
Excessive Chums Ch. 06


The more things change, the more they stay the same. That saying ran through Piper’s mind as she doodled on the back of a notebook in class, one hand fiddling with her cocks through her shirt. Most of her previous school life was spent doing the same thing. KFI offered more titillating lessons, such as the seminar on masturbation technique and ‘how to manage two or more penises’, but ones on biology still dulled the atmosphere. What did it matter how a futa’s body worked, only the when and where.

But others were interested. Ashley being one of them, seated in front of Piper in the middle of the room, and diligently taking notes. She remained an enigma to Piper, at least her production did. Word of its enormity got around and she knew about the police station incident, however she hadn’t seen it in action. The futa didn’t open up much.

“Come on, I just want to watch. Nothing more,” Piper said, leaning over to keep it a whisper.

“We’re in class,” Ashley said, glancing back and realising her mistake in words as Piper beamed, “And no.”

Piper’s smile turned to a pout, “Why not?”

Ashley didn’t answer and refocused on the class at hand. It was on pheromones or something along those lines, all about how they aroused the unprepared, mostly women. Some were stronger than others, even affecting men and futanari, but they were harmless in large spaces like the class. To demonstrate, Mrs. Drei called up a volunteer and brought out a gas mask attached to a canister.

“Inside are condensed pheromones generously donated by Miss Yoko Toriyama herself. Now, you’ve learned of how insects and other animals in your previous schools, I assume. Well, ours work differently. You might have some experience with it yourselves. Girls being extra nice, free passes here and there, sex every night. A lot of that is your pheromones, though they don’t work without a good, sexy person behind them. Unless you have this,” she elaborated, waving the canister around.

Her volunteer put on the mask, toying with her shirt in nervous anticipation. Piper fixed her gaze on the front, intrigued by what would happen. Demonstrations made even the dullest classes worth it at KFI.

“When you condense pheromones and have them inhaled directly, it inspires some, rather… exciting behaviours,” Mrs. Drei said and turned the nozzle. Piper snickered at the thought of it going out of control, spraying gas everywhere and arousing every student.

Then it came to be. Mrs. Drei yelped and dropped it as clear, pressurised gas shot out from the poorly secured opening, most going along the tube and to the volunteer, but enough got out and circulated thanks to the air conditioning. A musky odour hooked itself on Piper’s nostrils, her cocks throbbed in unison, and pre-cum gushed out to soak her top. She looked around; others were in similar predicaments as their pants filled out.

“Sorry, may I be excused? Thanks, great lesson, bye!” Ashley said, stuffing her things in a bag and holding her breath, then sprinted out. A clear erection led her path and her legs bowed every other step, like her crotch jumped in weight. Much as Piper bothered her for a gander at the futa’s insane prolificacy, she didn’t want her uncomfortable. She might need help too.

“I’ll go check on her.” Piper got up and set to a brisk pace. Others were busy unbuckling their belts, some already busy jerking off, and the volunteer had switched the gas mask for Mrs. Drei’s pussy. A few were fucking. Piper sighed wistfully, but left to go after her friend, even if they hadn’t done anything she usually did with friends. She was still a good person and not open like Piper was.

“Wait up,” Piper said and slowed down to keep pace alongside Ashley, “What was that about?”

“I just don’t want to risk a scene,” Ashley said, then looked down at her still hard cock, shoving against it like that would hide it.

“Hey, it’s cool. Look at me, three permanent ones, remember?” Piper chuckled, tugging on her barely concealing shirt. The warm air had dried it out already, leaving the fabric sticky against her cocks, highlighting the arch of her shafts that led past her chest. They, at least, obscured her bosom by stealing the show.

Her chest was never Piper’s pride, though. All futa were curvy in some way, most with an abundance, and she was no exception with hand filling tits and ass cheeks, all pert as the day puberty started. Where others in her gender showed them off like most girls, she had no such intent. For Piper, her cocks took centre stage every time.

Hence her preference of shorts that clung to her booty and bulge. Shirts didn’t matter in the long run, as they all soaked through within a couple hours, adhering to her skin. Bras were impossible as they didn’t accommodate her phalli, which meant, in her constant state of erection and nigh-insatiability, her nipples poked through like headlights. Self-consciousness was never an option for her and she embraced it.

“Yeah, they’re hard to miss,” Ashley glanced at them, but fixed porno izle her eyes elsewhere.

