
Futa Dragons Pt. 04


End Year.

Our wonderful Futa heroine has finally found herself some underwear and not only that been introduced to some of the mystic powers that flows in the cosmos. The beautiful Sara has found her way into Fiona’s bed and heart and is eagerly awaiting a return visit. However, Fiona has been pushing her prick into her partners with relish and mind numbing orgasmic relief but her own holes are beginning to feel just a little bit neglected.

George is on his way. Her first lover is in for a few surprises when he gets there. One of them being the restored state of his Futa girlfriend. Her fully working cock is now more than just a mouthful and even though George has heatedly wondered whether he can get her to fuck his slutty arse it seems his own cock is the target of several others.

Meanwhile the girls have found out that they are officially adopted sisters and met a lawyer who has set them up financially for life. The grumpy old prick that was pretending to be their grandfather was in fact a twin of their real relative and has now been put in jail for heinous crimes committed in his past that had a strange echo of the arrangement he was setting up with the women. Good riddance.

Will George be able to cope with Fiona and her new outlook on life? Will Danny and Kev welcome both of them into their relationship with Julia?


George Weaver touched down at the interstellar spaceport on Thes at Morning, the capital located in the northern hemisphere. The shuttle service was a little old fashioned but he didn’t like the feeling that teleportation left in his mouth. Something about being re-energised on a raised platform surrounded by medical staff and transporter operators that asked a thousand questions to ensure that the matter transfer worked correctly worried him. You would think after hundreds of cycles and billions of transfers that everyone would be satisfied that the bloody things worked properly. Humans still had a distrust of things that other species took for granted.

He knew his departed mother and aunt had worked hard on maintaining the software and hardware components of the process and had no doubt that it all worked correctly. Neither of them would have had private ones installed in their offices and homes if they didn’t. Still, touching down in Morning gave him a little bit of concern. Fiona lived a fair few hours north of the station and his flight from Thallix II had been delayed by Petik Sinclair, the pilot, being held up in a meeting with the security chief, Austin Sprittle. It had taken George all of his courage to tell the man that Petik was not to hang around Thes as his bodyguard, and no he did not want a team to accompany him, incognito or not.

His Aunt had finally stepped in and told Austin that she would let George fly the ship himself to Thes and that would be the end of it. The security chief was not a happy man as he finally conceded and promised he would not interfere in George’s vacation. Aunt Jemma eyed the man shrewdly as he slammed himself back into his seat behind his corporate desk. “Austin, George may be the richest being this side of the galaxy but he is going off to meet the woman he hopes will be his wife. She is the one who sent for him and even paid for his return trip. He has not yet told her who he is. At the moment it is all balls and pussy. He does not need you or any of your people spying on him while he and she fuck the daylights out of each other. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Jemma. I understand. But if anyone finds out who he is, or I get one whiff that they have I will have a team over there and surrounding him in less than an hour. That is my job!” he replied in a respectful compromise. Jemma Platten nodded as she left the room and headed back to her heavily fortified and secluded mansion. Austin Sprittle smiled as the little woman left, he had already expected the result he had encountered. He picked up his communicator and confirmed with his contact that everything was in place. Happily he decided that he would leave early and see if he could find a foursome for golf.

George smiled happily when the unmarked Platten shuttle left with no-one having noticed that he had slipped away from the other passengers that had accompanied him on his flight. They were a group of techs and engineers who were heading out to some backwoods part of Thes to set up a new communications centre. None of them knew whom he was as he anonymously sat at the back of the ship and played with his latest manga video game. It was a pornographic adventure of his favourite Futa heroine, Yuiko, as she strove to fuck as many of her university lecturers as she could in order to get the best grade. It was simply a rubbish storyline but the graphics artists had been very talented and had drawn the Futa in exquisite detail as they showed her monster cock slicing into willing pussy and tight arses or porno film the equivalent in a mind boggling array of different beings. George had no idea that some of the species he had encountered at university had such strange arrangements between their legs, and sometimes other places. His cock, hard for most of the journey, did not go unnoticed by a couple of the solid, but homely, women on the flight. He had politely declined their whispered offers of helping him join the freefall club.

