


Subject: Ben Storm chapter 12 gay/adult-youth Ben Storm �St. Willie Your author lives in a land where many languages are used, the words and phrases are slightly different in this non-ageist, fictional tale of men and boys. I ask your patience with the English as you enjoy a story about innocence and love facing the machinations of greed. Your patience is requested along with an email containing your comments. SmokinHenry@protonmail Forwarding a donation to Nifty is more than acceptable as fty/donate.html xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Loneliness, a relatively easy term to describe but yet one of the worst feelings to live with. Show me a man, women or child that have not experience that feeling and I will show you a lair. For most it a short term feeling but for some its a feeling that they need to live by for days, weeks, months or even years. A feeling that makes you feel pain deep inside of you that drives you to tears silently at night with your face burred in your pillow, that makes you live life as a robot day in and day out. One can be surrounded by millions, but without one loving you for who you are, the feeling of loneliness creeps like a thief in the night and hitting you over the head with a 4-pound hammer. Chapter 12 Ben woke Steve to go take a shower while he gets dressed as the Grants will arrive soon. “Are you mad at me?” Steve asked. “No, I said he can and told you that you can be with others as long as you only love me.” Ben said looking away from Steve, getting fresh shorts and a shirt from the closet. “Thank you my love.” Steve started “But next time I am with someone else, I will only do it if you’re with me.” “That was the idea, but what you did today helped Rick find himself.” A tear rolled down his cheek, Steve did not notice. “But go clean yourself, the pastor doesn’t want to see his son’s cum all dried up on you, take the towel, Cody and the little evil Carl is out there.” He handed the towel that was on the ground to Steve without looking in his direction. When Ben heard the shower going, he sat down on the bed, even though he said it was okay, but to see your lover spent after he was with another, hurts, no matter how open you are to the idea. Ben pulled himself together and finished dressing, he started laughing again when he thought about his day with Carl. He was poked, molested, ran around like a mad man and even got pissed on, but he rather started liking the boy, it was fun having someone resembling a little brother around. He hoped that there would be a next time. Ben heard the knock on the front door and Rick greeting his father. He grabbed shorts and a shirt for Steve as the pastor might be tired of seeing Steve in just a towel by now. He greeted Andrew with a quick hello before darting into the bathroom to give Steve some clothes. “Rick’s dad is here, have not seen his wife.” Ben said quickly. “Thanks for the clothes” Steve said while closing the water. “Please make coffee and tell Rick’s father I need a word with him.” Ben walked out, closing the bathroom door behind him. “Sir, some coffee?” Ben asked. “Sure, why not?” Andrew looked at the bathroom door, “Is your dad coming out soon?” “Yes, he wants to speak to you.” Ben stated and on queue Steve joined them, fully dressed for a change. “Hi, Andrew.” Steve greeted the man with a handshake, “Hope all went well, where is Mrs. Grant?” “Afternoon Steve. Yea all went well.” Andrew looked at all the boys around them, his hand on Carl’s naked torso. “I am happy for you,” Steve saw he was side-stepping the wife part. “Ben after the coffee don’t you and the boys want to get some ice cream or something?” Ben at first wondered why, there is plenty of ice cream in the deep freeze, but the look in Steve’s eyes told him that he wanted alone time with Andrew. “Yes, would love to, but Carl there gets nothing with any form of sugar in it.” Ben said while serving the coffee to the two men. Only Carl’s father and brother laughed a bit, Steve looked at Ben if he was crazy. “Sugar rush, I know he gets it bad.” Andrew said. “Yes, very bad, I chased after him for a good half hour, O by the way, he got rid of his shorts during that time, still can’t find his shirt.” Ben knew he had to tell that part as someone will mention it later to either the father or the mother, there was a few phones out taking videos as well. “Yip that’s my son for you, did he shout he is evil as he did so?” The whole room was in laughter. “Yes, he did, was not funny at the time, me running after a naked little boy while he screams for all to hear just how evil he was.” Ben was laughing with them and when he told how he was urinated on, was medicine for even more fits of laughter. “And if you ever need a baby sitter again I will gladly offer my service.” “Wow buddy, that is big of you.” Steve said looking at Ben proudly. “Rick you so lucky to have a little brother.” Ben said. “Yea, I am lucky, but