
An Invitation Accepted


An Invitation Accepted

Part I


Hello all, Bill Sullivan here. I’ve been a little lazy lately, letting Olivia and Marie take up the narration of our ongoing story. So, the ladies insisted that I be the one to describe this latest chapter. Though they’ll probably be looking over my shoulder telling me what I’m getting wrong; backseat writers are what they are.

Before I get into that, I have a question for you? What kind of person are you? Do you value order, doing things in the correct sequence, do you even believe there is a correct sequence? Or are you more of a free form kind of person?

If you were surfing through the television channels looking for something to watch and came across “The Godfather Part III, ” would you think to yourself, “hey, I hear these Godfather movies are pretty good and I have never seen them, let’s give this one a go.” Or, would you think, “I’d like to watch this, but I need to know what happened in parts I and II first.”

The story I am about to tell you is not a stand alone kind of thing. There is an extensive backstory, and knowing that would help you better understand what you’re going to read here. So, if you are the sort who wouldn’t think of watching Godfather Part III without seeing the first two films, stop reading this and go to “An Unlikely Threesome.” That is where our story starts. And then to “Marie’s Further Schooling,” next you would find “Olivia’s Story,” and finally, the last chapter in the narrative, “Marie’s Story.” That will catch you up.

But if you are someone who doesn’t mind jumping into something mid-stream, go right ahead. I’ll give you a brief synopsis of our narrative so far, just so you know what the hell’s going on.

I was married to Marie Calvecchio for a few years, we divorced after I caught her fucking another man.

Marie is a dark haired beauty with the olive complexion you often find on people of Mediterranean descent. Her measurements are 34D, 26, 36, and she is sexually submissive with long black hair that hangs to just above her ass. Soon after Marie and I divorced, I met

Olivia Burns. Olivia is a free spirit with movie star good looks. She’s on the short side with blonde hair that she keeps at shoulder length or shorter. She has the classic hourglass figure with breasts even larger than Marie’s. Around the time that Olivia and I started a sexual relationship, Marie started texting me, saying she wanted to get back with me, that she had made a big mistake and was very remorseful about the whole thing. I didn’t know what to do, how to handle this with Olivia, and ended up telling her about the texts and Marie, even showed some of the revealing pictures of herself that Marie had sent me. That is when I found out that Olivia was bi-sexual and she encouraged me to reach out to Marie, try to bring her into our relationship as a third member. I thought this was nuts, would never work, and told Olivia so.

It ended up that Olivia was the one who made contact with Marie, and to my astonishment, she did succeed in bringing Marie into our relationship. So now, the three of us are living together in our penthouse in the Mid-Atlantic region of America. We have a very active, satisfying sex life, and the three of us have basically fallen in love with each other. An unusual arrangement to be sure, but one that’s working for us.

The last chapter of our story was told by Marie. It concerned her ancestors, a mother and daughter who descended from Italian royalty, relocated to London in the early 1800s, and of necessity became what were possibly the classiest, highest paid prostitutes in history. Lucinda, the daughter, met as one of her clients, Sir Richard Ingram. Sir Richard was one of the wealthiest men in the world at the time. They married, produced children, and their line expanded through the decades and centuries to include Marie and some 500 other individuals. Marie had met many of those descendants, including the current owners of the family estate in Hampshire England. That would be the twins, Derek and Levi Ingram. At the conclusion of her story, Marie observed that the twins were quite “kinky.”

So that was then and this is now, you’re caught up, more or less.


When Marie finished telling her story it was quite clear that Olivia was intrigued, by the story in general, but especially by Marie’s description of the Ingram twins as being “kinky.”

“What do you mean, Marie,` when you say they’re kinky, and why did you think that?”

Marie considered for a few moments before replying. “I guess it’s not just the twins, there is also Elspeth. Levi married her a year or so before my last visit. She’s a bit of a wild child, and a beautiful young woman. Almost as beautiful as you, Olivia.”

I didn’t think Olivia could blush, but she did then, just a little.

“The three of them live there together on the estate, and I can’t be sure porno video about this, but I think they are like us.”

