
First Day at College


The Submission of Susan

First day at college

Continued from ‘Sally Becomes Trouble’

It is a Monday and I am sitting with Master at the breakfast table preparing to leave for work. I am a teacher at the local college teaching Computer Science to 18-23 year old students. It is the first day of the new semester and I am looking forward to meeting the new students that have enrolled this year.

Master has dressed me in a knee-length black skirt, white blouse, full-cup white bra, and black thong. As I have previously mentioned, my attire is always chosen by my Master. Fortunately, when I am working, Master allows a more formal dress code. The only thing that can potentially be an issue at work might be my underwear. I am only ever allowed to wear thongs or crotchless panties.

There have been occasions in the past when I have done something wrong, I have been sent college plugged. These are always tough days for me. While no one knows I am plugged, since I am not allowed to touch his plug when it’s inside me, I am forced to endure it all day

I am putting my jacket on when Master calls me. “All set?” he asks.

“Yes Master,” I replied bringing my hand up in a salute. “All present and ship shape.” I then make a quick turn for his approval.

“Nice,” he says which makes me feel happy.

It is then that he drops the bombshell.

“Oh, by the way, did I tell you Susan that Jason is starting at the college this year?” he casually says.

OMG. Noooooooooo. This is the kid that Master previously kindly invited around for an anatomy lesson with me as the model. He seems to have developed some sort of friendship with Master as they both share a love of fishing. He has also unfortunately seen my most intimate area.

“What am I going to do Master?” I cry in desperation.

“What do you mean?” my Master replies.

“Well, what do I do when I meet him? He has seen me naked. He knows I’m a submissive.”

“Oh yes, I see what you mean. Fortunately, Susan, Master has thought of that.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. It’s still going to be tough but hopefully Master has spoken to him.

“Yes,” he continues. “I have told him that at all times he is to treat you with the respect you deserve as a teacher. If at any point I find out that he has not or that he has discussed you with any other student, there will be severe consequences.”

OK, this sounds better. Master has fixed his ass and I won’t need to worry about it. I then listen to Master as he carries on.

“I did however think that it was going to be a big tease for him bearing in mind he has already met you so I have given him permission to get it out of his system today.”

“Sorry Master, what do you mean?” I ask suspecting I already know full well what Master means.

“Well today and only today, providing he is discrete, you will obey him. After today he is to leave you completely alone. I clarified this to him when we went fishing last weekend.”

My heart drops. So this has already been discussed and Master is going to allow Jason to dominate me at work. I know it’s only for one day but I already know this Jason and his devious mind. It’s going to be a long tough day. This is yet another test Master has devised for me to show my submission to him.

“Oh Master,” I whine.” Do I have to obey Jason? He’s just a kid and there’s no telling what he will make me do.

“It’s at work as well Master. Please please don’t make me do this,” I plead.

“He’s an 18-year-old boy Susan and I like him. You will do as you are told and since you are making such a fuss about it, you can take your plug along as well. Furthermore, if I hear from Jason that my sub has not behaved herself we will be visiting the basement,” he growls at me.

I realize that there is no point in further pleading my case. Master has made up his mind; when he does that, there is no going back. I was looking forward to today, but I now know it’s going to be a serious trial of my submission to my Master. Jason is going to be tough to deal with and all I can do is hope I can handle him.

Stomping from the kitchen I stop by the living room to collect my plug as Master has told me. Hoping to God I don’t need it I grab the KY just in case. Knowing my Master though I am sure Jason already has a good knowledge of my plug and its use.

I am soon in the car heading for the college still desperately worried about Jason. My Master has told me that Jason will normally not be allowed to interfere with me at work however, he has been permitted to dominate me today. Hopefully, with a bit of luck, I can avoid him all day and not give him any opportunity to have any fun with me!!

Upon arrival, I got quickly out of my car and dashed to my study, slamming the door behind me as I entered. It’s still early and there are very few students around and certainly no sign of Jason.

My first class is at 9 am and I remain firmly in my study till then before balıkesir escort dashing to the classroom. All is going well and I take my first class of students. The morning bell goes at 10 am and I usher the students out before following them from the room.

My heart drops as I see Jason standing there waiting for me.

