
Far Pangaea 35 : First Lady


The trip home seemed like forever. The train of cargo containers holding up their pace. The closer they got to the Ganthorian craft their new recruit Roman Centurion Gaicazar marveled at the massive vessel.

“That’s where we live.” Jack points at the ship.

Antonaeus nods as Madigan floats to his left smiling at him for revealing her potential. She hoped that careful concentration as he had instilled would break her free of her ghostly attachment.

“Were you born in Rome?” Maddy asks as Jack translates.

Gaicazar marches on, “My birthplace is Golgotha.”

“Where the crucifixion of Christ took place?” Maddy enquires.

“The son of God?” He leers at her. Jack assisting communication takes interest.

“Jesus. Yes.”

“Golgotha is where I was reborn. My true home Roma.”

“Reborn?” Jack jumps in.

“Indeed. I was there as the Son of God died. Pontius Pilate ordered my fellow Legionnaires to taunt him. I did not approve. My betrayal led to nothing. The God Son still perished.”

“Your eye. What happened to it?”

“Standing below Christ he spoke his dying breath. Blood falling down upon me. The God Son’s tear upon my eye. I went blind but for moments. When I could see again I saw things I was unprepared for. Demons everywhere. Fellow Legionnaires were not who they claimed to be. The Son of God allowed me to bear witness to the evil’s of man.”

Jack questions more at Maddy’s request, “How did your light make Madigan human again?”

“As I am allowed visions of evil, I am gifted the sight of innocence as well. Her spirit is pure. With purity there is hope. With hope there is renewal.”

Maddy considers his words, “Christ rose from the grave. Joseph of Arimathea anointed him and buried Jesus in a cave. The entrance closed by a large rock. Is that true?”

Gaicazar narrows his eyes, “There is truth in the scriptures. Lies as well. Indeed the God Son rose and took his place beside his Father.” He then points toward the Ganthorian craft, “Rising to Heaven in a chariot most like the one before us.”

Jack is taken back by his statement, “Jesus went up in a spaceship?”

“I am unfamiliar with this space ship you speak of.”

“That big Chariot is a spaceship. It came from the sky. The Heavens. I don’t think it had anything to do with God though. Of course I could be wrong.”

Antonaeus shrugs aside his confusion the closer they got. Halting in step he surveys the surrounding crops. Containers. Cattle pen with a glow about them.

“As if the Garden of Eden itself.”

“Not really. It’s home though.” Jack nods.

“I sense many things about your home.”

“Such as?”

“Evil resides here. Yet, I sense much good.”

Jack theorizes the Roman meant Sabbath in her prison as the evil. He hoped nothing else would join the ranks of anything that could harm them. Obviously he found Jack, Maddy, and Malcolm as good people. Safe to say they might have been forced to battle Gaicazar otherwise.

“Evil? We have a Vampire captured. She’s not evil. At least we don’t think so. She tried hard to resist her urges. She has yet to harm any of us.”

“If tainted she has succumbed to evil. Resistance futile.” Antonaeus unsheathes his sword.

“Slow down there.” Jack prompted the massive Roman, “I’ll ask you to give her the chance to speak first in her defense. Our friend Elle has the ability to change her back to a human. Like you did to Maddy.”

“My vision will reveal the truth. There lie my decision. Do not stand in my way.”

Jack huffs his cheeks then nods. They might have brought home something as deadly as the Vampires. For now he just hoped that he and the others could contain him should he become ruthless.

Madigan couldn’t help but admire the gruff looking Roman. His chiseled features succumbing to an unshaven black beard. Though immortal it was easy to tell the man had gone through hell and back. Hundreds of times. She had so many questions but they could wait. For now she pondered her ability to go from ghost to human and back. Lack of complete control was tedious.

Reaching the parameter of the Ganthorian ship they were met by Greta Winston and Sophia Ridge. Both wide eyed at the large Centurion. Greta shying away in favor of standing behind Sophia. Intimidation made her feel safer behind an indestructible woman.

Sizing up Sophia, Gaicazar stops and squeezes the hilt of his sword just in case.

“Your maidens wear no clothing?” Antonaeus notices.

Jack snickers slightly, “That can’t be helped. Clothing kind of burns away the second it touches her skin. Long story.”

“A demon then.” He moves closer towering over Sophia. Sophia looks up at him with a respectful gaze.

“No demon.” She smiles, “Just young and sexy.”

His left eye begins to glow bathing her in its glare. Sophia notes the cross and grits her teeth.

“Should I go to confession?”

“What manner of creature are you?” He narrows his gaze, “I see innocence yet you shimmer as if possessed.”

“That might be my boys. They protect me.” She explains as Jack translates.