sometimes he can embarrass me on the wrong times, like when he tells the whole family over Christmas that my pee-pee is shorter than my father’s.” That send them all again in fits of laughter. Ben waved at the boys to come with him and Andrew said to rather leave the sleeping boy behind as he was stirring and he will be extremely grumpy when he wakes up. Soon the boys were out of earshot did Andrew make sure Carl was still asleep. “How did the test go, and why you dodge the wife part of the question?” Steve asked. “There is nothing wrong with my prostate.” Andrew started “Thing is, my marriage is not what it used to be, to have sex with my wife on a schedule and then she keeps praying for forgiveness during the deed is not what I found in any way or form sexy to say the least.” “Yip that can be turn off to any man.” Steve wondered if the man even knew that his wife has some toys. “Best part is when I confronted her about the dildo I found hidden away in her closet, she had a fit, saying that I am an evil person for snooping.” Andrew said looking relieved in a strange way “Now she is at her sister’s place saying the day I become an adult she will return.” “I take it that you are okay with this?” Steve could not make out if the pastor was happy or sad. “Look, I love my wife, but she has lost her way, being the wife of a pastor ain’t that easy and she got influenced too much by the old ladies who thinks that they are there just to set moral standards, but in the mean time they just gossip. Look at my boys, they not even allowed to use the bathroom with a closed door because she is too afraid they will fall into the sin of the ways of the flesh. Poor Ricky is a young man almost.” Steve saw that the gap he was looking for to speak about Rick, just opened up. “Yea, that’s a bit extreme.” Steve started “Can I speak to you about Rick?” “Yes, did he do something wrong?” Andrew said while Carl started stirring again. “Nothing wrong, it’s just I see you have not spent some real time with him alone, father-son time?” Steve hoped Carl will not wake up now. “That’s true, my work keeps me busy, every day there are people at my door with their problems and I must help.” “Yea that happens, even in my career, but if I may, you need to spend quality time with your boys, Rick is at an age where he is finding himself and he needs you to guide him. There is no other love bigger than between a son and his father and believe me, at his age he needs you more than ever.” Steve withheld the sexual side of things because it’s no place of him to say anything. “Yea I know, I hope I can trust you with my dilemma.” Andrew waited till Steve nodded his head in saying he can be trusted “The only reason why I know of the dildo, Rick was cleaning it after he used it on himself. I never said anything as his mother would have killed him. To be honest, I found it hard as well to know my son used a dildo and I was not talking to him for weeks, but I still love him in the same way and I forgave him. If he is gay, there nothing I can do about it, just to support him.” Steve could see the father was sincere in what he told him, but the mother was the big problem. “Maybe you can while your wife is not around, take some time and connect with him.” Steve thought on how that can be done with Carl around “Maybe Ben and I can babysit tonight while you and Rick take some time together. Sadly I have my mom’s funeral at 10 in the morning or I would have let him stay the night.” “Sorry to hear,” pastor said “Is there anything I can do?” “Thank you, but everything is fine. She passed away two years ago, we just switched of the machines now.” Steve said while Andrew uşak escort took his hands and gave a short prayer. “Thank you” Steve said at the end of the prayer. Andrew collected his sleeping son and told Steve that he will drop him off again at 6 pm. After he thanked him for helping out in more ways than just babysitting. Steve wondered on how the fact that Ricky is gay will be met, especial by his mother. Once he was alone, he decided that lunch had to be made, wondering where Pete was as he needs to confirm the plan with him while the boys where still out. He made a tuna salad to feed a small army but he knew that 3 teenagers will sit down soon and, well boys will be boys. He was in luck and Pete arrived before the boys did. “Hi Pete, I am glad you here, need to talk about what we going to do before boys get back.” Steve said, looking towards the hill to see if boy are coming. They were not in sight “Hello, think they will be still a bit, saw them near the game room.” Pete said. “Well let’s talk fast, will you be able to go with us tomorrow for a few days?” Steve counted on Pete to be with the plan. “Yes, told you I will, but what’s the plan?” Pete asked. Steve poured them each a drink while explaining the plan. It was not an easy plan to say the least and Pete listened closely, giving his input as he saw it. When the