
Forced Changes Ch. 02

Female Ejaculation

Preview/Spoiler Tags: Nonconsent, Futanari, MFF, Transgender, Femdom, Reluctance, Transformation, Succubus, Dickgirl


The door softly clicked shut behind us as we passed the threshold of our apartment. I tried to gently pry myself out of her grasp but she clung to me like a drowning man grabs a life preserver. Maybe it”s more like a fat guy holding onto the last twinkie in the world. Either way, I struggled to separate myself from her but she just increased her grip. I sighed as I remembered how easily she had lifted my weight earlier. New plan. I walked over to the bed and gently tilted us back to land on it. I had an evil grin on my face as I remembered teasing my sister in a similar manner. I took my free hand and I stealthily crept it down to the side of her stomach before poking her flesh with my fingers. She let out a little laugh at my probing attack. You’re mine now, the grin climbed higher on my face as I flashed my teeth. I grasped and prodded her flesh in a ferocious tickle attack that had her bucking and squirming beneath me. Her peals of laughter rang out, filling the apartment in joyful sound. The grin vanished from my face as she launched a counter salvo at my arm pit. Captain we’re hit, we’re going down. I hadn’t been ticklish before but this had obviously changed with the upgrades to Sydney 2.0.

She was unstoppable as she poked and prodded my flesh, judging my reactions to each. My armpits and the crease behind my knees proved very susceptible to attack as she worked her way down my body. Oh no. She looked up at me slyly as she reached my feet. She grabbed a foot in her iron grasp as I struggled harder. She stroked my foot like a musician does when testing the tuning of an instrument. Evidently I was sufficiently in tune as my leg muscles twitched and tightened involuntarily at her feathery touch. She started strumming and I twitched and jumped, my laughter dying as I ran out of breath. My chest started hurting as the laughter became painful. Tears leaked from my eyes as she stopped playing with my foot.

She smiled as she flopped down on top of me, pinning me to the bed with her weight. The top of her head rested under my chin as her hair cascaded across the side of my body. She listened as my frantic breathing slowed in time with my staccato heartbeat. It took a couple of minutes for me to calm and feel comfortable with wearing her like a blanket. She lifted her head and smiled at me with hooded eyes as her hands started to drift up and down my sides almost accidentally glancing my breasts in her motion. I grasped her hands to stop her from tempting me and slid out from under her. I scooted back to lean against the headboard and she followed me, leaning over me to continue her tantalizing assault of me, lust shining in her gaze.

“Wait. We need to talk. I have a million questions and I deserve some answers.”

She gave me an exaggerated frown at the request. Her eyes glistened as she widened them, pleading me with puppy dog eyes.

“Quit that. You had plenty of time with me this week. I have things I need to know.”

Her face became suddenly serious at my tone. A look of worry crossed her face but quickly smoothed away as she met my gaze.

“First off I’m assuming this is permanent. No changing back right?”

She nodded in affirmation, tears filling her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak.

“Nope. Let me ask my questions then you can fill in the blanks. You’re obviously not human. What are you?”

“Technically, I’m a succubus.” My eyes widened at this. “But the myths are very different from reality.”

“Okayyy, I’m not gonna touch that particular can of worms yet. Continuing on…” I thought for a moment and decided to approach my most pressing concerns.

“How… functional, are my new assets?” She looked at me in confusion.

Uggghhhh, so embarrassing.

“Can I get pregnant?” I blurted out. I blushed as she looked at me blankly. She gave me a look of understanding as she gently touched my face.

“No. You cannot get pregnant. Nor can you get anyone other than me pregnant.”

“That”s good.” I sighed in relief. “Wait a second… you said other than me. Does that mean…?”

“Yes. Your seed is only viable to me.” My eyes opened wide in panic as I recalled the furious lovemaking I had forced on her at the front door. The unprotected furious lovemaking. She giggled lightly at my panic.

“It’s okay. I’m sure you’ll be a great father.” I almost hyperventilated at the thought of the responsibility of raising a little succubus. Bouncing her on my knee as her tail waved behind her happily. No honey it’s not okay to seduce your classmates…

“Kidding. Succubi are only fertile a couple of times during the year and only their bonded can impregnate them.”

