
Don’t Summon Me Pt. 05



The gentle hum of the engine lulled me into a relaxed haze. The open book before me began to blur as the letters moved about like they had a mind of their own. I had to squeeze my eyes shut and rub them with my fingers. Trying to refocus, I opened my eyes and looked at the cabin around me.

Darkness filled the windows of the private jet. The faint sound of the wind outside blended with the hum of the engine. My gaze shifted to the chairs around me, filled with my family and my coven.

Mother sat across from me, about ten feet away. Her eyes were closed and a small ruby red smile glowed against her pale skin. She was wearing her silky white dress, but no hat. Her hair lay in long waves with each end turning into a slight curl. She appeared in deep meditation and had been like that most of the trip since we left the family’s private airport.

Aunt Lily, Dana and Beth sat in a small cluster of chairs to my right. The three of them were talking and reminiscing about their life together before Aunt Lily passed. Bringing her back returned a light to my cousin’s eyes. They were so happy to have their mother back, it was like life was worth living again.

My gaze fell to the open book on my lap. The words had returned to their original positions, arcane rites, histories and spells plain as day. I had spent most of the flight re-reading the ancient rites to blood covens and the information filled my mind like an overflowing bowl of soup. I had memorized the many spells and rites from our family’s collection.

I glanced over to a small stand by my chair. It was bolted to the floor so it wouldn’t move. On it, a glass of whiskey stood and a stack of arcane books I had taken with us once we left the estate. My gaze fell on a black book among the stack, the Libro De Nocte joining us on our journey.

My mind wondered for a moment, knowing that at any time, the famed Book of Night would leave our possession to appear elsewhere. I was surprised the book had been with us for so long. When the time comes for the book to depart my possession, I looked forward to trying to find it again.

I returned to the book on my lap. Thoughts lingered on the rites needed to grow our coven’s power. It wasn’t enough to simply tether our souls to each other. We had to grow our strength so we could stand a chance with the challenges to come. The hunters that invaded our home were not the first and they certainly won’t be the last. I couldn’t leave things to chance any more. My family had lived in secret, bringing dark knowledge to the world. The safety of the mansion was compromised and we couldn’t risk having any new hunters showing up to stop us.

The dark rift glowed in my thoughts. We had achieved something that had not been accomplished on the Earth Realm before. We created the first of sixteen conduits to spread the influence of the dark gods to our world. There had been plenty of stories of others performing such rites, but in my research, I couldn’t find a single instance that they succeeded. Part of me wondered if it was out of fear to achieve such a thing. It wouldn’t be the first-time people boasted about great deeds and never performed them. We actually did it and now, we were on a jet to another country to grow our power and create a second rift.

I happened to glance up to my mother again as she slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze was warm and inviting. Heat crawled up my neck as I stared at her. The unholy thoughts and feelings overrode any sense of logic. What we were, was not depraved. It was natural for us. Those parts that wanted to pull me away, saying what we were doing was wrong, had drifted away. They hadn’t returned and I didn’t expect them to. We were family and our bond would only grow.

“Gerald, how are you? You look tired,” Rose said warmly.

Aunt Lily, Dana and Beth stopped talking to each other and looked over with attentive eyes.

I smiled. “I’m a little tired, but we have a lot to talk about before we touchdown.”

Rose’s smile grew wider. “We are here for our High Priest.”

I relaxed in my chair as I looked to the four beautiful women before me. “Building a blood coven is more than just binding our loyalties together. We have to be an able and functioning group. We must tap into the many aspects of mystical energies to make us stronger and skilled for the coming trials before us.”

Dana nodded. “I remember reading about gaining aspects. We have to discover and align with energies. Each aspect grants something that can be used to further a coven’s goals.”

Aunt Lily nodded. “It means bridging souls between worlds and elements.”

I looked over to my mother, “I know you and Aunt Lily were part of the dream lands, but I think you both can still gain new aspects or enhance your already existing aspects.”

Rose nodded. “Tapping into an aspect will also allow everyone in the coven to share pieces of those aspects. At this moment, sister Lily and I have access to some of the darker aspects of Draygon and the other tempobet yeni giriş dark gods, but it is limited and very draining.”

