


Devlin the Diapered Daredevil

****Warning. Do not read this story if you are against man/boy love, gay sex, diaper wearing and piss play, or if you are not legally allowed to do so for any reason whatsoever. There. You were warned. Please remember that this story belongs to me, and requires my permission prior to posting to anywhere. Feel free to contact me at erich5748 at ail should you wish to comment, I always enjoy receiving them, though I do not require them to continue. Also remember that Nifty is our friend, and requires donations from us to keep going free of charge. Please do what you can, as I do what I can. Thanks as always, I hope that you enjoy.****

Devlin first started coming to my extreme sports paradise, Ryder”s Rydes, I”m Ryder, about six months ago, and I admit, I always watched out for him, he is so tiny, so pretty, so sad looking, until he is riding his beat up old BMX on my track, then he smiles, in fact he practically glows.

I am big into biking of all sorts; racing, tricks, jumps, you name it, if it is on a bike, I love it, powered or pedaled, I love them both. Though I do still enjoy my motorbikes as often as I can, unfortunately, after the last of many accidents that I had had, I can no longer use my left leg well enough to pedal a bike, and I no longer do much, if any real tricks any more, but I do enjoy my race track still from time to time, though not as often or as fast as I would like.

I am tall and thin, though I do have lots of muscle definition, I have always worked hard, and it shows. I have short cut, light brown hair, green eyes, I have no facial hair, because I had it laser removed, and I have very minimal body hair. I think that I am nothing special in the way of looks, but many have told me that I am hot, but, I grew up with a mean, drunken bastard who stripped away any and all self esteem, so even still this is hard for me to accept.

I had done pretty well for myself back when I was younger, though I am only thirty three now, so not all that old yet, but I had won a lot of races and competitions, both power and pedal, and, when I was forced to retire six years ago, I bought a piece of land just outside the downtown core near the bad side, and built my extreme sports paradise. I used pretty near every penny I had to do so, but that is okay. I have four different bike tracks, two each for motor and pedal bikes, one each are fairly tame race courses, the other two are ultra intense race courses, with more jumps than can be counted. Then I also have a trick arena for each motor and pedal bikes, where you can do all sorts of tricks, plus the two training areas for both as well. Then, just because, I also added in a wicked ass skate park, since most of the kids who come to my place absolutely love that too.

You have to be a member to ride my property, there is a hundred dollar a year insurance, and a thirty dollar a month user fee, so, for what my clients get, it is really fucking cheap. I even have a full garage with every tool imaginable that anyone is allowed to use, and I always keep hundreds of parts in stock for virtually any type of bike or board, and once more, I keep those prices as cheap as I can.

I never started this to make a shit load of money, I just wanted it to pay for itself, and it always does. I live on the outskirts of a pretty rough and dirty city, so most of the people who come through my gates are poor as can be, yet still, my fees are always happily paid. At present I have almost three hundred members. Fully ninety percent of them are boys, and they range in age from as young as six to all sorts of adults.

Safety equipment is always mandatory, and if I catch anyone without the proper equipment, they are kicked out for a minimum of a week for their first offense, a month for their second, and then lifetime for their third. Everyone abides by this, because I do have a pretty awesome place for everyone. Same thing, if they do not have it when they come, I will sell them whatever safety equipment they need for cheap, or, if they cannot afford to buy it, I will rent it out as well for even cheaper.

When Devlin first started coming, I told him the fees, and he was crushed, he said he cannot afford that, but, he came back not even five days later with the signed forms and his hundred and thirty bucks clutched possessively in his hand. He had nothing for safety equipment, but could not afford to rent it either, so I gave him what he needs on the promise that he pays me what he can, when he can, and within only a few months, he had it paid off.

He hardly talks, and when he does, he is so quiet that I have to strain to hear his every word. I have a strong feeling he lives in an abusive home, same as I had, and I am reasonably certain that some of the bruises he often has are not entirely from biking either. I have no idea how or where he comes up with the money to come, but, I am also certain that his mother does not give it to him either. I do not care though, I hope he just steals it from her, she would deserve it if she has been hitting the stunningly beautiful boy.

Devlin is nine years old, I know because it is one of the questions on my forms, he had just turned nine when he started coming in fact, he is at best a hundred and twenty centimeters tall, and I would be shocked if the poor boy weighs more than twenty five kilos. Even still, I know that he is far too short and skinny to be healthy. When he started coming, he had zero definition to his body, but, now, with six months of coming nearly every day and biking hard for at least a few hours, he has put on some mighty fine definition to his legs, and, oh boy, his ass, it is now superb. Even his upper body and arms are starting to look real good.

He always wears these tight nylon shorts, they have been getting even smaller on him recently, and only look even better, though they are starting to wear out pretty good. They are the same ones he wears every time, used to be a much darker blue, but are now well faded, and honestly, look real good on him. He had started coming in winter time, but seeing shorts at my place in the winter time is fairly common, even riding motor bikes is hard work, and if you wear too many clothes, you boil to death. Granted, full safety gear means proper pants on motor bikes especially, and I strongly recommend them on pedal bikes as well, and Devlin always leaves his here and changes when he arrives and leaves. This too is fairly common, most of the kids, especially, do not have a lot, and do not want it stolen, so I have lockers that they can use. They are even allowed to store their bikes in my secure yard, though for most, their bikes are their transportation as well.

This afternoon, Devlin came almost as soon as school let out, like freaking clockwork, and I watched him as I worked in the shop, he is on the tough course again today, which is where he goes most often now. He has really gotten good, and can do some pretty amazing jumps and tricks now. As I watched, though, another boy, a couple years older than Devlin, wiped hard, right in front of Devlin, which, unfortunately for the poor boy, then caused Devlin to wipe even worse. Now I have seen some pretty bad bike accidents, up to and including death. You do what I do for as long as I have, and you accept that doing this means that you are going to witness people die, or die yourself. Fortunately, this is fairly rare, and I did not have to witness Devlin die, that would have been hard, I have lusted after the amazingly hot young man for quite a while now.