“Hahaha…” I let out a strained laugh at her poor joke. “How do I produce semen? I don’t have balls anymore?”

“Of all the things you would ask, you want to know the porna mechanics of your cum production?” she asked incredulously.

“I’m studying to be a mechanical engineer at the university. These sort of things always bothered me in the erotica I’ve read. Plus you said you were a succubus so I’m a little concerned about the ramification of that…” my voice trailed off as I rambled.

“Okay then let me educate you about your new body. We’ll start from the top and work our way down.” She released me from her grasp to kneel between my legs in a very subservient posture, though her eyes danced with mischief.

“Your tone and complexion will always be perfect no matter your circumstances. It’s a supernatural trait that succubi share with their lovers. Your conversion to the fairer sex is a unique trait specific to my family. At some point in the past a jilted lover of an ancestor cursed said ancestor to have a penis, believing this would scare away potential mates. She was angry at my ancestors for stealing the dowry she had her eye on. Instead of scaring away targets the curse interacted unpredictably with the succubus’ aura causing the shifting of desirable mates from males to females.”

“I’m not sure if you noticed but I wasn’t a female before you came along.” I interjected.

“Quiet. I’m still covering the basics. We’ll get there.” She scolded me giving the same scowl a schoolteacher would give an unruly student.

“Normal succubi find their mates by tempting men with their form and checking their essence for compatability. After the succubus has tasted the essence of a man they then decide whether or not to mate with them. They encourage lustful behaviour this by spreading their pheromones which lower inhibitions. This makes it easier to check a multitude of essences. “

“I’m quite familiar with the pheromones.” She raised her eyebrow at me interruption.

“Anyway…those pheromones were strengthened by the mutation of the curse, now they encouraged subordinate behavior to the point of completely erasing a person”s free will.”

“Also familiar with that” I said in a subdued tone. Her eyes shone with an unspoken apology.

“Occasionally my family oddball is born whom is not attracted to females, instead they retain the desire for males present in the normal succubi. This leads to problems when they attempt to mate with the potential male mate because the succubus’ magic…encourages…the male form to change in order take advantage of the succubus’ unique assets.”

“Holy shit. Those weren’t nightmares. That was you. You raped me.” I exclaimed in realization. She looked very sheepish at my accusation.

“Rape is such a strong word… You didn’t exactly say no.”

“How could I say no when I was ASLEEP!” The urge to hit something flowed through my limbs and I clenched my hands in impotent rage.

“I’m sorry alright. I couldn’t help myself. I smelled our compatibility as you entered the building and I followed you here. I snuck in and intended to get to know you better so I could seduce you. But then you smelled so good, and you were all alone, and I lost control. I’m sorry I went about this all wrong. You changed and I couldn’t let you go and tell anyone about your change and that got you enthralled with my pheromones and that led to a whole new set of problems…” The words tumbled out of her mouth in a single stream of consciousness. Tears were leaking from her eyes as she tangled her hand hands nervously in the blankets. She refused to meet my gaze as she stared at the wall. I took her hands in mine. I brought them to my lips and kissed them lightly. She met my gaze and I set aside my anger in the face of her obvious distress.

“It’s okay honey. I’m not exactly happy about the manner it came about. But the results have been very… enjoyable. I don’t know why but I feel so good with you.” I gathered her into an embrace.

“Cause we’re mated. It’s a magic thing. We are compatible and my magic reinforces that feeling of togetherness. Our bodies will always crave the presence of the other.” She mumbled into my chest as her tears slowed. I waited a moment for her to gather herself before she continued. “I was explaining to you about your new body.” She palmed my breasts in a manner that caused them to tingle pleasantly.

“These are useless for anything other than fun. Same thing with your vagina. Your penis is fully functional but your genetic material is no longer stored in testes. Instead some of your plumbing has been rearranged filling in the unnecessary area with some nerve clusters and teste substitutes unique to our kind.” She paused in thought.

“Please close your eyes I want you to try something. Think about the first time I pleasured you. Remember my length filling you up. That delicious sensation of me pumping inside of you.” I involuntarily closed my eyes and did what she said, the images plastering the back of my eyelids. I grew a little flush and a strange pinching pprno sensation pulled me out of my daydream. I looked down to see my penis had retreated inside my body. I looked up at her wide eyed.

