
Cuckolded by Her Mother Ch. 03


This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.


Cuckolded by her Mother

Chapter 3

Fyr sighed and closed the truck door with a slam, her bad temper brewing all the more fiercely. The wind picked up, whipping her scales, and she was thankful that she did not have the long hair of some furs for the bad weather to make a mess of. Her red scales, slashed through with yellow stripes, held their colour and form perfectly even if she didn’t have the fur to keep her warm either. The only thing that the weather seemed to mess with was the frills on either side of her head where her ears should have been, directing sound to the indents that were her ears. In the wind, they flapped back and forth as if with a mind of their own. She scowled and pinned them down with her paws, handbag slung over her arm.

“Honestly,” she muttered. “Can’t I get any help anymore? Would it really have been so hard for one of them to get it together and get out and help me? Really?”

With as much grace as she could manage, she held her head high and stormed across the car park, avoiding a loose carrier bag that scudded across the tarmac. A mother feline with two kittens running in circles around her trudged ahead with her head lowered against the wind. The chain supermarket loomed ahead, storm clouds gathering in the not so far off distance. There were few other cars left in the car park besides those evidently belonging to employees, with most other furs having taken cover for the day – and not without due reason.

Fyr was hardly one to be put off by the threat of a few high winds, however. They rarely got the ilk of hurricanes in her neck of the woods, but other furs did tend to be overly cautious. Her mother was one of them. Her frown deepened and she rubbed her temples as she stepped into the large supermarket, following the feline as she strapped the smallest of her kittens into a seat in a shopping trolley.

“I’m surprised to see anyone else out in this weather,” the cat commented as Fyr snatched up a shopping trolley from the row beside her. “I hope my little ones won’t cause you too much trouble in here. They do tend to run around.”

“Bad weather won’t keep me inside,” Fyr said, chancing a small smile. “And I’m sure they won’t be too much trouble. Are they a little unruly for you?”

The cat grimaced and smoothed the black fur atop her head flat as the tom-kitten in the trolley shrieked and slammed his paws into the handle.

“You could say that. I always get such funny looks when I take them shopping normally. But the worst of the winds aren’t due to hit for hours yet, so I thought I’d best get some milk in for them while I had time.”

“Same as I’m doing.” Fyr dragged a crumpled sheet of paper from the pocket of her jeans and held it up as if to make a point of what she was trying to say. “Want to get food in for my mother and husband before the rain really comes down. The wind doesn’t bother me. It’s not going to reach the speeds they said earlier anyway – the weather reports have changed since.”

“Oh, that’s so kind of you!” The cat clasped her paws to her chest, whiskers quivering in a smile. “My husband is away, so I couldn’t ask him to go instead, but it was so kind of you.”

She put her paws on the trolley, halfway on her way to get her shopping done even as she shot the breeze with Fyr.

“Is it your mother’s husband that’s in town? Do you have a step-father?”

Fyr hesitated, biting the inside of her cheek lightly. The cat smiled politely as her female kitten tugged at her skirt, asking for her mom over and over again, a nagging monotone in the background of their interlude in the storm.

“No, no – he’s my husband,” she forced out, her smile forced as her heart leapt into her throat. “My mother is only staying with us for a while. She’s on vacation.”

The words did not flow and she knew it, busying herself with her trolley as she made a pretence of being in a rush all of a sudden. Bidding farewell to the feline, who she’d only known for but a few minutes, she hurried on her way, hoping that the cat hadn’t noticed the heat in her cheeks while she’d been preoccupied with her bouncing, boundless kittens. For her question had raised more questions than Fyr liked to address, for more than one reason.

Of course, the demon cougar, Ropes, was her husband. They were married. It was on paper. It could not be denied and it certainly could not be changed; they had absolutely no reason to ever want to change it, despite still being in the admittedly early years of their marriage. Yet his relationship with her mother was untraditional to say the least.

Fyr sighed, though it was difficult for her to feel sad amongst all the confliction in her heart, desire colluding with what her Escort İstanbul heart told her.

He’d been acting more like Sasha’s husband than hers lately.

No. She shook herself. That wasn’t true. They knew the deal. They had a deal. Ropes and Sasha could do what they wanted. And that was all okay, wasn’t it?

