
Font of Fertility Ch. 10



All Characters are 18 years or older.

This story is a continuation of the Font of Fertility series. I would suggest starting with Chapter 1 if you have not already. This chapter includes minimal sex compared to usual – the sexcapades will return soon! Fair warning to readers, this series also includes sex between people who have grown up together but are not blood-related.

Jeremiah and Lauren explore secrets, while Annalise gets what she needs…


I heard the movement, but I didn’t have the energy to open my eyes. My entire body hurt, aching from days hanging in place. My hands felt gnarled and bloated, my arms and shoulders like they were disconnected at every socket. I hadn’t felt warmth in I don’t know how long.

“Why, Dad?” Maya cried.

I tried to blink my eyes open, feeling the water drip away as I tilted my head.

“You aren’t capable of understanding. Not until you’ve ascended,” our father said flippantly. He was working at a nearby table in the overgrown greenhouse, leaning over and fiddling with something. His clothes were starting to show heavy wear – he hadn’t changed since I’d gotten back home, since he’d taken me.

Since he’d disposed of our mother.

“But what does thatmean? You needhelp, Dad,” Maya sobbed. She was still bound across the little clearing in the vegetative chaos, held by the ivy that my father had manipulated to his will. She wasn’t the prisoner I was – she wasn’t hanging like in a medieval dungeon, but she was still his captive as much as I was.

“Power!” he shouted, turning as he bared his teeth at her like a feral animal. “I am one of the greatest powers this world has ever known. I control life itself! I created an oasis in this desert, and yet my children spit on my work. Fled, instead of serving. And this one,” he turned, sneering at me. “This one. This mockery of me. This antithesis. This witch!” He turned back to Maya, stalking close to her. “But you, my dear. You will be the salvation of the failure that was my family. You will bloom in my image, and I will finally be rid of your fiendish sister.”

Maya whimpered as he caressed her face.Stop, I wanted to say.Don’t touch her. But I couldn’t even get it off my tongue. I hadn’t eaten in almost a week. Had barely slept, in constant pain and cold.

The fire was gone. I was dead.

Our father sighed heavily, turned from Maya and went back to his worktable. “Once I have harvested the final lifeforce of that cunt that was my wife,” he growled. “I will have harnessed the magic threads of fate itself, just as He said I would.”

I lowered my head, no more tears left in me to mix with the water that still misted my body. He’d dug up our mother three times now, and re-buried her again. I hoped she was really dead, and not suffering. Not like this.

Annalise? Hey, sorry to bother you, this is Jeremiah. Are you available to chat for a second?

The voice sounded like it was muffled, coming from far off. At first I thought it was our father muttering to himself, but it wasn’t his. Was I starting to hallucinate? Was my mind finally breaking?

But there was something there, in my head. Something different. Something that wasn’t supposed to be there. Uncomfortable, but also familiar. Uncomfortably comfortable.

J- Jerry?

I prayed it was really him, and not my own mind. Or some new trick of my fathers. He had been my only hope since the beginning. He’dpromised this was over, but father didn’t listen.

Jeremiah Grant was supposed to protect us.


It was every ounce of pleading I could muster. Even my mind was tired, my thoughts muddled.

Then it burst. Not all at once, but quickly. One moment that Uncomfortable Comfortable thing in my mind was a pinprick, then it expanded like a cartoon hose exploding with pressure, and it began to fill my head, washing through my body.

“AAaaaauuuugh!” I screamed, feeling my throat clench and tear as every muscle in my body flexed. My arms and legs pulled against my bindings as I writhed. It was pain, it was pleasure. I was filled almost immediately, in the first moment, but it kept filling me, stretching my mind, stretching my soul. I was full and it just kept pouring in, and I felt thin like a balloon overfilled. There was nowhere for whatever this was to go, and I screamed because air was the only thing I could push out of my body to make room.

Maya was screaming as well, her terror ringing in my ears as it cut through my own. Father had turned, clutching a gnarled branch of a wand in one hand and a long, black thorn in the other. The first he had carried my entire life, and I knew he used it as a spellcasting focus. The second was new, something I had never seen before until he had taken me captive. He held both implements before him like a shield, his eyes wide in panic as he watched me stretch to my limits, bending unnaturally in the air like the girl from the porno film Exorcist.