“Still struggling with all this?” Piper asked, “I get it, honest, but you really shouldn’t. Everyone here is in a similar situation, and we’re futanari, Ash. I mean, yeah, you don’t have three dicks, but don’t tell me you aren’t constantly thinking of sex. I know you and Sera go at it a fair bit.” That knowledge came thanks to the hole Kasey had blasted a while ago. It was still in need of a proper fix, as they’re only put up some wood in the meantime.

Ashley’s dark skin tinted red. She didn’t deny it, “It just feels weird to do…”

“It?” Piper supplied.

“Anything. At least with other people.”

“Even when I’m just watching?”

“Especially then.”

“What if I masturbate with you? I can show you what it’s like dealing with three times the cock,” Piper hugged herself, nuzzling into a head that escaped her shirt.

“Maybe another time. I’m already calming down,” Ashley said, bringing attention to her sinking prick. A pout snuck onto Piper’s face, earning a giggle from the ebony futa, “How do anyone dealing with you?”

“Simple. They don’t.”

Their next classes were separate. Piper’s was a mandatory mathematics – they were doing advanced algebra – and, naturally, she tuned it out in favour of fantasies involving one shy futa. It was difficult to imagine something insane as a bedroom flooded with cum, let alone a whole building. She’d never even filled her bathtub after a marathon. A sultry grin warmed her cheeks at the thought of bathing in the stuff.

Warm and gooey, slowly drying and becoming a sticky mess on her skin. So filthy and decadent, her life personified in a tub of cock juice. Based on Ashley’s reputation, that was just the tip. Someday, she’d put a number to Ashley’s ability. Based on quick maths, surprisingly aided by the lesson, that would take well over a thousand gallons of cum. A shiver went down her spine and up her cocks.

The resulting splash of pre-cum hit the futa in front. Piper shrugged in lieu of an apology; what could she do? Her penises were beyond control. Probably, anyway. Occasional therapy sessions postulated that she, herself, wanted them to always be hard. It wasn’t a radical idea.

She made no secret that she enjoyed her body. To want her cocks erect 24/7 meant she could enjoy it whenever she wished. For her, it was genius. Though the concept remained just that. Both physical and psychological reasons persisted in her life to explain her ‘predicament’. Whichever proved correct, didn’t change the fact.

Unfortunately, not every futa had that view. Maybe that was her calling? Helping others reach the same conclusion she had. Counselling seemed unfathomable for her, when the only thing she had to offer was sex, sex and more sex. For futanari, thought, perhaps that was best? Piper shook her head at herself. There was still plenty of time before she decided on a career. Between then and now, however, she had one simple goal.

“Hey, Ashley,” Piper said on the way to the cafeteria – though it could be called a restaurant without blinking, “How was class?”

“Awful,” Ashley sighed, a knee-length bulge ran down her jeans, twitching every few steps, “It was all about sex.”

“I mean, that’s what Sex Ed is about.”

“It was practical!”

“Oh,” Piper slouched over, “How come you got the fun lesson? I was stuck in maths the whole time. Do you need to use a relief room?”

“No. No, I’m fine. Let’s get some food. I’m hankering for some Chinese.”

“Sure, but don’t get too pent up. Okay? Unless you let me join in,” Piper said with a wink.

In the cafeteria, they found a table and placed an order. Ambient conversation filled the massive room, dozens of groups had formed over the past weeks, feeling more and more like a typical school. The visuals told a different story. Sexual freedom coursed throughout the student body, many exchanging tongues and kisses, or hiding under tables to go down on someone. Not many had multiple members, and those that did weren’t very impressive. One girl did have a massive prick sliding all the way under the table and between a friend’s thighs.

It was reasons like those that made Piper wish she just had one, giant dick. She sat opposite Ashley, wondering how naughty it’d feel to just slide their cocks together, never acknowledging it. That’d never happen. Not until Ashley warmed up to her.

Their food arrived after just ten minutes. Piper’s was a plate of noodles, decorated in sweet and spicy pork balls, and no sauce, unlike Ashley’s which looked the complete package.

“Won’t they be pretty dry?” Ashley asked.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” Piper licked her lips and pulled her shirt around, aiming her three cocks out through the neck, then leaned over. After salivating over her fantasies of Ashley, and the pheromones from earlier, she was prone to leaks. Just a few squeezes along their lengths and ounces of pre-cum streamed out. It poured across ensest porno her food, dredging it in her flavour. She leaned back, wiping up the excess and licking it from her fingers.

“Problem solved.”