He had freshened up in his private cabin just before boarding the shuttle and heading to the surface of Thes. Freshening up had included a fast jerk off of his cock that ended with him groaning Fiona’s name as he splattered his cock juice onto the floor of the cubicle.

The fast train ride to Camp Hill, Fiona’s hometown took three hours. He watched the scenery until the sun dipped below the horizon then relaxed and simply stared out the window counting the number of faraway lights he saw that indicated some sort of settlement on this vast and mostly unsettled planet. It was an entirely new experience for him being out in the wilderness. The university where he and Fiona attended was in the centre of Asteron, in the southern hemisphere, where the city population numbered over a million beings. Out here in the sticks, as Fiona called it, there was lucky to be one being for every twenty klicks.

He checked his chronometer when the train left. He smiled, Petik had more than made up for the delay leaving Thallix II. George relaxed, Fiona would not be anxiously checking the passenger manifests of the commercial craft. She would be worried if she did not find his name on them.

The train lulled him with its almost soundless rush through the countryside and he reflected on the things he knew about the people he was about to meet. He suspected, but did not know for sure, that Daniel Rawlins and Kevin Long were employed by Austin. The man had been too blasé about his venturing off to a cabin in the middle of the wilderness of Thes. He knew he had his charge covered, somehow.

Danny and Kev were not strangers to him, though they had all decided that they would not tell the girls that they had already had expansive and prolonged conversations, both on line and via emails. One does not go willingly into a relationship with two other males and another female without some forethought about how things were going to be. He had told them a great deal about himself, as they had done the same to him. He had not even hinted about the heritage of Fiona but he had suggested that she was very special.

George was very pleased to note that Danny loved to cook and was in fact a very good cook according to his life partner, Kev. It was obvious from the conversations that the three males had during late night sessions that all of them were quite sensual and keen to explore their sexuality with him. George had expressed an ardent desire to experience sex with another male. Dan and Kev had shyly told him that they were quite looking forward to seeing if they could make him squeal like they did to Julia. George had roared with laughter. The pair were very easy to get along with as long as they kept everything out in the open.

He impressed upon them that they could not inform Fiona anything about his heritage and who he actually was. Both males had sworn on their lives that they would keep his true identity a secret. In the end all of them had agreed to pretend to know nothing of the other except for a couple of introductory emails and brief contacts. However, all of them had agreed that they were looking forward to extending their relationships with the two gorgeous women that the boys had known for a long time and their new Thallusian friend.

Fiona could possibly become not just a better friend but also the object of the two men’s protective service if the relationship between George and her grew. All of them agreed that they would do nothing to harm that relationship from heading on its destined course.

George had felt very warm and happy after he had spoken with the boys. He knew that Fiona was worried that he would not be at ease with more naked bodies around him than he had ever experienced before however, he was looking forward to it and hoped he could tell her as quickly as possible that he was ready for anything that might happen.

She was waiting the other side of the disembarkation barriers. Her curly hair and bright brown eyes immediately attracting his attention. Her face was alight with excitement as she watched him in the line as he was processed by the customs officers. He was dressed in jeans and shirt, clean but cheap shoes on his feet and a faux leather jacket that kept away the slight chill in the air. Fiona was dressed in a fairly short skirt he noticed with a little jump of his heart. It showed off her great long tanned legs. He could feel his jeans becoming sex hikayeleri tight around his crotch. She wore a dark blue top that hugged her full breasts and fell loosely down her stomach and covered the belt of her skirt.

A white jacket, open, covered her shoulders and fell down past her hips. She squealed in delight when he finally came past the last checkpoint and into the lounge where others waited for visitors and friends. His arms were suddenly full of hot kissing woman as she flung herself around him. Not quite lifting her legs and wrapping them around his thighs but her right leg did lift up and the knee pressed into him high on his leg.

