
From Alpha Female to Obedient Submi


Cathy had never been happier. She thought she really enjoyed her life as the alpha female senior executive of the financial consultancy firm where she headed up a large team and was responsible for attracting masses of work to the company all of which made substantial profits and therefore good salaries for herself and the senior members of her team.

Outside work, she sat on several local committees and was always someone others would turn to for help and advice.

However, as time went on, she realised that the stress was draining her, and whilst she was just forty, she felt years older.

Cathy had a long-term girlfriend, Jane, who, like her, was an alpha female at work and at home and was also forty. They were a couple and lived together and shared the responsibilities of running the home.

Feeling stressed, Cathy decided to take a week off work, as a holiday, thinking that might help her relax and then regenerate her enthusiasm for her job.

On the very first day she was actually bored, so decided to do the cleaning. She made a thorough job of it, starting with the bathroom, scrubbing out the bath as well as the sink and toilet, and then did the same in the kitchen, also scrubbing the floor. After that, she loaded the washing machine, and when that was finished hung everything up to dry or put what she could in the tumble dryer, and then ironed everything and put it all away. In between she dusted and hoovered everywhere.

By the time she was finished, she was surprised just how many hours she had been cleaning. She also told herself that she had managed to switch herself off and just focus on doing the cleaning. She realised it had been hard physical work, but not stressful at all, so very different to her job.

The next day, when she got up, she made breakfast for her and Jane and listened as Jane explained what she was going to have to do that day at the office, which was actually quite intense. Before Jane left for work Cathy asked her what she would like for dinner and said that she would prepare it, and Jane was happy to tell her what she particularly fancied.

After Jane left, Cathy wondered what to do. Not finding anything she fancied doing, she proceeded to do the cleaning again, just like the previous day, and put on more washing and dealt with that as well. Although she again found it hard work, she still found it stress-free and actually a joy to do. She did think through how it was nowhere near as testing as her job and realised that made it more fun for her.

She also made sure that she started dinner on time as well, that it was ready, and that the table was laid, as Jane walked through the front door.

When over dinner Jane asked Cathy what she had done today she was at first surprised to be told she had cleaned the house again, but then realised that whilst Cathy was stressed when at the office but not after the two days at home doing the cleaning. She asked Cathy what she was going to do tomorrow, and when Cathy asked, “What do you think I should do?” Jane saw that as a cry for help.

Jane thought for a moment and suggested, “You could go to the gym, then maybe go to the shops as we need some food, and you said you needed a new top.”

Cathy smiled at the suggestions and asked, “Can you do a list so I get everything we need. How much should I spend on the top?” She then added, “Oh, and what will you want for breakfast and dinner tomorrow?”

Jane replied, “No problem with what food to buy,” and quickly wrote out the list. She also gave Cathy a price for her top and told her what she fancied for breakfast and dinner.

Jane then made sure she spent time with Cathy during the evening although noticed Cathy didn’t ask any questions but did answer any that Jane asked her. In fact, Jane saw that Cathy was clearly deferring to her on everything.

When Jane saw it was getting late even though Cathy was in the middle of a programme, she tested Cathy by saying, “It’s getting late, so we better go up to bed.”

Cathy didn’t say she was watching the programme but immediately switched off the TV and went upstairs, as though just doing as she was told. It again set Jane wondering if this was just the beginning of changes in Cathy’s personality, but it was clear that Cathy was far more relaxed than she had ever been before.

As Cathy went upstairs, she didn’t even think it was wrong to be told to go to bed but just accepted being told to do so by Jane. She did know that since being at home she had no qualms about doing as she was told and was far happier when doing the cleaning and washing because she didn’t have any of the stress she had when at work or sitting on all of her committees.

Cathy was first in bed, and when Jane joined her, she saw she smiled but made no move towards her, as though leaving it to Jane to decide if they were going to make love. So, Jane leaned over and made a point of kissing Cathy who responded by kissing her back, and they enjoyed giving each other several bartın escort huge orgasms. It was Jane who was the one to stop but they happily slept curled up together.