Lily nodded with understanding eyes. “When the hunters attacked, binding their minds drained me terribly. But if we complete the rites, I would not be so dependent on feeding from our dear Gerald as frequently.”

I looked over and grinned. “Aunt Lily, I have no issue with you feeding as much as you want.”

Lily smiled, but looked to the side. “I still feel terrible about before. I was so hungry and I…” she trailed off.

My mother kept her warm smile. “Even we can have our weak moments. With the chance of hunters finding and trying to stop us, we must be prepared for the worst.”

I watched as my mother stood. Her seven-foot height nearly touched the ceiling of the private jet.

Rose looked around to everyone gathered with a silent, commanding strength. It was hidden behind her beauty, but it was felt by everyone present.

“We will arrive in Dublin in a few hours. A limo will be waiting for us to drive all of us to Castle Umbra, our ancestorial home. Once we are settled in, we can plan and plot the aspect rites and take steps to create a second rift.”

I gave a small nod. “I must ensure I’ve learned the proper rites. It will mean we will have to stay at Castle Umbra for some time. When we have all completed the rites and grown our coven’s power, we can acquire a sufficient enough sacrifice for the next rift. After that, we will leave Castle Umbra and to our next location for the third rift.”

Rose bowed her head to me. “Our High Priest will be instrumental to the rituals and we must be prepared for what he will need from all of us.”

Heads nodded in agreement.

Beth looked over to me with a concern etched into her gaze. “What about Aunt Violet?”

Myself and everyone looked at Beth.

Beth looked down and continued, “I assume that is why we are going to Dublin first. Cousin Theodore has made Dublin his home for the last eight years, ever since Aunt Violet passed. Are we going to bring him into the coven and summon Violet?”

I regarded Beth with a shrewd gaze. One of the things I loved about her was below her meek appearance, she had a keen and ever working mind. She played the part well of someone who was shy and introverted, but we all knew she could be devious and manipulative if she really wanted something.

I spoke up with an understanding tone, “Mother and Aunt Lily have great power, but it is incomplete. Bringing back Aunt Violet would bridge their hearts and power.”

I looked to my mother and then Aunt Lily in turn, “Besides, I think we all can say we miss Aunt Violet very much.”

My hand rested on the books beside me. Fingers curled and the tips touched the Libro De Nocte. “We still have the Book of Night. We don’t know when it may leave us, so finding Theo and summoning Aunt Violet will be a top priority. After that, we can begin the rites to grow our coven’s power and strength.”

Rose grinned. “I’m so proud of you, my son. You have truly come into your own and we are happy to serve you.”

“We serve each other and the dark gods,” I said sharply. “Never think you don’t have a voice. Power is nice, but our family is stronger with all of us working together.”

Dana leaned back in her chair with half-closed eyes. “I wonder if Theo is still the same? He was so weak and spineless. He used to fold instantly if anyone pushed him too far.”

Memories caressed my mind from Dana’s words. I remembered my cousin Theo. He had a weak personality and was easily manipulated when we were younger. Dana used to torture him every chance she could during family visits. I defended him when I found out about Dana’s cruelty and he often cowered from her. He was simply a weak person and I always felt bad for him. In a family with so many strong personalities, he didn’t fit in much. I wasn’t sure how he would fit in the coven. He had to be one of us if we were going to bring back his mother. If not, he would be a weak link for the hunters to exploit and I was not going to have him killed over it. Our plans were at a delicate stage and we had to be very careful over the next few weeks.

“I have kept track of him through social media,” Beth chimed in. “He is living a party life in the Dublin night scene. He funds event and party nights. He has a following, but he hides himself from being seen too much. However, his promoter name, Theo Dark, is everywhere.”

I lifted an eyebrow. I was truly out of the loop with much of the family. I had no idea Theo was promoting parties in Dublin. Maybe he grew out of his spinless attitude and became stronger because from it. Seeing him again will show me what kind of person he grew up to be.

My mother sat back down and crossed a long leg over the other. “I remember Theo. Sweet boy. It will be nice to see him again.”

“Violet was too demanding with him,” Aunt Lily chimed in. “I think she broke his spirit at an early tempobet giriş age. You know how Violet can be. We should…” Lily trailed off and rubbed at the side of her temple.

“Aunty?” I asked as everyone looked to her.

