
Camp Little Creek Ch. 02



American Perverted


American Perverted is an anthology series that follows characters from each American state. Each state is assigned a story, characters, and a specific theme. This theme may include a fetish, fantasy, or other premise that the story will revolve around. The state is merely used as a backdrop, and does not reflect the theme in place.


Today’s Story

Location: Camp Little Creek, Wyoming

Theme: Gay Discovery (Male on Male)


Camp Little Creek

Chapter Two: Freeze!

Chapter Content:Tension, Kissing, Romance


A sharp, but unjustifiably loud brass sound pierced my ears, shooting me upright in my sleeping bag. That fucking bell sounds so much louder when it’s jolting you out of a deep sleep.

That must have been what all that was last night. A deep sleep. An introspective nightmare, plagued by my subconscious desires to drool over some guy I just met. My brain was clearly just trying to send the message of the consequence of being caught smelling my new friend’s briefs.

But where were the briefs?

My hands scrambled out of the warm sleeping bag and into the cold, damp room. The moisture of all of our wet clothes had formed a thick condensation on the windows, blocking our view outside. Still, you could tell the sun had yet to come out. Was it too early, or did the rain continue to fall outdoors? I searched frantically all over my plastic mattress for any sign of Cody’s underwear. Nothing. I checked under my makeshift hoodie pillow. Nope. Not a sign.

It truly was just a bad dream.

A cool wave of relief washed over me. It didn’t happen. Cody and I could still be friends. I didn’t have to be the creep going around smelling men’s underwear to soothe me to sleep. Yuck.

I slipped out of my sleeping bag, bracing my bare feet for the cold hardwood floor. With one fell motion, I hopped out of bed. My right foot made a thud as I felt my ankle connect with the unwelcoming ground. It was my left foot that made contact with the sensation of dry cloth. My clothes. They must’ve dried overnight. I glanced down to pick up whatever shirt I had stepped on.

No. No way. No fucking way.

There it was. Wrapped underneath my bare foot was Cody’s Calvin Klein underwear, on the ground beside my bed.

“You talk in your sleep.” Came a voice from above me. This must be one of those false dreams, right? Or has God finally come to claim me in my hour of need? I turned my head to face the bunk above mine. Peeking through the gap in the wooden rails was Cody’s adorable face, his eyes half-shut, gazing down on me.

“What?” I asked, frozen in place.

“I said, ‘you talk in your sleep'”. His voice was raspy, weak. You could tell he was barely awake, still in a dazed state. The bell clearly had a more dramatic effect on me than the rest of my cabinmates, who were still squirming around in their sleeping bags, delaying the inevitability of the frigid morning.

“Shit, sorry. I used to actually get night terrors as a kid, whenever we would move.” My response was truthful. My mom used to find my screaming in my bed, still asleep. Poor woman. Cody grumbled, flipping the flap of his slap bag open, exposing his body to the still air. Seriously, could this place not invest in a furnace?

The doorknob of the counselor room slowly turned open, and out came Luke, fully dressed, and brushing his teeth. Quickly opening the door to spit off the balcony, he wiped his mouth and turned to us.

“Rise and shine, boys. We’ve got a full day ahead of us. I want everyone dressed in fifteen, then we are heading down to the mess hall. Word around the bush is that Mrs. Viola is whipping us her world-famous Red River. A Monday specialty.”

“What the fuck is Red River?” Squeaked a voice from across the room.

“Buddy, language. What did we talk about with the rules last night? You can swear at home, but not here.” He shook his head in a disappointment, but the boy just looked unimpressed, waiting for an answer to his question.

“Red River is like… an oatmeal. Sort of.” Answered Luke, hesitantly trying to explain our next meal. “You’ll see. It’s a surprise. It’s great. Puts hair on your chest.” Luke struck a closed fist against his chest, like some Roman emperor. The disdain in the air was evident.

Cody began climbing down the ladder, and I bent down to assess my clothes. Damp, but still unwearable, except for a wrinkled Earthworm Jim shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. It was as if I was trying my best not to get laid this week. I found the least wet pair of boxers I could find, skipped the socks in favor of my sandals, and got ventured outside to get changed in the boys bathroom building.

The sound of rain on the tin roof confirmed beşevler escort my suspicions: Not as hard as yesterday, but still trickling down some. My walk to the bathroom was tormented with a reflection of last night. It was just a dream, right? Cody’s briefs on the floor this morning was just a coincidence. It must’ve fallen from the railing during the night. He didn’t see me bury my face into the crotch of them, because it didn’t happen.

