
Alex and Anna


Never written a scene like this before, but I thought I would give it a try in something I’m currently working on.


So when Alex returned home from the gym, I had cleaned myself up, and as he locked the door, I walked up to him and gave him a kiss.

His mouth was always so warm, and his lips so soft. His blonde beard tickled my cheeks. I kissed him, falling into him, and then pulled back. “Gentle?” I whispered. “Please?”

“I can do gentle,” He said.

And so the kisses back were soft, like whispers on my lips. I reached into his shirt, to wrap my arms underneath him. “Slow?” He said.

“Slow,” I agreed.

So he took my arms off of him and continued his lighter kisses. A gentle kiss on my eyelid. A brush of his lips along my jaw. His fingers, gently trailing up and down and arms, just the fingertips touching me and sometimes not even that. I shivered, wanting more.

“Shower?” He suggested.

“Shower,” I agreed again.

He took my hand in his—his hands were callused, like always, but they always touched me softly. And he lead me into the bathroom, and into the shower stall. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Getting us wet,” He said pleasantly, and he turned on the water.

I yelped as my work clothes got wet, but he just laughed and hugged me again, kissing me slightly deeper as we stood under the warm shower jets, my hair getting matted from the water and steam. Kissing him, like this, it was hard to tell where pair of me started and ended, and where he started and ended. It felt like just one giant living organism: us.

He started to peel off the wet clothes, flipping them over the ledge of the shower and onto the ground “We’ll have to dry the floor later,” I murmured to him.

“That’s alright,” He said. “I can do that.”

We were kissing, me in my underwear and panties, him still fully dressed, the shower water steaming around us. I unbuttoned his shirt to peel it off him and looked at him in a white, wet sleeveless undershirt. I’d never seen him in dressed like this and wet before, and was realizing that this was a part missing from my life. The wet shirt clung to his abs and pecs, and that mole on his collar bone (which I had always secretly hated) was hidden.

He pulled me into his arms to kiss, and his Escort Eryaman lips started trailing down, past my jaw and neck. My breasts were too big for him to suckle one fully, but he put as much as he could in his mouth while one hand went to my panties and just rested there, covering them. I tried to kneel a bit, to get some friction, but his hand refused to support me.

“Alex…” I begged.

He didn’t seem to notice, though, taking off my bra one handed and giving the other breast the same treatment. Slowly he lifted his hand up, going under the waistband of my panties and just resting there.

“Please,” I whispered.

He was smiling as his breast popped out of his mouth and he stood up to me, pushing me against the warm shower wall. “Are you okay?” He asked me, smiling wickedly.

“More,” I said.

“More,” He repeated.

I nodded.

One finger went between my lips, spreading them, going up and down, but not touching either the wet hole or any of the most sensitive parts. I arched back, and he put his hand back on the back of my neck as he suckled my earlobe. His beard tickled my neck.

I ground on his finger until, at last, I felt it flick my hole. “Gnah,” I said, and I felt him laughing at the sound, so he flicked past it a few more times. I knotted my hands behind his shoulders.

“What’s that, baby?” He asked quietly. “Need me inside?”

“Need you everywhere,” I replied.

“As you wish,” He said, and he gave me one last, gentle kiss that was so sweet I almost wanted to cry, before he trailed his mouth down (giving one little lap at my belly button) before he took his hand out and peeled my soaking panties down my legs, him on his knees, in front of me.

His man bun was coming loose. His hair looked almost dark brown in the water, but you could still see some of the blonde peeking through. I ran my fingers on his scalp and held his hair back, and he came up and tweaked both nipples. “One leg over my shoulder,” He growled, and I twitched as I lifted one leg over him. He pinched my nipples again. “I’ll catch you,” He said, feeling his breath on my curls. “Relax.”