“Oh fuck, George, I have missed you,” she said into his chest when she finally let her leg down and stood pressed into his body as he hugged her tightly. Her hands were against his soft chest and playfully she tweaked his large nipples. “Come on!” she said. “The flitter is waiting and it’s about an hour to home!”

“Wait, Fi!” he called as she started to drag him impatiently out of the terminus.

“What!” she replied almost snappily. Her cunt was on fire and she wanted George on the flat bed-like back seat in her flitter and doing something about it.

“Luggage,” he said softly as he pointed to the sign that read Luggage Collection and pointed in the opposite direction of where Fiona was trying to drag him.

“Oh,” she hung her head a little in shame. She was so impatient to get him to herself that she had let everything else about the practicalities of life fly out of her head.

“Wait here,” he said quietly, “I’ll be five minutes.”

“No, I’ll come with you. You are too timid to push in and get your stuff. What colours?” she asked as she took his hand again and dragged him with her.

She was right. George would never have pushed in around the crowd of people waiting by the carousel. George couldn’t understand how they still had this type of system here. When he went home to Thallix II on a commercial flight, which was rare, he would simply punch in his cargo number and all of his luggage would be teleported to his home address. None of this grabbing bags and checking to see if your blue case was actually the blue one you took off the rotating platform.

Fortunately he had been warned by Petik what to expect and had allowed the man to attach a couple of highly visible stickers to the cases he had brought. One was full of clothing, the other contained the presents for the people Fiona had increasingly talked about in their late night conversations and emails.

Fiona pushed her way through the crowd and returned triumphantly with his two travel packs. He shouldered one of the especially designed backpacks and slid out the tether strap on the other and towed it behind him as he watched her walk a few steps in front of him clearing the way of stragglers.

He was disappointed that he could see very little of her gorgeous bottom in the skirt and jacket. He had wondered even why she wore a jacket. It was coming to the end of Harvest season here, the hottest time of the planet’s cycle. He looked towards the big terminus windows and saw the reason. It was pouring down with rain. He was pleased he wore his jacket now. He would have worn it anyway as Thes was cooler than he was used to after the heat of Thallix II. It would only take his body a day or so to adapt because he had been here for a lengthy time before at university. Thallusians, if nothing else, were adaptable.

The flitter arrived and hovered just in front of the exit doors when Fiona summoned it. It was a new one and quite large and comfortable looking. He stowed his packs in the undercarriage storage and quickly jumped into one of the two plush bucket seats at the front. He watched her key the co-ordinates for her home and happily smiled at her as she grinned and pressed the confirm button to set the automatic pilot to plot their way out of the bustling station area.

“We only have to sit here until we clear the city border, George. Then we can hop in the back,” she giggled like a little girl as she turned her head and indicated the wide expanse of folded down back seat. It looked like a large comfortable bed in this configuration.

“What are we going to do then, Fiona?” he asked shyly.

“You are going to fuck my brains out!” Fiona hissed lustily. She pulled her jacket off and was reaching for the buttons on her blouse.

“Wait, Fi, don’t you have something you want to show me first?” he asked with a small grin.

“Oh right,” she drawled. “You want to see Mummy’s all fixed cock.”

“In the flesh now. I have only seen those couple of images you sent with it shooting cum and between your tits. I haven’t seen it totally,” he said with a shy bob of his head. His eyes stared between her legs and the skirt he was sure was hiding her big cocked secret.

“Up here, baby,” sex izle she said with a giggle.

He lifted his eyes and widened them in shocked surprise. A massive shaft of flesh, covered in a transparent filmy material erupted from the top of her skirt, up along her flat stomach and nestled firmly between the two beautiful globes of her breasts. The bra holding her tits was low cut and showed a lot of nipple and areolae. The head of her cock was uncovered and its dark, almost deep pink tip was wide enough to cause the flesh of her tits to try and surround it. He tentatively reached his hand towards it.