“Ummm! porno video Not really. It’s hard to explain. I’m not certain why but they’re telling me to shake your hand.” Sophia extends her right palm, dancing in step while her left arm hides behind her back. Titties jiggling without trying.

Jack steps closer, “Sophia? Don’t.”

“It’s okay. I won’t hurt him. I swear. Cross my heart hope to die.”

“You would sacrifice yourself merely to shake my hand?” He ponders as Jack exchanges words. Finally Jack puts his hands up and removes his collar. Facing Antonaeus he offers it up to him. Wincing the Roman claims the collar with one hand and examines it. Jack in turn showing him to wear it with his hands.

Cautiously Antonaeus dons the collar, stretching to accommodate his neck size.

Immediately he hears the difference in languages. A glint of surprise making him straighten his posture.

“Shake my hand?” Sophia offers again.

Raising his sword he casually taps her palm with the blades dull surface. In doing so Sophia is caught off guard as her microscopic tenants start singing. The music Heavenly. It made Sophia nearly cry. Her mind reels as images filter through her thoughts. Golden cities. Rainbows. Winged warriors that halt in flight as if examining Sophia in the distance.

“Oh my God!” She shivers.

“God indeed. You have been blessed.” Gaicazar removes the sword feeling safe in her presence. Even Jack had to be thankful. Ever since Sophia had her accident he worried how much he could trust her pesky friends. This would settle his nerves.

Behind Sophia, Greta stood in a nervous awe. Never realizing that in her rapid heartbeat her body had vanished. Only clothing could be seen.

Gaicazar eyes her with interest and moves around Sophia. Eying Greta makes the woman nearly panic. Then, as Gaicazar lifts his blade she could see her reflection in it. Even though everyone else was blind to her features.

“I can see myself.” She reveals as Jack steps to her opposite side.

“Greta? You’re invisible.”

“No I’m not. I can see my reflection. Look.” She lifts her arm noting her ungloved hand missing. Yet she and Jack could see her true beauty.

“She too is innocent. Fear me not.” The Roman lowers his blade.

Relieved Jack Ramse turns his attention to Malcolm’s load being dropped off and decreasing himself in size. Gaicazar notes the change in mass and the runes becoming less revealing. Once a normal height Gaicazar wanders to his side. Everyone trailing him closely just in case.

“You bear a curse. Yet, I sense a nobility within you. This is beyond your control.”

“Am I possessed? I don’t feel possessed.” Mal hides his nudeness until Greta passes him her hat to cover his manhood.

“Reckon I won’t be wearing that hat a spell.” She sighs.

Antonaeus again raises his sword and gently touches Malcolm’s shoulder with the flat of the blade. Like Sophia he embarks on a vision quest. Seeing beings of light and darkness. Hulking figures that share a throne. Amid a garden of apple trees. A tall woman rising from her seat to walk toward Malcolm as if he was truly there. The woman albino with blazing red hair could be seen once she steps from shadow. Her iris’s red and chilling. The scene fades as she smiles.

“What the heck was that?” Mal flares his eyes as the sword lifts away.

“Ancients! From a realm beyond the one true God’s creation. I have confronted their ilk before. A time in lost Valhalla. I am uncertain of your curse. It would appear to be good and evil. A balance that you must forever keep under yoke.”

“Ooookay! I’ll do that.”

As Gaicazar turns his gaze toward the container holding Sabbath Black his sword begins to glow white hot. Forcing him to step away toward it. The group on edge suddenly. Three steps distant he halts at an unexpected distraction. The collar Jack passed to him creates a hologram of James Ian Pryce. Reporting in. The image forcing the Roman to cross his sword through intangible projection.


“No. The collar you wear keeps us in contact with others. Some of our residents are inside.

James reacts to seeing the Roman and jumps up and down, “HERCULES!”

Gaicazar tilts his head, “Reveal yourself.”

The boy raises a finger, “Be right out.” The hologram vanishing.

Awaiting the boy Antonaeus continues his journey to the on end cargo container. Palm touching the container he senses the imprisoned beauty within. A tortured soul. One that had not abandoned her like it should have being the living dead.

“This vampire is different. She too good and evil. Torn between two worlds. I must see her eye to eye to know the truth.”

“Hold on. If you drag her into the sun she dies.” Jack eases in to stop him from lifting the container, “If you must let’s do this our way. Our friend Elle has healing abilities. She touched the girl and turned her from Vampire to human. She can do it again.”

Madigan drifts into their midst, “If she concentrates like you taught me could she become normal gay porno on her own?”

“Nay. Your spirit’s purity offers you the gift I have shown you. She is tainted by evil. You were not.”