She frowned. That wasn’t much of a deal. Maybe she hadn’t quite thought it through as much as she should have done, but it was far too late to worry about that while she was out of the house and leaving the two of them alone. It wasn’t too far-fetched to imagine that they were wrapped up in one another’s arms at that very moment, enjoying Fyr’s bedroom while she was out trying to provide for the two of them.

Though the thought of providing food and comfort for them brought a guilty little thrum of pleasure, if she was honest with herself in the wanderings of her mind. It was the same warm glow that she got when she cared for them after a session in the bedroom, Ropes’ semen drooling from her mother’s pussy as if it was the only one he’d ever filled or ever wanted to fill. Of course, he’d fuck her too, but half the fun for the dragoness had become the watching, the waiting and the always wondering what, just what, was going to happen next.

Moseying around the supermarket, Fyr made quick work of her list, letting her mind drift as her paws and feet worked busily. It wasn’t hard work, not by any means, but it kept her occupied. But she could not keep herself busy when she reached an item on her list in a scrawl that was not her own.

She frowned, tilting her head from side to side as she tried to decipher what had to be Ropes’ scrawl. Just what had the cougar tried to write down? What did he want her to pick up? Only God knew, as there was no telling what he’d wanted in the first place as far as his handwriting went.

Fyr hesitated. She’d said she wouldn’t bother them and had left in more than a little bit of a huff. She was pretty much a pro at that. She pulled the phone from her pocket and stared at it as if it was going to leap from her paw and sink its teeth into her. What would she stumble into if she called home at such a time? Something or nothing at all?

Which one would she rather find?

Licking her lips, as her mouth as suddenly too dry to be comfortable, Fyr toyed with the phone, passing it from paw to paw. Did she want to call home only to hear moans of passion, or would she have preferred to just have her usual loving husband on the line? She shook her head, a low growl building in the back of her throat. But how was she to find out what Ropes wanted her to fetch for him if she didn’t give them a quick ring.

One little phone call couldn’t hurt.

Holding the phone up to the side of her head, Fyr bit her lip, shifting her weight from foot to foot as it rang. It was the landline so surely one of them should pick up? On and on it rang, the dragoness growing ever more antsy as she waited and waited and waited.

“Mm, hello?”

Fyr stiffened.

“Ropes? Is that you?”

The cougar breathed down the line. She swore she caught the rasp of his claws through the fur on the back of his neck. She relaxed. That couldn’t be bad. Or did she want it to be bad?

“Who else would it be?”

“Yeah, of course.” She smiled against herself, the sound of his voice easing the tension from her shoulders. “So this thing on the list that you added…”

Her words came out fumbled and he groaned.

“What do you, ah, mean, Fyr?”

The dragoness rolled her eyes.

“You added something to my list. What is it? I can’t for the life of me read your handwriting. Honestly, Ropes, couldn’t you have at least made it somewhat legible?”

There was a long pause with only the cougar’s breath echoing softly down the phone line. Impatiently, Fyr tapped her foot on the ground, her comfortable shoe barely making a noise as she did her best to appear annoyed even if the cougar wasn’t there to get the full effect.

“Ropes?” She said after she’d felt she’d waited quite long enough. “Are you trying to work it out yourself there? Speak now or forever hold your peace, or else I’m just coming home without it. Can’t stay out too long with the wind picking up, but we still need the essentials and something nice for dinner, you know?”

She babbled, filling the silence with too many words as silence still stretched out between them. The cougar inhaled sharply and she smiled, thinking that he was about to speak.

“Hurry up already,” another voice in the background purred, a sensual lilt to her tone. “Come back to me… I miss your attention.”

Fyr’s heart leapt into her throat, constricting and tightening so that breath only came in a harsh choke, eyes bulging out of her skull.

“What? Ropes! Ropes, is Sasha there?”

“Of course your mother is here,” he answered sharply, though she could not have denied the edge of smugness in his tone. “We were relaxing in the sitting room when you left, remember?”

Fyr İstanbul Escort Bayan flushed.

“Yes, of course I remember, but that doesn’t sound like relaxing!”

“Oh, it is very relaxing to me, honey.”

Fyr paused. Did she dare ask? How much did she want to know? But she would always be the same.