“Uh huh, not yet, lover,” she slapped his hand away gently. “I will put on a full spread for you as soon as the coast is clear.”

“Where did you get the underwear from?” he asked as his eyes roved the full length of her big cock and over the firm points of her tits.

“A little dove made them for me. I even got some for you too, George,” she simpered. Her hands were busily removing her skirt but hiding the rest of her lower half from him.

“You seem bigger now, Fi.”

“And thicker and can shoot cum like a firehose. Do you think you would like your face covered in cock cream as well as my cunt juices, George?” she asked seriously as she watched his face closely.

He closed his eyes in bliss. Reaching down he unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans. Lifting his hips he forced them down along with his underwear. His rock hard cock flew up and slapped his soft stomach. “Answer your question?” he answered lustily.

Shortly afterwards a small chime sounded from the dashboard and a disembodied voice informed its passengers that it had left heavy traffic control and was now in cruise mode. Estimated travel time was expected to be almost an hour. George swivelled his chair just after Fiona as she spun and leapt onto the back seat and spread her long legs.

George looked for a switch on the console beside him and turned the lighting up in the cabin up to full. Fiona sat with her hands stretched out behind her resting comfortably as she let her lover closely check her body. The pale pink cloth surrounding her cock and encasing her breasts was soft but apparently quite supportive as George watched her big piece of meat bounce with her heartbeat. Letting his eyes run downwards he was surprised to see that Fiona’s panties disappeared across the front of her pussy. Full fat lips were totally exposed to his gaze as small ribbons of cloth split just at the base of her cock and ran either side of the beautiful and wet opening and disappeared under the woman’s bottom.

He signalled her to turn around. Fiona giggled as she rearranged herself up on hands and knees with her soft rounded bottom facing his intense gaze. She was simply beautiful he decided as he leaned forward and kissed the soft cheeks of her panty clad bottom. Purring in pleasure as his lips worked over the thin soft material on her cheeks and then across the bare base of her spine and slowly upwards. His hot cock pressed lightly against the back of her thighs.

“I’ve not had any cock in me since you, George,” she said softly as he eased her head down into the soft bench and moved up further onto the bed like arrangement.

“Feeling neglected a little, baby,” he soothed as he ran his hands over her back and down to her arse and back up.

She wiggled her hips at him as she spread her legs and reached a slim hand back between them to find his cock. It was solid, hot and weeping. “I am so fucking wet, lover. I have been thinking about this all day,” she groaned as she felt the small tremor in his body as her hand jerked him forward and ensured the bone-like ridges in his cock aligned and stiffened him even more.

“I had to jerk off on the way here,” grunted George as her hand jerked him. “Though an old slut offered to give me a fuck and join the free fall club in the cargo hold.”

“What were you watching, George?” she grinned into the seat as she pulled him towards her wet heated cunt.

“Yuiko,” he answered with a long moan as his cock engaged and slid into her slowly. Her juices almost scalded his flesh as he continued to push into her tight confines until he felt her fingers gently touch his big balls. “I thought Thallusians were supposed to be the hot ones!” he groaned as he slid deeper into her hot tight channel.

“She is my heroine, baby. Every time she nails another hot little slut or unsuspecting stud I just have to give my cock a little jerk. Oh, my, Georgie, I don’t think I am the only one that has grown,” she hissed as she finally felt his pudgy pubis hit her hot arse.

George raked his fingers down his lover’s naked back as he let his cock soak in her clasping chasm. Fiona was cumming. Little ripples of her heated channel almost seemed to try and eat his broad shaft and squeezed delightfully around his wide cock head.

He withdrew slowly until he felt her cunt lips stretching around his head then rammed his cock hard and as deep as he could back into her. Fiona wailed in bliss as she braced herself on the seat with both her hands stretched out in front of her head. “Yes, Georgie, please fuck me hard!” she cried.

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