“Hello Miss Susan,” he says.

“Oh hello, Jason. It’s nice to see you at our college,” I stammer out. It’s far from bloody nice seeing Jason at all.

“Yes, I must say I’m enjoying it Miss Susan but I am having a slight problem”.

OK, here we go. This devious little sod is about to hatch whatever plan he has in his head.

“Oh, really, Jason? And what problem is that?” I ask.

“I have had my first lesson in programming and am not sure if computer programming is for me. I was hoping we could discuss it after college and you could give me some advice.”

“Oh I would love to Jason but unfortunately Jon likes me straight home after college,” I say. Ha, that’s taken the bloody wind out of his sails I think.

“Oh right,” he replies. “But I notice you have a break from teaching between 12 and 2 so perhaps we can do it then?”

“Well….,” I stammer.

He looks directly at me. “So I will see you at 12 then Miss Susan. It will be nice to tell Jon on our next fishing trip how you helped me.”

I look at him and his grinning face. His first indirect threat concerning Master. He has me cornered and he knows it. I have no choice.

“OK Jason, I look forward to seeing you at 12,” I stammer out.

I have a class at 10.30 and am finished at 11.30. I then make my slow way back to my small study. Sitting down behind my desk I stare at the door dreading what is about to happen. I consider phoning Master and again pleading my case but know this will be a waste of time and I could end up winding Master up even more.

Almost bang on 12 I hear a knock at the door. Jason is right on time.

“Come in,” I say trying to sink lower into my chair.

The door opens and in walks a smiling Jason. I watch him as he closes the door and then notice the key being turned and the door locked. OK here we go, please, please, don’t let this be too difficult.

I offer him a chair and he sits down in front of me.

“So what can I do for you?” I ask with the vain hope it might be he just has an innocent question.

He looks at me. “You know I spoke to your Master don’t you Susan?”

“Yes Jason, I am aware that you have spoken to Master Jon,” I stammer out.

“Good, so you then know I can do what I want with you today don’t you,” he says.

“Well I am not sure about that,” I say trying desperately to see if I can get out of this situation.

“Oh right. Well let’s call him then shall we and clear it up.”

Damm this kid. He knows full well I dare not have him call my Master. There is no alternative, I am going to have to endure Jason for the next two hours.

“I don’t think that will be necessary Jason,” I reply

“Good. So let’s start with you addressing me properly as you have been taught.”

Great, the little sod is going to make me call him Master.

“Yes Master,” I say hating every word of it.

He then instructs me to come round and stand before him. I do as instructed, coming around to the front of the desk before putting my shaking hands behind my back.

” I recall Susan,” he says, “That you have gorgeous breasts. Let me see them,” he demands.

I realise that due to Master’s instructions, I have no choice but to unbutton my blouse and remove it before unclipping my bra and letting it both fall to the desk.

“Wow, beautiful,” he says “And you got some cool piercings there as well now Susan.”

He stands and coming close to me starts to feel and squeeze my breasts before pulling on the small bars piercing my nipples. I whimper as he does this but try hard to stare forward and pretend in my head it is Master playing with me.

He looks down. “Take your skirt off,” he commands.

I sigh and before I know what’s happened I receive a sharp slap to my left breast.

“Oww,” I yell.

“You will address me properly when I tell you to do something,” he commands. Jeez, this kid is getting into this in a big way.

“I am sorry Master. May I remove my skirt please?” I choke out.

“Yes, you may, and don’t let me have to correct you again.”

“No Master. I am sorry,” I stammer as I unzip the skirt and let it fall to the floor. I am now standing before Jason wearing just my black thong.

I watch as Jason pulls the chair closer to me and then reaches out and with his finger traces the line of my pussy lips through my panties.

“I recall you have a cute pussy hiding under there Susan,” he says.

What can I say to that comment? “Thank you Master,” I quietly say.

I am just full of embarrassment and hearing him talk about my pussy is making me go red in the face. How could Master let me be subjected to this humiliation?

“Your Master tells banaz escort me that if I want to see everything I should command you to present so I suggest you do just that Susan.”

Oh hell. Just how much has Master already told Jason about our life together?

I can tell from the way he is talking that he is getting well into this and it’s going to be impossible to steer him away from going any further.