After a long morning routine, we ate breakfast. I took my usual place, and to my disappointment, Cody sat beside Luke, on the other side of the table. I tried exchanging glances with him, but he focused on his breakfast. Red River turned out to be some kind of birdseed-oatmeal hybrid, and my cabin would not shut up about how terrible it tasted. I bit my tongue, swallowing down the gruel best I could.

At the end of the meal, Luke got two of our cabinmates to clear up dishes and wipe the table down.

“After this, we are going to head down to the arts and crafts building. I’ll teach you boys how to make dreamcatchers.” Luke announced. The boys looked unimpressed.

“Dreamcatchers? Can’t we play football or something?” Asked one of the boys.

“Football? Are you blind, man? It’s raining outside. You can’t play football in the rain.” Replied another idiot cabinmate.

“Boys, boys. We’ll get to play some games, but in the meantime, we need to wait for the rain to settle. Dreamcatchers are cool. Chicks dig them.” Luke replied, sipping his coffee. Dreamcatchers. To catch bad dreams. Like ones of me sniffing my friend’s briefs. Because that’s all that it was. A bad dream.

With a clean table, we rushed down a path, weavering between trees. We came across a small log cabin, with smoke bellowing through the chimney. Warm fire. What I wouldn’t give.

Through the doors, the boys unsurprisingly popped their boots and shoes off, quickly walking towards the fireplace. I followed suit, standing in the back. So warm. The burning cedar filled my nose. God, that’s intoxicating. After warming up, Luke called us over to a table. There wasn’t much room, so we crowded around him, and I could feel Cody’s presence tower over me from behind. Shockwaves.

Luke calmly demonstrated the process of weaving a dreamcatcher. Tie here. Follow through here. Cut there. Bead this. Feather that. Easy as that.

The room was filled with little tables, each table holding about three of us. I opted out of social bonding, and sat down at a quiet table, alone, with a window overlooking the dripping forest. As my mind wandered to my dreamcatcher kit, I heard a chair pull up across the little table from me.

“Mind if I sit here?”

I looked up. Cody.

“Only if you want to.” I solemnly replied. Cody nodded, and grabbed a seat, the dreamcatcher supplies already waiting in front of him.

“Henry, about last night-“

I cut him off. Nope. If that really was real, then I’m leading this conversation.

“I’m sorry, Cody. I don’t know what happened there. Intrusive thoughts, I guess.” I bit my lip after, hoping that was enough to end this awkward conversation.

“What? What are you talking about? Dude, I just wanted to apologize for my underwear landing on your face last night. That was NOT cool of me. You see, I forgot my pillow at home, and was using a stack of clothes as a pillow. I kept my underwear at the bottom of that pile, you know, to avoid getting pinkeye or whatever. It must’ve fallen when I adjusted my pillow to read my book, with that headlamp you saw. I heard it fall, and I felt terrible that it landed on you. I’m really sorry, man. I meant no disrespect.”

That’s it? It accidentally landed on me? That’s what he thinks happened? If it was under his pillow, how did it land on my abdomen? You know what? Forget it. This was the best case scenario. This was my opportunity.

“Oh, that. Yeah, bro, it’s all good. I also forgot my pillow, I’ve been using my hoodie.” I managed to sputter out, shocked at my luck.

“Ah, so we’re still ‘bro’s’, huh?” He chuckled. “Good, man. I’m glad you understand. So, what were talking about intrusive thoughts? Were you jerkin’ it last night or something?” He laughed again.

“No, fuck man. I must’ve been thinking about something else, maybe a dream I had or something. Besides, I wouldn’t be able to jerk off in a place like this.” I half-heartedly laughed.

“Really? I could.” He sternly spoke. The change in tone actually took me off guard.

“In fact… Could you keep a secret?” He looked deep into my eyes. My heart started pounding. Oh, Cody. I could keep any secret you have for me.

“Yeah, man. What’s the secret?” I longingly gazed into his eyes. Tell me more.

“Last night, I-” He hesitated. No way. Did you jerk off last night? Tell me you didn’t jerk off last night. Tell me I didn’t miss that. Why would I care if I missed it? Fuck it, who knows, who cares. Tell me, Cody. Let me think of you masturbating above cebeci escort me. Just tell me. He gulped, briefly looking across the room and over his shoulder, before looking back at me.

“I overheard Luke jacking off in his bedroom.” What? Really? Luke was jerking off?