I ran for the track as best I can to see if both boys are alright, and am in time to see the first boy get up on shaky legs. He has a bloody nose and upper lip, as well he has a pretty good scrape on his upper cheek, and his arms, where his gear did not cover, are pretty scraped up. I can see that he is crying, they all try not to, but even the men cry when they take a good tumble, and no one teases for that here, because we have all been there.

Devlin, however, was shockingly okay. He is scraped and bruised, but he stood up, shook himself, dusted himself off, and then looked to his bike. That was when I saw him, for the first time ever, cry. I too looked to his bike and saw why.

“You boys okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, little banged up, definitely in pain, but ain”t nothing I can”t handle.” The elder of the two boys said.

“That”s good Brody, shake it off, clean yourself up, and then get back out there and try again. This time, may I suggest that you do that jump without falling, way less painful.”

“No fucking shit.” He grinned to me with blood still pouring out.

“Exactly, go get cleaned up buddy, you know where the first aid supplies are.”

Everyone does, not one single person leaves their first week without bleeding at least once.

“How”re you holding up there Devlin.” I asked softly, laying my hand on his shoulder, which caused him to flinch, as if he expected me to hit him instead.

“I”m fine, but my bike”s destroyed.” He said, still crying. “I don”t know what I”m gonna do, I can”t afford to repair it, and it”s so bad that I”m not sure that I can.”

“It”s not that bad Buddy, here, come to the shop, we”ll get it on the stand and see what we can do.”

“I can”t afford the parts, the back wheel”s totally destroyed, even your cheapest ones are still a hundred bucks, the right crank arm is broken clean in half, that”s another fifty, the front rim is bent, I doubt I can straighten it, so that”s another fifty, and the front fork”s fucked, there”s no straightening that, so there”s another hundred. I barely managed to scrounge the parts to put this bike together in the first place, it”ll take me months to work all this off, and that”s if I can find enough guys to work it off with.”

“Um, guys to work it off with!” I say cautiously. That sounds an awful lot like he sells himself to men.

“Yeah, how else am I gonna earn any money, my mouth and my ass are all I have.”

“Fuck, I think I just came.”

“You”re gay?”

“So fucking gay I can”t even be in the room with a female if I wanna stay hard.”

“Yeah, me too.” He grinned. Outside of when he is riding, this is the closest I have ever seen him to smiling, and he is even talking at somewhat closer to normal tones.

“Your mother abuses you, doesn”t she?”

“Yeah, but I don”t complain, couple of my friends have dads, and they get beat way worse than I do when they fuck up, my mom can”t hit very hard, I take way worse hits on the course. I just try and stay outta her way, I”m just a waste of everything good. Hence the reason I haveta earn my own money, she sure as fuck won”t give it to me.”

“You forged her signature to come here, didn”t you?”

“I refuse to answer that on the grounds that then you”d haveta kick me out, but, I know you know full well nearly half the kids here forged their parents” signatures, a couple of the guys told me that you pretty much look the other way, because you know what some of our parents are like.”

“You”re right, and I really couldn”t care less. Now, may I ask you a couple questions?”

“I guess, I charge twenty five to suck, but fifty if you want me to drink your cum.”

“Buddy, I”d pay you a hundred, but that”s not what I was gonna ask. Let”s get your bike into the shop and we can talk in private.”

“Oh, um, well, I”ve never let an adult fuck me, just a couple older boys, I”m still kinda small, and even they hurt me if I”m not ready.”

“No no, I don”t wanna pay you for sex. Come on.”

“Oh.” He said, and looks crestfallen at that.

I have no idea if it is because he craves it or needs the money. Either way, he looks very much upset. If it were he and I reversed, I would be far more upset at not getting sex, that is for damned sure. And yes, he and I grew up the same, I was not any older than he is when I was blowing any guy who would pay me, and I was only a year older than he is now when I agreed to sell my ass to my first man. Granted, I regretted it, he was a mean bastard, he knew full well I was nowhere near ready, and he just fucked me raw anyway, he loved hearing me cry. With that being said, though, it was worth it, he gave me three hundred for the right to use me as he saw fit.

I had picked up Devlin”s bike and carried the wreckage back to the shop, and as soon as we made it, I led Devlin into my office. I offered him a seat and a bottle of orange juice, both of which he happily accepted.

“So, I told you that I don”t wanna pay for sex, and I don”t. I was once in your shoes, I was the same age as you are now when I was selling my services to any that”d pay, and, much like you, I was too small, so never let men fuck me either. I think that you”re also like me in that you only charge more to drink cum, because you know they”ll happily pay the extra, but you”d so happily drink it for free all day, wouldn”t you.”

“Really, you did, but yeah, I”d so totally drink down gallons of the stuff a day, free of charge, but I need money. If you don”t wanna pay, then what did you wanna ask. No one asks to talk to me in private unless they wanna barter. I won”t do it for free, I won”t let myself be used, I won”t let you fuck me, no matter what you wanna offer, not even a brand new bike. A friend of mine told me that that was his biggest mistake, letting a man fuck him before he was ready.”

“I”d never ask you to offer your services to me free of charge, and while I”m not above bartering, I have zero interest in paying for sex. I am a boylover though, though I am fully gay as well, and I think that you and I are a lot alike, and frankly, I”d much rather a hot young boyfriend like you.”

“Oh, wasn”t expecting that. So, you wanna know if I”ll be your boyfriend?”

“No, that”s not the question that I was wanting to ask. That”s not the sorta thing that you ask someone when you barely know them.”

“Oh.” He said in clear confusion.

“No, I was wanting to know, do you wet the bed every night, or just most nights?”

“How”d you know about that?”

“I know lots. How often do you wet your pants during the day?”

“Couple times a month, sometimes as much as once or twice a week. You saw?”

“Yes. As for how”d I know. Easy. You know how you have such dark circles around your eyes and the bags under your eyes, you don”t get enough sleep. I”m guessing that you either try and stay up as long as possible, so as not to wet the bed, and/or you wake up several times in the night, either because you”re wet, or you set an alarm to trabzon escort try not to wet. It”s no use though is it, no matter how hard you try not to wet, you still do, don”t you?”