I was going to burst. I didn’t know what would happen. This thing, this stuff in my mind wasn’t real. It wasn’t literally filling my body. Would I explode? Would it be a violent death? Was I a danger to Maya?

“RUN!” I screamed, though I didn’t know if he would understand.

And then I felt it. Deep in that murky liquid that had filled my soul to the very limit and kept pumping in. I felt it.


Not just warmth. My warmth. Warmth I had left behind me. Warmth that I had traded with Jeremiah Grant, the Seat of Fertility, when he shared his life with mine and our magic touched, and he shook me to my core and plundered me as I willingly surrendered to him, and then put me back together.

And with that first touch of my magic, I realized I wasn’t full of a liquid that would drown me or burst me like a balloon.

I was full of gasoline. I was full of Fuel.

And I had my Fire again.

“FUCK YOU!” I screamed, opening my eyes. The world went white.



“Fucking fuckity fuck fuck,” I muttered, looking up at the ceiling of the stupid fucking cave, at the ladder that led outside to stupid fucking Hawaii. Then down at Jeremiah, his head cradled in my lap, still unconscious.

I’d wiped away the nosebleed that had started; thankfully that hadn’t lasted very long. He was frowning, but more or less seemed like he was sleeping. He still had a pulse and was breathing shallowly. But he was limp, and wouldn’t wake up.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do with you?” I asked him softly, shifting his hair out of his eyes. He needed a haircut again, even though I kind of liked him shaggy. If he was going to stand up at an Ultimate Council of Ultimate Magic he probably shouldn’t look like my nerdy boyfriend, though. Lindsey, Stacey and I needed to give him a makeover.

I checked my phone again – still no service. But even if I left him here and climbed out of the hole, who would I even call? ‘Yes, hello, 911? My boyfriend is down in a hole. He was trying to telepathically connect with a fire mage in Arizona and then started muttering crazy talk and then collapsed. No, that’s alright, I’ll hold.’

Calling Lindsey or Stacey would just panic them. Annalise hadn’t answered my texts in days.

“Alright, time for troubleshooting,” I sighed, easing Jerry’s head to the ground and standing up so I could pace. I did my best thinking while pacing, other than laying in bed next to Jerry after a good fucking. Supposedly ‘post nut clarity’ was a guy thing, but I always felt more clear-headed after a round or two with him. That or I passed the fuck out.

“OK, resources,” I muttered, starting my pacing. “Nothing useful in the packs for this. We’re in a cave, with a big fuck-off door.”

It was huge, like double the size of a bank vault, looming over us at one end of the cavern. It was divided into panels and etched with some sort of runes that were hard to look at for too long.

I had no idea what to do about the door, so I went over and kicked it. “Ow, fuck,” I grimaced. It hadn’t even made a metallic thud, the thing was so fucking solid. I tried knocking on it, and again it’s like I was knocking on the ground – more sound coming off of my knuckles than the metal.

What was I expecting anyways, someone to answer the door? This was the house of a guy who had killed himself by volcano eighteen years ago, no one was going to be home.

Or maybe there could be? What if he had like, a robot servant or something?Magical robot servants. Or like… mythical creatures?

“Hey,” I shouted, pounding my flat hand against the door. “Hey, your Seat needs you!”


“Fuck,” I muttered.

I went back and checked on Jerry again. No change. “Come on, babe,” I sighed, looking him over. Then I realized I was looking at his crotch.

“Oh, I’m a fucking idiot,” I groaned, just thankful no one else was around to see me make my realization. Therewas one person I could call on, though it wasn’t with a cell phone.

I quickly unbuckled Jerry’s shorts and pulled them down along with his boxers, revealing his big, soft cock.

“Hope you don’t think this is weird whenever you wake up,” I said, kneeling next to him and taking his cock in my hand. It was weighty even when it was soft, and I started to quickly but carefully jerk him. Usually it would only take a couple of tugs for him to start to respond – yet another reason I loved the fuck out of him. I knew he was all in on me, in love and lust and everything in between, and I was for him. Just touching his cock like this had me feeling warm and wet down between my legs despite the situation.

But he didn’t respond, and I was just stroking a floppy cock. A big floppy cock, but floppy nonetheless.

“Alright, phase two,” I said, and shifted my stance and leaned down, taking his cock head between my lips and starting to suck.