second drink was poured the plan was in full motion. Pete had to setup a meeting with Ben’s mom so he could hand over the rest of the black mail money, Steve had to get Mr. Masters into a meeting as well. Sounded simple but the question was will they fall for it? They will do the necessary phone calls when they arrive at Steve’s apartment in the city. Cody had to tag along as there was no one that they could think about that could take care of the horny boy for a few days, once in the city it will be easier to get a like-minded sitter for him. “So, there you have it, not going to be easy but can be done” Steve stated. “Yes, really not easy but I like the idea that Ben could find closure among other things.” Pete stated. “Yes, but among other things he don’t know yet and I want to keep it that way just in case things goes south.” Steve said, “Did you bring the drive I ask you and how much was it?” Steve did not want Pete to know that a drive was on its way to Jo already. “I understand your reasoning and yes I bought it.” Pete took the drive from his pocket and gave it to Steve. “Helping Ben is payment enough.” “So we leave around 2, after my mom’s funeral, I will make sure that you get an extra week here at the resort.” Steve said while putting the drive with the laptop in the safe. Steve received a message from Jo that he received the drive and then one from Shane to say he delivered it. “We will be ready and don’t worry about that extra week.” Pete drank the last of his drink. The boys returned and Pete picked up that Rick was walking a bit funny, he knew that walk just wondered on who gave it to him, surely Ben and Cody were still a bit too small for that kind of walk. The way Rick looked at Steve answered his question for him. Ben walked over to Steve, planting a “He is mine.” kiss on Steve’s lips, moaning as he did so. “I believe that I will be babysitting tonight?” Ben asked as he broke of the kiss, leaving Steve a bit dumbstruck. “Mmm. Yes, Rick’s dad asked me as he want to spend some time alone with him a bit.” Steve said after a few seconds, trying to figure out that kiss. “Plus you did offer.” “As long as I don’t get to shower with him again, still farting bubbles.” Ben said as he actually looked forward to having Carl here for a bit, “And you will help me?” He cuddled up to Steve. “Guys, I have made some tuna salad, why don’t you all go wash up while I dish up. Pete there is enough for you as well.” Steve said while walking to the kitchen. “Not that I will never say no to tuna salad.” Pete joined Steve and helped him to set the table. The boys joined the men at the table, being a 4 seat, Cody ended up on Pete’s lap. Pete asked about why Ben farted bubbles. Ben explained in detail and fits of laughter was all around, Cody lifted his bum as he was going to fart, then he made the bubble-bubble sound, sending more laughter around. The laughter drew to an awkward silence as Steve, Ben and Rick looked at Cody’s face. Pete made as if nothing was wrong, even asking what they were looking at. But it was clear, Cody was being stimulated under the table by Pete, one could see the hand action as well. Steve could not believe what he was seeing at the lunch table, but to dumbstruck to say anything. Rick’s mouth was hanging open. “Steve, STEVE!” Ben tried to get his attention, when Steve looked at him, he continued, “Can we have dessert now?” Ben asked. “Yea, yea.” Steve answered not really listening, he could not take his eyes from Cody. “Rick, please lock all the doors.” Then he looked over to Pete, “We have an extra bed in the room.” He stood up and took Steve by the hand leading him to the bedroom. Steve just followed as if he was in a trance. When Rick passed Ben, Ben whispered to him. “See they can’t help themselves, their needs is bigger than ours.” The 5 of them moved towards the bedroom, Rick locking every door that leads to the outside, and draw the curtains, his erection pointed the way under his loose swim shorts. Ben pushed Steve down to the bed, kissing him passionately, exploring deep into the mouth. Steve was no longer looking at Cody, Ben had his full attention now. Steve started undressing Ben that was laying on top of him. Pete did the same to Cody, just poor Rick stood there with his hand in his pants not knowing what to do. “Fuck this is sooooo Hot.” The words escaped from Ricks lips, none of the others heard him. Ben did not bother taking the shirt from Steve, he just tore it off, piece by piece, getting Steve’s nipples inside his mouth, sucking and biting softly, Steve moans started filling the room. Ben moved lower, indicating to Steve that the pants must go now, Steve lifted his butt slightly and in one quick move the pants was off. Cody let out a loud “wow” when he saw the 7-inch, fully erect dick of Steve spring free. Ben started with Steve’s dick, slowly licking up and down, each lick around the head was answered with a soft moan. Ben looked