“Yeah, every fucking night.”

“Yeah, thought so. I”ve noticed the wet spots on your pants a few times. You play it off as either sweat or getting wet in other ways, but I always knew the real reason. I can also quite often smell it on you. I was the same. Still am, actually. I was almost fifteen, I”d just been kicked out, I was making way more money than my dad, and I refused to give him any, and so, he beat the snot out of me, stole it anyway, and then kicked me out for good measure. Anyway, neither here nor there. I wanted to know why I couldn”t seem to hold my pee, it was getting worse, not better, so I went to the doctor and told him everything, and so, he ran tests, found out that there”s a problem inside my head, can”t remember the exact reason any more, but it really doesn”t matter. I went and lived with my trainer, and with my next winning cheque, I went and bought diapers.

“I think that”s what you need, and likely even want as well. You won”t be the only one that I offer this too, but I always have diapers here for the boys who need them, there”s a few of you now, so, if you”d like, you”re more than welcome to take some and see if you prefer that to getting zero sleep.”


“Yes, and I could prove it to you if you wish, but there”s people in the shop and I don”t have blinds on the window, so I”d really rather not pull down my pants and expose my soggy diaper to everyone. Sure, many already know, but not everyone, and it”s not something that I generally announce to the world.”

“Wow, I know that there”s something wrong in my head too, I went last year and asked about it. I was hoping that there was something I could do so that I could get some fucking sleep. There”s nothing that they can do though, other than brain surgery, and I don”t wanna do that. Yes, I really do want and need diapers, and I”d really appreciate it if you”d give me some as well.”

“I have one request then. I”ll even pay you to get the privilege to do so, if you”d rather, but I”d really like to take you into the house and diaper you up and take lots of pictures of you in just a diaper. If you”d be willing to spend the night, and let me take lotsa pictures of you as you get more and more wet, then I”d pay you quite handsomely. I won”t take any X rated pictures of you, and I”ll never share them with anyone at all, and I”d love to take even more pictures of you getting your super soggy baby bum change.”

“You”re a diaper lover too?” He whispered, and had to reach down and adjust himself.

“You are too?”

“Oh god yeah, I”ve been dreaming of being diapered since I was five, at the oldest. I shouldn”t have been peepee potty trained, at all, I doubt I wanted to give up my baby diapers, and I certainly want them now, even more than I need them. I won”t take money for that, on three conditions, first, you let me see the pictures as well, second, you let me see you in your soggy baby diapers as well, and third, you help me repair my bike. I”ll figure out how to get the money to buy the parts.”

“Deal. As for the parts, we”ll replace them right away, I”ll let you run a tab, but, as for how to get the money, why not work for me. Since Scott left last month, I”ve been having to do all the cleaning around here, and I simply don”t have time to do all that, as well as maintain the tracks as well as they should be, and work on the bikes I”m fixing.” I said, because I do charge others to fix their bikes as well.

“You mean it, I could work here?” He asks excitedly.

“Sure. Technically speaking you”re still too young to work here, but, if your useless mother were to sign a document stating that you”re allowed to work here, and that I won”t interfere with your school work and all that bullshit, then I”d love to have you work with me.”

“Where”s the paper, if you turn your back, my mom”ll magically appear and sign the paper for you.” He grinned brightly.

“I can print it out for you right now.” I said, and then very quickly and excitedly printed off the form.

It is shocking how often I have had to use this form as well, so many young boys want to come and work for me. As soon as I handed it over, Devlin took a pen and signed his moms name and handed it back to me.

“Good enough for me. Of course, I never saw that.” I grinned.

“Of course not, I took it home and had my mom sign it for me, didn”t you see me leave and come back.”

“Oh yes, of course, silly me.”

“This is gonna be so amazing. Can you take me up and diaper me up right now?”

“Do you needta call your mom and tell her you”re staying the night somewhere?”

“It”d probably be the polite thing to do, except she”ll just yell at me for interrupting her, and tell me that she doesn”t give a fuck where I”m at, as long as I”m not in her hair.”

“Yeah, that”s what I thought you”d say, it was the same for me. Would you let me diaper you up, or would you rather diaper yourself?”

“I”d really rather you diapered me, it”s what I”ve dreamed of for so long. Just don”t laugh, okay, I”m still kinda little down there.”

“I”ll never laugh, and I”m sure you”re right where you”re supposed to be for nine years old.”

“No, not really, I”m still a bit smaller than a couple of my friends, but then, they”re also way bigger “an I am too. I let them fuck me, and I fuck them, and they say I still know how to fuck real well, but, I”m still the smallest.”

“That”s hot.”

“Yeah, we started about a year ago now, the three of us admitted that we”re pretty sure we”re gay, and then that very night, we all lost our virginity.”

“Do your friends wet the bed too, or just not mind that you do?”

“No, at least not all the time, even they have a couple accidents a year still, just not very many. I always sleep on a garbage bag anyway, just to contain the mess, even at home, but it”s not very comfortable. I don”t even wear anything to bed, and I sleep right on the bag, because if I wet the bed, my mom gets super pissed off at me. Mattresses are expensive as fuck don”t you know. And no, I”ve never told her that she should just let me wear diapers, with how she is to me, I know how well that”d go over.”

“Yeah, once more, know how you feel.”

“Yeah, well, in just a few minutes, as you”re diapering me, you”re gonna know exactly how I feel.” He grinned cheekily.

“Good. You want me to lotion and cream you up real well too, don”t you?”

“Oh fuck yeah.” He sighed especially deep.

“And how well do you want me to lotion and cream you?”

“Depends, how well do you wanna lotion and cream me?”

“If you asked me to make you cum and slip a finger or two inside you, I would, I”ll happily make it the very best baby bum change you”ll ever experience.”

“You have any idea how long I”ve dreamed of that?”

“I have a pretty good idea, because I dreamed the same thing.”

“Then please make it the absolute best baby bum change I can stand.”

“How many fingers?”

“Keep going “til I can”t take any more, but I”ll tell you when it”s enough.”

“Okay Baby, let”s go.”