“What are you doing? Answer me!”

Over the phone, Ropes laughed, the crackly line distorting his voice.

“Honey, I really thought that would have been obvious already.”

Fyr pressed her fingers to her lips and shook her head, heart hammering and adrenaline up. She wasn’t there! How could he be fucking her mother while she was out buying their damn groceries of all things? Of course, she knew they’d done things together while she’d been out before, but never so blatantly! They’d always been discreet to some level!

No, she had to be calm. She had to think rationally. She had to not allow her own need to rule her.

Focus, Fyr, focus. Come on now, you can do this. Be calm. You can do this.

She tried to push the thought that she wished she was there, watching, to the back of her mind, but images still flitted to the forefront, demanding attention. Were they in their living room, Sasha bent over the arm of the sofa? Missionary with Ropes kissing and licking her neck? Sitting up with Sasha’s legs wrapped around him, heads near so that they could kiss and try to dominate one another’s muzzles with their tongues, a lustful kiss fighting for the upper paw? Fyr groaned, failing to stifle the sound in time. What were they doing? It would have been so much easier if the phone transmitted a video instead of just her husband’s voice!

Fantasies running amok against what she knew she ‘should’ have felt, Fyr swung her tail out, thumping it into a shelf of cans that rattled and jumped. Thankfully, none took a tumble and were left just a little messed up. The dragoness inhaled deeply, trying to steady herself. The feline that she had spoken to at the doors passed the end of the aisle, paused to give her a confused look and carried on. Fyr tried to breathe slowly and deeply even though her heart raced as if she was engaged in a flat out sprint. She rubbed her forehead. She’d liked to race her mother when she’d been much younger. That seemed a long time ago when her mother had progressed to fucking her husband as if he were her own.

“Couldn’t you have waited until I got home?” She said as steadily as she was able, painting her face with a suitably concerned expression that she hoped would throw off any casual observer. “I really won’t be all that long. I’ll be back soon.”

The pitch of her voice rose on the final word, trembling as if it was about to break. Yet she held the note and took a deep breath that admittedly did little to actually steady her.

Ropes chuckled down the line, a low, raspy purr rolling from his lips.

“Oh, sweetheart, we simply had to do something to entertain ourselves while you were out. It’s only the due course of things. You do understand, don’t you?”

Fyr swallowed and shook her head, even though he could not see her.

“I wasn’t going to be that long.”

Although it was true, it sounded more plaintive and whiny coming from her lips for a second time and she clamped her mouth shut, shivering as if taken by a sudden chill.

Ropes did not reply – at least not verbally. His husky breath emanating over the phone line and the moans of her mother, fainter yet still audible, in the background. Fyr pressed her fingers over her lips to stifle a gasp, shoulders hunched and trembling as she struggled to contain herself. She wanted to moan in turn, the sounds of two bodies moving together in carnal desire adding kindling to the simmering need in her loins that always seemed to be ready to flare into life.

Sasha groaned deep in her throat and Ropes purred above her: they must have had their heads pressed close together if Fyr could hear them both so clearly down the line.

But she needed more – wanted more. Fyr bit her lip. Why did she always have to have more?

“What are you doing?” She whispered, giving in to the need in her heart. “Tell me. Tell me every detail.”

The cougar laughed, though there was no mirth in the sound and he somehow managed to infuse the sound with warmth that wrapped itself around her heart. She leaned on the trolley, paw shaking as she tried to focus on her shopping list.

“I don’t think you’re really in any position…mmph… In no position to be making demands on me, my dragoness.”

“Possessive of my daughter, aren’t you?” Sasha purred. “I like it. Go on, sugar. Tell her what we’re up to. Every sordid little detail you can dredge up.”

Her tone dripped with honey, but Fyr didn’t care as long as she got to know what was going on, feeding the lust searing through her heart.

“She deserves a little fun.”

Yes… Fyr thought, tail curling around one leg. Yes, I do. Very, very much. Oh, please…

She couldn’t even Anadolu Yakası Escort finish the thought to herself, but, blessedly, she didn’t have to. Ropes must have been holding the phone away from his head as their whispers suddenly sounded fainter and, no matter how she strained to listen, Fyr simply could not hear them.