sideways to where Pete was, founding both Cody and Rick working on Pete’s cock. It was like the two men had a competition in moaning. Ben let the tip of Steve’s cock slip in to his mouth, twirling his tongue around it. When the moaning became louder Ben started to swallow more of Steve into him up to almost gagging. He continued till he felt Steve getting close to cumming, then he stopped, he wanted Steve inside him. Pete looked over to where Ben was sucking the big cock of Steve, feeling a bit on the short side, looking down at his 4-inch member. Even thou Pete pulled Rick in and had two boys giving him oral stimulation at the same time, he wanted more. He wanted that boy across from him, he wanted… “Ouch.” Pete said while touching Rick on the head, “Be careful with the teeth there.” Rick just nodded. And he continued, while Cody showed him what to do. Rick looked over to Steve, wishing he was the one that was hanging on that cock, but here he was sucking on a smaller cock but still it was enough for him in a way. Cody was looking at Steve, then his attention back to Rick. Cody has met and been with men and boys on more occasions that he could remember, but was this redhead the one. He was the one that was stealing his heart. He has heard so many times the words “I love you,” and never cared about it. For him it was just something people say when they were making love, but now he wants to hear it, he needs to hear it, but the one he wants to hear it from is not saying it. Steve kissed Ben again, his excitement multiplied by 10, not only was he having his love in his hands, but he could see the 3 naked bodies looking on them. His thoughts ran back to the morning and is this the way his live will be now, filled with sex with others? Steve worked his way to the 4-inch throbbing cock, the leaking pre cum tasting sweet on his lips. He slid his tongue between the head and the foreskin, giving Ben a jolt of electricity through his body. Steve felt Ben move and his thoughts went straight back to his lover, working the dick deeper into his mouth. Ben started rocking his hips slowly. Ben looked at the three on the other bed, Cody sitting legs open at the top of the bed, Rick sucking him while Pete is fucking him. His thoughts were not that of lust towards them, but rather like, “There you go, Steve is mine, not yours.” van escort Ben felt as his orgasm was building up, more of the thought that they could see that Steve is his rather than out of sexual pleasure. Pete could feel that Rick was still open, so much so that he could slip into him with only the spit on his dick left behind by the boys, as a lubricant. His mind was not with the redhead, but for him he was rather slipping in and out of Ben. Rick was enjoying the fuck; the short pecker was hitting his gland with every stroke and with Cody at the mercy of his mouth made it even more exciting. He no longer wanted Steve as he could see how happy Ben was with him, maybe he did overstep boundaries this morning, he thought. Cody looked down at Rick, how could this be? He never felt like this before, he actually fell in love with the redhead boy with the slightly fuller body of a rugby player. He did not even watch Steve or Pete, he just had eyes for Rick. Steve took the lube from the table next to the bed, lubing Ben’s butt good before he lubed his own erection. As Ben bent over, legs on the floor and elbows on the bed, giving Steve a clear opening. Steve pressed his cock against Ben’s hole, slowly adding more pressure, till with a slight push back from Ben, his head slipped in. Ben was tight and Steve felt the ring muscle closing tightly just behind his head, as he pushed in deeper, the louder the moaning from Ben. He reached his full length within Ben, Ben lifted himself, arching his back so he was basically standing up with the back of his head against Steve’s chest, his legs closing so he could reach Steve’s lips, kissing him while Steve where fucking him in the upright position. Steve could feel the ring muscle closing tighter around him as Ben stood up straight. Where did he learn this, does he care? It is awesome to be fucking such a tight ass. He kissed Ben while the boy let out soft moans, moans that was drowned inside Steve’s mouth. Ben could hold back no more and he shot his load onto the bed, 3 shots before he felt being filled with Steve’s own juice. Ben collapsed onto the bed, his face meeting a puddle of his own cum on the bed, Steve never let him slip out of the boy, he collapsed onto Ben. “Ben Storm, I love you with all my heart.” Steve whispered into the ear of his lover, as he rolled over, his still hard dick popping out of Ben. Ben turned to him. “Steve Smith, I love you like no man ever, I will grow old with you.” Ben said, kissing Steve softly on the lips. The other 3 was just sitting there, looking on to what they thought was not sex, if that is what love looks like, real love, they wanted it as