I lead Devlin upstairs, kicking off our shoes as we enter, since that is my house, the entire lower level is my shop, and then lead him right to my bedroom. I gather up everything that we are about to need, and then set it all on the bed. I ask Devlin if I can undress him like a baby as well, and he just nods happily.

I stepped forth and removed his shirt first, exposing his very slim stomach and chest. He is well bruised, some, I am sure, from accidents on his bike, but at least three hand prints are clearly seen, one of them is at least five different colours. He has amazing looking little nipples, and I bet when I flick them with my tongue, for I know that soon I will, that it will drive him absolutely nuts in pleasure. He has a cute little outtie belly button, and as I brush my fingers past it, it causes him to give a sharp intake of breath and giggle slightly. I can clearly see every one of his ribs, and I have the most insane desire to run my hands up and down them, but, once more, that will come soon. We both know what we want and need, and where this is going to lead. We both know full well that I will be his very first adult, and while he thinks it will be to fuck him, no, I am thinking that I would very much rather make sweet passionate love to him instead.

Neither of us has ever made love nor been made love to, I know that from the way Devlin talks. Sure, he is only nine, but trust me, given what he has done already, he is not naive. I have not had sex in months, finding anyone who would wear diapers is already hard enough, but occasionally I do find them, and we have amazing sex, we fuck long and hard and as kinky as we can, but I have never truly met another diaper lover that I thought I could fall in love with. I am falling head over heels in love with Devlin, and I think he is falling in love with me too.

Devlin is still wearing his riding pants, so I undo them and pull them down, exposing the fact that he is not wearing any underwear underneath. That is hot, the only thing that I would find hotter would be to undo his pants and find a soggy diaper underneath, and I know from now on that I will.

I am also exposing the fact that Devlin is incredibly hard. If I had to guess, I would say that he is right around the seven and a half to eight centimeter long range, and probably only a few around. I would say that he is right around the same size as my middle finger in fact. I cannot remember how big or small I was at his age, but I do not believe that he is really any smaller than most nine year olds are.

“Either you lied to me, and you”re bigger than your friends, or they”re just abnormally large, because I think you have a great little dick.” I said to Devlin.

“You think so, I didn”t lie, I promise. They”re a bit older than me too, but they”re bigger around, and a couple millimeters longer too.”

“I”m guessing a year or two.”

“Almost a year.”

“That”s a lot of growing time at your age. No, I think you”re perfect, my god, you have an amazing dick.”

“Thanks.” He said happily.

No, I am not just saying that to make him feel better either, he really does have an amazing dick. His foreskin is long and puckered tightly at his tip, he is mostly pointing straight out, but does have a slight upward and left curve to it. He has cute little balls tucked up tight to his body, and I cannot wait until I get to suck his entire amazing little package in and make him squeal in delight.

I pick Devlin up and lay him on the bed in baby diaper change position, and then take care of his final article of clothing, his socks. They used to be white, but they are now old, dirty, and stained. As I remove them, I bring them to my nose and smell them, and they smell really good to me. Just like a cute boys smelly feet should smell. Not overly strong, just lots of good sweat buildup from a boy who likes to work hard.

As soon as I had laid Devlin down, he grabbed the diaper that I had placed there for him, opened it up, and felt it. This diaper will actually be a little big on Devlin, since the boys that these had been bought for are a little older and a fair bit bigger than Devlin is, but, that is perfectly okay too. I took the diaper from Devlin, and slipped it under his bum, and then pulled it up to make sure it was positioned correctly, and realized that it is going to be much too big. I will have to go buy him proper sized diapers, but that will be tomorrow now, these will do just fine, but, on that thought, I decided to grab a couple extra things, and went to my closet to grab them. I grabbed one of my diaper doublers, as well as one more of the same diaper that Devlin is currently laying on, and then headed back to the bed.

Now, if Devlin is as much like me as I think he is, and I do not believe that I am wrong here, I am certain that he will probably enjoy being triple diapered every bit as much as I do. Devlin eyed the extra supplies that I had grabbed, then figured it out, and from the smile that I see appear, I think that I am right.

“There”s no way that that diaper will stay on you with as big as it is, so, why not fill it out even more, right, and make your first baby diapering memorable.”

“Wow, okay, this is gonna be so amazing.” Devlin sighed deeply.

I set down the extra supplies, open up the diaper, grab a good sharp screw from my end table, and yes, it is there for this one reason, and then proceed to poke lots of holes in the diaper. I then slip that underneath Devlin”s upraised and very cute little bum, and then slip in the doubler as well. I then grab the lotion, squirt far more than I need into my hands, and then rub them to warm it up.

“Are you certain Devlin, I only go as far and as fast as you want and are ready for?” I asked softly to ensure.

“Oh yes, please, I know I can take two of your fingers easily, but I”m thinking I want three, if I can take em, and I needta cum so fucking bad right now it”s not even funny. Right from the moment you offered me diapers, I”ve been so fucking hard, and I”m way harder and hornier than I”ve ever been before.”

“Good, that bodes well for us then, because I think you”re every bit as much a diaper lover as me. We both know where this will lead.” I said as I started lotioning Devlin up. “And I know we both want and need it.” I said as he moaned deeply. “But, you”re still so young and small, I don”t wanna hurt you, you”re the very first person that I”ve ever felt a true connection to, the first person I thought I could love. I hope you feel the same way too.”

“Oh, god yeah, that feels so fucking nice, and yeah, we both know where we want and need for this to lead, and I think I feel the same way too. I”ve never felt for anyone what I feel for you already.” He moaned and sighed the entire time.

“As scared as you are of it, you want for me to be your first man, too, don”t you?”

“Yeah, but for some reason I”m not scared. I know it”s gonna hurt, but I”m not afraid with you.”

“Good, I”m glad, because I won”t hurt you. I”ve fucked several young boys before, though you will be the youngest and smallest, many of them I was their first as well, and I never hurt one of them. Granted, we took tunalı escort a long time to get them ready, sometimes weeks, and though I know how much you want and need it, I too will take all the time necessary to ensure that I don”t hurt you. I”m not in it to hurt anyone, I could never do that, but most especially not to you. I”ve never loved another like I”m falling in love with you. I doubt it”ll take you weeks, but I”ll still take as long as I need to ensure that when the time comes, all you feel is bliss, zero pain.”