“What do you mean, like us?”

I mean that I got the impression they were all fucking each other. There were a number of little things that made me think so. As I said, Elspeth is a bit on the wild side, she might say or do anything. Once at breakfast she commented on how much she enjoyed getting fucked in the ass the previous night, and she was smiling and looking at Derek when she said it, not at her husband Levi. Though Levi also smiled at the remark. Both Elspeth and Derek made passes at me, nothing too pushy, rather subtle actually. Subtle enough that I can’t be entirely certain of it but I’m pretty sure they wanted to get me into some sort of group situation. And then when they took me to the airport, she was wearing this tee shirt; I couldn’t believe someone would go out in public like that.”

When Marie didn’t speak for a few minutes, Olivia said, “Come on Marie, what about the tee shirt?”

“It was tight, black, and in big white letters across the front it said, ‘Cum on My Face.’ ” And if that wasn’t enough, the three of them didn’t just drop me off, they insisted on walking me up to the security area. So, here we are walking through a crowded airport, Derek on the left, holding El’s hand, Levi on the right, holding her other hand, Elspeth in the center, braless tits jiggling and sporting this written invitation to cum on her face and me tagging along. Now, I think you both know I’m not a prude, but I found myself dropping back a few steps, like, yeah, I’m not with these people.”

Olivia turned to me, “what do you think Bill?”

“What do I think about these people I don’t know and will never see? I guess I don’t care that much about what people do in their private lives, look at us for God’s sake, not many people would approve of how we’re living.”

Olivia wasn’t about to let this drop. “But what if we did meet them? Aren’t you at least a little bit intrigued by the prospect? They sound interesting, it could be an adventure, traveling to England, meeting another threesome like us.”

Marie was getting a little agitated now. “Jesus Christ, Olivia, do you know what you’re saying? If we go there, they are probably going to want to fuck us. I mean, every one of them will want to fuck every one of us. That is, if I correctly read that whole situation, which I’m not sure I did. And we’ve got a good thing going here; no, a great thing. I lost Bill once already because I spread my legs for another man. How are you going to feel if Bill ends up fucking Elspeth, or watching me be fucked by Derek?”

“Look Marie, you know how I feel about you. And Bill, you know how I feel about you, and I know you both love me. That is some strong stuff. A tight bond. I don’t think getting a little bit of strange ass on the other side of the ocean, with people we aren’t going to run into on a daily basis, is going to get in between us.”

I was following the conversation closely and I could definitely see both sides. It was a little exciting to think of adding this bit of spice to our sex lives. On the other hand, it would be really bad if in doing so we screwed up what we have going on.

So, I asked Marie, “if we wanted to do this, would it be difficult to get an invitation?”

“Not at all, I talk to Elspeth about once a month, she is always asking me to come for a visit, I don’t think it would be a problem for the two of you to come as well.”

After giving it some more consideration I said, “well then, how about we do this; if they’ll allow us to visit for a week or two, we could just go over there as guests, see how things go. We don’t have to make any decisions about getting into a sexual relationship with any or all of them, if that is even what they want, until we get to know them better. We can kind of play it by ear, and if it doesn’t seem right to all of us, we just turn down any sexual advances. And we would all three have to agree on whatever course we are going to pursue, any one of us has veto power.”

I could see that Marie liked the idea, and of course, Olivia did as well.

“That sounds like a good way to handle it, and you two are going to love the Hampshire countryside, it will be a nice vacation. My design business is ok to leave for a few weeks, and Bill, I assume you can have Greg tend to your business for a while. Olivia, can you get time off from the bank?”

“Sure, I have a month vacation coming.”

“It’s settled then, I’ll call Elspeth tomorrow and see if I can set something up.”

We three came together the next evening after dinner to see how things stood, this was after we knew Marie had talked with Elspeth.

Marie started off, “OK, Elspeth was thrilled with the idea of the three of us paying them a visit. They have two weeks in late July that would work well for them. I checked the stuff I’ll have going on in my business and it would be no problem porno indir for me to make the trip. How about you two?”