“Forgive me, Gerald. The last day and the journey had taken so much out of me,” my aunt said as she continued to rub her temple.

In that moment, I felt the tether between us. She was feeling weak. Dark energies dimmed a hair as she seemed to weave in her very seat.

“Aunty, come to me,” I said warmly.

My aunt stood up and weaved. Dana and Beth were up, each one taking an arm. They helped her the short distance. She towered over me as I sat. Her eyes held a strange gleam, like she wasn’t herself. Dana and Beth let go of her arms. They looked to their mother with loving concern.

Lily weaved before she sank down before me. Her silky red dress pooled around her as she touched the carpeted floor with her hands and looked to me.

I leaned forward and touched her cheek. I cupped it, feeling her warmth glow against my fingers. Her eyes closed and leaned into my hand, rubbing her cheek against my palm.

“I can feel your weakness,” I said with affection.

Lily gave me a weak nod before her gaze fell to my growing bulge. Her eyes kept that strange gleam, seeing my manhood struggling to be free.

Without a word, she reached up with one hand and gently touched my straining bulge. Her hands massaged and caressed it, the heat between us growing.

“You know I’m here for you,” I said warmly.

Lily’s fingers gently took hold of my zipper and pulled it down. The hunger in her eyes grew. I sat and watched desire drip from her very eyes.

Dana and Beth smiled at us. My mother watched with her own dark gaze. I could see the lust rising in her eyes as her body sat like a porcelain statue.

I leaned back in my chair as my aunt reached in my open zipper and pulled out my throbbing member. It pulsed with urges. The gentle touch from my aunt caused it to stand under its own power, thick and veiny.

Lily said nothing as she licked from the bottom of the shaft to the top. Her tongue lingered like a primal animal, slathering against sensitive flesh. She didn’t look at me, lost to the taste of my manhood.

Her tongue slid back into her mouth and her full lips came together. She kissed the sensitive head, causing me to release a heated exhale. Lips parted and engulfed my tip of my spear. Gentle sucking flowed down the shaft, my aunt’s eyes rolling into her head. Inches filled her mouth as a muffled moan rose up between us.

I sat and watched her. Lips moved down my shaft until the head of my cock touched the back of her throat. She didn’t gag, sucking on me like she never needed air. When her head bobbed slightly, I let out another exhale and leaned back my head.

I stared across the small distance to my mother. Dana and Beth retreated back to their seats, acting like nothing was happening and falling into small talk. My mother on the other hand bit her lip as she watched us. Her gaze darted down to the back of her sister’s head, bobbing on my cock. She then looked up to my calm expression, watching me as I watched her.

“Do you like what you see?” I asked my mother.

Rose nodded, her own urges welling up

Aunt Lily moaned as she made long, wet strokes with her mouth. Her tongue slid under the shaft, pressing it to the roof of her mouth and making it blissfully tight. My eyelids half-closed, enjoying the sensations as she ran her lips up and down my cock.

“The trip will not be all dark designs,” I said as my aunt continued her skillful sucking.

“What will it be?” Rose asked with a mischievous smile.

Beth and Dana looked over, interested on where the conversation was going.

“I want to explore just how close our family and coven can be,” I said as the stress of the journey began to recede and my own urges rising up.

Dana looked at her mother sucking my cock and she couldn’t resist licking her lips.

“I want to explore,” Beth said with a small, shy smile.

“We will, all of us,” I said as the sounds of wet sucking touched the air.

Aunt Lily gave a long, muffled moan as she bobbed up and down. The energy between us began to grow, as well as our desires.

My mother shuddered as she watched us. I could see the gnawing hunger in her eyes. It spoke to the primal nature between us and I wanted nothing more to spill my seed on her, in her.

The images warped my mind and willpower. I looked down as my cock thickened in my aunt’s mouth. Her eyes rolled back into place and she looked up to me with her mouth full. Lips slowed as they moved up and down the shaft.

I let out a small grunt as my willpower shattered. I watched as my aunt’s lips touched the base of my cock. I felt my seed spurt into her throat and she moaned her delight. I grunted again as it felt like my soul was splashing against the back of my aunt’s throat.