“Yes Master,” I say and with a heavy sigh I reach down and pull the thong panties down to my ankles before stepping out of it. Standing back up I open my legs before grasping the two rings now in my pussy and spread my lips open as wide as I can.

Jason’s eyes nearly pop out of his head as he looks down at my gapping wide pussy showing my entire intimate self. I wouldn’t be surprised if he cums in his pants right here and now. He reaches out and pushes a finger into my obvious vagina hole and as much as I hate myself I cannot help moan.

“I remember this pussy, Susan,” he remarks, “But now it’s got two cute little rings in it hasn’t it?”

“Yes Master it has,” I reply.

He slaps my hands away causing me to release myself before he has grasped the rings and is pulling me open himself. I am now standing there naked with this kid holding me open and talking about how cute my pussy is. The embarrassment is just getting worse. I return my hands behind me and continue to stare forward.

“I want to put something in that pussy,” he declares. “What do you have?”

” I am sorry Master but I do not have anything you can put in my pussy,” I bleat out.

“Dam that’s a shame,” he says as he then contents himself with fingering me. He is having a great time. I glance at the clock and note that only 15 minutes have elapsed. This is going to be a very long two hours.

I feel his finger go deep inside me before it is then stroking across my clit. With my sensitivity, I am desperately trying to stop myself from getting horny and as I am sure you will understand, being constantly fingered with no way to avoid it is not making it easy to stop my pussy from getting wet.

“How many fingers can you take in there?” he asks me.

Oh God, what a question. “I do not know Master,” I stammer.

“Ok, well let’s see then,” he demands.

I brace myself as I feel this shitty little kid slide a second finger inside me. This is quickly followed by a third and then a fourth finger and my pussy hole feels so stretched.

“You’re hurting me, Master,” I whimper as I feel his four fingers moving in and out of me. Even though I am trying hard to avoid it I can feel my pussy is starting to lube up. I am desperate to stop this from happening but obviously, Jason is noticing.

“Ha, you getting wet Susan,” he declares. Unfortunately, he is not wrong.

“Yes Master I am,” I am forced to say.

Fortunately, though he appears to get bored with finger fucking me and pulling out sits back in his chair.

“So tell me Susan, what else does your Master require when you present?” he asks.

Of course, I know dam well that he bloody well knows what the order to present means to me.

“Master also likes to inspect my bottom,” I quietly say.

“Hmmm are you sure Susan it’s just your bottom?” he asks.

Oh god, I am going to have to say it. He bloody knows anyway.

“He also likes to inspect my arsehole, Master,” I stammer out.

“AND?” he shouts.

” And Master,” I hesitate “Master sometimes likes to watch me masturbate.” Oh God, I have said it. Please please don’t let him make me do that.

“Hmmmm. That’s much better Susan. In the future when I ask you a question I want an immediate answer. Do you understand?”

“Yes Master,” I reply.

“OK Susan, let me be frank with you. Your Master has made it very clear to me that I only have you for today at college after which I am to forget all about your submission and treat you like a teacher and with respect. Actually, I am OK with that. I will have some fun now and then I will let it all go. Hopefully, in the future, I might find someone nice like you.”

“Thank you, Master,” I say. I know my Master and if he has told Jason it’s today only then that’s what it is.

“Ok, so then Susan, let’s see that asshole.”

Grimacing I turn and grasping my cheeks, pull them apart knowing Jason now has a clear view of my puckered hole and pussy below it.

“Nice,” he says as I feel his finger trace around my hole.

With me still stretched open he goes on about my asshole. Making things even worse I can hear the sounds of students as they walk past my door.

“Jon tells me that you have a cute butt hole and he loves playing with it. Is that right Susan?”

What the hell can I say to that question? My hands are still spreading my cheeks and he is still tracing around my hole with his finger.

“Yes Master, he does like to play with my hole,” I quietly say.

“How?” he asks with some obvious interest.

I am not telling him that but suddenly feel a sting bandırma escort on my behind which quickly changes my mind.

“He likes to use a vibrator in my arse Master,” I blurt out.

“Anything else?” he demands.

It’s obvious he bloody well knows and he is going to force me to tell him.