Olivia, “I checked with the bank and I can take off two weeks anytime I want to.”

I had also assessed the state of my business affairs and had no problem leaving things in the hands of my Vice President for two weeks, and told them so.

I had started liking this idea more and more and told them I would contact the pilot and have him make the arrangements to fly us to England, flight plans and such.

I should interject here to say that I had decided to buy an executive jet for my business a few months ago. We had used it several times, but this would be the first international flight. The plane had a range of well over 5,000 miles, so the flight to England should be no problem.

About six weeks later we found ourselves boarding the Gulfstream. The pilot and co-pilot loaded our bags and we settled in for the flight to Southampton, England.

As I mentioned, we had used this jet several times in the past few months and on our first flight we all entered the “mile high club.” If you haven’t heard of that, it’s basically a club for people who have had sex in an airplane. Well, not a real club, you don’t get a membership card or anything like that. But the point is, we had all fucked in this plane before. And since it had been three or four days since we had last had sex, I was anticipating we would do it again on this occasion.

We had been in the air for about an hour, somewhere over the Atlantic, when I thought I would get the ball rolling, but Olivia beat me to it. She was sitting next to me on the sofa when she started stroking my cock through my trousers.

“What do you think, Marie, are you ready for some of this?”

Marie wasn’t looking too good, kind of green around the gills as they say. She occasionally experienced air sickness, and this appeared to be one of those times.

“Not really feeling up to it just now, but you two go ahead, I’ll be a spectator this time.”

“Sorry babe, we owe you one, next time you’ll be the center of attention in our little menage.”

After saying this, Olivia got down to work. She unbuttoned her blouse and unhooked her bra, releasing her large breasts for my enjoyment. She unzipped my trousers and with some difficulty freed my cock. Spitting into her palm, she used that natural lube to help with the handjob I was now getting. And it felt good, really good as she slowly stroked up and down, stopping at the head of my cock to give a couple of swirls.

While Olivia was thus occupied, I was busy myself, fondling her soft, warm tits. Olivia had some of the nicest skin, silky smooth and unblemished. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sensation of my hands exploring her warm flesh. I kept this up with one hand while the other found the back of her head and drew her lips to mine. At first our lips just barely brushed and I could feel her breath on my face. But then things became more urgent. She leaned into me with increasing pressure as her tongue entered my mouth. Olivia had a way of using her tongue in my mouth as a preview of what it would soon be doing on my dick. At first her tongue met mine kind of relaxed and limp as we continued the kiss. She soon moved to a more forceful technique, stiffening the muscle that was her tongue and using it to circle mine.

I had released my grip on her left tit and began moving my hand down along her side and over her hip. Reaching the bottom of her short skirt, I began to pull it up towards her waist, she helped in this by raising her hips until I had her skirt pooled around her waist. Now she was nearly naked, only her skimpy panties and open blouse keeping her from being entirely so. My fingers began to explore her cunt through the thin fabric, applying pressure to the top of her already wet slit. She was responding to this treatment of her pleasure center by beginning to grind her lower body against my hand.

Olivia was a sexual multi-tasker. No matter what was happening to her in the moment, she was able to continue whatever she was doing to give pleasure to her partner. In this case, she was still stroking my cock with gusto and expertise.

By this point, her breath was coming in short, almost gasping, bursts. “Put your fingers in me.” I deftly moved aside the thin material that was the only thing between me and her now wet cunt. Beginning with two fingers, I entered her warm and ready crevice. This soon became three fingers, and once they were dripping with her juices, I moved north to find her engorged clit.