To be japon porno honest, I loved sucking on Jerry’s cock. I loved the feel of it in my mouth. I loved the way it pulsed and flexed as I played with it. I loved the taste of him, the smell of him. I didn’t know if it was because I was his Prime or if it was just me, but I didn’t care. The thing I loved the most about it though was looking at him while I did it, seeing the look in his eyes. The love, and the lust, and the awe, and the desire, and even the thankfulness. The want to do the same for me.

I didn’t get that when I sucked him off while he was unconscious.

His cock finally started to respond as I worked my mouth over him, holding it up by the root and squeezing with my hand. I slurped off of it and took a breath. “Come on, you little pixie bitch,” I said. “Where are you?”

I took him in my mouth again, working him with my tongue.

“What the Nine Seats is this?” Adama said, appearing standing on Jerry’s chest. Her rotund little body jiggled as she turned from me to Jerry and back. “Seriously, Cum Dump,” she demanded. “What in the hell is going on?”

I stopped blowing Jerry but kept stroking his cock. “Don’t fucking yell at me! We got here like we planned, but Jerry didn’t know how to work the door with the runes. He decided to try reaching out to Annalise through magic to see if she knew anything about runes, but then his eyes went wide and he kind of fell sideways and said he might faint, and said Annalise’s name, and that he’d fucked up, and then he did faint and I can’t wake him up.”

“Well, I can feel it easily enough – our boy is completely drained of magic. How the hell did he do that?” Adama asked, throwing her chubby arms up in the air. “When I left you he had a healthy little reserve. Nothing big, but certainly more than enough for some light magic work.”

“I don’t know!” I said. “What do I do? Do I need to fuck him while he’s like this or something? Will that help?”

“It can’t hurt,” Adama said, clearly frustrated. “Hold on, let me see what’s going on with the big titty fire mage.” She closed her eyes and raised her hand to her forehead, placing it with the palm facing outward. In moments she lowered it, opening her eyes wide. “Oh, fucking hell.”

“What?” I asked.

“This isn’t good. You better start working, Cum Dump. Jeremiah is going to need his magic soon, and as much as he can get.”



The world was fire, but that was good, because it wasmy fire.

I hovered in the air over Maya as she huddled on the ground in a ball, her head buried in her arms. I’d never hovered before, but I used the heat I redirected away from my sister like a draft to lift me. It didn’t even take a thought to do.

“Is this how you always saw me, Father?” I shouted into the inferno wreathing around us. Charred vegetation, broken and melting glass and fire spun in the wind, the vortex of heat blasting out of the framework of the greenhouse. “Am I everything you feared I would become?”

“You are a slattern whore,” he roared, bursting through the wall of fire clad in a living suit of armour; bark and vegetation protecting him. It smoked and charred, but continued to regrow as fast as it burned. Only my father’s face was visible amongst the plants and trees that surrounded his body, a deep burn across the left side of his face from my opening salvo. “Look at you! Destruction and doom. The worst of us! The scum at the bottom of the ascendancy.”

“This is who I am, you bastard,” I screamed, throwing my hands wide. I was naked, my soaked clothes had incinerated in those first moments when I lit the spark inside me and let the fire out. I had barely been able to shield Maya from the release of power, but I didn’t have time to do anything more for her now. “You tried to force me to hate myself, but I am the fire and the flame! I am the natural end to you. The cleansing. The removal of your rot.”

He snarled and paced forward, pushing against the heat I was emanating. The plants of his armour withered, singed and smoked, but he grit his teeth and rallied, taking another step closer. “I pollinated the rotten seed,” he said. “And now I’ll rip you out by the root!”

“Yeaaaagh!” I shouted, pulling back my arms and snarling as I summoned the fire around me and then cast it at him in a great ball of fire.

He ducked his shoulder and a shield of bark grew in the instant of flight, and while the shield immediately charred and blackened and tore away, it protected him. My father burst up, physically powered by his suit of plants, and leapt towards me. A wooden spike grew out of his fist, pulled back to strike, and he roared wordlessly as he closed with me.

“NO!” I screamed, and I exhaled the gasoline in my soul. It had been burning away quickly – it was hard to judge how much I had used and how much I had left. It wasn’t mine, wasn’t how I held magic – it was his. Jeremiah’s. He’d sent it to me. How, konulu porno I couldn’t fathom, but he had.

I breathed fire that burned white and cast stark light and shadow against his jumping form. His suit of plants withered away and I watched the skin of his arm and chest boil and burn in the split moment before the force blew him backwards like an explosive shockwave.