I leaned back against the wet shower wall as he gave me a long lick inside, doing a narrower circle that he had with his fingers. One hand Eryaman Escort came down and a finger went inside me. He lapped at my clit as his finger slowly went in and out, and I had to start rocking against him. His other hand took one of mine, closing around it, almost like he was giving me permission.

So I closed my eyes, and rocked, and felt the tiniest nip of his teeth on my clit while his thumb rubbed the slit and his finger arched inside me, and I was lost. I could feel myself cry out, but I couldn’t remember doing it; eventually the only thing I remembered was the water falling on the two of us, and he was still lapping at me, just more urgently.

He switched. His tongue was now inside of me, swirling around, while my clit was between two fingers, being rubbed in every direction. I thought I had just come, but something bigger was now forming inside of me, like I had never really stopped. Alex let go of my hand and instead brought it against the wall and the small of my back, coming down, cradling my ass and forcing me into his face as much as I could.

“Don’t stop,” He said between long licks. “Keep on. I need this. I need you like this.”

And so I didn’t stop, but arched back again, leaning into his mouth as the water trickled down my neck and between my breasts. I came again. Maybe I came a second time there, too. But he was just always there, lapping away…

He brought my leg down and came back up to me, taking both of my wrists in one hand and pinning them to the shower wall as he kissed me. I could taste my salty self in his cheeks. He was kicking off his wet jeans and kicking them aside. They covered the drain, I dimly realized, but I wasn’t super concerned. He kicked off his boxers as well, so all he was standing in was that vest, and he leaned back from the kiss, so we were nose to nose.

“I love you,” I whispered. “I love you so much.”

“Sometimes, I think you’re the only thing I’ve ever loved,” He said. “You’re just more than everything else. Do you understand that?”


“I’m not going to stop. Protecting you.”

“I know.”

“Good,” He said, and he let go of my hands and held me tight as we kissed. I could feel his cock, hard already, twitching slightly, trying to get inside of me. My hands now Eryaman Escort Bayan freed, I ripped his shirt off of him (that amused him; I could feel him laughing), and then brought my hands down to his thick head, squeezing him slightly.

That caused him to start. “I want to be inside you, when it happens,” He said.

“You will be,” I said. “I just want to give you a taste.”

So he let me come down and give a long lick the length of him, and then swirling at his tip. He tasted, in some ways, almost exactly like myself. I suckled the tip before licking him again, and putting one of his balls in my mouth, giving it a hard suck and pulling at it.

That did something to him. He turned and came down, over me, and slowly moved so that we were lying down on the shower floor. The water was still rising since the drain was dropped, but it wasn’t very deep; just enough to be warm. He ground against me a little bit, finding the hole, and then (ever so slowly) he eased himself inside of me, rubbing my clit as he did.

That was a fast orgasm as I came again. I didn’t even know that one was coming.

He waited until he was fully inside, and I had finished coming, before he start humping me. I wrapped my legs around him. His face was turning red, almost in concentration; I rested my cheek on his chest and licked his nipple a few times, hearing him grunt above me. “Oh god,” I said. “Alex?”

“Right here, baby. Always right here.”

I wrapped my arms around him too, water splashing around me, my nipples and breasts squeezing against his chest. I milked him inside, and there was water splashing, and he was inside me and so tight, and so good, and my clit felt like it was going to burst and his balls made a slapping splashing noise and I did feel myself scream this time, screaming in anticipation, screaming during, and his grunts as he came, deep inside me, for what felt like forever.

We lay there. It took me a while to realize that we were still lying there, together. His chest hair was tickling my nose; it was so fine, and light, that I sometimes forgot it was there. “I don’t know if I can move,” I said.

“Me neither,” Alex said.

But eventually, he turned off the water with his foot, and I kicked his jeans off the drain, so the water went away. He was so warm, when everything else was beginning to feel so cold. “We should do that more often,” I said sleepily. My hands rubbing his back in appreciation.

“We should do that every day,” agreed Alex, and then he brought his face down to me. He was smiling. “I think we will.”

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