“The changes also allow a certain mutability of your body depending on your desires. You will not get sore like a normal woman nor will you have a refractory period as a man. No ovaries means no menstrual cycles.” Whew. That’s a relief. She stroked my belly and I could feel her touch my penis through a thin layer of skin and muscle. I groaned as a thin bead of honey dripped from my excited lips. I met her eyes and saw the lust I felt reflected in her blue orbs.

“You’ll always be in a state of semi arousal and you will have greater levels of lubrication than a normal woman.”

“I’m not really listening anymore.” I reached for her belly and and mirrored her stroking, but I gave it deep kneading strokes trying coax her member from inside of her.

“Please. Talking’s overrated anyway.” She needed little encouragement as she laid down backwards pulling me on top of her.

“If you want something then take it.”

I growled at her playfully as I snatched her member in my hand and wiggled my butt. I quickly coaxed her erect as I crawled into position, placing her hardening head at my entrance. She gently parted my lips as her member slid all the way inside. I rested my weight on her pelvis for a moment as the desire was quenched with pure pleasure. There was a feeling of fullness that was nothing like the enveloping heat of the penetration that I had as a man. I had always wondered what it had felt like as a woman but the musing fell far short of the reality.

I leaned forward and teased her nipples lightly as I started rocking my hips, providing motion but not releasing an inch of her from inside of me. Her hips pumped beneath me in little involuntary spasms as her tail wrapped itself around my arm. I licked my lips as my breathing quickened, rushing between my lips with rising ardour. She bucked hard beneath me as her member swelled and released her spine tingling load inside of me. Her release catalyzed a familiar reaction that caused me to douse her member in juices. I flopped onto her chest as the strength was sapped from my muscles. Her bountiful breasts softly caught my modest ones as we embraced in languid exhaustion.

“Okay, now that we’ve got that out of our system it’s back to explanations. You said your pheromones are different, that they… enslave… or something. I’m assuming it had something to do with the whole ‘kill yourself’ thing.”

“Yeah. If someone spends long enough time enslaved under the effect of my pheromones they’ll eventually deteriorate and die. It’s an awful and slow death. Think alzheimer”s on steroids and you’ll be on the right track. The laws of the council also states that no humans other than chosen mates may know of our existence. That’s why I wanted you to run. You would have had werewolf hunters on your trail if they knew what I did with you.”

“But that’s over with now because I’m your… mate…right?” The idea of wolf human hybrids chasing me through a forest was not a pleasant one, causing me to shudder involuntarily.

“Exactly. Now that we’re bound together the council won’t object to you knowing of the supernatural.” Her tail slowly stroked my arm in contentment. I grabbed the soft rubbery appendage in my hand and stroked it softly. She moaned at the attention and I noted her response.

“What about this guy? Am I gonna end up with one of these?” She writhed under my ministrations and stiffened as I popped the tip of her tail in my mouth sucking on it lightly.

“No those are only for born succubus. Their mates don’t get them.” Her voice came out listless as she writhed on the bed.

“What about your magic. You conjured and dismissed clothes a couple of times. Can I do something like that?”

“Nope. If you want clothing you’ll have to ask me for it. Or buy it yourself.”

“Oh really…” I intensified my sucking, as I fellated her tail vigorously. Her writhing intensified. I laid off my ministrations and she settled deeply into the bed, breathing heavily.

“Please let me see it. Give me some lingerie. I’ve never worn them before. Someone, seems to dislike seeing me in clothes.” I pouted and batted my eyelashes at her suggestively. She gave me a guilty smirk and started twisting her fingers into strange configurations. I felt a tickling sensation against my breasts and hips as phantom fingers danced across my flesh. The phantom sensations faded as my new curves were now hugged by translucent black cloth. The cloth almost appeared to be painted on my flesh they were so snug but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It gave credence to the idea that less was more, the bits of my flesh covered only made the rest more tantalizing by comparison. I stepped away from the bed to show off the goods before I stopped, struck by a revelation.

“Your rokettube name…” I whispered as I cried. It hit me in the gut in an emotional sucker punch.

Man, emotions hit me so much harder now.