“Raaaaaaow, no!” My father screamed in pain. The vortex of fire had lessened, the wind dying down, and I could see him on his knees and one fist, screaming in pain. He lifted his head and glared at me. “This,” he panted. “Is not over! I will come for her, and I will end what I started with you!”

I reached out into one of the guttering fires and pulled a lance of pure flame from it, but even while I pulled it back to throw, he ran.

His suit of plants fell apart around him, dissolving into its half-dead parts, and he pulled a single mushroom from inside his pocket and slammed it against the ground. The desert seemed to open up and swallow him in a burst of fungi and spores.

I fell to the ground, barely managing not to drop on top of Maya, and I hit and rolled painfully, feeling my bare skin scraping against rock and dirt. I got to one knee and looked around, my head cloudy. The fuel was gone – I’d used up every ounce of it, and I felt like the fumes were still clogging my thoughts.

Where once my father’s greenhouse had surrounded us, there were rings of scorched stone and earth like a crater. The back of the house was gone as well, and I could literally look in and see the remains of my childhood bedroom staring back at me, blackened and scorched.

There was no sign of him.

“Anna?” Maya whimpered.

“I’m here,” I said, crawling over to her, not caring that I scraped my knees. “I’m here, Maya. It’s alright. He’s gone. I- I made him leave. He ran.”

“Anna,” she sobbed. “Anna, I can’t see. I can’tsee, Anna!”

Her eyes were open and I could see they were clouded. Her beautiful eyes, grey and dead.

“No,” I whimpered, and took her in my arms, kissing her face. “It’ll be OK,” I promised her. “It’ll be OK. It’s my fault, but I’ll make it better. I promise you’ll get better.”

“Anna, I’m scared,” my sister cried.

“I know, Maya,” I said. “I know.”

We needed to move. I couldn’t fight him if he came back, not like this. Not while keeping Maya safe.

Jeremiah? I thought. Could he hear me?

He didn’t reply.

We were on our own.



I woke up with a groan, my back aching and my ass getting uncomfortably poked in the side.

“Wha-? Why the fuck don’t I have pants on?” I groaned, trying to see in the dark. The only reason I didn’t panic in my hazy state was that I could feel the warm pressure of one of my girls cuddling up against me, laying with her head on my shoulder, hugging herself to me.

“Shhh,” Lauren whispered. “We’re OK. Just breathe for a second and try to remember what happened.” She clicked on a flashlight, revealing the cave and the door and the ladder leading up to the trap door, which was closed.

It took another moment, looking around, for me to remember. “Fuck! Annalise,” I said. I reached inside and found the pool of fireworks and… it felt like I had a single sparkler where I’d been holding a New Years’ Eve fireworks display before.

“You can’t do anything else for her right now,” Lauren said, still laying on my chest and stroking my hair with her fingers soothingly. “Adama told me you did something she didn’t even know was possible. You sent her your power, every last bit of it. She doesn’t know how you did it.”

“I guess that’s why I don’t have pants on, then,” I said, trying to take some deep breaths.

“That, and I had to finish you off to get at least some magic back in you,” she said. “Just putting it out there, I’m not into fucking you while you’re a nearly lifeless corpse.”

“Sorry,” I groaned.

“For what you did for Annalise, I forgive you,” she said.

“How bad?” I asked.

“Not sure. Adama couldn’t tell much, and she left so that whatever magic I could generate for you wouldn’t get used up. She said you not being conscious put a big damper on what was being generated.”

Lauren held me for a long moment, and I let the emotions run over me, and I started to cry. “Lauren, I- This is my fault. I felt what she felt. Annalise was- she wanted to die. She was like that because of me. Because I- I took half measures. I made a proclamation. I didn’tdo anything. I should havedone something.”

“Shhh,” she soothed me. “Shhh. It’s not you, babe. It’s not your fault. We did what we thought was right. If it was because of the Judgement, then it’s because someone underestimated you. Underestimated us. You showed them mercy, and grace. You tried to be just, because you’re good.”

She shifted up, leaning over and kissing my lips lightly, then higher and kissed each of my teary eyes, then back down to my lips again. “You aregood, Jeremiah Grant. We’ll figure out what to do.”

“Together,” I said, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close. “I need you.”

“I know,” she smiled, holding me. “And I need you. Desperately. And so do Lindsey, and Stacey. And Annalise.”

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