
Fucking the Team Ch. 02

We had practice the day after my encounter with Michelle. Despite a little nerves on my part, everything went smoothly, though there seemed to be a little more whispering and laughing among the girls than usual.

Afterwards, I was in my office anxiously trying to focus on paperwork. When I heard a knock, I jumped, and turned rapidly around, surprised to see Eylani standing in the door, looking nearly as nervous as I did. She was our third baseman, a short, curvy Latina girl, with coffee skin, green eyes, and curly black hair she usually kept up in a bun.

“Hey coach,” she said, giving a little wave.

I gulped, and returned the gesture. “What’s up?”

She stepped forward hesitantly, and sat down on the old couch I kept in my office. “Well,” she said, looking at the ground, “I was asking Michelle about something, and she said you might be able to help me with it.”

At this point, I was mildly panicked. Eylani had always seemed shy around me and the other girls. I wasn’t sure what Michelle had told her, but it seemed unlikely to me that this girl was now about to ask me to fuck her. I had to play things cool. “I can’t promise anything, Eylani, but I will help if I can. What’s the issue?”

“Well,” she said, still looking at the ground, “it’s my boyfriend.”

I was calming down a bit. Clearly, there was nothing sexual here. She had been talking to Michelle, and Michelle had suggested I could offer some kind of male perspective on her relationship trouble. I tried my best to look comforting. “What about him?”

She bit her lip. “Well, we’ve been together for a while, but…” she hesitated, picking at the corner of her sleeve.

“What is it, Eylani? You can tell me.”

“Well, things are good, but he says I’m not very good at…” she was blushing, and struggled to say the last word. Eventually it came out, nearly as a whisper: “blowjobs.”

I coughed, and she jumped up, blushing, red pushing through her tan complexion. “Sorry! I knew this was a dumb idea! Just forget I said anything.”

I reached out a hand, trying to recover my composure. “No, you’re alright! I was just surprised. Here, sit down, and let’s talk.”

She looked relieved, and sat back down, looking painfully uncomfortable. “I’m just so embarrassed! He’s been with a bunch of other girls, and he’s always telling me how much better they were than I am. It really hurts. And any time I try and practice, he just tells me how terrible I am.”

“Does he tell you what he likes?”

She shook her head. “He says he doesn’t know how to suck dick cause he’s ‘not a fag’. And nothing I try seems to make him happy.”

I took a deep breath. “Eylani, that’s terrible. No one should make you feel like that.”

She looked up at me, a faint smile on her face. “That’s exactly what Michelle said.”

I returned her smile. “He shouldn’t belittle you, period. And how can he expect you to get better if he doesn’t explain what he wants?”

She smiled wider, looking at me. “Exactly! It’s like you always say, ‘You can’t get better if you don’t know what you’re doing wrong!'”

I was beginning to see where this was going. She continued: “Michelle reminded me of how helpful and patient you are when you’re teaching us how to do things at practice, and I thought, well, maybe you could talk me through this, too.”

I shuffled in my chair, trying to keep my eyes off of her large breasts pushing through her uniform. “Um, sure, I could try that. What do you do right now?”

She bit her lip and looked away again, obviously embarrassed. “Um, well, right now I kind of put his, y’know, his… thing in my mouth, and just sort of…move it around.”

I nodded. “I see. Could you be more specific?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know. I sort of try and suck on it, I guess, too.”

I tried not to imagine Eylani’s big lips around my cock, “trying to suck on it.” I failed.

“Um,” I said, my dick hardening, “I guess I’m kind of having a hard time visualizing.” I looked around the room, and grabbed a pen out of the coffee mug on my desk, then handed it to her. “Could you show me with this?”

She took it gingerly, and held it in her right hand, considering it. “Um, I guess so. It’s pretty small, though.”

She gently brought it up to her mouth, placing the end of the pen gently on her plump lips. She kissed it gently, then lifted it up slightly, gently sticking out her tongue and running it alongside the bottom of the pen until it ran off the tip. She glanced over at me. “I don’t know coach, this doesn’t seem very close to the real thing.”

I nodded encouragingly, trying to hide my growing erection by leaning forward. “Think of it as a drill! It’s not quite the same as the real thing, but I can get a sense of where you’re at. Try imagining it’s your boyfriend’s penis, instead of a pen.”

She bit her lip and nodded, then returned her attention to the pen in her hand. Closing her eyes, she sighed, and opened her mouth, gently sliding the plastic cylinder inside her, then closing her lips over it. She held it there for a second, lips pursed around it, then slowly bursa eskort pulled it out entirely. She breathed deeply, then opened her mouth again, moving the pen inside, holding it for a moment with her mouth closed, then pulling it out.