Lily’s moans remained. tempobet güvenilirmi She sucked on my throbbing member, pulling every last drop of come she could from my loins. She gulped it down and she began to look warmer. The weakness drained from her face and was filled with new vitality. Her hands touched my legs and held her firm lips around my cock, not letting it wilt. I didn’t bother letting her know that I still had more to give. My cock remained had with her lips wrapped around it. Her head began bobbing once again and I sat, ready to shower her throat in my perverted desires.

“Dear sister, be sure to save some for the rest of us,” my mother said as she watched with demonic eyes.


Cold darkness settled across the emerald isle. Black trees moved to the icy breeze. Nothing stirred amid the dark gloom until a pair of headlights stabbed through the inky shadows. The lone road was lit up for a time, a black limousine making its way along the road. Lights illuminated the ancient trees as it sped along. In the distance, a castle stood with several lights glowing from behind windows.

The limo pressed on. The trees began to thin and a high stone wall appeared. A black gate opened as the light from the headlights touched a family crest above the entrance.

The limo slowed as it passed the threshold. Wheels turned onto cobblestone. The gate closed behind and locked into place.

The long car made its way around a large statue in the middle of the courtyard. Shadows painted the hard stone of a man holding book and looking to the stars.

The front doors to the castle opened and a woman stepped out. She wore a finely tailored black suit with a white shirt underneath the jacket. The collar glowed in the dim lights. Black rimmed glasses shined as the limo slowed to a halt before the entrance. Black lips smiled as the woman bowed slightly.

The driver stepped out of the limo and raced around the other side. He opened the door and bowed.

I stepped out first and looked up at Castle Umbra with a blending of awe, relief and pleasant memories. The castle had been part of my family for hundreds of years. It had stood the test of time, surviving wars, conflicts, invasions and terrible magical mishaps.

I remembered coming here in my youth. Our family often spent our holiday here, when things grew difficult back in the states or simply to get away. It was our home away from home and I was happy to be back.

“Welcome, Lord Umbra,” the woman in the suit said as she continued to bow.

My gaze fell to the woman and my eyes widened a hair. I bowed immediately.

The woman stood up and I did the same. She looked at me with a no none-sense attitude. Black hair was tied into a bun and she held some features that I recognized.

The woman gave me a knowing smile. “It has been a long time. I’m Victoria Hobbs, Caretaker of Umbra Castle.”

A memory slammed into me. “Victoria, you’re Victor’s daughter. I remember you when we came to visit.”

Victoria nodded. “My father passed a few years ago and I inherited his title and duties.”

I nodded as I felt my mother, aunt and cousins step out of the limo. I turned to them, seeing the comforting warmth in their eyes as they looked on our family’s home.

Victoria turned her attention to my mother and bowed again. “Mistress Umbra, so good to see you again. I’m happy for your resurrection and return to this realm.”

Rose nodded. “It’s good to have returned.”

Victoria stood up straight. “The castle has been stocked and prepped for your family’s return, per your requests. If you discover anything lacking, I will have it remedied.”

“Very good,” my mother said with a slight nod.

Victoria stood to the side and held an open hand to the entrance, “Welcome home.”

I led the way. My ring pulsed along my finger, feeling Dana and Beth’s happy gazes on the castle. They had spent some time here, but not as much as my family did. They loved the mansion, but at times talked about those happy times when they came here for long summers.

Aunt Lily looked around with warm eyes.

Sensations of my mother looking to me filled me. I turned to look up at her and she gave me a comforting smile.

Inside, warmth washed over my senses. Old world opulence filled every wall, railing and hung from the ceiling. Golden chandeliers glowed. Impeccable rugs covered the floors and fine tapestries filled the walls. The main foyer had a curved staircases that led up the next floor. Paintings of family portraits filled spaces between tapestries. Polished, mahogany wood shined in the light.

I remembered how the castle was updated with the times. Heating and electrical were added many decades earlier. Old castles were drafty, but not this one. It was given every modern convince money could buy.

Victoria talked as she walked, “Everything has been set for an extended stay here in Umbra Castle. Per Lady Umbra’s request, we have minimal staff here. I will be overseeing your stay. My sister, Mina, will tend to your rooms, cooking and anything else you may need. The driver, Harold, will be available at all times for any excursions you may need. He is also a reliable bodyguard and is properly armed, in case force and defense is needed.

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