The next day after Cathy had made breakfast and Jane went to work, Cathy did the shopping and felt so relaxed as all she had to do was buy what was on the list. She also looked for a top and the one she liked was just one pound more than Jane had said so she didn’t buy it. That evening over dinner Cathy said how she enjoyed the food shopping and talked about the top and was delighted when Jane said she could spend the extra pound.

The same happened each evening over dinner with Cathy asking Jane what she should do the next day, and then she did everything Jane said. After dinner, it was Cathy who washed everything up and put it away and then joined Jane in the living room and watched whatever programmes Jane wanted to watch, until Jane said it was bedtime.

Realising how stress free it was to have Jane make all of the decisions for her, she started to say to Jane she was, “thinking,” of doing something but was really wanting her to decide if it was a good idea or not. With any hesitation from Jane, Cathy simply decided not to do it on the basis Jane knew what was right for her. She then started to ask Jane for permission to do anything at all. Initially, she was asking if she could go and see friends, do activities like going to the gym and theatre with her

friends, and that moved on to asking Jane for her opinion on clothes she wanted to buy and accepting her decision each time without question. That quickly extended to whenever she asked Jane anything and Jane said no, she didn’t think to argue but just accepted her decision.

Cathy then even started to ask Jane permission to do things within the home. She asked to be allowed to do things, by asking, “Is it okay if …” and that included to go and get something from the kitchen to eat, even to speak or to go to the bathroom, and when Jane was going to be away for a couple of days on business, to masturbate.

Cathy knew it was different to before when they were both equal alpha females but actually felt better in herself not making any decisions but just following Jane’s decisions on everything. She even found her submission to Jane erotic and often had wet knickers when thinking about Jane when alone during the day actually being her boss lady.

Jane also realised what was happening but found that she enjoyed the control she now had over her girlfriend and even said no deliberately, even when the reasonable answer would have been yes, and got wet when she did so. She loved the way that Cathy accepted even those decisions and she knew that it got Cathy wet as well.

Cathy felt so relaxed until she thought about having to go back to work and asked Jane if she could extend her holiday by another week. Jane agreed and so she did.

During this break, Cathy didn’t attend any of the committees either and realised that she could do without that pressure as well and fill her time with more cleaning.

During that second week of holiday, Cathy did give more than a little thought to the fact that she wasn’t getting the normal flood of telephone calls asking for her opinion on all types of issues and saw that as dropping out of all those commitments and also becoming less important to others. She was feeling like a boss lady who was made redundant or maybe even sacked, but smiled as she thought that she was the winner as she was left to do the menial work she wanted to do without the pressure or stress, so was doing what she wanted to do and not what others wanted from her.

As Cathy became more and more settled in what she saw as her new but better life, she told herself that she preferred to be totally obedient and submissive and ask permission to do anything at all.

One girlfriend, Maisie, asked Cathy, “So what happens if you disobey Jane?”

Cathy had replied, “Well, I don’t disobey her. I mean, I have done, unintentionally, but she corrects me quickly enough.”

Maisie then asked, “Does she just reprimand you or are you subject to any loss of privileges or other punishments?”

Cathy had thought beforehand that there should be some repercussions if she didn’t do as she was told and asked, “Actually, there are no set punishments, but I can see how that makes sense. What punishments would seem right?”

Maisie had meant it as a joke but saw how serious Cathy looked and so replied, “Well, all sorts. It could be grounding, or loss of electronics, both of which are very common these days. It could, though, go through to having your bottom spanked.”

As Cathy listened to the choices being suggested by Maisie, she knew already that it was absolutely right that she should be punished for any disobedience. It was when Maisie mentioned spanking that she felt the quivers flying around her vulva and knew that that was the punishment that she should encourage Jane başakşehir escort to give her.