“What? Bullshit. How could you know?” I asked, interested.

“Man, that guy is relentless. His whole bed was squeaking. I heard him moaning, groaning. Groaning out some chick’s name: ‘Carolyn’.” The thought of that made me chuckle. So Luke’s got a hard-on for some chick named Carolyn, huh?

“Who the fuck’s ‘Carolyn’?” I asked.

“No idea. But dude, he made this fucking yelp when he came, and-” I couldn’t help but burst out laughing, my hand quickly clasping my mouth to suppress the sound.

“-and dude, I kid you not, it sounded exactly like a dog having his tail stepped on.” We both keeled back laughing, arms wrapped around our stomachs, envisioning our gentle counsellor yelping, shooting ropes of cum over his tummy as he did. We glanced over at Luke, who was boredly staring at our antics, smirking at the sight of Cody and I continuing to get along.

Over the next hour we made little inside jokes over the situation, giving our counsellor a nickname: “Cool Hand Luke”. I didn’t get the reference that Cody was trying to make, but man, what a funny name for a smooth masturbatory counsellor named Luke. By the end of the session, we looked down and realized we had barely even started our dreamcatchers.

Guess more bad dreams for me. Bring them on.

Our activities over the morning entailed The Game of Life, poker (which Luke kindly taught me how to play), and finally, Luke brought us down to the mess hall for our final game before lunch.

“Alright, it’s time to get those bodies moving. We are going to be doing some improv. Who here has heard of improv?” Luke motioned over to us, looking for a response. A small groan came from his audience.

“Improv is the theatrical ability to make stuff up on the spot. There is only one rule, and we call it: ‘Yes, and’.” He explained.

“Does that mean no other camp rules apply?” Asked a cabinmate. Shut up, kid. This man is trying to explain his cringe-ass game.

“No, other camp rules apply, here, as well. So, ‘Yes, and’ is a rule that applies to a scene. If you are making a scene, and someone offers up a proposition or an idea, we say, ‘Yes, and’ before playing off of his idea. Everyone understand?” We all nodded, sorrowly.

“Great. This first game is called: ‘Freeze!’. How it works, is halfway through a scene, any one of you can call ‘Freeze!’ to stop the scene, and take the physical position of any actor of your choosing. Then, you continue off the scene from where you left off, changing the scene completely based only off of your physical positions. Any questions?”

Let’s just get this over with.

Luke volunteered some of our cabinmates to start. After giving them the starting scene of two people waiting for the bus, the scenes soon evolved into a baseball game gone horribly wrong, a subversive golf caddy carrying a massive bag for an old lady, and even the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at some point. Even Cody started tagging in, making a hilarious scene where he was the strongman for a circus, pretending to lift our cabinmate above his head. As time went on, even I started yearning for an opportunity to try. I just had to wait for the right time, the right idea. Then, I had the funniest idea. As Cody was in the middle of the scene, pretending to help a fainting ‘lady’ who looked suspiciously like Luke, I finally did it.


The air was still. Luke was draped over Cody’s arm, his hand feigned over his forehead to emulate a dizzy woman. I tapped Luke on the shoulder, and swapped out with him, taking his place over Cody’s arm. Surprisingly, he easily supported my weight. I raised my hand over my head, and looked at his face, which was scrunched up, his lips pursed, holding back his growing laughter. The look made me almost laugh in response, but I was a professional. I then began my idea.

“Yes, Ernesto, dance with me! Show me how they tango down in Brazilia!” I piped up, in a squeaky falsetto. A raucous roar of laughter boomed over the mess hall. I’m a star. They love me. They really love me.

“Senorita, for you, I’ll tango until the moon meets the sun.” Echoed Cody, his voice mimicking some South American hunk. Again, our cabin exploded into laughter, even Cool Hand Luke.

He continued this playful banter, and nobody dared freeze us. Everyone loved it. Cody would take two steps forwards, I would sway my hips two steps back. He spun me around his arm, I would cha-cha into his chest. Our made-up Tango was clumsy, which only made the scene funnier. Cody was beaming down on me, his perfect teeth blinding me with every hop and two-step. Then, something happened.

His spun me around once more, before I strung my hands around the back of his neck, which kolej escort prompted him to lower me into a bow, the same one that started this scene. But this bow was different. It was closer. More intimate. His eyes were mere inches from mine, those greens taking up my vision. I felt his warm breathe against my lips, knowing his lips must’ve been centimeters away. It was like he was going to kiss me. It’s like he wanted to kiss me. I couldn’t even feel the my feet.