well. Not Pete, Rick or Cody did climaxed as their attension was taken away from their own little threesome, they ended up looking at the two on the other bed. It was not sex but rather a art that they saw. Both Pete and Rick were without words, but Cody was another story. “Rick, I don’t know your surname, I love you.” Cody said and every one was looking at him, Rick looked oddly at him “Rick, I really love you like no other, like Ben said.” There was a short outburst of laughter, but Rick could see the hurting is Cody’s eyes due to the laughter. “I love you too, but as a friend, please don’t get weird on me.” He saw that Cody felt even more hurt with his answer, leaned over and he gave him a kiss on the lips. “I still want sex with you.” Steve looked at the time, 3 pm, so he sends the boys for a quick shower as he and Pete still have to shower as well. Rick told him that he should have been home at 2 already as he had to help with Carl, the rest had to pack, upsetting Rick a bit, only after they promised him they will be back in a few days did he join the boys in the shower, leaving Steve and Pete alone for a few minutes. They decided to make fresh beds as they waited for their turn. “You know Steve,” Pete started “I know now how real love looks like. That was not sex, that was real love-making.” “And I feel guilty.” Steve looked up to Pete, “I was with Rick this morning, and I think Ben hates the idea of that, even if he said he is all for it.” “What do you think all this was about” Pete looked at Steve for a second, “He laid claim on you, he showed that he belongs to you, and you belong to him. Even Rick got it, and Cody… now Cody is a different story” “I was thinking the same and he can lay claim on me like that any time.” Steve piled the old linen on to a heap. “Never before have I heard Cody telling another boy that he loves him in the way he just did, is he growing up? Finding his own way?” Pete said while redoing the bed he was on. “We all have to grow up someday, sadly he is barking up the wrong tree. Rick likes older and I dare say rougher men.” Steve said by reliving the morning with Rick “I really hope that this will work out, the plan I mean. I fear if Ben must lose you as well it will be the end of him.” Pete said. “Be positive, it will work, even with the other…” Steve stopped his sentence as Cody appeared in the room, his face was a bit sad. “What’s wrong boy?” Pete asked. “Nothing.” But his head was still hanging. “Sit here next to me Cody.” Steve said while sitting down on the bed, Cody joined him, “I see you really like, sorry, love Rick, and I understand why. I have fallen more in love with more men and boys than you are old.” Steve took the boys hands in his “Those we fall in love with don’t always feel the same way as you do. You are lucky, he loves you as a friend and would like to be your friend. Just be his friend, lovers come and go, but real friends are the ones that stay no matter what.” “I guess, but look at you and Ben.” Cody said, looking at the naked man next to him. “Well, I was lucky. He felt the same way as I did, plus we had some help.” Steve started, stopped for a second before continuing, “You will find the one that feels the same way for you as you do for him, until that time you will have Rick’s in your life, friends, but not lovers.” Steve gave him a hug. “Now go and be friends, maybe someday he will feel the same way as you do.” “Really?” Cody gave a quick kiss on the cheek before running to the boys in the shower. “Thank you for that.” Pete said “I knew this day would come. You have a way with boys I see.” “He is just growing up.” Steve said walking to the bathroom “Boys it’s my time now, whoever still in the shower will do the dishes alone.” Steve could hear a scatter of footsteps leaving the bathroom, 3 naked boys in front of him “Now we did the bedroom, Rick you do the washing, the rest of you the dishes.” The boys did as they were told, Ben washed, Cody drying and Rick put the dishes away after he put the linen in the washer. They were still nude and chatting away over whatever popped up in their brains, boys can be random but it all ended in sex talk in the end. Pete stood there looking on the boys, waiting for Steve to finish so he can shower. He looked at Ben, thinking on how much the shy, self-destructing boy has changed to a self-assured boy that is not afraid to lay down the law when needed, just like he had done in the bedroom. Steve got out the bathroom and joined the boys in the kitchen, Pete went for his shower. Steve told Rick he must rather go dress and join his father with the promise that he will phone his father to explain that it was not his fault that he was late. Rick did not argue as he knew how his dad gets when waiting for him, he dressed and went out the door in under 3 minutes. Steve made coffee while the boys where finishing up and Pete still in the shower. The boys and Steve were waiting for Pete at