sitting on an outdoor bench had a traditional beer and pie.

Frank said.

“For someone who does not think he is gay your life story is fascinating can you continue?”

“A few weeks later I was driving a party to a market in Dusseldorf, this time I had a German tour guide called Eric in his early twenties on the outward leg who was making his way home.

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