Gaicazar abandons the container and steps toward the area of Madigan’s grave. The group hovering about him learning as much as possible. As he kicks up dust he looks down at her plot and expels a beam of intense light that overpowers even the sun’s rays. The soil turning transparent to reveal Madigan’s body six feet below.

“I look peaceful.” Maddy floats beside him.

“Concentrate.” Antonaeus orders her.

Sealing her ghostly eyes she recreates her human form. Dropping under her new weight to the ground. Sophia was heard to say, “MOM!” loudly. Madigan ignoring her daughter to look down. Within her grave her clothing rested. But, no longer her body.

“Am I switching places with my corpse?”

“So it appears.” The Roman glares.

“Whoa!” Sophia notes the vacancy below.

Madigan loses concentration and watches her body return to the grave. Strangely Madigan felt alive even within her spirit form. Sophia smiled vividly.

“I have another question Antonaeus.” Maddy needed as much info as possible, “I was able to turn back to human when I touched one of Malcolm’s runes. How do they effect me?”

“His runes are life and death. The purgatory in between. All creation confined within. Earth, fire, water, air, shadow, light. God is just. If not the Ancients.”

“Boggles the mind.” James Ian Pryce and his dog Xander approach. Elle, Cam, and Ruby close behind.

“Antonaeus? This is James. Our resident smart guy.”

“Scholar. That’s my new codename.” James stares up at Gaicazar with a glimmer of awe. Xander sniffing the man’s leather boots, “This is my pet Xander.”

“Alexander the Great. A noble warrior. If not trustworthy.” Gaicazar winces shooing the dog aside with a brush of his foot.

“I named him after Alexander. You knew him? You’re Immortal right?”

“You know of this?”

James smirks, “I know everything, “History buff. That and before I stepped out here I consulted Ganthorian records on your facial recognition. You appear throughout history in various time periods then vanish. I presume to here in this time period we all reside in.”

Antonaeus raises his sword to reflect upon James. The sword reveals him to be innocent. Yet, his refection does not appear upon his blade. Gaicazar creases his brow, “There is more to you than meets the eye.”

“Transformers!” He sings chuckling.

Eye erupting in light once more it cascades over James. Gaicazar confused by it’s resulting study.

“What are you?” The light subsides.

“Umm! Human with a high I.Q. Unless there’s something even I don’t know.”

“Tis.” Antonaeus switches his gaze on that ominous note. Everyone at a loss of words. Discovering Cam the Roman nods, “A warrior Angel too be certain.”

“Angel? Not what my Momma used to say. But, thanks I guess. I’m Cameron Scott. Pilot U.S.A.F.”

“Your wings shall come.”

Awestruck Cam offers a weird expression and turns away as if the Roman was crazy. “Colonel Ruby Goddard.” Steps forward Ruby.

“A Goddess indeed.” He admires her making Ruby slightly blush , “Within you I sense two souls. A rare woman indeed.”

“Two souls?” She huffs then growls under her breath, “Aw hell.”

Beside her James grits his teeth. His suspicions correct.

“This is Elle.” Jack introduces, “Our healer.”

Looking over her altered appearance Gaicazar uses his blade to lift her diamond encased arm. Sword glowing long before his eye. Both cascade her body to reveal her potential. Her eyes glowing as if charging up from the sun. Like Madigan earlier he offers, “Concentrate.”

Elle raises an eye brow looking to Jack for advice. He merely shrugs and motions her to try. With an expression of doubt she pauses in thought. Tuning out the world. The Roman’s sword lifting away from her arm to move into a battle stance. The group worried of his composure.

Elle’s arm begins to flare up in a light reminiscent of his swords glow. Without lifting her arm a thin blade of pure light extends as if a sword of her own. Discovering the asset Elle dropped her jaw. She then began laughing.

“Woohoo!” James jumps with a clenched fist, “Light saber.”

“This feels good.” She poises her blade of light up to tap it against Gaicazar’s sword. The impact creating a hissing sound, “What did I just do?”

“You called upon your soul to create what was required. You have many talents. Should you embrace them. Innocent all. Save for the Vampire.” The Roman turns away toward the container.

“I told him that you could turn Sabbath human. Can you do that again? Maybe we can learn more before judging her.” Jack growls as Elle’s light blade subsides.

“I can. After dark though or we risk hurting the poor girl.” Elle looked concerned.

Cam perks up, “Yeah! Let’s not hurt Sabbath.” He challenges Gaicazar stepping between he and the container. Swallowing dryly at the giant’s hd porno scrutiny.

“I might have an idea.” Madigan opens up, “I know I can phase through the container and speak with Sabbath. If Elle will trust me I’d like to attempt an experiment.”