“Yeah, I really do want and need it, and I think I”d really like you getting me ready, especially like this, my god, that feels so fucking good.”

And just as he is about to finish speaking, I slip my entire middle finger as deep inside him as I can, in one long slow push. I had been stroking him, loosening him, and then, once I know he is ready for it, I slip in. It actually shocks me just how easily I am able to slip my finger inside Devlin, but it does so without even the tiniest hint of discomfort from Devlin. I am watching his face to ensure that I do not go too far with him, because I know that like me, Devlin will not likely be able to say stop when he has had too much, his horniness will allow him to take the pain. I am old enough to not allow that horniness to cloud my better judgment, not to mention, the amount I learned when I was Devlin”s age to not allow that to happen, and I do not want that for him.

For not even five minutes, I continue lotioning Devlin up as nice and slow as I can, he is moaning and sighing deeply, mumbling things, and it sounds beyond hot. Just as I feel Devlin slipping into his first orgasm, I slip a second finger inside him. Doing so, though, causes Devlin to have an incredibly mind bending orgasm. He squeals out his delight, and he pulses so much, that had he actually sprayed, I am certain he would have hit my extra high ceiling, and I will not be shocked if my fingers are permanently disfigured from the pressure he applied to them.

All through his incredible orgasm, I continued to very slowly stroke Devlin both inside and out, and it took damn near three minutes for him to come down from his first, but then I probably have him close to half way to his second orgasm now.

“Fuck me, that was amazing, that was by far the best cum I”ve ever had before.”

“Good, I”m glad. How many times can you normally cum before you”re done?”

“Five, sometimes six times. The most I ever managed was seven, but I passed out only minutes after that.”

“Same, though I was much younger than I am now the last time I managed to cum seven times.”

This time Devlin took about seven or so minutes to cum, and when he did, I did not add another finger. I am not entirely convinced that he is ready for it yet, though he is very close. This orgasm also took a good few minutes to let him go, and when it did, he sighed even deeper still.

“Did you add another finger, because if you did, it doesn”t even feel like it, I just feel so fucking good.”

“No Baby, you”re not quite ready for it yet.”

“Will you after my next cum please?”

“Maybe, but probably not, you”re not quite ready for it yet.”

“But I want it.”

“I know. But, like I said before, I won”t hurt you, and that still will. You”re letting sex cloud your mind. If you were thinking straighter, you”d realize that you”re already super tight around my fingers, even though I”m able to go as far inside you with them as I can, it”s still good and tight, and if I add another, then it”s gonna really hurt. The problem though, your body won”t tell you that it”s too much, you”re feeling too good for that still. Now, don”t worry, I”ll happily make this amazing for you.”

“Mmmm, okay.”

“By the way, how would Baby feel about me slipping a nice little butt plug inside you before I diaper you up good and thick?”

“Mmmm, Baby could easily be talked into that.”

“Would you…”

“Yes.” He grins and giggles.

“That”s what I thought. I love my toys so much. There”s rarely a day goes by when I don”t have a toy lodged firmly inside my gay baby bum hole, vibrating nicely.”

“I think I”d really like that, even though I”ve never tried it before.”

“I bet you”ll love it as much as I do. It”ll be nice and small and comfortable, but will feel amazing. I don”t usually wear a big one, though some days I like to, most of the time they”re pretty small, so that it just feels nice.”

“Mmmm, sounds nice.”

This time Devlin lasted damn near ten minutes, then took almost four to come down, and then his next, and last orgasm came almost fifteen minutes after his last, and then he started going soft. I now have him very well relaxed.

“Wow, that was definitely the very best ever. Thanks so much.”

“You”re very welcome Baby, now, let”s get you all plugged and padded like you want, need, and deserve.”


I grab my smallest butt plug from the end table, add a condom to it, I tie the end so that it stays far cleaner, then I lube it up, and slip it inside Devlin. Then I turn on the vibrator, and Devlin squeals in delight again, and I am pretty sure he had an anal orgasm without his dick even getting the least bit hard.

“Holy fucking shit, that was fucking fantastic.” Devlin gasps and pants, still coming down.

“Looked like it Baby, glad you enjoyed.” I chuckle as I am pulling up his outer diaper, because I had already gotten his inner diaper and doubler taped up.

As soon as I have Devlin all diapered up, I pull him up and tell him to kneel on the bed, and as soon as he is, I grab the packing tape and ensure that his super thick baby diaper will not soon, nor easily come off of him.

“There you go Baby, now you”re properly diapered.”

“Thanks, this is almost as amazing as feeling you finger fucking my gay baby bum hole good and proper.”

“Know how you feel. Just wait “til the first time you take a big cock straight through your super soggy baby diaper, and you get truly diaper fucked and filled. Now, that there is heaven to me.”

“Sounds like it to me too, and I can”t wait, and hopefully I won”t haveta wait long either.”

“I doubt it”ll take you much more than a week to be ready. You”ve already got an amazing little bum, you took two fingers fairly quick and easy, and once I can slip three fingers all in you, and make you cum like that, then I think you”ll be ready for my dick.”

“Mmmm, good.”

“Now, would Baby like to change my super soggy baby bum, I don”t think you should be the only one who gets to be triple diapered?”

“You mean it?”

“Of course.”

“Fuck yes.”

“Thought you”d like that. You”re also welcome to slip as much inside my gay baby bum as you”re capable of giving me.”

“You mean you want me to fist fuck you, don”t you?”

“Oh hell yeah, if you wanna of course.”

“Oh hell yeah, and I can”t wait “til the first time I can take a fist as well.”

“That”s likely gonna take lotsa time, but don”t worry.”

I then stood still for Devlin as he took care of stripping me down until I am standing in front of him in nothing but a super soggy baby diaper. He licks his lips, and has to try and readjust himself through his super thick diaper.