I watched in silence as she gradually relaxed, finding her rhythm with the substitute dick, eyes closed, breathing heavily.

As she continued her simulated blowjob, I took the opportunity to let my eyes wander further than they had in the past. Eylani was almost absurdly curvy, with giant breasts, a thin waist, and an ass that was visible even while she was sitting down. She had to have her uniforms specifically altered to fit over her curves; as a result, they fit her extremely well: her chest pushed the teams logo in front out, but tapered down to hug her stomach, and her pants clung to her legs, showing off not just her ass, but also her large thighs and calves. I watched her suck off the makeshift pen, swaying gently as she did, and fantasized about what she’d look like doing the same to my cock.

Before I knew it, she had opened her eyes, and was looking at me, a vulnerable expression on her face. “What do you think?”

I cleared my throat, unable to admit that I had been staring at her chest more than her mouth. “Um, it looked good to me. I didn’t see much wrong.”

She sighed, and looked disappointed. “Maybe you can’t see it. Maybe it looks fine but feels terrible, and that’s why my boyfriend can’t explain why it’s so bad. I don’t know how I’m ever going to learn.”

I willed myself from making the obvious comment. “Maybe you could buy a dildo and practice on that?”

She shook her head. “It’s a feel problem, coach. I need something real to practice on.”

I sat silent, as she twiddled the pen in her hand.

“Coach…” she started, looking at the ground, “could I use yours?”

I pretended to be confused. “Mine? What do you mean?”

She blushed redder, and looked at the ground. “Like, maybe I could use your, y’know, real one. And then you could help me learn how I’m supposed to do it.”

I pretended to think about it. “Would your boyfriend be OK with that?”

She sighed. “I’m doing it for him, right? And it’s not like I’m trying to seduce you or anything. It’s just practice.”

I closed my eyes, and figured I may as well go along with it. “Sure, Eylani. I’d be happy to help.”

She looked up, smiling brightly at me. “Thank you!”

I stood, and sat next to her on the couch. She looked at me, nervous. “What should I do?”

I shrugged. “Let’s do just what you normally do.”

She nodded, and leaned in to kiss me, eyes closed. I paused for a moment, looking into her tan, broad face, a few curls of hair loose on her forehead, then leaned in to kiss her, our lips touching gently. She sighed, and I touched her face, gently pulling her closer. She seemed shy, her mouth closed, actively kissing me, but holding something back.

We continued to make out for a while, and she pulled back, looking at me with her green eyes, breathing deeply. “Um,” she said, “this is usually the part where he tells me to suck his dick.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Really? We’ve hardly kissed. There’s not usually more foreplay?”

She shook her head. “Is there supposed to be?”

I blinked. “Well, it usually takes a while to build up to a blowjob. There’s touching, teasing. Are you even turned on?”

She smiled broadly, looking away. “Well… not usually. But you’re a really good kisser.”

It was my turn to smile. “Thanks, Eylani.”

She looked back at me, hesitantly. “Maybe we could do it your way? And you can tell me when I should, y’know, do it?”

I put my arm around her, and she snuggled into me, her warmth seeping into my side. “I don’t mind doing it my way. But you decide if you want to suck my dick, and when. This is up to you, Eylani.”

She gave me an awkward sideways hug, her large breasts squishing against my chest. “Okay. Keep kissing me, then.”

I turned back towards her, and we continued making out. She seemed much less shy, slipping her tongue out from time to time to brush my lips, and sighing in pleasure when I did the same. I enjoyed the feeling of her body pressed against me, her tits mashed into my chest.

After a few minutes, I felt her hand drift down towards my leg, hesitantly moving down my stomach, then pausing, before slowly creeping down to my crotch. She found my cock, hard in my pants, and gently ran her hands along the length of it, slowly gauging how it felt.

She broke the kiss, and looked at me in surprise. “Is this…?” I nodded.

She looked down at it, running her small brown hand over the bulge in my pants. “Wow,” she whispered to herself. I watched her rub my dick, and moved my hand to rub her back as she did. She sighed happily, and rested her head against my chest, gently squeezing along my dick. “Wow,” she said again, and I kissed her head.