“Meaning?” Elle took interest.

Gliding to Elle’s side Madigan concentrates until her body becomes human once again. Once ready she reaches out and claim’s Elle’s healing hand. Dragging her toward the container.

“This is going to be risky. It might not work.” Madigan looks nervous.

“I think I’m on to your idea. Fuck it. Do it.” Elle toughens up.

Returning to her ghostly state her grip on Elle remains. Elle’s eyes and arm glowing as her body becomes ethereal. The entire group is taken back by Elle’s sudden intangibility. Stepping through the cargo container Elle is heard to snarl, “I’m going to die.”

Not exactly. In the darkness of the steel container Elle and Madigan pass through without difficulty. As their hands part Elle returns to normal. Her arm glowing faintly to reveal the terrified visage of Sabbath Black.

Sabbath hisses slightly, unprepared for their arrival.

Crouching Elle holds out her palms, “It’s okay. I’m still your friend. We’re here to help you Sabbath.”

“The Immortal has escaped the Legion. I can feel his extraordinary heartbeat. He aims to kill me.”

“Maybe not. We hope not.” Elle fidgets.

“I will not allow it.” Madigan offers with sympathy.

“You could not stop him. Even Mother fears his wrath. Now that he has escaped her children she will send legions to destroy him. All of you. Please know I am sorry for causing such death.” Sabbath pouts.

“Stay strong. So will we. Take my hand Sabbath. Let me heal you.”

As Elle offers her healing hand Sabbath senses her blood flow. Her hunger always nagging to be fed.

Slowly she accepts her hand and Elle’s medicinal touch turns the girl human once more. Delighted by feeling her own pulse yet again she weeps with a smile of life.

“Alright. Trust me Sabbath.” Madigan reaches out to claim both hands with one of her own. With careful thought Madigan walks them outside into the mid afternoon sun. The light making Sabbath panic and cringe. Until she realizes it was not harming her. A case of the giggles brings her eyes toward the sky. The joy faded.

Casting a looming shadow over the women Antonaeus Gaicazar eyes the girl.

“Please don’t kill me.” Sabbath offers in her native British brogue.

“This form will not last. I sense your pain Child. If only I could save you. I cannot. Verago’s blood has tainted you.”

James huffs toward Ruby in the background, “I was so right.”

Continuing Gaicazar admires her desire to live. To be at peace once more. Yet, the death upon her left very little soul for him to engage. His eye of heavenly light consuming her form to observe her purity.

“The darkness has left you naught. Help me understand how you have a soul at all?”

“My sister. Lily. Mother keeps her locked away. I try so very hard to reach her but I cannot. The prison is beyond my ability to unlock. Lily is different. When we were chosen by Mother she favored Lily. I’m unsure why. Lily agreed to be Mother’s right hand if I could go free. I have ran ever since. Yet, Primross my maker keeps me on a leash. He is in love with me.”

Behind everyone Cameron Scott stands miserable at her dilemma. Hands in his pockets he had zero ideas on how to save her. Ruby Goddard felt empathy and rubs his back. He merely nodded without looking at her.

“Like all of her children Mother shares a love for even me. Yet, I test her patience. Only Lily prevents my undoing. While free I am still under her control when needed. We are lost. Perhaps your sword should end my suffering. I would give my soul back to Lily if I could. For I only exist through her love.”

The Roman absorbs her truth, “Your sister. You share one soul. How is this possible?”

“I do not know. Mother speaks of our birthright. There are many secrets. I believe this is why we are here in this long lost land. Searching for answers. Mother needs something.” James clears his throat, “I think I might know what she is after. First off, Sabbath? Your sister’s name is Lily correct? Mother, if I’m right by what I’ve read is Lilith. God’s first born woman. She was seduced by the Angel Verago. His blood lust creating all Vampires. He was locked away in a terrible place and she wants to rescue him. Anyway, Lilith and Lily. Coincidence?”

Jack scratches his head. This was insane. All he knew was night was coming. Were they ready?

Gaicazar ponders the revelations, “I have heard this myth. Verago is trapped in this realm somewhere. Lilith I have only heard the name. What be her reason to hold the sister?”

James puffs his cheeks, “Only a theory. I think Lily is the reincarnation of Eve.”

Ruby shivers at the concept, “What about Sabbath here?”

“Well!” James grimaces, “I think Sabbath is also Eve. Think about it. Eve spelled backwards is Eve. Two of a kind. One shared soul. Lilith only needs one of them. Yet, keeps Sabbath at arms length. Gotta keep in mind Eve was created from Adam’s rib. Sabbath and Lily could be both of them. Lilith might not know how to deal with this combo. A good reason that she would need Verago by her side.”

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