That evening over dinner, Cathy asked Jane if they could have a discussion about what was becoming their new way of life, and Jane was up for that. Cathy explained, “I so prefer just looking after the home and really don’t want to go back to work. I also think I need to step down from all of the committees as well, for my own good.”

Jane had half-expected that and replied, “No problem, Cathy. Hand your notice in at work and tell the committees you need to step down. Money isn’t a problem as I earn enough to pay for everything.”

Cathy was relieved as she saw all the responsibility of her previous life disappearing.

Jane saw the relief on Cathy’s face, and asked, “Anything else to discuss?”

Cathy took a deep breath, and continued, “In fact, what I have found over these two weeks and what works best for me and with the least stress for me, is for you to make every decision. As you know I am happy to do all of the housework but would prefer that you told me when I should carry out the cleaning. A weekly checklist would work well. I’m very happy to go shopping but would prefer you told me what food to buy.” She blushed as she added, “I don’t want to be in charge of anything and want to defer to you with you being like my boss and me your lowest member of staff.”

Cathy then looked at Jane but didn’t say anything and wanted to see her reaction.

Jane nodded her head and said, “Carry on. What else?”

That encouraged Cathy who continued, “You should manage all of the finances and I would also want you to control my spending. I think that I should be given just a debit card and never any cash, and you are the one who gets the statements and can check that I only ever spend money that you have given me permission to spend. Then there is the social diary, which only you should arrange. I can ask if I can go and see friends, but you can say no even without giving me a reason. In fact, I don’t need to know the reason but just the decision.”

Jane again nodded her head and said, “I can do all of that. I understand why you want to lose the stress, but you will need to explain to your friends the control you have given me, and won’t you find that humiliating?”

Cathy knew she had no qualms about telling her friends how important it was to her to accept Jane’s decision every time and only do as she was told. Jane was right, again, and it would be humiliating to tell her friends. However, Cathy got excited at the very thought of telling her friends. She realised that she found being humiliated a real turn-on now she was no longer the alpha female, or rather she now realised she was never the alpha female and being submissive and obedient and subject to Jane’s unquestioned control was what she should always have been. So, knowing that she replied, “Humiliation will be good for me as I want to be obedient and if I am not then need the humiliation of you correcting me.”

Jane nodded her head and asked, “How should I correct you?”

Cathy took another deep breath and replied, “If I say something wrong then you should slap my face. If I do something wrong or disobey you, then you should smack my legs, spank me, berate me, and maybe even all of those things so I do learn.”

Still, Jane was up for all of that. She knew she was still the alpha female and actually thought the staff in her team at her office should be subject to the very disciplinary measures that Cathy was describing. However, whilst that wasn’t allowed, she saw no reason why she shouldn’t agree to treat Cathy in the way she wanted.

Jane replied, “I love you, Cathy, and want to care for you. What you are describing in terms of repercussions for not doing as you are told is like me having maternal authority over you, and very strict maternal control with spanking and leg and face slapping as the punishments. I can do that. I can also set your housekeeping schedules and can give or refuse permission for everything you ask me to let you do. I like the idea actually.”

Cathy was so relieved and gave Jane a hug and said an ecstatic, “Thank you so much.”

Jane hugged Cathy back and said, “I will work on schedules and rules and consequences tomorrow.”

The following day Jane downloaded a weekly cleaning schedule and turned that into an online report with dates and a column for Jane to confirm that the work was done to a satisfactory standard. Any shortcomings would result in a spanking of varying length and severity depending on how bad the standard was.

Jane then set out other timings that Cathy needed to keep to and punishments if she didn’t or even if she disobeyed any instructions given by Jane. The list was a long one and set out in groups connected by the punishment that not observing any rule would bring:

A Spanking would be earned every time Cathy failed to do the following:

There batıkent escort is a list of daily duties: make the beds daily, vacuum daily, wash dishes daily, have the house clean before Jane returns from work, and make sure the laundry is done by the time Jane gets back from work including ironing,

Cathy has to be showered and dressed by 7:00 am and have breakfast ready by 7:30 am so that Jane can leave for work by 8;00 am. Cathy will have to be showered again and dinner will have to be ready by 7:30 pm for when Jane gets back from work. The same timings will apply when Jane worked from home and at weekends.