After a few moments of this, Olivia slid from the sofa and took a position on her knees between my legs. We were both totally nude by this time. Looking up at me with a small, angelic smile she did something not characteristically thought of as angelic, took my engorged cock into her mouth. While maintaining eye contact, she moved forward to allow pornolar the entirety of my dick to slither through her mouth and enter her throat. Reversing the process, she slowly slid her warm, red lips the length of my member until it withdrew completely. My cock in her throat, even briefly, caused her to produce a fair amount of saliva, which she now used to good effect. Opening her lips slightly over my throbbing rod she allowed the saliva to drizzle over its head. Resuming the hand job she had been busy with a few minutes ago, Olivia was watching over things very closely. She was looking for the first drop of pre-cum fluid to emerge. When it did, she pumped a little more slowly and firmly to encourage the emergence of that “nectar” (her word). When she was satisfied that she had enough of my fluid to work with, she applied her tongue to the translucent droplet and then pulled her head slowly back. She was trying to see how far she could stretch that pre-cum before it snapped. While doing so, she continued to look deeply into my eyes. She knew that I achieved a good bit of sexual stimulation via visual cues. And this was a good one; this beautiful woman with her red lips and big blue eyes drawing out my bodily fluids, testing the viscosity of those fluids. I didn’t think it was possible for my dick to get any harder, but it did; going from tempered steel to diamond cutter within seconds.

She went back to blowing me the way she knew I liked it, slow all the way in, which meant about 2 inches of cock down her throat, and all the way out with plenty of tongue work. She sensed that I was about to shoot my load and consequently backed off. At this point she moved slightly, from between my legs to my side, keeping her position kneeling on the floor of the plane, arms resting on the sofa. “Get behind me and fuck me, Bill, pussy or ass, your choice.”

I happily complied and took a few seconds to consider which hole to use. I liked both equally, and I knew Olivia liked being fucked in the ass better than anything. But that was when Marie was part of the program, using her tongue and mouth on Olivia’s pussy while I pounded her asshole. And, having glanced at Marie a few seconds before, I knew she was still sidelined for now. So, I chose pussy. Which tells you something about the kind of guy I am, always looking out for my partner’s interest.

Olivia was fully aroused and her cunt was literally dripping, so entering her was like putting a knife through warm butter. Tight, warm, butter. Her pussy is incredible and she knows how to work it. She was moving her hips to meet my slow, but building, thrusts. Also, doing a little circular motion with her hips as she moved back and forth to add to the stimulation. I started moving faster and, once again, Olivia sensed I was getting close to orgasm. “Sit on the sofa, Bill, I want to ride you until I cum.”

Again, I was happy to comply. After I situated myself on the sofa, Olivia mounted me and again my cock slipped into her warm, waiting receptacle. The added height Olivia achieved by sitting on my cock brought her magnificent tits to the level of my face. I took advantage of that, of course. I had one hand cupping her large right breast, guiding the nipple to my mouth for a good long suck, the other hand cupping her full, smooth ass to help guide the speed of our coupling. She moved her lower body forward an inch or two to better stimulate her clit as she rode me. I left the pace and positioning entirely up to her, allowing her to feel her way to what I hoped would be an incredible orgasm for her. And I believe that is what happened. Olivia is pretty loud as she cums, and she was this time. She was moaning and calling my name. “Fuck Bill, Fuck.” Well, ok though I didn’t really need the encouragement. She even called out to Marie, as though she had something to do with this, which caused the invalid to look up and smile very slightly.

I felt Olivia’s cunt contract several times, and after what seemed to be the last one she went still on me.

“Now Bill, I’m going to milk every drop of cum out of your balls.” And she proceeded to do so. At first she didn’t even move, using only her internal muscles she began a rhythmic squeezing and releasing of my throbbing cock. I was thinking I could cum like that, but didn’t get the chance as Olivia then started to slowly lift her pussy off my cock. When I nearly flopped out of her, she began the downward stroke, again ever so slowly, still contracting and releasing her internal muscles as she moved.

“I’m trying to see how slowly I can move on you and still make you cum.” I loved hearing that, and loved the challenge. I guess people are different in regards to sex, but for me the fast pounding that seems to be popular in porn isn’t the best way to go. Slow and steady wins the race, that’s what I say. And of course Olivia and Marie know this. I lasted maybe two minutes with this treatment before I began spurting my built up load of semen into Olivia’s receptive cunt. She kept it up until she knew I was drained. After putting her body close to mine for a few minutes, she lifted off of me and I felt my cock withdrawing from that little piece of heaven that had been its home for this past little while.

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