She continued rubbing my cock, staring at the outline it made in my pants, gently caressing it over the fabric. I rested my head on the couch, and bursa escort bayan enjoyed her gentle touch, letting her get comfortable with the idea of touching my cock. She scooted back, and put her head in my lap, face inches from my clothed dick, hand rubbing it slowly, her large breasts moving up and down as she breathed. I put my arm over her torso, and ran my hand through her hair as she lay there, and she let out a happy murmur.

We stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other’s touch, until she shifted onto her back, head in my lap, and smiled at me. “I like this.”

I smiled back. “I do too. What you’re doing feels really good.”

She blushed. “I kind of lost myself there. I really like touching your dick.”

“I can tell. How are you feeling?”

She sighed and closed her eyes. “I’m so turned on right now,” she said. “I really want to see your cock.”

I nodded. “Do you want me to take it out?”

She paused, looking conflicted. I waited until she found the words: “I’m afraid,” she said finally.


“This is so nice, laying in your lap, touching you, feeling how turned on you are. Feeling your arm around me. But I know I’m not good at this stuff. I’m worried if we go further I’m going to ruin it.”

I bent down and kissed her, caressing her face. “Eylani, you won’t ruin this. I don’t want to pressure you into anything, but if we’re both feeling good, there’s nothing to worry about. There’s no wrong way to do this, as long as we’re both enjoying each other. And I don’t think you’re as bad as you’re afraid of. Your boyfriend might just be an asshole.”

She laughed, her breasts bouncing. “I think I’m starting to see that.”

She looked up at me seriously, then started unbuttoning her jersey. “Let’s wait,” she said. “I want to do this your way. Slow.”

I stroked her face, and she continued taking off her shirt, carefully pulling it off of her toned, coffee colored arms, and revealing two large breasts compressed into a sports bra.

“Do you want to see my breasts?” She asked, shyly.

I nodded, and she took a deep breath, then grabbed the bottom of her bra and slowly pulled it up over her head, her breasts flopping free of the tight fabric. They were incredible. Her tits were the size of cantaloupes, and almost perfectly round, barely sagging on her chest. Her large brown nipples blended beautifully into the lighter shade of her skin, and I couldn’t help but stare.

I looked up, and Eylani was looking at me with a smile on her face. “I was wondering how you’d react,” she stated, clearly amused.

“Jesus, Eylani,” I told her, “those are incredible.”

“That’s one thing I’ve never felt insecure about,” she laughed. “Do you want to touch them?”

I reached out, and gently took her breasts into my hands. I moved slowly over them, brushing my callouses over her smooth brown skin as she sighed in happiness. I moved my hands down and cupped her tits, feeling their weight in my hands. “Eylani…” I murmered.

“Keep going,” she told me, eyes closed, and I resumed my caressing, avoiding her nipples for the time being, slowly moving over every inch of her gorgeous breasts. When it was right, I moved my hands across her nipples, wide brown spots pebbled and erect. I listened to her breathe as I rubbed her, thinking I probably had the same dazed look she did moments before. I leaned in, and gently licked a nipple with my tongue, causing her to sigh in pleasure.

I took that as a sign to continue, and gently ran my tongue over her large areola, feeling the bumps and occasionally flicking at her stubby nipple. She let out a soft moan, and I took her into my mouth, lightly sucking as I ran my tongue over the firm nub. She put her hand on my head and ran it through my hair, and I moved my hand to her other breast, gently squeezing it and using my thumb to caress her.

I stayed there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of her large breast pushed against my face, her hard nipple in my mouth as I sucked and tongued it. She was letting off soft, breathy moans as I pleasured her, and rubbing my back. I had the sad thought that no one had ever done this for her; that was confirmed when I pulled away, and saw her looking at me in surprise. “I didn’t know that could feel so good. Whenever Tyler touches my breasts he’s so rough!”

“It sounds like maybe he’s the one that doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

She laughed, making her tits jiggle, my spit shining on her breast. “Maybe you’re right.”

I pulled her in close, holding her to me as we kissed, feeling her breasts crushed against my chest. She reached down and found my cock again, rubbing it (more confidently now) in long strokes, her hands reminding me of how turned on I was, how exciting it was to have this goddess in front of me, getting ready to suck my cock.

As if she could read my mind, Eylani broke the kiss. And looked at me, the shyness from before nearly faded. “I want to try now,” she told me, licking her lips.

I nodded, and stood, pulling my shirt off to a validating look of görükle escort approval. I unbuttoned my pants, and slowly pulled them down, and stepped out of them, my cock tenting forward in my boxers. “Wow,” Eylani said again, my clothed cock in front of her face.

“Do you want to take it out?” I asked.