“I don’t even know your name.” I fell to the floor in a heap as a realized how little control I actually had over my new body. The strange woman who had taken my body and mind from me slipped from the bed with inhuman grace as she gathered me to her chest, softly humming to comfort me.

“Hmmmmmmmmm. It’s okay. We’ll get through this.” She held me a while until my tears slowed.

“My name is Alexandria. But you can call me Lexi.” She gave me a deep kiss and I was comforted by her familiar taste filling my mouth and her scent which wrapped around me like a warm blanket. Comforted by each other’s presence and gentle caresses time passed swiftly before it was abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Sydney this is your mother.” I gripped Lexi’s arms tightly as I tried to figure out a way to explain this situation. Lexi merely smiled and hauled my resisting form up from the floor, pulling me towards the door. Pajama pants and a plain t shirt unfurled from the air to cover my form. I dug my heels into the carpet but she hauled me towards the door with no visible effort. She opened the door allowing my mother her first glimpse of my new form. Her face showed her surprise which she quickly covered by smirking.

“Well this isn’t what I expected.” I opened my mouth desperately trying to come up with some sort of rational explanation for why there were two woman in her son”s apartment without him.

I’ve got nothing. I’m so screwed.

“Now I see why I hadn’t heard from you in a week. Why didn’t you tell me you had such a lovely girlfriend.”


“I was worried you were sick or something but obviously that’s not the case.”

“It’s lovely to meet you ma”am my name is Lexi. Sorry I’ve monopolized your son’s time but it’s just that our relationship is so new and excited you know?” She gave me a small smirk her eyes dancing with laughter in the face of my obvious confusion.

“Please call me Amanda. I understand only too well. They stories I could tell about Syd’s father and I when we first got together… wooo you couldn’t even imagine.” My mom gave Lexi a very direct once over, putting a hand on her chin in thought.

“Well maybe you could.” They both laughed at this as I stood, slack jawed at the surreal situation unfolding before me.

“I don’t want to keep you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after your illness. We should get together tomorrow for brunch I would love to get to know you better Lexi. Have a fun day you two.” She gave my ‘girlfriend’ a lascivious wink as she closed the door in my still face.

“Wha…Who…How?” I stumbled through asking Lexi just what the hell was going on.

“Did I fail to mention that I also have a modicum of skill with illusions? I can make you look and sound just like you would have before to everyone else. I could’ve sworn I told you.” Frustrated at her teasing manner I felt my earlier rage returning.

“I can’t deal with this right now. I like you but you’ve fucked with my life royally. Now you are getting flippant and I still feel like I should hate you you know? Please just try to take this a little seriously. Is that too much to ask for?”

“Sorry. I was just trying to make you smile. I know we don’t really know each other yet but please be patient with me. I’m trying to make this easier for us.”

“I know that but still it’s just that…Urghh! I don’t even know what I’m trying to say. I just feel frustrated at this whole thing. I’ve lost who I am and I feel like I should mourn that but I can’t bring myself to. I can’t really put it into words.”

“Come here. Let”s just curl up and watch some terrible television, I think there’s a Bachelorette marathon going on.”

“Now I know you’re trying to torture me. Do you really watch that reality crap?”

“What’s wrong with the Bachelor? It’s funny how ridiculous it is. Trust me. We’ll make fun of all the uber cheesy lines and mock them. It’ll be like mystery science theatre 3000 but we’ll do the narration.”

I hesitated for a moment before agreeing, trying to keep an open mind.

“Okay. But hands to yourself this is a strictly PG-13 showing.”

The titular bachelor was named Edward and he was just looking for love, on a tv show, which guarantees the contestants money and fame, because that’ll obviously work out. I was skeptical to say the least. Currently there were eight remaining ladies vying for love in the wrong place.

“Ohhhhh she’s pretty.” I said as a mocha skinned girl with youthful features sat across from Edward. She had a vibrant smile and an open sort of face.

“Now that I’m a girl, at least sort of, do I get to ask leading questions? Whatever, who cares, doing it anyway. Do you think she’s prettier than me?”

“No one will ever be as pretty to me than you are.”

“Oooooo. Good answer, not saying I’m the most beautiful but still pandering to my vanity. I approve. The game”s afoot.” I finished using a Robert Downey Sherlock Holmes impersonation.

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