the table when he came out the bathroom, his swollen but flaccid dick told the story on what he was doing in there so long. The washer was finished and Pete walked past them to collect the linen and put them in the dryer, feeling the eyes on him. Steve quickly picked up his phone to call Andrew and explained that the boys where having so much fun they forgot all about time, the pastor believed him. The four of them sat around talking, Ben wanted to know more of the plan but Steve told him he will inform him at a later stage because he still working out the finer details, Ben saw in Steve’s eyes that now was not the right time and he settled for that. It was close to 6 when Ben reminded them that Carl will be here soon. They dressed just in time for the knock on the door of Andrew. Cody open the door for father and son. Andrew greeted all of them and Carl made a bee line for Ben, jumping into his arms. “He could not stop talking about you.” Andrew said then looked at Pete, “I believe you all going on a short road yalova escort trip in the morning?” Steve and Pete looked at each other as if asking how he did know. “Yes, why?” Pete asked “Rick asked that if it will be ok if Cody could stay with us for that 2 or 3 days” Andrew could not miss the looks between Steve and Pete. “I understand if not, just promised the boy that I will ask.” Steve gave a little nod with his eyes towards Pete, he would feel better if Cody could stay out of harm’s way, what was more interesting to Steve was that Rick asked and not Cody. “If Cody wants to, I see no problem.” Pete saw the excitement in Cody’s eyes “Our road trip can be up to a week, but no longer than that.” “No problem, it will be good for Rick to have a, mmm, friend around.” Steve picked up on what Andrew was saying. “I will bring him round in the morning just before we leave, if that is okay?” Pete asked. “Fine by me.” Andrew started, “Well I must be going, Steve I hope you don’t mind, I have ordered pizza for the you and Pete when I ordered for ourselves. Did not know you will be here as well or I would have asked them to deliver yours here as well.” Andrew said. “Thank your Andrew, was thinking what I will make for supper.” Steve said, Ben and Carl thanked Andrew as well. “We are on our way to go pack as well, so if you don’t mind if we join you on your walk back and thank you as well for the pizza.” Pete said while poking Cody with the elbow to say thank you as well. “Thank you, sir, that I can stay with Rick. I promise I will not be naughty and thank you for the pizza” Cody answered the poke. Ben, Carl and Steve looked on as the trio started walking off, so deep in conversation that they even forgot to say goodbye. All attentions turned towards Carl. “So, what you want to do buddy?” Ben asked, putting the boy on the couch, “Play some game or something?” “Can we watch a movie?” Carl asked while taking a memory stick out his pocket “Promise I will not be evil again.” “You were not evil buddy.” Ben gave the boy a hug and popped the stick into the side of the flat screen TV mounted on the wall. The Lion King popped up and Ben pressed play, sitting down next to Carl again. Carl snugged up to Ben, head buried deep into the chest. Steve looked at Ben sitting there with the 5-year-old, so peaceful and so brotherly. Yes, what he was planning was indeed the right thing to do. He started wondering on Rick and what he and his father was talking about right now, will he be able to tell his father that he is gay, why did Rick want Cody to stay over and not Ben as well? The way Andrew answered was confusing as well, did he think Cody and Rick were more than just friends or is he allowing his son to explore his own sexuality? Steve saw the delivery man arriving so he met him outside, tipping him well because Blove is a bit of a drive. Everyone in the resort knew that when you order pizza the change will be that it must be reheated, or else they would not have delivered with the obvious extra delivering fee included in the prize. Steve sat down next to the boys and they enjoyed the pizza while watching the older version of the Lion King. Ben gave Carl some juice while getting sodas for Steve and him. They sat there when they were finished, Steve feeling a bit spent and Carl snugged up to Ben. He can’t remember when he fell asleep but was waked by Ben. “Anna is here to see you.” Ben said when he finally woke his sleeping lover. Steve looked at the TV, Lion King was no more, it was now Mary Poppins. The clock said 7:48 pm. “Evening Anna.” Steve greeted the old lady, she walked outside, closing the patio door behind Steve as he joined her. “Hello sir.” Anna was nervous, “They on their way, Greg say you must go now.” “Who is coming and when?” Steve looked troubled. “I don’t know, they coming for the boy, get out now. Go. Go. Go.” Anna said looking at Steve and then to Ben in the bungalow. “They almost here please just Go.” Anna said over her