“i shouldn’t be surprised,” Ashley said and squirmed in place, a faint blush to her cheeks. She adhered her eyes to her own plate, holding there with suspicious rigidity.

“Have you tried it?” Piper asked and slurped up pre-cum lathered noodles, a giggle escaping, “Fuck, that’s really good.” Her pre was thick that day, a perfect mix of slimy and gunky that coated her gums, so the flavour lingered. It’d be nicer with actual cum, but she couldn’t that without making a mess. If one cock went off, the others were rarely far behind.

“No, it’s disgusting.” Ashley quickly crammed her mouth with food, a glance moving to Piper’s depraved meal. The tri-pronged futa cut a pork ball and coated it in ‘sauce’, then offered it to her friend.

“Give it a try. If you hate it, I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the week.”

“It’s Thursday,” Ashley said, eyeing the offering.

“Fine, I won’t bug you until Tuesday,” Piper said.

“You can be a real pain, you know?”

Piper shrugged, “My friends mentioned that a couple times. They mostly like my cum with a side of meat.” She extended her fork, now within perfect reach of Ashley’s mouth. A short trill raced down Piper’s spine, imagining those juicy lips coated in her ejaculate. They held the standoff for half a minute, before Ashley groaned and lurched forward. Her face scrunched for a moment, then relaxed, and a faint moan trickled from her as she swallowed.

“Okay, that was really good,” Ashley admitted.

“Want some?” Piper asked, stroking her centre prick. Another quiver of anticipation raced as her friend’s eyes lingered and her tongue flicked out, indecision all over her face.

“I’ll take some.” A new voice said. Piper turned to her side, where a hip nudged into her. It belonged to a blue-haired futa, made evident by the huge semi in her leggings, wearing a button-up shirt around her heavy chest with a lopsided tie. Two buttons were undone at the middle, to let her cleavage into the open. Just looking at her gave an air of licentious refinement.

“I’m Elizabeth Bee, by the way.” She also had a British accent, much stronger than Kasey’s, which was only noticed on rare occasion.

“I’m Piper, that’s Ashley,” Piper introduced them, one eye always on the newcomer’s crotch. Big dicks weren’t strangers to her, she had three of them, but that thing looked to be a monster in waiting.

“I’ve heard about you,” Elizabeth said, ignoring Ashley and leaning closer to Piper, a hand sliding across the table, “So, it’s true then? You’ve got three erections?”

“All the time,” Piper grinned and gestured to each shaft. A spark of pride filled her chest, knowing that word about her amazing members had gotten around, and a sexy, well-endowed futa was clearly interested.

“That’s insane. Don’t they hurt?” Elizabeth closed in, her perfume overpowering the aroma of food and Piper’s own musk. What was that scent? It wasn’t anything floral that Piper recognised, or fruity. There was a heady tint, like a cock, though unlike one too. She took several sniffs, each inhale spurred a throb in her shafts, which then echoed in her pussy. Maybe it was just the pheromones from earlier?

“No. Feels pretty good actually,” Piper said, hand sliding across her pricks.

“Um, Piper?” Ashley nudged her with a foot, forcing Piper’s attention back to her. It was harder than she expected to avoid Elizabeth, although that smell fought to call her back. She frowned at her friend, who cupped a hand over her nose and mouth, before shoving it down when Elizabeth looked her way.

“I’ve heard about you, too,” Elizabeth said and leaned on a hand, pronouncing her chest for both futanari to ogle, “How come your balls are, like, massive tanks?”

Ashley shrugged, not even opening her mouth. Why is she being rude? Piper wondered, returning her attention to Elizabeth and contemplated how best to get her in bed, though she couldn’t say who’d be topping in that situation. She took a breath and tried for serenity, but it only made her genitals pulse. So she took another one, hoping for better results, and got the same.

Her eyes widened and went to Ashley’s, an understanding passing between them. It was pheromones, Elizabeth’s to be precise. Looking at her now, she had a light flush to her body, and a hint of sweat clung to her skin, slight enough to be missed without deeper scrutiny. No wonder her scent was that strong. Which meant Ashley was also being affected.

“We should go,” Piper said, “Our next class is halfway across campus.”

“What? No, don’t. Stay a little longer,” Elizabeth said.

“We really should,” Ashley added, finally taking a breath as she stood up, cock blatant through her pants. Her eyes flitted between Piper and Elizabeth, lingering more on the latter.