He were suspended in what felt like eternity. It felt like in that moment, it was just him and I. Cody and Henry. In the mess hall. The world had forgotten us. He froze. I froze. Nobody called freeze.

“Oh. Uhm, freeze.” Quietly piped up Luke. The air was dead silent. Not a word. You could hear a pin drop.

I looked over to see the stunned faces of our cabinmates. I quickly let go of Cody, gathering my balance.

“T-, uh, ta-da!” I stuttered, raising mine and Cody’s hands in the air. His was limp, which sandbagged as I raised it. I took a bow, trying to save the mood. Nothing. No change in tone. Silent dead air. Luke began to clap, trying to spare us. A couple more claps echoed from our cabinmates, without conviction, without belief. I looked over at Cody. His smile was long gone. His eyes peered at the ground, his head hung low. He dropped my hand. Without another word, he turned around, and walked out the mess hall doors, heading outside into the rain, which had paused briefly for our improv game, but had now continued to shower down.

“Alright, boys, why don’t you set up the tables for all the cabins in the mess hall? I know they’d really appreciate it. I’ll be right back.” Luke ordered, giving us a direction away from what had just happened.

Cody didn’t appear for Lunch. Nor did Luke. Our cabin just talked amongst themselves, eyes darting back at my every five seconds, then back towards the doors Cody and Luke had left through. It didn’t bother me. I didn’t eat. I felt sick to my stomach. I had ruined everything. I had my second chance with the whole underwear incident, and I blew it.

After lunch, we jogged back to our cabin for quiet time. Well, my cabinmates did. I just walked. I wanted to feel the rain drench me. I deserved it. I felt depressed. I ruined Cody’s life.

Upon arrival at our cabin, neither Cody nor Luke were anywhere to be found. My cabinmates sat on the floor and continued their poker game from earlier. I just laid there in my bed, slumped into a ball. I’m such a fuck-up. I ruin everything. My head rolled to the side, where the crumpled pair of Cody’s worn underwear remained on the ground. It didn’t even mean anything to me anymore.

Okay. Enough tip-toeing around this. I needed to ask myself the big boy question: Am I attracted to Cody? And if so, does that make me gay?

He is an attractive man, but that doesn’t mean I’m attracted to him. The evidence to support that I’m attracted to him include: My constant impulse to stare at him, my constant affection towards him, the underwear incident, the Freeze! incident, and the fact I even have to ask. The evidence against the claim that I’m attracted to him include:

Wait, I had nothing. There was nothing. I loved every second of him. The truth is, I loved staring at him. I loved considering him as handsome. I loved shoving my face into his briefs and smelling them. Actually,

Is it finally time to confess?

I was aroused by it.

Even remembering that musky, sweaty smell of his briefs gave me an erection. I felt my cock slowly grow. Cody’s briefs wrapped around my face. Fuck. That’s so hot. His cock was there. His balls were there. His taint was there. And I smelled all of it.

Okay, so I liked Cody. I have a crush on Cody. I am very much attracted to Cody.

Now, am I gay?

Well, for starts, I have felt this way about no other man. I jerk off to chicks. I watch straight porn. I lost my virginity to a girl. I have dated two girls. I love women. I am not sexually aroused by men. Except Cody. But that’s it.

Even hearing about Luke jerking off only made me laugh, not get hard. Definitely not attracted to Luke. Or any other loser at this camp. Not even really the chicks. It’d be a more status thing if anything to get with one of them. I haven’t even really been paying attention.

As I spent my hour confirming my attraction to Luke and leaving my sexuality in a shaken state, the door popped open, with Luke, and Luke alone, stepping through the door. His mood was much more upbeat, ready to start the next wave of activities.

“C’mon, boys, the rain let up. How about some muddy football?” He shouted, startling us. The idea sent everyone to their feet and racing to the door.

Where’s Cody?

I followed suit. Sure enough, the rain had stopped, though the clouds were still blocking the sun. We followed Luke down a path towards a wide open meadow.


There he stood, waiting for us, idly kicking patches of mud as he waited.

The boys were thrilled to see him, and bumped into him as they sprinted, giving him a pat on the back and a pat on the head. He smiled, seemingly warmed by the reception of his return. Then he turned his head, looking straight at me. It was a mixed expression on his face: One of both anxious, nervous reservations, and one of relief, excitement, and anticipation.

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