All meals will be chosen by Jane the night before and Cathy has to go shopping to buy anything not in the house. Jane will set what Cathy will have for lunch when she was at work.

Cathy will be given a debit card which Jane will load with sufficient money to purchase the day’s needs plus a very small extra amount although Cathy will only purchase what Jane specifically agrees to. The card will only be checked by Jane who controls all of the finances. Any overspending, even by one penny, will lead to an increasingly severe spanking.

If Jane simply says, ‘Tongue sex,’ then Cathy will immediately kneel on the floor in front of her and as soon as her knickers were off, she will lean in and give her a huge orgasm. It won’t necessarily be returned, and Cathy has to accept that.

Cathy will have to ask permission to leave the house at any time if Jane is not with her and request permission to make any purchases other than groceries and hygiene products.

Several Face Slaps will be the punishment for any breaches of the following:

Cathy will have strict instructions not to speak unless spoken to. That is not just when the two of them are alone but also when they are with friends or just anywhere in public. Cathy has to look towards Jane and wait for her to nod her head. Anything else means that Cathy cannot speak even if asked a question by a friend. Whilst the punishment for speaking without permission is a face slapping, it will also mean a severe spanking at a time chosen by Jane.

When Jane is at home, Cathy will have to ask permission for everything even to go to the toilet and even if others are in the room.

When at friends or in a restaurant Jane will choose the food that Cathy will eat. Cathy is not allowed to speak to the waitress or make eye contact.

Cathy will always have to be patient and not demand an answer from Jane and then must accept the response from Jane without question.

Cathy will always use, ‘Please,’ and ‘Thank you,” every single time.

Cathy will never say, ‘Yes, if …’ or “‘Yes, but …’ and will only say, ‘Yes.’

Note: Cathy will get a spanking afterwards at a time decided by Jane for each of the above breaches.

Legs will be smacked several times for failing to do each of the following:

Cathy now has to do whatever Jane says and immediately.

If Jane tells Cathy to fetch something for her and she doesn’t react in two seconds, then Jane will pull Cathy by the ear and force her to go and collect what Jane had told her to get, followed by several smacks on both legs.

Daily Dressing and Hygiene:

All clothes for the day will be chosen by Jane and Cathy has no choice but to wear those clothes. If Cathy has been naughty, then her bra or knickers or both will be omitted for that day or even several days. If Cathy gets out a bra and knickers herself the penalty will be tripled in time of days.

There will be a daily inspection set to check that Cathy is clean-shaven and with absolutely smooth armpits, legs and pussy lips, all of which Jane particularly wants. A spanking will be the set punishment if she is less than perfect as well as the need to shave immediately so she has to make sure she always has a stock of shaving gel for immediate use.


Cathy has to ask to watch TV programmes or play approved-only games on her phone or computer. Any arguments will mean no use of that electronic item for up to three days.

Cathy will need to submit her phone computer tablet and any other electronic device for Jane’s inspection immediately upon request. Any refusal will mean that the electronic device is taken away for a week.

All of these punishments and rules equally apply if at home or if they are out at a friend’s house and it will be up to Jane to decide if part or all of the punishment will be given wherever they are or later at home.

Jane put all of this into a contract which they both signed. There was no end date so technically Cathy was bound by the contract even if they split up.

All the rules meant that Cathy didn’t have to think about anything at all but just do as she was told. That was exactly what she wanted as that meant no pressure or stress, just hard work when cleaning and submission at all times. She saw herself as lower than an assistant on the scale of things and that worked for her as she didn’t want to stand out at all.

The new regime worked immediately, and Cathy relished the lack of responsibility and decision-making, whilst Jane enjoyed the control she had.

It was Cathy who saw the major changes as she changed from her stress-filled alpha lifestyle to her new low but stress-free lifestyle.

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