
Early Works: Cum, Sweat and Tears


Hard. Hot.

He fills me, my lips parting to take Him.

It’s so intense. The pain…the pleasure.

Hot tears run down my cheeks, mingling with my saliva and the bit of pre-cum already dripping from my lips. They’re bare lips – no lipstick or gloss. Nothing to mar His cock as it slams into my mouth.

A guttural hiss comes from my lips as I feel my ponytail gripped hard in His hand. I am at His whim, under His control. I gasp as He allows me to breath for air, taking in what little I can. I quickly try to prepare for the assault of His delicious cock in my mouth once again.

But it doesn’t come.

Slowly I draw my head up towards Him: confused, bound, naked and on my knees. The storm within my green eyes rises slowly, obediently, to meet the storm within His.

As I do, my face suddenly burns, stinging hot with the delicious impact of His hand across my face the moment my eyes locked with His. The burn spreads, warming me all the way down to my core. It fuels my desire for Him even more, the fire already burning deep down in my lower belly.

I return to His gaze as my tits heave with the heaviness of my breath. They’re lightly bruised from His torments of earlier and their hot flesh remains firmly mounted upon the tops of my bra’s cups, wantonly offering themselves to Him.

Doesn’t He know by now that all my body is offering itself up to Him? Doesn’t He know by now I’m His?

The questions barely break through my fogged-with-pleasure mind before He answers me, seeing deep within my eyes my unspoken questions as He always has. Words are not needed though for His answer.

His cock sets deep within my mouth and I find His eyes still burning down into mine. I am consumed and through that babaeski escort gaze He speaks one word to me:



And all too soon I know there is no question of His answer. Stroke after stroke He drives himself between my lips, His grip in my hair holding my head steady as His hips thrust into my face. I feel Him pound against the back of my throat. I feel His claiming of me quite thoroughly.


The pain from His tight grip in my hair increases, holding my head in place. He drives deep – deeper than ever before – a near animalistic drive in His movement.

I gag.

He’s too much and that was so unexpected. I can feel the strain in my throat.

He does it again, and again I gag. Choking on His cock, I struggle to take Him in this new way. He watches me, those eyes burning down into my very soul. He drives deep and hard again.

This time I’m ready for Him. This time, I take him, greedily accepting Him down my throat.

And then He takes me. What I had thought was all consuming in His fucking of my face just moments before were nothing compared to the carnal rage by which He starts to fuck me now.

Breath! I need it. I know I do. I can feel the tightening of my muscles as it starts to react to the inability to breathe.

He continues – His merciless assault never ceasing in the rhythm of His taking…of His near animalistic claiming of me.

Panic sets in fully, both fueling and subduing that fire in my belly. I groan, the vibrations from the sound rippling along His cock. It feels so good, yet the panic begins to taint even that.

I need air.

my chest tightens in its panic, yet He continues. Apparently, He disagrees. bafra escort Stroke after furious stroke, the hardness of Him fills my mouth, stretching and striking me past where I have gone before. He tastes so good. Not just His pre-cum but His cock itself.

It’s intoxicating.

He is intoxicating.

I try to focus on that in an attempt to calm the panic but it’s too strong.

Air. I need air.

Tears begin to fall again as I look up to Him once more, pleading desperately for a break. Through the black from my mascara that was running down my cheeks, my eyes lock onto His. There is fear in my gaze.

Will He stop? Will He allow me to breathe?

I can feel my thoughts erratic…irrational. Just as panic is nearing its ultimate peak and about to consume all, two words are given back to me – though again they are unspoken:

Breathe then.

For a moment I am lost. Breathe? How am I supposed to breathe with His cock buried deep into my mouth? I continue to hold His gaze, the confusion apparent in my features.

Trust me.

I close my eyes and obey, taking a deep breath as I always do when He gives me this unspoken order to trust Him. The panic quickly subsides, and I find myself surprised.

Air! Sweet air!

It floods through my nostrils and into my lungs, the automatic response of my body no longer hindered by panic taking over.

I find my thoughts clearing.

I breathe deep again. It feels nice and cool against my hot skin and burning insides. For a moment, I am lost in it as time seems to cease for those seconds.

Then it hits me – the smell. The musky, manly yet sweet smell of my Master – filling and intoxicating my every senses. bağcılar escort The smell of sex and cock, tears and sweat, my own juices running down the inside of my thighs. Reality comes rushing back to me.

I choke on His length in a brief surprise as He continues to fuck my mouth. He’s not done with me. Far from it.

Instinctively I try to bring my hands up to control His rhythm, but I am quickly reminded of the rope as it’s coarse threads bite into my wrists behind my back. I’m bound. Helpless and completely at His desire, I give into the feeling of Him.

Stroke after stroke, thrust after thrust, I bask in the sensation of His cock in my mouth: the carnal edge of His defilement of my orifice, His balls slamming against my chin teasing me.

Oh, how I want to suck those right now.

Then, without warning, He leaves me. His cock retracts from my lips and I find air taking His place.

Melancholy washes over me. I feel empty. I want Him back.

I look up to Him once more, hopeful that He will return, but I freeze – mesmerized by the sight of Him.

Standing there, the lighten sheen of sweat glistening on His skin, He looks down to me with a hooded gaze. His fist moves furiously upon His cock. Up and down, up and down He strokes.

All too soon I feel the hot sticky splatters of His cum spurting over my face. I close my eyes and open my mouth. It’s warm and delicious.

When He finishes, I open my eyes and lick my lips, tasting Him even more as I look up lustfully into His gaze. Then I glance to His cock and see a bead of cum about to drip off the end.

I lap at it quickly, not wishing to waste any of Him, before sitting back on my knees.

Sore as they are, I manage to spread my lips into a huge grin as I look up to Him.

I giggle a little giddy giggle as I hold His gaze.

“Hi,” I say.

He smiles, a sated look upon His face. “Hi,” He replies, His gaze still heavy.

Yet I know that look.

Oh yes, He is far from done with me indeed.

– Fin –

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