She nodded, and gently grasped my waistband, pulling my boxers down with a look of anticipation on her face. When my cock cleared the elastic, it bobbed out, gently settling in front of her green eyes.”Oh, wow,” she said, breathing hard, warm air blowing over my dick.

She looked up at me. “How should I do it?”

I sat down, and pulled my pants and boxers all the way off. I was naked, Eylani shirtless next to me on the couch, her large breasts drawing my eyes.

“Get on your knees on the floor,” I suggested, “between my legs.”

She nodded, and stood, her gigantic ass briefly in my face as she moved to kneel in front of me. She waited there, looking at my face, and I stared down at her and waited. Her gaze slowly drifted back to my cock, standing proudly in front of her, inches from her face. I watched her as her eyes ran over it, taking in my large, hairy balls, the throbbing, thick shaft, and the engorged, ruddy head. She sighed. “Coach…”

“What is it?”

“I’m… I’m scared.”

I sat up, looking at her with concern. “Why?”

She shook her head. “Your cock… it’s so big. There’s some part of me that feels drawn to it, feels like I belong here, feels like all I want to do is take it in my mouth…” She broke off, and I waited a few seconds before interjecting.


She looked sad. “But I’m afraid. I’m afraid I won’t be good enough. I’m afraid as soon as I start, you’ll realize how bad I am, and you’ll stop me. You’ll tell me I’m the worst you’ve ever had, that you can’t believe I could be so ignorant about how to please a man. I’m worried I’ll ruin everything, and I’ll never get to…”

She broke off again, looking teary. I sighed, and reached down, stroking her cheek and then gently pulling her chin up so she was looking at me. “Eylani, I will never make you feel like that. I don’t know how good you are at sucking dick, but it’s clear you want to learn. You’ve got the desire, and any woman can be trained to have the talent. So don’t worry. Take your time. Play with my cock. Lick it, kiss it, put it in your mouth. Explore how it feels, how it moves and reacts to your touch. See how it tastes after being cooped up in my pants all day, waiting for you. Enjoy the experience, and find what feels good, and we’ll both be happy.”

She was buoyant, looking at me, smiling. “That’s beautiful.”

I smiled back. “Try it.”

She nodded, and leaned her head forward, closing her eyes. She buried her nose in my pubes where my shaft met my balls, and inhaled deeply, holding her breath in, then gradually exhaling in a stream of warm air that flowed through my taint, brushing my asshole. She took another breath, and turned her head sideways, gently taking one of my nuts into her warm mouth. She sucked it softly, and I felt her slick tongue slide over it, licking at the delicate globe. Still sucking, she moved her arms to drape them over my thighs, holding herself up and scooting further between my legs.

She released my nut with her mouth, and moved sideways, licking the crease where my sack met my thigh, teasing me unknowingly.

She moved further down, her nose gently resting on my sack as she licked the underside of it, slowly coating my taint in her saliva, then moving to the other side, licking up the side of my thigh, and taking my other nut in her mouth, gently sucking it, breathing deep through her nose as her breath tickled my pubes.

She pulled away, and blew on my balls, her breath chilly, and watched with curiosity as they retracted slightly. She looked up at me. “I didn’t know they could move!”

I laughed. “Watch this,” I said, and started flexing my pelvic floor, my dick slightly jumping with every contraction. She laughed in delight, and reached out for it, grabbing the shaft and feeling it contract in her hand as I continued to flex. “It feels like you’re cumming!”

“It’s the same muscles,” I told her. “But don’t worry. It’ll be a while.”

She looked at me with arousal written all over her tan face, and simply said: “Good.”

Dick in her hand, she pulled it down slightly, and looked at the head, a drip of precum on it. Her tongue stuck out, and she licked it carefully, a look of surprise on her face as it hit her tongue. “You taste good!” she told me. “Tyler’s doesn’t taste as good as this!”

I patted her head. “Keep going and you’ll get more.”

She nodded, and gave my head a few more hesitant licks. Seemingly gathering the courage, she slowly moved forward and brought my cock into her mouth. I felt warm softness envelop my head, and watched as my tip disappeared into her face. She was only able to take a few inches, and when she had hit her limit, she closed her big lips tightly around my shaft, and applied considerable suction, her lips and tongue wrapped around my dick. It felt odd, but good. Holding suction, she pulled herself off of my cock slowly, her full lips slowly retreating along my shaft. Soon my head was visible, and I watched as the tip of my cock slipped out of her mouth with a pop. Nervous, she looked up at me. “How was that?”

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