“You can go. erotik film Piper should stay, otherwise she’ll waste all this yummy food,” Elizabeth grinned, slipping a pre-cum coated ball into her mouth, taking care to smear the slime all over her lips, before licking them clear. Fuck, she just had to be seductive and have stupid potent pheromones. If it were Piper’s decision, she might have stayed – if only to see what the futa’s cock was like fully erect – but Ashley was far more tempting. Especially after being aroused so long.

The chance of finally witnessing her full orgasm sealed Piper’s choice.

“Sorry, but Ashley isn’t used to the layout.”

“She’ll be fine. Someone else can help her. Now sit down.” Elizabeth grabbed her wrist, pulling on it and added in a hushed snarl, “I always get what I want.”

That only made the decision easier. Self-entitled asses were a strong turn off, the ones that always got whatever they asked for, like they somehow deserved it just by virtue of existing. A real shame, Piper thought, once again looking to the futa’s bulge. Maybe someday she’d take a shot at her, but not right now. Ashley was a friend and had a bigger mystery to uncover.

“Let go, before I smack your face,” Piper said. Calm was the key. Intimidation usually worked on people like Elizabeth, and she was no exception. Once she let go, Piper winked, “Next time, just come right out and ask. Let’s go.” She hooked her arm in Ashley’s and led her away, using her own body to steal attention away from the shier futa’s burgeoning erection.

Once they were in the halls, vacant but for the infrequent straggler, both relaxed. Ashley took several deep breaths and pouted at her member, twitching and swelling in spite of her gaze. Likewise, Piper’s were throbbing at her, indignant at being denied an obvious fling.

“Better find a relief room,” Piper said.

“Yeah,” Ashley groaned and stumbled along, dealing with the awkward position of her erection pushing down her thigh, and the weight of her balls, “Thanks for coming with me.”

“No problem.”

“And for taking all the stares.”

“Again, no problem. I like the attention anyway. Looks like this one’s empty,” Piper said, peering into a relief room, “I’ll go use another one.” As she went to leave, Ashley grabbed at her shirt.

“Um, it’s fine. If you want to-want to stick around.”

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Like, I want to see, don’t get me wrong, but I won’t make you.”

“Yeah, I don’t mind. Really. It’s embarrassing, but I think I just need to get used to it. And you’re a friend,” Ashley said, a small grin gracing her luscious lips.

“If you’re sure. By the way,” Piper leaned in close, whispering into her friend’s ear, “I’m down for whatever you wanna do. So, you know, feel free to just go with the flow.”

It was always better to let someone like her make the first move. Sure, they’d done stuff before, but always with Sera around. For how shy the Latina futa was, she instigated sex between them often as Piper tried to. Maybe one of them had the right pheromones for it? Elizabeth had gotten into her head.

Not a bad place for her to be at that moment. Piper peeled her shirt off, letting it fall with a satisfying splat, her shorts joined it a second later, before she grabbed three nozzles. All relief rooms were equipped with them, designed to keep messes to a minimum and provide a synthetic pussy. They also sucked like the most skilled mouths. She vaguely recalled hearing that the suction was based on how pornstars gave oral.

She pulled them down her cocks one at a time, sighing as they conformed to her girth. Ashley took the one next to her. No barriers separated them, not in that room at least. Some had stalls for futanari like Ashley and Sera that didn’t like being watched, or the possibility of someone playing with them. Piper licked her lips and gulped at the sight of her friend’s prick.

It really lived up to the ‘BBC’ tags in porn. Though not as long as any of Piper’s, it had plenty of girth, with dark veins throbbing along the surface toward the chocolate crown, from which a clear stream of pre-cum oozed. Despite being so masculine, it seemed a perfect match for her figure. Ashley had a pleasant fullness to her, mostly in her ass, which her suited her cocks as they swelled the most just above the base.

Really, she had the type of shape that Piper just wanted to cuddle and suckle on. All her new friends seemed to fit that bill. Someday, she’d organise a foursome between them all. Seven cocks, literal bathtubs of cum, and sexiness abound… oh, she’d be dreaming of that tonight.

“Um,” Ashley held the nozzle to her cock, but didn’t pull it on. She licked her lips, darting sidelong glances to Piper and her plethora of dicks, all throbbing within their confines. Only her pants were off.

“Want me to do it for you?” Piper tilted her head and shuffled over, the nozzles could stretch the whole expanse of the room, then reached a hand down to cradle her friend’s overweight testicle. It weighed more than the last time she held one, much more. She trailed fingers up, following the fat vein along the shafts centre, and took the hose from Ashley, but didn’t move it, “Or would you like something a bit more personal?”

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