I lay down on the bed when told to do so, Devlin comes in with shaking hands, releases the tapes from my diaper, and pulls it down in the front to expose my hairless piece of gay baby meat. I am sixteen and a bit centimeters long, twelve or so around, and I curve up and to the right. I had went and gotten laser hair removal done several years ago now, same time as I had my face done, I thought it was great, but the female who did it was super embarrassed the whole time. I tried to find a guy who could do it, but there were none. It really did not bother me any at all though, and at least I did not get hard even so much as once.

“Wow, you”re fucking huge, lots bigger than most of the guys I”ve sucked, and you”re hairless too, that”s hot, it makes you look even bigger.”

“Thanks. Just a bit better than average I suppose you could say. Now, I”m good for three gay baby boygasms, at most, but try and make them last, don”t go too fast. I”m sure most guys needed to try and make a hasty exit, but we don”t, so, take your time, enjoy.”

“Oh, I plan to.” He grins brightly.

Devlin pours lots more lotion into his hand than is strictly needed as well, which I for one am all for, and then he dives in with such soft hands and starts lotioning me up real good. He slips two fingers inside me almost as soon as he has me moist enough to do so, but inside of a minute, he is already adding his third, and I am feeling amazing.

It takes me damn near ten minutes to cum, and just as I do so, Devlin adds a fourth finger inside me, and is now going all out. He seems to have had plenty of practice with this though, because he is good, phenomenal even. His hand also wrapped around my dick is amazing, his hand is so soft, and he strokes so perfectly, just the right amount of pressure, he grips and releases wonderfully, and even thumbs my bared head sensuously every so often.

I had sprayed a pretty good sized load up a good portion of my front side, and as soon as Devlin is able to do so, he leans down and licks up my entire mess, and shudders and sighs.

“Mmmm, you have the best tasting cum I”ve ever had.”

“Glad you like Baby.”

Once I knew that I was ready for it, I gave Devlin a nod, and clearly he understands what it is for, because he slips in his entire hand, and damn near half his arm all the way inside me. Devlin”s hand is still small enough to be shockingly comfortable, and feels utterly amazing inside me. He seems to know exactly what to do to make it feel better than I have ever felt before, and that is saying a lot. Even though my first time being fisted had not been pleasant, I was too young and too small, and he was too big, I had craved being filled as full as a fist could fill me for years. I so rarely let men fist me, but certainly on occasion I enjoy it, but I love for boys to do this to me.

With Devlin working me in such an amazing manner, it is no surprise that when I cum again, damn near fifteen minutes after my last one, that it too is huge. That, sadly, is all I can take, though, and I start going soft. Just as I am coming down, I find Devlin once more licking off all the cum he can get to.

“Wow, you”re amazing. No one”s ever made me cum so hard and so much, and in only two baby boygasms I”m fully satisfied. Thanks.”

“Wow, that was super fucking hot.”

“And then some Baby. Now, plug me up and diaper me up good and proper like I deserve.”

“Okay.” He says happily, and while I do have to talk him through it, Devlin does an amazing job at diapering me up every bit as thickly as he is.

“Mmmm, very nice, thanks Baby. Now, I want some pictures. You need to get lots to drink, so that you can peepee your thick thirsty tape on baby diaper lots and lots, and if you”d like, I have baby bottles that you”d be welcome to try.”

“Really, why?”

“Because, not only do I like them from time to time myself, call it the baby in me, but I love to see hot gay baby boys like you drinking from them as well.”

“Okay, cool, I”ll definitely try it.” He grins brightly.

We head to the kitchen, and as we do, I grab my camera and proceed to take plenty of pictures of Devlin in just his triple thick baby diaper. I have to admit, it is pretty hot taking pictures of him grabbing a baby bottle, then going to the fridge and grabbing the apple juice, pouring himself a bottle full, and then sucking it dry in just a few seconds. He does this a total of three times before he has had enough.

“God, you”re beyond sexy in that super thick baby diaper.” I say once he is done.

“Thanks. So are you. Is that all the pictures you”re gonna take though?”

“For now. I”m gonna keep the camera with me though, and every so often I”ll take more pictures of you for sure. It”s gonna be dinner time soon, what would you like?”

“Not sure, never been asked what I wanted to eat before. I was always lucky if I got anything at all, and you”d better fucking eat every fucking crumb, that shit”s expensive, and you”re not to waste it, don”t you know.”

“I know, hence the reason I asked you. I was raised the same way, but, from here on out, I want you to have a say in things as well.”


“So that you grow up being able to think for yourself. You should never just do absolutely everything that everyone else tells you to do, you needta decide things on your own as well.”

“Yeah, I suppose, but I already do, lots. I have a useless bitch for a mother, so I”ve kinda always hadta fend for myself. I”m never allowed to touch the food though, punishment for thinking that I deserve to be fed more or better than what I get is swift and harsh.”

“Fair enough, and I too was treated the same. What”s your favorite food though?”

“Absolutely nothing my mother makes, that”s for fucking sure. Sometimes when I”m at my friends places, we get decent enough food, even though they”re every bit as poor as me, but at least they don”t have parents that absolutely hate them. Sometimes, if we”re lucky, we”ll get burgers and fries, and that”s always great.”

“Then burgers and fries it is, but, I bet mine will be a hundred times better. Come on, you get to help.”

“Why so early though, dinner time isn”t for at least another hour or two?”

“Because it”s better if we get it prepared and allow it to rest, and the potatoes are best if we pre cook them a bit first.”

“Okay, but I”ve never done anything in a kitchen other than get my own drinks before.”

“Then today”s a good day to learn.”

Devlin just shrugs, but I lead him to the kitchen and teach him what to do, and he does it happily and easily. I take several more pictures of him as he prepares dinner. Though I did help, I mostly taught Devlin what to do. He is enjoying himself though, and I am getting lots and lots of really great pictures.

Once everything is as prepared as it can be for the time being, Devlin and I go and sit down in the living room and just talk. We get to know each other even better, telling each other lots and lots that most people never get to hear about us. tunceli escort Eventually I steered us to bike riding.

“So, when”d you start riding, and how”d you learn?” I asked.