“We’re on our bed, the comforter on the floor.” Ropes chuckled throatily. “We didn’t need it for what we had in mind today.”

Somehow, Fyr knew that Ropes didn’t mean ‘our’ bed as in ‘their’ bed. Her breath caught in her throat, suddenly too tight for breath to move easily. He meant it as his and Sasha’s bed. She’d only been made to sleep in the guest room a couple of times since Sasha had temporarily moved in – treating her visit as a vacation was merely a pretence, though she had no day job to occupy her any more – but those times had been more than enough to show her exactly where her place was.

And Fyr liked her place beneath them. She liked it oh so very much.

“I’ve got Sasha on her back, her long, sexy legs wrapped around my waist,” he whispered huskily. “We didn’t start like that though. She’s already climaxed four times, by my count. And I’ve filled her so many times that I’ve lost count. Anything for such a demanding, lovely dragoness, after all.”

She could almost imagine his tail and tentacles lashing, striking out at the air as his demonic body gave her mother orgasm after orgasm.

“He feels so good when he pushes in hard and deep,” her mother murmured into the phone, a little quieter as if her lips were further away from the speaker. “That uncut shaft… It’s better than anything I’ve had before. I just have to have more of it, honey, I’m sure you understand. You made a good choice with this one.”

Fyr swallowed.

“So good that you take your fill of him too?”

Sasha laughed.

“It’s more of a mutual arrangement, sugar. Though I think we all know who really is in charge here.”

Ropes growled and the dragoness giggled, speech devolving into lewd, wet sounds. Closing her eyes, Fyr could only imagine that they were kissing, Sasha’s longer tongue winding around her husband’s as he displayed the passion with her that he had previously reserved for Fyr. Sasha moaned into Ropes’ mouth as they embraced intimately, the cougar grunted as Fyr could only imagine he filled her mother’s needy pussy.

Though she could not have been as needy as Fyr. While Fyr received her daily dose of especially delightful teasing, Sasha had her husband’s attention whenever and wherever she desired it. Fyr, of course, was permitted to watch and asked to watch as much as she wished to, but it meant that she was always there to clean up her husband’s cock from her mother’s juices and his semen after sex too. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about tasting her mother on his shaft, but did it for her cougar husband anyway.

What else could she do? She loved him. And she always would too.

But, while they were occupied with each other, they weren’t talking to her. As alluring as it was to listen to the tease of what they were enjoying, she had to know more – she had to have more.

Fyr cleared her throat, eyes misted over.

“Ropes? Mom? Are you there?”

“Mm, yes, honey. We’re here.”

Sasha giggled and gasped into the phone.

“Oh, you are frisky today, aren’t you?”

The utterance was clearly not directed at Fyr and the dragoness listened intently, holding her breath. She had not realised how still she’d been for so long in the middle of the aisle, staring into space while enraptured by the phone call, until an attendant at the supermarket cleared his throat. Giving the dragoness a pointed look – lingering would have looked odd at any time – the canine paused, waiting until she showed signs of moving on. Fyr huffed and scrabbled for her bag. She must have just looked like she was trying to steal or up to something equally shifty!

“Sorry!” She called down the aisle. “Just checking what I need to get!”

But the attendant was already gone and her chance of explaining along with him.

“What was that?” Ropes asked, momentarily distracted by her situation.

“I’m in the supermarket,” she answered, words thick in her throat. “People are starting to stare.” She groaned. “I’ve been standing still here for rather a long time, it does look a bit odd.”

The cougar chuckled, though his attention was clearly wavering, a murmur on his lips.

“Keep shopping, Fyr. We need a good meal tonight and we don’t want you getting stranded out there if the wind picks up too much. We need you back here, warm and safe and…watching.”

The dragoness jerked into action, mindlessly following the gentle instruction as her frills tingled with heat. Why was it so easy to do what her husband said? And why did it make her feel so good too? Swallowing a moan, she licked her lips, though her mouth was too dry to provide any real moisture.

“Are you moving again? Don’t draw attention to yourself if you want us to stay on the line.”

“Though he’s almost finished in me now. Such a stud cat, he is…”

Fyr gasped and clapped a paw over her mouth.


“What, honey?”

“You can’t say that!”

“Oh, but I can. And it’s very true too, darling.”

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