


Subject: Confessing to Father Fred (adult – youth) Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not fty//gay/young-friends/getting-to-ride-with-jimmy/ *** feedback always welcome to ail *** The church was completely empty as I walked into the confessional. I was starting to wonder if someone would even be in there, but I had to talk. I had to confess. Even if it was probably him in there. I closed the hard wood door behind me and sat down. It was my first time in one of these. I’d skipped school to make sure no one would know it was me. “Bless me, father, for I have sinned.” I began. “And in the middle of a school day, my son. What is your confession? ” It could tell it was Father Fred. “Well, father, it’s um. I don’t know how to put it exactly. I have these feelings. But I don’t know how to say it. ” “Only the Lord hears your confessions here my child. You can speak plainly, and freely, for he does not judge. ” “Well, I know it is a sin already, Father. That is the problem. See, I am just a boy, but I’ve been lusting for older men. I know the bible forbids it, but I just cannot help it. I try to ignore it, and look at girls instead. I know that is what God intended. But they do nothing for me. What should I do?” “How old are you, my child?” “I’m Eleven father. Are you saying I may just be too young to be having these feelings? ” “Lust can come upon us at any moment, my son. God can test us at any time. And it is up to us to be stoic when these tests come our way. Have you acted on any of these feelings of lust? ” “Not yet, but.. I feel I am about to. You see, father, there is one man in particular I like, who is much older than I am. He doesn’t know it, but I saw him once in the bathroom. afyon escort I looked and I saw his… man hood. Since then, I have been looking at other men, wondering what their manhoods look like. But it is the first man who I really think about. ” “Is this man someone you know?” “Yes, father. I see him every week. Every Sunday. ” “This man, is he a man of the cloth?” “Yes, father.” “And how does it make you feel? When you see this man?” “Gosh, I feel lots of things father. It makes me feel all tingly when I look at him. Tingly and good. I love listening to him speak every week and his voice is so nice. My weiner gets all hard just hearing him, sometimes I have to hide it in church. It gets hard all the time, but especially on Sundays when I see him. Sorry father, I know I shouldn’t talk openly about those sorts of things. ” “That’s okay, that is what confessions are for. What other things make you feel tingly and get hard? ” “Other men, but just not in the same way. Sometimes when I am on my own, I will play with myself. I will play with myself and think about men I see. My teachers, or men I see in the street. The tingles get ever stronger, especially if I think about that one man and what he might do to me. Is that wrong, Father?” “What you describe, my son, is something called masturbation. The bible has strong views on this as to how one may please one’s body. How strong do these feelings become? ” “Really strong father. My weiner feels like it is going to explode sometimes. Like the feeling rushes all over me. If I was just to be with this man and..yeah.. ” “Talking about him now, what are you picturing him doing to you?” “Oh everything. I would very much like to see his manhood again. And to touch it. I want him on top of me, for him to have his way with me. I need him inside me, and I want him and his brother to, uh… um… oh…” “His brother? He has a brother too? ” “Yes. I want them both to do things to me, father. agrı escort Lewd things. ” “My son, I think I know exactly what you need. Open the compartment. ” Between the two confessionals was a small sliding door, allowing things to be transferred without much being seen. I heard shuffling on the other side, and the rustling of the priest standing up and coming closer. The sound of the compartment opening on the other side and something being pushed through. Could it be? My heart raced, hoping upon hope that when I opened it, it would be what I yearned for. I opened my side and peered in. The very first thing I saw was the bulbous end of Father Fred’s cock staring back at me. With my side open as well, he pushed more of himself, offering his cock to me. The flared end of it looked like a red-rimmed crown, a ridge surrounded the base of his glans, followed by his thick shaft. I could see a drop of clear liquid at the end, like a clear pearl forming. “Kiss the end of my penis, my son.” Father Fred said from the other side. “Place your lips against the end and let me feel your mouth. Take me inside and let my flesh enter yours. ” The purple skin on his head was pulled tight around his knob, the droplet of precum suspended from the hole at the end. This was my chance to see if all my dreams could be real. I placed my mouth at the very tip of his penis, feeling the spongy texture between my lips. The droplet at the end washed my mouth with a salty, sticky texture, as if cleansing my mouth. “That’s good, my son. Taste my seed. Now take more inside you. Let me fill you with my cock. ” “I’ll do my best, father.” I replied. Slowly, I felt him slide more into my throat. I could feel the little bumps and ridges along the length of his cock as it slid forever deeper. My mouth felt full and I could see in the gloom that he had yet more to give, if it weren’t for the confessional box keeping us separated. “Your mouth is heavenly. Have you akdere escort ever tasted a man’s seed? ” “mm mmm ” I tried to answer in the negative. I heard Father Fred grunt with satisfaction as my wet mouth soaked his cock. He rocked his penis in and out of my mouth slowly and deliberately. “Your mouth is gifted my child. It is small and your tongue is flexible. Wrap your tongue around my length and pull me in. Taste every inch of it. ” I did as he said, trying to use my tongue like a snake, slithering around his penis, and tugging. Another moan was heard from the other side of the wall, and another dribble of his precum dribbled into my mouth. “Prepare yourself, my son. In a moment, I will cum into your mouth, and you need to swallow it. It is a gift to you. Be sure to take it all. ” I didn’t really understand what he meant by cum, except that something was going to need to be swallowed. I soon found out, as my mouth suddenly received a thick warm substance, much thicker and creamier than before. Its flavor could only be described as the musk of a man, as it coated the inside of my mouth. At first it only seemed to be a little, but his penis throbbed again, squirting more of his cum out. Again and again, Father Fred cummed from his cock, and by the time he stopped, I was glad he had warned me. He pulled his cock back, which was now shiny with my spit, back behind the wall once more. I heard rustling once more as Father Fred likely re-composed himself. “Thank you, father. ” I called to the other side. “You are welcome. Now, the only way to cure you of these temptations will be to spend more time with me in the church. I will meet with your parents tonight and discuss some additional duties you can perform. Perhaps some extra altar duties before and after church, where my brother and I can spend some time alone with you. How does that sound?” “That would be amazing Father. Do you need to know who I am?” “I know who you are, Benji. Between now and next Sunday you are not to play with yourself, do you understand? Do not give in to temptation. Father George and I will deal with that when we see you.” “Yes, Father, I understand. ” ** Feedback always welcome to buddbuster@aol or ail **

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