“Master also uses an anal plug on me,”

“Do you have either of those with you now Susan?”

“No Master I do not,” I lie.

“Are you sure Susan?”

I am getting concerned. Does he know? I am committed so I have to try to brazen my way through this.

“Yes Master, I am sure.”

I am still spread open as I hear him get up and watch as he walks around behind my desk before reaching down and bringing my bag up onto the desk. Rummaging around in the bag he finds and produces my plug.

“So what’s this then?” he demands

Oh jeez, he has found the bloody plug. What the hell am I going to do now? I bet Master even told him I would be sent to work with it.

“Oh Master, I am so sorry. I forgot it was in my bag. Forgive me please.”

Perhaps a bit of begging might stop what I already knew was going to happen.

“Bend over the desk Susan,” was his only reply.

I sighed. This day was going from bad to worse. So far Jason has stripped me naked, made me show him my intimate place, finger fucked me, spread my arse open and now was going to have fun with my plug.

I bent and laid down across my own desk. I was never going to forget this.

“Keep spread open,” he demands.

I reach back and once again spread my ass cheeks.

“Why does your Master plug you, Susan?”

I am going to have to tell him. I am sure he knows anyway.

“I am plugged when I have done something wrong and my Master needs to spank me.”

“So have you done something wrong today?” he asks me.

What am I going to do? I have just told him the bloody rules about my plug so have pretty much given him an open invitation.

“Yes Master, I lied to you,” I bleat out.


” And I deserve to be spanked and corrected.” I absolutely hate myself for saying it but I know it’s going to happen regardless now so why piss him off and make it worse for myself.


“Yes, Susan?”

“If you intend to plug and spank me for my misdemeanour I would be grateful if you used the KY in my purse. Master Jon would not like it if my arsehole is damaged.” If he is going to be shoving that plug in my arsehole then let’s at least make sure he doesn’t rip me up in the process.

“Oh right,” he says and goes back to the bag, retrieving the KY and then coming to stand next to my still very spread bottom.

“So how do I use this KY stuff?”

“Please Master rub it around my asshole and inside. Also, put some on the plug please.” It is obvious that we are getting into unfamiliar territory for dear Jason.

I feel the familiar trickle of KY between my ass crack and then Jason’s finger is rubbing it around my asshole.

“Is this OK?” he says.

“Yes, Master it is but make sure it goes into me so I am not ripped when the plug goes in.” Might as well lay it on a bit thick. It might scare him off of using the plug.

I feel another very generous glob of KY hit me before his finger is back at my asshole and I feel it sliding into me. Whilst having a plug inside me is never good, I love the feeling of KY being applied to my butt hole especially if I know it’s because I am going to receive Master’s cock inside me.

“What now?” I hear him say

“If you have put KY on the plug Master you can push the plug slowly into me if you want to,” I say. He is sounding unsure and this might put him off.

No such luck. I feel the bloody plug at my sphincter and then the familiar push as it starts to forcibly dilate me. There is a quick release of pressure and I know the plug is fully inside me.

“Wow, that’s so cool and your arse looks neat with that jewel on it.”

“Thank you Master,” is the only thing I can think of saying. If you are spread open on your desk in a college with kids going past your door there isn’t much that you can say.

It is with a slight concern that I then feel a tug on the plug and feel my ass once again dilating before clearly the plug has been removed.

“That was so cool I am going to do it again,” I hear him say.

Jesus I better say something here or he is going to be pulling and pushing that plug in and out more times than I can count.

“Master Jason! My Master doesn’t like my plug being put in and taken out all the time.” This is a dam right lie. My Master loves the bloody plug and I sometimes have to endure him using it to play with my arse hole over a very prolonged time.

“Oh right.”

I feel the plug again introduced to my hole and the stretching before it is back inside me.

“Right, and now to spank you Susan,” he says, clearly after needing instructions on the plug he wants to exert his dominance again.

“You can use your hand Master or I have a ruler on my Desk,” I say. I am not sure why I am helping this kid. Perhaps it cos I want this over with as soon as possible. I have released my cheeks now and brought my arms forward and in front of my head gripping the edge of the table. Regardless of what dear Jason chooses, I know it’s going to hurt. It always does.

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