shoulder as she walked away. Steve stood there for a second but when Anna shouted again to go, he sprang into action. He knows Anna will not send him on a wild goose chase, they had to go and go now. “Carl, can you please wait for Ben here while I talk with him a second in the room?” Steve tried not to sound excited and give away that he was troubled. “Yes.” Carl said while continuing to watch the lady with the magic umbrella dancing with penguins. “What’s wrong Steve?” Ben asked seeing the troubled face of Steve. “Anna say we must go and go now.” Steve answered with a whispering voice “Just grab everything and put in the bags and load them in the pickup, I will tell you more once we out of here.” Ben did as he was told, not knowing why but the urgency in Steve’s voice was enough for him. Steve phoned Pete and told him the same, they will meet up at Pete’s place. They grabbed everything and bagged it, emptying the save as they loaded up the pickup. Carl hardly noticed as he was lost in a magical world. Ben switched of the TV much to Carl’s dismay. “Carl, buddy.” Ben started, “We must go now, you can finish the movie back with daddy.” Ben said in the softest of tones he could under the stress he was having. Carl did not argue and Ben lead him by hand to the pickup, the 3 sped off in the direction of Andrews place, over the hill. The same distance used to take them 15 minutes to walk but Steve stopped next to Andrew bungalow in less than 3 minutes. Steve gave his phone to Ben, telling him to talk to his dad while he takes Carl to his father and getting Pete. He must tell Jack they will be at his house in 5 minutes, he must wait outside with his car keys. Steve hit the dial button and gave it to Ben. He grabbed Carl and carried him to the open patio door. There was no time for knocking so he just walked in, hearing Andrew’s voice in the room. He sat down Carl on the couch telling him to stay there and walked over to the closed bedroom door. He opened it as was caught off guard, he just walked in as the pastor shot his load all over Rick’s back. Andrew turned around and his face went from slightly pink to a transparent white, all blood draining from him “It’s not what…” the pastor started but stopped his lie “It is what it looks like, But I can explain” Andrew knew he was busted and was waiting for the handcuffs around his wrists. “It was our first time.” he said but sounded like he was giving up all hope. “Dad it is okay.” Rick started but was cut short by Steve. “Andrew, I don’t care.” Steve started, “We must go now, I will explain when we come back. For once be honest with yourself and with Rick. Rick will explain why I do not care ” Steve said knowing that the pastor could say or do nothing. “Cody will arrive soon and thank you for keeping him, but please don’t tell anyone that we gone on a road trip, just tell them we went to Blove.” “I can’t lie, I am a pastor.” Andrew argued. “Are you going to tell your wife that you just fucked your son?” Steve asked and Andrew shook his head no. “Pastor, please this is for the greater good.” Steve turned around and saw Carl standing there. “Nudie time, we are evil.” Carl shouted and stripped himself from all clothes he was wearing. “Ricky, why their milk on your back and bum?” Steve left the three in the room, giggling a bit, he wanted to stay and hear the answer to Carl’s question, but time was running and they needed to go. He met Cody outside with his suitcase. “Yea I know, Pete told me everything, I will not say a word.” Cody wondered on the grin Steve sported. “He is even bigger than I am, you will enjoy it here.” Steve saw the confusion on Cody’s face “They in the bedroom, remember Carl is just 5 so don’t say anything.” Steve walked back to his vehicle, finding Pete sitting next to Ben on the front seat, leaving Ben to sit in the middle for this long journey. Steve had hardly time to explain that someone is on their way for Ben but when questioned about the source of the info, Steve just said a reliable source. There was no time to explain Anna to anyone now. Steve pulled up to his dad standing in the driveway. “I know son, there is a detective from your home city at the main gate, they just phoned me now. Leave your pickup, I will put it in the garage, take my pickup, but you need to go now.” Jack said before Steve could say anything. The 4 of them transferred everything over to the pickup without a word. “Sorry, Dad.” Steve started but was cut short by his smiling father. “Go do what you need to do, your mom will understand.” he touched Steve’s face softly “Now go and bring my son back home.” Jack pointed with his eyes towards Ben, “Take the back gate and don’t go near the main road, use the back roads, and whatever you do, just bring my son back safe.” To Be Continued. Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts, good or bad ail Thank you V. You know why.

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