“I think I was five, and one of the boys who lived near me, I think he was eight or nine, gave me his old bike and taught me how to ride it. He”d gotten a new bike, and he knew I needed one, so he gave it to me. He taught me how to ride, then how to jump, and then how to do some simple tricks. I hadta learn how to fix bikes, because it wasn”t a really good one, and so I was constantly having to fix it. I”d go to the library and use their computers there to learn how to fix bikes, I read books and watched videos on the computers, and learned everything I needed to know. Of course it got easier once I knew how to read properly, but I could sorta get through some things by the time I was six. And yes, I know I”m nine, but I”m kinda actually in grade seven already. They think I”m super smart or something.

“Lotsa times when I went to the library, I”d watch bike videos as well, and I wanted to learn how to do all those wicked tricks and flips that they do. My friends all think I”m nuts, they say what I do is scary beyond belief, but I don”t think so, I think it”s fucking fun. Then I found your park here, and I knew I hadta find a way to come here. When I first came and found out how much it cost, I was so sad, I was certain I”d never get the money, but I met a guy who wanted to fuck my mouth and fill my face full of cum. He”s actually kinda a regular now, he seems to think I”m a really good cock sucker. Over the next few days, I sucked him a couple more times, and was able to afford to get my membership here. He”s been the one to mostly pay for my being here actually.

“So, yeah, once I started coming here, I watched all the others, learned all that I could from them, and I”ve loved it since. I just love doing all the tricks, and I love racing, it feels so amazing. As you well know, I”m here pretty near every day, for as long as I can, since what else is there to do right. Go home and be loathed, yeah, right.” Devlin says.

“It”s funny, in a lot of ways, we started out the same. I couldn”t use the internet, it was around when I was your age, but it was inaccessible for the most part unless you had money, which I most certainly did not. I watched whatever movies I could, and I read lots of books, learned everything I could, and pretty much learned it all on my own. My first bike was a cheap hand me down as well, and I too hadta constantly repair it, but it was my most prized possession. Like you, I hadta sell myself in order to pay for my hobby, and though I too would”ve happily done it for free, I desperately needed the money.”

“Wow. So, when was your first time with a man then?”

“Well, first time I sucked a man, I was almost nine. I”d already started fooling around with a couple other boys by then, and it was whispered that if you went to certain places, that men would pay young boys to have sex, so, the very next day after learning that, I went. I refused to let anyone fuck me, because, like you, I was simply too small, and I hadn”t even let my friends fuck me yet. I was fifteen for a suck, and an extra five to swallow, and I made more than hundred bucks my first night. After my first mouth full of cum, I was hooked, and they paid quite handsomely. Like you, I was a tiny little pretty boy, and the men just loved me.

“After that, I started going a time or two a week, and almost every night I went, I”d make a hundred bucks or more. I was also starting to have more and more fun with friends, and shortly after that, I gave my ass to my best friend, and I fucked him that night too for his first time. My first time getting fucked by a man though, now that was a mistake. He”d already fed me so many loads of cum, he was almost always there, and he said I had a superb cock sucking mouth. I still refused to allow anyone to fuck me, but I was in desperate need of money. I was getting heavy into riding, and the equipment was getting really expensive. When he offered me three hundred to fuck me, I caved. That was more money than I ever thought I”d get.

“Well, I went with him to his house, he stripped me bare, bent me over the bed, barely lubed me up, and then he fucked me hard and long. I cried, I begged him to pull out, or to at least slow down, let me get used to it, but he told me that he”d paid three hundred to fuck me the way I deserved, and he was gonna get his money”s worth, even if it killed me. Needless to say, after that night, I refused to even suck him ever again. I told him I hated him, after he gave me my money of course, and that I never wanted to see him again. Oh, he tried to entice me, time and time again, but this little gay baby boy slut always remembers.

“Then, when I was thirteen, another man paid me two hundred and fifty to fuck me all night long, by then I was already well and truly accustomed to it, so this was nothing, and it was good money. After fucking me for a good couple hours, he was drained, but he still wanted more action, and so, he started fingering me. I was used to four fingers by then, and when he got up to that many, I told him that was enough, but apparently it wasn”t. He slipped his entire hand inside me and fist fucked me, he was sitting on my back, holding me down, I couldn”t escape, and he fisted me “til not only was I loose, but I”d cum so many times I was nearly passing out. Then, to add insult to injury, by then he was ready to go again, so he fucked me once more, but also slipped a rather large dildo into me. By then I was too tired and worn to even fight him off, and just let it happen.

“The next morning, because I passed out of course, I of course wet his bed, a lot, and so, he punished me by fucking me awake with his dick and an even bigger dildo, “til he couldn”t fuck me any more, then fisted me again “til I couldn”t cum any more. He gave me my money, and he too was added to my blacklist book, and he too I never talked to again, though he offered plenty. I did let my friends fist fuck me after that though, and I even let a few men once I was ready, and that was always a lucrative night.

“Then, like I said before, my dad finally realized everything, that not only was a I making a fortune from winning races and trick events, but I was also making a small fortune selling my ass. He wanted in on the action, wanted to be my pimp essentially, and I said no. I was still pretty small then, and so, he beat the fuck outta me. I damn near didn”t survive. He stole my couple thousand dollars and kicked me out with nothing more than the clothes on my back. Joke was on him though, about six months later, I went back to the old homestead while he was at work, he hadn”t moved the hidden key, nor had he changed the locks, and so, I stole everything he had of any value, including probably half the cash he stole from me.

“He came to where I was living that night and accused me of doing so, and I said, so fucking what if I did, you stole it from me, I just stole it back, fair and square. That was when he tried to hit me again, but, instead, I kicked him as hard as I could, hard enough that I”m certain I removed him from the gene pool. I spat on him and told him I never wanted to see his ugly fucking face ever again, and that if he ever comes around again, that the coroner would be his next visitor. I meant it too.

“That was the last time I ever saw him. After getting kicked out, though, I stopped selling my services. Not only was I making lots of money from riding, but my trainer became my boyfriend. Even still, he never allowed me to fuck him, and he rarely sucked me, it was always me doing all the work. Essentially he just had a free live in whore. I left him when I was seventeen, went out on my own, got a really good sponsorship deal, and then the rest you probably already know.”

“Wow. That”s exactly the sorta thing I was afraid would happen to me, and then here I go, almost begging you to do essentially that to me as soon as you had me horny enough.”

“Yeah, hence the reason I want for you to learn how to control yourself when all your dick and ass want are to fuck and be fucked, hard.”

“Thanks. Will you let me fuck you, and will you suck me too though?”

“Yes and no. From the way I”m feeling about you, I think that instead of fucking, we”re gonna make love. I just hope I”ll know how, I”ve never felt this way about anyone else. And I absolutely want you to make love to me, and I so desperately wanna suck you as well.”

“Mmmm, that does sound nice. Tell me, have you ever dreamed of being filled full of piss?”

“Oh fuck, all the fucking time. I”ve had a few in the past who obliged and filled me full and piss fucked me long and hard, and that was always lotsa fun. No one”s ever let me do so to them though. I”ve also drank a few boys” pee, and only one boy let me fill his mouth full, but he spit it out.”

“Mmmm, that sounds so fucking hot. I”ve dreamed of that so much it”s nearly sick. Could you fill me full of piss though, can you even hold it at all anore?”

“Yes, as long as I”m kept hard, I don”t pee, though I do if I get too full, but it always really fucking hurts too. I”d happily hold it for you though.”

“Mmmm, and I”d happily hold mine for you too.”

By now it is time to actually go and cook dinner, and once more, I take more pictures as I tell Devlin what to do and when. He is loving this. He certainly seems the type of boy who just loves learning new things. Once dinner is ready, we sit down and gorge ourselves silly on our feast, and Devlin loves every sinful bite of it, I can tell from the look on his face.

“Wow, that was, by far, the most amazing meal I”ve ever eaten in my life.”

“Glad you enjoyed. You did a great job.”

“Thanks, you”re a great teacher.” He beams brightly.

“Thanks. So, wanna lose several games on the games system now?”

“Sure, because you probably will beat me. I”ve hardly played, but I do enjoy it.”

“Good. Come on then.”

And so, in our super thick and thirsty baby diapers, we go and play on the games system for a couple hours. A couple times I got up and took more pictures of Devlin playing in just his ever wetter baby diaper, and he is getting even more and more hot as he gets more and more wet. At one time, I even went and filled up another bottle of apple juice for him, and as he was playing, he had the bottle in his mouth, sucking the juice from it, up on his knees on the couch, thus giving me some amazing pictures. I even laid down on the floor, almost directly underneath him, and snapped several pictures of him in this position, I think that they are going to turn out amazing.

After gaming ourselves out, I look outside and see that it is getting dark, which means I have to go shut everything down for the night. I get dressed first, and then encourage Devlin to do so as well, and take several good pictures of him doing so. There is no one around now, so we are fairly safe, even though Devlin”s biking pants barely conceal his super thick diaper, and my pants are hardly any better, but neither of us care all that much anyway.

We go out and close the gate, shut off all the lights, and then head into the garage to clean it up. Of course we closed the door before we did so, and as soon as I realized something, I head back up and grab the camera and have Devlin strip, though I did so as well as soon as he was done stripping and I have dozens of pictures of him doing so. Then I take even more pictures of him as we clean up the shop, get everything put away, and then, because we do have some time to kill before bed, Devlin wants to start stripping his bike so that he can figure out what all needs to be replaced.

He strips it almost completely, and finds that even the chain has a kink in it and has to be replaced as well. He just laughed and asked what the hell could cause that. Not a clue, but have managed to do so on at least two pedal bikes and three motor bikes myself as well. His front rim, as it turns out, is salvageable, only four of the wire spokes need to be replaced and then the entire wheel has to be re balanced, which Devlin knows well how to do, most people here learn that pretty fast, we warp a lot of rims around here.

He was right though, the rear rim is garbage, but at least he is able to save the rubber and the tube, as well his gear and bearing set, so that saves a few bucks, and we keep all the good wire spokes to be reused elsewhere. I always keep all good usable parts for just such an emergency. I have a used crank that will fit his bike, and so, Devlin repacks the bearings for that and replaces it as well.

The front fork that Devlin had thought was fucked, I was able to fix. I have become pretty handy at cutting and welding bike parts, and so I taught Devlin how to do so, but I did all the cutting and welding work this time. I did have him do the grinding, and then he primed and painted it when it was ready, because this was amongst the first things we tackled as soon as he had it stripped, so that he would have the time needed to prime and paint it. All told, we put only a little better than a hundred dollars in parts back into it, and only because I told Devlin that because he is an employee now, he pays cost. Of course this led to how much he is being paid, so we went over all that as well, and he is beyond happy, fifteen an hour, two to three hours per day, five days a week.

Once Devlin is finished his bike, or at least as much as he can do tonight anyway, because it still needs to be put back together, we realize that we are getting very tired.

“Well Baby Boy, let”s clean up and head up to bed. How”s your baby diaper holding up?”

“With as much tape as is on it, shockingly well.” He grins cheekily.

“No shit.” I said, and then gave him the squeeze test.

“Mmmm, that feels nice.” He said, and then did the same to me.

“Yeah, it does, but it feels like you”ll likely last “til morning, and if you don”t, oh well. All beds in my house come equipped with waterproof mattress protectors anyway.”

“Will I be allowed to sleep with you?” He whispered.

“I”d really like that, but only if it”s what you really want.”

“Yes please.”


I take a few more pictures as Devlin cleans himself up, and then as he climbs the stairs heading to my house, though I already suspect it is now Devlin”s as well. I take even more as Devlin climbs into bed, and then more as he poses in a few ways for me. Finally I shut off the light and crawl into bed myself, and as soon as I am laying down, Devlin is there, cuddling right up to me, holding me tightly. I whisper to him that I love him, and he whispers it back to me as well. We both fall asleep pretty quickly, and then I have possibly the very best sleep that I have ever had before.

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